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Go ahead CCP, listen to the people in the "make null virbant again" thread

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Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#1 - 2012-06-21 03:57:03 UTC
Yeah CCP, do precisely what many (not all) are suggesting: Nerf high sec more.

Please, do it.
Let the lead dev run wild with the nerf hammer in high sec.

And once the carnage in high sec is over, then you will have the empirical evidence of whether players will simply will quit rather than move out of high sec.

I have played in high, low, wh's, null, and back to high sec. I have experienced pretty much all that the game has to offer.
I have seen the joys and oh so many lows of null. Null sec is NOT the ONLY end-game. There is a reason that the "make null sec vibrant again" thread is 37 pages long. Null sec is an entity that is in trouble. That's because much of the null sec experience is awful, but the game mechanics only partially it make it that way. If it is not the mechanics, I wonder what it is......

As an alternate suggestion , why don't you do yourselves a favour and create a one-time poll that must be answered in order for an account to log in.

One question on the poll: "If potential high income was half of what it is today, would you move out of high sec or quit the game?"

If you already don't live in high sec, you will of course answer no.
If you use high sec to fund your non-high sec activities, then you have to think carefully about an answer.

But I already know the how this suggestion will be viewed.

The null sec propagandists will descend with the attacks, and CCP devs will think "why should be gather actual statistics from our playerbase, when we have the completely unbiased forums, the totally neutral CSM, and of course our own in-game experience to guide us on the direction of the game."

So nerf away CCP, nerf high sec into oblivion. I look forward to the aftermath.
Richard Desturned
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2012-06-21 03:59:42 UTC
~null-sec zealots~


npc alts have no opinions worth consideration

Antisocial Malkavian
Antisocial Malkavians
#3 - 2012-06-21 04:02:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Antisocial Malkavian
I and everyone I know will do what Goons are doing: Go to MWO

Woo House Liao



And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit.

Richard Desturned
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2012-06-21 04:02:41 UTC
what i don't understand is why hiseccers, who have substantially lower individual overhead than anybody in nullsec, feel entitled to nullsec levels of personal income

npc alts have no opinions worth consideration

Herr Hammer Draken
#5 - 2012-06-21 04:08:12 UTC
Richard Desturned wrote:
what i don't understand is why hiseccers, who have substantially lower individual overhead than anybody in nullsec, feel entitled to nullsec levels of personal income

eh so where is your alt oh yea in high sec. Earning income for your null sec activities.

Herr Hammer Draken "The Amarr Prophet"

#6 - 2012-06-21 04:12:07 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Null sec is an entity that is in trouble.

citation needed
Richard Desturned
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2012-06-21 04:12:39 UTC
Herr Hammer Draken wrote:
eh so where is your alt oh yea in high sec. Earning income for your null sec activities.

you don't see the problem here?

npc alts have no opinions worth consideration

Bad Girl Posse
#8 - 2012-06-21 04:14:34 UTC
Go for it.

Obliterate High Sec. Smash that nerf bat down on everything.

Send Level 4's
Send Level 3's
Send Level 2's to Low sec.

Remove all Ore except 1 unit Veldspar.
Plex can only be redeemed in a player outpost you are a member of.
Noob corp players can't fly anything bigger than a T1 frigate.

Then find the Dev in SA that wants your Sub counts.
Delen Ormand
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2012-06-21 04:15:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Delen Ormand
I really don't think that's a fair assessment of the thread. There's some good ideas coming out of it. It really isn't all about nerfing hisec. Some people would like to see nerfs, some people have other suggestions.

And one thing I do like about it is that most people in there are actually having a discussion, people who would normally be at each other's throats are actually talking about their experiences about what works and what doesn't. People on both sides seem to be making some effort to understand each other and suggest ideas.

To be honest, it's kind've a shame that you see it as being so one-sided. I don't, despite the fact I'm pretty much a hiseccer (apart from occasional forays into wormholes to steal people's arkonor).

For anyone who wants to actually check out the thread themselves, it's here.

just to be clear I'm not taking sides, my first post in that thread was to say that I viewed null as basically having too many assholes. I'm still not saying they're all reincarnations of Ghandi, but I was pleasantly surprised by how constructive it's been overall.
Nick Bete
Highsec Haulers Inc.
#10 - 2012-06-21 04:15:58 UTC
Why do you hive mind geniuses of the goonies care? Let everyone play the damned game as they see fit.
Richard Desturned
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#11 - 2012-06-21 04:23:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Richard Desturned
Nick Bete wrote:
Why do you hive mind geniuses of the goonies care? Let everyone play the damned game as they see fit.

We don't care if you move to nullsec or not. We do care, however, that actually living in nullsec (i.e. not just logging in your nullsec PvP main for fleets, but actually living there) is simply not worth the extra effort and risk compared to making ISK with a hisec l4 alt.

Also answer the other question I asked.

npc alts have no opinions worth consideration

Dirk Magnum
Spearhead Endeavors
#12 - 2012-06-21 04:29:44 UTC
I just started regularly logging in to the game after four or five months. I think the price spikes are fecking brilliant and a half tbh. All of us, myself included, coasted on easy resources for too long. Years too long. I hope tier 1 battleships go up to two hundred million each. I want the whole tactical scheme of Eve to be subject to a fundamental redesign.

You know why?

First of all because that's how it originated, and was arguably meant to be played. Second because you children are all spoiled. Bring it on, CCP. And when you're done, remove PLEXs. Let's kick this ***** off to a grand new start, eh?

Dirk embraces the future! :D

                      "LIVE FAST DIE." - traditional Minmatar ethos [citation needed]

Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2012-06-21 04:33:15 UTC
Just gonna repost this.

This is why I'm more for increasing risk rather then nerf reward by removing NPC corps and fixing wardec evasion as well as boosting industry.
Because the issue at hand isn't merely making 0.0 more alluring to casual miners/small-indy players (although that is important too), but also make letting those carebears in more alluring to nullsec alliance leaders.

Briefly put, the amount of incentives that a nullsec alliance leader would need to replace just getting a handful of guys with freighter alts in NPC corps to just load up in Jita with all the supplies (sold at cutthroat, rock bottom wholesale prices) they could possibly need and autopilot down to the deployment system 100% risk free and replace that with thousands of PVP-averse bears who need lots of protection and are free to charge a far higher price, would be gamebreaking. Incentivising in-house industry as a desireable alternate to trade hub supply convoys necessarily means making supply convoys less feasible to do, and that involves investigating highsec logistics, because highsec and nullsec logistics are for the most part the same thing.

People moan about the nullsec logistics train that docks in a trade hub manhours of technetium and leaves with mandecades of low-end minerals to build things with, and how jump bridges help with that, but very few people question about why noone seems able to disrupt these highsec convoys despite these unprotected freighters taking nearly zero precautions.
#14 - 2012-06-21 04:34:52 UTC
You can pry my level 4s from my COLD DEAD HANDS!
Antisocial Malkavian
Antisocial Malkavians
#15 - 2012-06-21 04:44:47 UTC
Oh crap posting in a rumor thread isnt that instaban now?

And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit.

Crunchie Attuxors
Always Another Corporate Venture
#16 - 2012-06-21 05:01:13 UTC
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:

People moan about the nullsec logistics train that docks in a trade hub manhours of technetium and leaves with mandecades of low-end minerals to build things with, and how jump bridges help with that, but very few people question about why noone seems able to disrupt these highsec convoys despite these unprotected freighters taking nearly zero precautions.

Apples and oranges.

The needs of null, notably sov but also jump fuel, are quite different from highsec.

While superficially, they seem the same, they are not. And that changes the game people play.

Highsec is a well developed capitalism with state protection, were stuff matters more than territory.

Market pvp is the dominant way to make money. People mostly mission for standings, not cash. There are no long term carebears, only a continuous string of new players that either leave when missions and mining prove boring, or end up in nullsec as grunts mooching free ships.

Nullsec is a well developed feudalism, where territory matters more than stuff.

Mining and plexing are the dominant form of money making. People mostly fight for the killboards and territory. There are no players that only do null, they all have "casual" accounts to play when they dont feel being on comms. A continous stream of players arrive mostly directly into null, either alts or new players lured by marketing. They all sooner or later end up back in hisec either ******* up as spies (and hence blacklisted) or bored of being grunts.

You see what happens? An endless cycle of renewal. Only those on top of the food chain are static.

I highly doubt people fund null play with highsec play. I think it is the other way around, in particular ganking and pirating, but also marauder missioning.

As with your previous assertions, however, we both speak anecdotally. What we need is a player base API or CCP provided charts that quantify actual player behavior.

Otherwise, we are both speaking out of our asses. P

Of course, you can always drop the pretense and admit the truth: you want nullsec to be the game. Fair enough.

I think the game is more interesting with the empire/null divide. As I showed, Null is feudalism and Hisec is capitalism. They are different games. What harm does it do if people want to play one, the other, or both?
Eve forums official anthem: Real men tank hull. Fake women shield-tank Gallente.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#17 - 2012-06-21 05:07:57 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Yeah CCP, do precisely what many (not all) are suggesting: Nerf high sec more.

How many times has hi-sec been nerfed in the last 5 years?

How many times has it been buffed?

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Richard Desturned
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#18 - 2012-06-21 05:33:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Richard Desturned
Crunchie Attuxors wrote:
There are no long term carebears, only a continuous string of new players that either leave when missions and mining prove boring, or end up in nullsec as grunts mooching free ships.

did you make this up?

don't answer that (you did)

Crunchie Attuxors wrote:
A continous stream of players arrive mostly directly into null, either alts or new players lured by marketing.

yeah uh Goonswarm is kinda based on new players effectively starting in nullsec and we have a pretty solid rate of retention - I kinda know this because I'd be the one who answers to Mittens if we weren't retaining our newbies.

Crunchie Attuxors wrote:
I highly doubt people fund null play with highsec play.

and how did you reach that conclusion? there are tons of nullseccers who use hisec alts to fund their PvP.

npc alts have no opinions worth consideration

Simi Kusoni
#19 - 2012-06-21 05:43:51 UTC
Crunchie Attuxors wrote:
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:

People moan about the nullsec logistics train that docks in a trade hub manhours of technetium and leaves with mandecades of low-end minerals to build things with, and how jump bridges help with that, but very few people question about why noone seems able to disrupt these highsec convoys despite these unprotected freighters taking nearly zero precautions.

Market pvp is the dominant way to make money. People mostly mission for standings, not cash. There are no long term carebears, only a continuous string of new players that either leave when missions and mining prove boring, or end up in nullsec as grunts mooching free ships.


I highly doubt people fund null play with highsec play. I think it is the other way around, in particular ganking and pirating, but also marauder missioning.

For your first point, you recognise that high sec style game play is not good for player retention, yet support mechanics that prevent players from ever feeling a desire or need to leave high sec?

And market PvP is not the primary source of income, depending on your corp or alliance most people in high sec make money from either mission grinding, mining, exploration or incursions.

As for your second point, I'm just going to leave this here:

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#20 - 2012-06-21 05:51:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Nicolo da'Vicenza
Crunchie Attuxors wrote:
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:

People moan about the nullsec logistics train that docks in a trade hub manhours of technetium and leaves with mandecades of low-end minerals to build things with, and how jump bridges help with that, but very few people question about why noone seems able to disrupt these highsec convoys despite these unprotected freighters taking nearly zero precautions.

Apples and oranges.

The needs of null, notably sov but also jump fuel, are quite different from highsec.

While superficially, they seem the same, they are not. And that changes the game people play.

Highsec is a well developed capitalism with state protection, were stuff matters more than territory.

Market pvp is the dominant way to make money. People mostly mission for standings, not cash. There are no long term carebears, only a continuous string of new players that either leave when missions and mining prove boring, or end up in nullsec as grunts mooching free ships.

Nullsec is a well developed feudalism, where territory matters more than stuff.

Mining and plexing are the dominant form of money making. People mostly fight for the killboards and territory. There are no players that only do null, they all have "casual" accounts to play when they dont feel being on comms. A continous stream of players arrive mostly directly into null, either alts or new players lured by marketing. They all sooner or later end up back in hisec either ******* up as spies (and hence blacklisted) or bored of being grunts.

You see what happens? An endless cycle of renewal. Only those on top of the food chain are static.
A lot of what you just posted is, imo, fairly accurate. But I'd like to add to it by reposting something else I wrote in the other thread, because it's directly applicable,

In economics null is what's known as being a "primary industry" - ie: it extracts raw resources from the environment for sale like how logging and oil companies to in real life (there are lone exceptions, like supercaps but overall it stands), 0.0 exports raw moon goo, raw isk, officer modules, high-end ore, etc. to secondary (manufacturing) and tertiary (retail, market) industries (as well as primary production of low-end mins), whose roles are filled by high-security space. Things are manufactured in highsec not only because it's far, far safer, but because game mechanics make it literally impossible to make a section of 0.0 as efficient and useful as an equivalent piece of highsec. What I at least am trying to propose is making it so that game mechanics at least make it possible for 0.0 to develop secondary and tertiary industries of it own. No 'handouts', but just at least the tools to make it possible. Then there'd be an incentive to 0.0 alliances to actually bring in lots of miners and industrialists to fuel their own internal economies instead of just a raw source of rent income.

To add your thoughts in, "feudalism" was the default form of governance before the Industrial Age occurred and the majority of the population was centered in (agrarian) resource extraction- workers were tied to a plot of land and contributed a part of what they extracted from the ground to their lords. Null however cannot 'industrialize' from this state because the game mechanics don't allow it to be possible. You consider this state of affairs good, however most players judging by the 0.0 population evidently do not.


I highly doubt people fund null play with highsec play. I think it is the other way around, in particular ganking and pirating, but also marauder missioning.

As with your previous assertions, however, we both speak anecdotally. What we need is a player base API or CCP provided charts that quantify actual player behavior.

Otherwise, we are both speaking out of our asses. P

You can "highly doubt" null players earning ISK in highsec all you want. I can tell you first hand Cascade Imminent was officially high-sec Incursion only as far as ISK goes before the vanguard nerf. While I was writing this post I had to take a break so I could slowboat my shiny PvE ship back from a 9/10 plex in an unclaimed system after coming out with a total of 50M isk in combined drops and bounties (I have the worst luck imaginable with drops). After getting ready to fight a neut alone in a marauder over 50 mil I can see why some guys might choose to grind ISK in L4s instead.

Fortunately it turned out he was in a vigil and logged off at the sight of my mighty nullbear machine.

Of course, you can always drop the pretense and admit the truth: you want nullsec to be the game. Fair enough.

I think the game is more interesting with the empire/null divide. As I showed, Null is feudalism and Hisec is capitalism. They are different games. What harm does it do if people want to play one, the other, or both?

Every null player I've talked to, every null CSM delegate that's been elected that put out a platform, has wanted a revamp of 0.0 industry to make substantial development possible. Goons, who use supply convoys more then anyone in the game, would happily give it up if it meant their competition had to as well. And it's not just 0.0 people that dislike it, most industrialists stay far away from null with the refrain that 0.0 lacks opportunity in industry, and it's hard to disagree. Or that 'builders' are treated as burdens (which, frankly, they are when they've been obsoleted by supply convoys). You might like it for some aesthetic reason, but don't be surprised when the majority of players don't.
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