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New dev blog: Clothing and Aurum additions for Inferno 1.1

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Ubat Batuk
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#401 - 2012-06-19 16:22:56 UTC
Well done, this is very welcome. I love the idea of the loot, which is innovative and also makes sense.

I like the fact that prices are coming down, and this is the part that I like the most.

You could still have uber expensive items but at least have something for the middle or poorer classes...

The things that are still missing and which I am very eager to see one day are custom skins for my ships... I want to dress up my retriever like a rock and name it 'Veldspar' or maybe some other ore.

Fly unsafe...
Caldari State
#402 - 2012-06-19 17:05:07 UTC
Ubat Batuk wrote:
Well done, this is very welcome. I love the idea of the loot, which is innovative and also makes sense.

I like the fact that prices are coming down, and this is the part that I like the most.

You could still have uber expensive items but at least have something for the middle or poorer classes...

The things that are still missing and which I am very eager to see one day are custom skins for my ships... I want to dress up my retriever like a rock and name it 'Veldspar' or maybe some other ore.

Fly unsafe...

Should there be skins for those different classes ,you are talking about?

be safe in flying unsafe
Greetings Old but


Navy Veteran Club
#403 - 2012-06-19 17:36:14 UTC
Looking at the table makes me Shocked. Since when "Nexon" has become a worldwide currency???
Gyllian Gael
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#404 - 2012-06-19 18:05:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Gyllian Gael
There's nothing wrong with expanding the WIS experience. I'm one of those who was actually looking forward for more to do outside of our ships. I still hope they give us most of what was planned rather than having my character quarantined in her quarters like she's a carrier for some alien plague.

EVE just mucked it up by opening the NEX with a paltry selection, charging outrages prices for all of the items, while simultaneously talking about nickle and diming the community in a pay-to-win model for the in-ship game and declaring virtual clothing should command the price of Guess jeans. This unfortunately tied the two together in many players' minds. EVE then reinforced that impression by failing to reduce prices or add inexpensive items. If they wanted a few premium items (which I think is silly), they should have released the cheap stuff first so that the player base understands that they were meant to be the exception and not the rule.

The WIS stuff would have been enjoyable except to a very vocal core had EVE not fantasized about mucking with the established game in fundamental, cynical ways at the same time. It's sad that the devs almost have to ask permission to release assets and to make them available the way they should have been from the beginning.

No one complains about paying for hats and customizables in TF2 and Portal 2 because their devs didn't charge their players 70 bucks for them while threatening to sell double damage ammo for the Heavy.

All that said, this is a very welcome addition. Now I just wish I could actually see other characters strutting about in their fancy new digs in station.
The Cuddlefish
Ethereal Dawn
#405 - 2012-06-19 19:47:13 UTC  |  Edited by: PinkKnife
Gyllian Gael wrote:

No one complains about paying for hats and customizables in TF2 and Portal 2 because their devs didn't charge their players 70 bucks for them while threatening to sell double damage ammo for the Heavy.

Jesus christ, CCP never said this, never even hinted at it. If you're referring to that bullshit internal memo that was clearly edited and had all of the disclaimers and other entire pages removed from it, then you've bought into a bunch of trolling propaganda. CCP was never going to, and had never planned to, introduce a pay to win scenario.

In fact, they said multiple times, over and over again, clearly, in bold print, that their intent is the opposite of this. Why people fail to understand this point, is beyond me.

For ****'s sake it was almost a year ago already, let it go.
Caldari State
#406 - 2012-06-19 19:54:50 UTC
PinkKnife wrote:
Gyllian Gael wrote:

No one complains about paying for hats and customizables in TF2 and Portal 2 because their devs didn't charge their players 70 bucks for them while threatening to sell double damage ammo for the Heavy.

Jesus christ, CCP never said this, never even hinted at it. If you're referring to that bullshit internal memo that was clearly edited and had all of the disclaimers and other entire pages removed from it, then you've bought into a bunch of trolling propaganda. CCP was never going to, and had never planned to, introduce a pay to win scenario.

In fact, they said multiple times, over and over again, clearly, in bold print, that their intent is the opposite of this. Why people fail to understand this point, is beyond me.

For ****'s sake it was almost a year ago already, let it go.

CCP can,t forget also .every time some poor little kid is screaming around these forums they stop blogs already written.
There is a very small team called Team Avatar ,they made a blog about Avatar related stuff and hopefully some more WIS related stuff.
But bc of little raging kids the blog never showed up


Wiu Ming
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#407 - 2012-06-19 21:19:00 UTC
This is so epic, and boy oh boy I can't wait to spend more Aurum. A few thoughts...

When we open the NEX Store window, could it open in its own effing window again? We kinda liked having that functionality. Or at least give us a box to check/uncheck in the ESC menu. Something like "never open windows in the same pane ever again."

When we're in station and have clothing stored in an inactive ship's cargohold, can we please for the love of God double-click to open its cargo bay again? Right now when i want to find some pants, searching a few cargoholds by double-clicking them forces me to jump into each ship. You have to right-click, hold shift, open cargohold. It sure would be nice to find pants with 33% fewer clicks. But then it would only be a matter of time until someone peed all over my happy state and added "increased functionality - featuring 50% more clicks!! Now requiring two hands!!!"

I like to store monocles in the Corp Hangars of carriers. Why the Christ can't I right-click a docked Thanatos to see the "open Corp Hangar Array" menu option?

I'm so looking forward to getting some new boots. Thank goodness I can't keep spare boots in a Ship Maintenance Array. If we could, I'd be asking, "Why the Christ can't I right-click a docked Thanatos to see the 'open Ship Maintenance Array" menu option?"

Since I can't keep boots in a Ship Maintenance Array, I keep each pair separately in its own special can. Will be back to comment further, I accidentally the right-click button with the left hand, holding left shift with the right hand and well... knot.

Terranid Meester
Tactical Assault and Recon Unit
#408 - 2012-06-19 21:22:26 UTC
I personally think all items in the NeX store should be the same price [say 100 aurum for every item] like some kind of glorified £1 shop. Might give all items an equal footing in being bought.
Tribal Liberation Distribution and Retail
#409 - 2012-06-19 22:14:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Mechael
PinkKnife wrote:
[quote=Gyllian Gael]CCP was never going to, and had never planned to, introduce a pay to win scenario.

In fact, they said multiple times, over and over again, clearly, in bold print, that their intent is the opposite of this. Why people fail to understand this point, is beyond me.

For ****'s sake it was almost a year ago already, let it go.

It's been "pay-to-win" (read: buy an advantage with real money) ever since they introduced PLEX. And just because the big hubbaloo happened a year ago doesn't mean we don't still have the same problem today. Very little has been fixed.

CCP is very lucky they're pretty much the only sandbox spaceship MMO out there, otherwise they wouldn't have room for mistakes like NeX.

Edit: Once again, in case people read this without reading my other posts, Incarna itself is freaking awesome. It's the microtransactions that are terrible.

Whether or not you win the game matters not.  It's if you bought it.

Hakugard Odinsson
Dustesh Incorporated
#410 - 2012-06-20 00:27:35 UTC
I approve of this expansion of the NeX store, maybe I might actually end up spending my 5500 Aurum on something.
Xen Investments
#411 - 2012-06-20 00:38:21 UTC
Wiu Ming wrote:
This is so epic, and boy oh boy I can't wait to spend more Aurum. A few thoughts...

When we open the NEX Store window, could it open in its own effing window again? We kinda liked having that functionality. Or at least give us a box to check/uncheck in the ESC menu. Something like "never open windows in the same pane ever again."

When we're in station and have clothing stored in an inactive ship's cargohold, can we please for the love of God double-click to open its cargo bay again? Right now when i want to find some pants, searching a few cargoholds by double-clicking them forces me to jump into each ship. You have to right-click, hold shift, open cargohold. It sure would be nice to find pants with 33% fewer clicks. But then it would only be a matter of time until someone peed all over my happy state and added "increased functionality - featuring 50% more clicks!! Now requiring two hands!!!"

I like to store monocles in the Corp Hangars of carriers. Why the Christ can't I right-click a docked Thanatos to see the "open Corp Hangar Array" menu option?

I'm so looking forward to getting some new boots. Thank goodness I can't keep spare boots in a Ship Maintenance Array. If we could, I'd be asking, "Why the Christ can't I right-click a docked Thanatos to see the 'open Ship Maintenance Array" menu option?"

Since I can't keep boots in a Ship Maintenance Array, I keep each pair separately in its own special can. Will be back to comment further, I accidentally the right-click button with the left hand, holding left shift with the right hand and well... knot.

Quoted because its awesome!
Xylem Tube
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#412 - 2012-06-20 01:39:33 UTC
sweet, all we need now is hats!
(excuse the shite photoshop)
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#413 - 2012-06-20 05:40:47 UTC
Mechael wrote:
PinkKnife wrote:
[quote=Gyllian Gael]CCP was never going to, and had never planned to, introduce a pay to win scenario.

In fact, they said multiple times, over and over again, clearly, in bold print, that their intent is the opposite of this. Why people fail to understand this point, is beyond me.

For ****'s sake it was almost a year ago already, let it go.

It's been "pay-to-win" (read: buy an advantage with real money) ever since they introduced PLEX. And just because the big hubbaloo happened a year ago doesn't mean we don't still have the same problem today. Very little has been fixed.

CCP is very lucky they're pretty much the only sandbox spaceship MMO out there, otherwise they wouldn't have room for mistakes like NeX.

Edit: Once again, in case people read this without reading my other posts, Incarna itself is freaking awesome. It's the microtransactions that are terrible.

PLEX would be "pay to win" if the items you bought with Cash were not also freely available on the open market for ISK.

So unless you are saying items that are purchasable for ISK are also somehow pay to win what we actually have is the option to pay for anything in game with either cash or ISK... which is an entirely different beast. One I personally have no problem with.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Celeste Taylor
Ruby Dynasty
#414 - 2012-06-20 06:24:01 UTC
Hakugard Odinsson wrote:
I approve of this expansion of the NeX store, maybe I might actually end up spending my 5500 Aurum on something.

5500 AUR is like over 750m in ISK if it were possible to convert AUR back to PLEX. My suspicion is that people like me (no AUR) will be willing to buy new NEX items on the open market for ISK when the new items go live for about what the AUR's value is in ISK if items are available. If the prices go higher than 14m (100AUR) -72m (500AUR) which might happen if the demand for the apparel exceeds the willingness to spend real money, it will be cheaper for people like me to buy AUR. I think the opposite will be true though and people like you who still have free AUR will be enough to cover the demands and prices might be slightly lower than the "AUR" value. Either way I think you should be able to easily make a good amount of ISK of the new items or else enjoy a new wardrobe.
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#415 - 2012-06-20 06:32:35 UTC
Hakugard Odinsson wrote:
I approve of this expansion of the NeX store, maybe I might actually end up spending my 5500 Aurum on something.

I just noticed that I've got 15,000 AUR spread across my accounts. It's gonna be one hell of a shopping season. Lol
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#416 - 2012-06-20 07:32:38 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
I just noticed that I've got 15,000 AUR spread across my accounts. It's gonna be one hell of a shopping season. Lol

Eat your heart out. You've earned it, Indahmawar, THIS MOMENT IS YOURS!!! STRUT YOUR SEXY STUFF. Not even the FiS haters can ruin your day and stop you now. YOU ARE INCONVINCIBLE!!


CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

De Re Metallica
#417 - 2012-06-20 09:23:43 UTC
Why did you bother? Nobody would be seen dead in these "fashions", in EVE or real life.

How about them looking at some real historical fashions to get some ideas. Oh yeah, I beleive most human beings can see in colour.
Fr33 Banking and Trade
#418 - 2012-06-20 09:25:51 UTC
I think that the purchasing of Alliance and Corporation logos for ships might be a start and a useful way to get people buying selling and trading Aurum. Then we can give the Art Department a stroke by telling them we want a color palette added to the new models. I think the appropriate color for all Minmatar ships should include primer gray or red naval anti corrosion.
Kusum Fawn
Caldari State
#419 - 2012-06-20 12:43:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Kusum Fawn
Just feel that its pertenant to point out that plex is not the first pay to win game addition,
for as long as i can remember there has been the gtc market featuring 60 day cards. there used to be a 30 day but they dropped that a while ago, then they brought in the plex, which is a 30 day time card.

Plex really has done nothing new. I dont understand everyone who claims that it ruined anything or introduced a new business model into eve. It didnt.

~ When i first started this game i bought and sold a gtc, then i spent ~300 of it on science skill books. I still have some of the books i bought as a two day old character. /sigh.

edit ->

And the fashions are pretty ugly. seriously whos designing this crap? the same people who think one window is better?

Its not possible to please all the people all the time, but it sure as hell is possible to Displease all the people, most of the time.

Memento Moriendo
#420 - 2012-06-20 13:25:05 UTC
Gyllian Gael wrote:
The WIS stuff would have been enjoyable except to a very vocal core had EVE not fantasized about mucking with the established game in fundamental, cynical ways at the same time. It's sad that the devs almost have to ask permission to release assets and to make them available the way they should have been from the beginning.

ha yeah i noticed that too, that end line "We have a lot of clothing items made a long time ago that we want to start using up and which do not cost us any development time to activate in the client. LOL

so sad