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The Goons are at it again...

Antonio Medichi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#81 - 2012-06-12 18:14:40 UTC

In this case, I imagine the consequences include a strongly worded petition to CCP. CCP laughs at you. You get depressed and stop wearing pants. You begin to drink heavily. You lose your job. Your woman/man/dog leaves you. You lose your truck. You lose your apartment. Next thing you know youre trying to play EVE on a 4 year old laptop on free wi-fi at a local coffeeshop and youre wearing a pair of oversize green clown pants that you filched from the local goodwill. People are looking at you because you keep cursing at your computer and you smell vaguely of cheese because you went dumpster diving out back of the Cheesecake Factory the night before.

All this because you got your panties in a twist over some perceived injustice in a video game. THINK OF THE CONSEQUENCES MAN!!!

^ this
Pure Genious!Big smileBig smileBig smileBig smile
Antonio Medichi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#82 - 2012-06-12 18:16:36 UTC
The Crushah wrote:
Mine Lady wrote:
This is your final warning Goons. After this I won't be the one responsible for the catastrophic, financial losses that you will experience. I DID warn you and in many ways I pleaded with you. You will only have yourselves to blame. I'm here, playing this game to make a profit one way or another, and you and your band of ******** misfits are getting in the way of that.

This is your final warning. Stop killing Hulks and other mining crafts, or face the consequences.

In this case, I imagine the consequences include a strongly worded petition to CCP. CCP laughs at you. You get depressed and stop wearing pants. You begin to drink heavily. You lose your job. Your woman/man/dog leaves you. You lose your truck. You lose your apartment. Next thing you know youre trying to play EVE on a 4 year old laptop on free wi-fi at a local coffeeshop and youre wearing a pair of oversize green clown pants that you filched from the local goodwill. People are looking at you because you keep cursing at your computer and you smell vaguely of cheese because you went dumpster diving out back of the Cheesecake Factory the night before.

All this because you got your panties in a twist over some perceived injustice in a video game. THINK OF THE CONSEQUENCES MAN!!!

Sorry about last post, somehow aquote go lost :)
honor restored to win
Fatbottom Girl
#83 - 2012-06-12 18:44:11 UTC
Mine Lady wrote:

I haven't played EVE in a while, so I logged on today only to find out that the goons are killing hulks again, and offering 100 million ISKs for every 10 kills a person gets. This will effectively wreck the economy. I went to an ice field that was normally full of miners and it was empty... totally empty of people. Matter of fact no matter what asteroid field I went to they were totally devoid of people. This is not a good thing.

I don't think CCP should allow this sort of thing to occur on this scale. It wrecks the economy and it ruins the game.

The Goonswarm Federation of Planets is a right and honourable space guild and would never allow such behavior.
The Dresdeneers
#84 - 2012-06-12 19:37:14 UTC
Fatbottom Girl wrote:
Mine Lady wrote:

I haven't played EVE in a while, so I logged on today only to find out that the goons are killing hulks again, and offering 100 million ISKs for every 10 kills a person gets. This will effectively wreck the economy. I went to an ice field that was normally full of miners and it was empty... totally empty of people. Matter of fact no matter what asteroid field I went to they were totally devoid of people. This is not a good thing.

I don't think CCP should allow this sort of thing to occur on this scale. It wrecks the economy and it ruins the game.

The Goonswarm Federation of Planets is a right and honourable space guild and would never allow such behavior.

I hereby vouch for the veracity of FBG's statement. Goons cause trouble? Unlikely. All they are asking for is someone to go play with them. Big smile
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#85 - 2012-06-12 21:58:45 UTC
Mine Lady wrote:
There is something seriously wrong with some of you people. All I want is a stop to the killing of mining ships and some of you people act all full of yourselves like you think that killing mining ships is some sort of badge of honor. You pvp freaks need to get a clue.

If any thing it makes the game more interesting, players adding their own content shows just how grate this game can be.
When players see what is possible others may follow,.

What stinks is bots mining belts not player interaction.

Eugene Kerner
Goonswarm Federation
#86 - 2012-06-13 09:52:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Eugene Kerner
Mine Lady wrote:
This is your final warning Goons. After this I won't be the one responsible for the catastrophic, financial losses that you will experience. I DID warn you and in many ways I pleaded with you. You will only have yourselves to blame. I'm here, playing this game to make a profit one way or another, and you and your band of ******** misfits are getting in the way of that.

This is your final warning. Stop killing Hulks and other mining crafts, or face the consequences.

Thats nearly Xenuria Troll-style...

Edith says:
you get 6/10 for the Emo-rage

TunDraGon is recruiting! "Also, your boobs [:o] "   CCP Eterne, 2012 "When in doubt...make a diȼk joke." Robin Williams - RIP

David Cedarbridge
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#87 - 2012-06-13 12:37:00 UTC
Please pleeeeeeeeeeeease don't crash facefirst into the EC- gate camp and lose a handful of shitfit ships to the idle permacamp there. Pleeeease don't do that.
Kagan D'Argo
#88 - 2012-06-13 15:18:09 UTC
Mine Lady wrote:
This is your final warning Goons. After this I won't be the one responsible for the catastrophic, financial losses that you will experience. I DID warn you and in many ways I pleaded with you. You will only have yourselves to blame. I'm here, playing this game to make a profit one way or another, and you and your band of ******** misfits are getting in the way of that.

This is your final warning. Stop killing Hulks and other mining crafts, or face the consequences.

This has been a great read, something to ease my day back at work after some annual leave.

How's the campaign going Mine Lady? Decimating all before you I trust? P
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#89 - 2012-06-13 15:50:57 UTC
Mine Lady wrote:

I may be a carebear but I'm a carebear with teeth.

Praetor Abre-Kai
Pickling Rifles
#90 - 2012-06-14 02:50:26 UTC
Vera Algaert wrote:
Soldarius wrote:

And as for your fleet, I have a clone in the Goons HQ system of VFK-IV in Deklein. I eagerly await your assault. Should be good for some lols, if you can get there. Here's the fastest route from Jita.

whatever he does - the outcome can't be much worse than becoming a TEST pet before you even set foot into VFK.

daww look a southern block alt who doesn't have the balls to post on their main.
David Cedarbridge
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#91 - 2012-06-14 03:31:36 UTC
Praetor Abre-Kai wrote:
Vera Algaert wrote:
Soldarius wrote:

And as for your fleet, I have a clone in the Goons HQ system of VFK-IV in Deklein. I eagerly await your assault. Should be good for some lols, if you can get there. Here's the fastest route from Jita.

whatever he does - the outcome can't be much worse than becoming a TEST pet before you even set foot into VFK.

daww look a southern block alt who doesn't have the balls to post on their main.

TEST have pets now? :wtc:
Antonio Medichi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#92 - 2012-06-14 04:31:08 UTC
#93 - 2012-06-14 10:00:03 UTC
The consequences will never be the same.
Nyx Na'gorg
#94 - 2012-06-14 13:35:46 UTC
Cameron Cahill wrote:
Mine Lady wrote:

I've made billions of ISKs in this game and it's time someone sent a clear message to the goons and their lame lackeys. It's time I hit the goons financially where it will hurt them, and I can do this effectively to the point where they most likely will call off their lame attack on us honest miners. One thing I have learned from playing EVE is that everyone can be bought for the right price. The Goons won't be amused with the fleet I'm putting together right now as I type this that will show up at their headquarters with the sole purpose of wiping them out.

You pvp freaks make me want to vomit.

Please please please bring such a fleet to vfk.

No really please do it. After all how could we ever compete with you're billions of isk of funding? I mean all we have is over a trillion isk per month income from tech alone and a twenty thousand man coalition....

And a handful of Groons who are some of the best nullsec pvpers amirite?
Order of the Silver Dragons
Silver Dragonz
#95 - 2012-06-14 13:53:47 UTC
Xavier Bandar wrote:
Mine Lady wrote:
I went to an ice field that was normally full of miners and it was empty... totally empty of people. Matter of fact no matter what asteroid field I went to they were totally devoid of people. This is not a good thing.

You're probably one of those people who would want Shell to start drilling in the Arctic.

Big oil is that way --------------------->

where the hell are you? my corp decimated an asteroid belt or two yesterday
Ristlin Wakefield
Amarr Empire
#96 - 2012-06-14 15:06:18 UTC
I wonder what happened. I'd love to see a single player actually pull off such an operation : O

I have a lover, her name is EVE. I see her every night and all she asks in return is that I have a pilot's license.

Caldari State
#97 - 2012-06-14 15:21:40 UTC
Didn't you hear? VFK is reinforced; she headshot goons.

Mine Lady always gets hers!
Mine Lady
Edith Keeler's Ore and Resources
#98 - 2012-06-15 03:34:29 UTC
I, and many others have arranged massive payments to selected pvp, and mining corporations to undertake an historical event. In order to counter the Goons "Hulk-a-retardoon" we have decided certain undertakings should be deployed, and BTW this will start this Saturday. Any Goon ship, or allies will be attacked on sight. Goon resource links, trade routes will be disrupted. Goon capital ships will be hunted and destroyed. Goon frigates, fighters, cruisers, battlecrusiers, and battleships will be drawn into the open and attacked. BTW, say goodbye to ALL of your mining ships.

The point of this whole exercise is to place stress on the Goons resources, and send a clear message that if they hit us we have the resources, and financial, and military might to hit back. A coalition of over 58 corporations has joined together with the sole purpose of drawing a line in the sand for the Goons and their allies to see which says "This far no further"

The time for talk is done. You filthy Goons had your chance for peace. Now it's time for us to demonstrate to you what it really means to be a play ground bully.
#99 - 2012-06-15 03:44:40 UTC
Mine Lady wrote:
I, and many others have arranged massive payments to selected pvp, and mining corporations to undertake an historical event. In order to counter the Goons "Hulk-a-retardoon" we have decided certain undertakings should be deployed, and BTW this will start this Saturday. Any Goon ship, or allies will be attacked on sight. Goon resource links, trade routes will be disrupted. Goon capital ships will be hunted and destroyed. Goon frigates, fighters, cruisers, battlecrusiers, and battleships will be drawn into the open and attacked. BTW, say goodbye to ALL of your mining ships.

The point of this whole exercise is to place stress on the Goons resources, and send a clear message that if they hit us we have the resources, and financial, and military might to hit back. A coalition of over 58 corporations has joined together with the sole purpose of drawing a line in the sand for the Goons and their allies to see which says "This far no further"

The time for talk is done. You filthy Goons had your chance for peace. Now it's time for us to demonstrate to you what it really means to be a play ground bully.


"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

Frederick Sanger
Amarr Empire
#100 - 2012-06-15 03:47:06 UTC
Mine Lady wrote:

The time for talk is done. You filthy Goons had your chance for peace. Now it's time for us to demonstrate to you what it really means to be a play ground bully.

Anti-bullying is kind of a big thing these days. You should really be more sensitive towards the feelings of others.