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War Dec's ---

First post
Fraternity Alliance Please Ignore
#61 - 2012-06-14 23:19:22 UTC  |  Edited by: CraftyCroc
masty wrote:

we expect to lose a metric ton of assets due to shear numbers weighed against us but our kb stats do not define us and no one will get a bollocking for losing a cynabal and LG snake clone either, just get trolled to no end.

Metric Ton

I'll just leave this here..
#62 - 2012-06-14 23:28:07 UTC
Morganta wrote:

go spend a day hunting for targets in syndicate

your pvp choices are:

crash 20+ man fleets into each other
camp gates in the hope that a single ship or small gang (chuckle) comes through
play endless station games with null bears with supercaps
bait -n- blop people like you who think that small gang warfare is thriving in null

the only small gangs we see down there are out of towners and bait fleets

Station games is more of a low/high thing. We prefer to play POS games. Less likely to have a bubble on it.
Vimsy Vortis
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#63 - 2012-06-14 23:30:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Vimsy Vortis
If you're in highsec and you're fighting on a station either you're a moron who thinks that station camping is a good idea or your opponent is a moron who thinks station camping is a good idea.

When someone is station camping you there's nothing forcing you to undock and shoot them and die and when you're headed to go fight war targets there's nothing forcing you to sit outside a station they're docked in.

Station games only happen when someone is an idiot.
Alavaria Fera
#64 - 2012-06-14 23:30:21 UTC
Laktos wrote:
Pretty much. Goons were sick of getting harassed by constant decs. They are primarily carebears so this is understandable.

Yep, you reached down from camping Jita and slaps us in Dek where we were ratting.

Come on, you can at least get a ship with a cloak in to camp, right? I mean .... come on, a T1 frigate or something won't hurt your wallet that bad.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Ayllia Saken
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#65 - 2012-06-14 23:41:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Ayllia Saken
GSF is very very good at the metagame. Not quite like BoB (sending a guy to cut power, Jeez) but certainly more effective. GSF and The Mittani say so quite clearly. To win Eve you have to keep your pilots more entertained than the other guy. As long as you have pilots willing to login and throw ships at the enemy, you can keep fighting for ever. You lose when your morale cracks.

But better yet to influence the game's very rules to suit your style of play, or your strengths, such as a strong external community.

The old tactic of complaining on the forums isn't going to cut it. Anti-GSF posts are immediately detected, located and counter-posted by their dedicated forum warriors.

GSF probably doesn't need to forum-post to achieve their goals. It is probably far more effective, and invisible, to lobby CCP behind the scenes. Hence the CSM election. How effective is it? Who knows? And hence the suspicion.

The danger is that "Internet Metagame Warrior" may have a smaller potential market than "Internet Spaceship Warrior". The GSF has set the standard, and if to "Win" Eve you need to spend more time fighting out of game than flying around in pretend internet spaceships, then customers may start looking elsewhere. It's a fine balancing act for CCP.
Alavaria Fera
#66 - 2012-06-14 23:43:42 UTC
Ayllia Saken wrote:
To win Eve you have to keep your pilots more entertained than the other guy. As long as you have pilots willing to login and throw ships at the enemy, you can keep fighting for ever. You lose when your morale cracks.

Nothing like throwing drakes at something to keep morale up :)

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#67 - 2012-06-14 23:44:18 UTC
I love the linear thought process that goes into devising this conspiracy theory.

CCP makes it that the cost of a wardec is based on the number of members in the defending alliance.
Goonswarm has the most members of any alliance, therefore they'd benefit the most (ignoring that they live in lawless space).
Therefore, Goonswarm must have convinced CCP to put in this mechanic.

bravo guys
Alavaria Fera
#68 - 2012-06-14 23:49:05 UTC
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:
I love the linear thought process that goes into devising this conspiracy theory.

CCP makes it that the cost of a wardec is based on the number of members in the defending alliance.
Goonswarm has the most members of any alliance, therefore they'd benefit the most (ignoring that they live in lawless space).
Therefore, Goonswarm must have convinced CCP to put in this mechanic.

bravo guys

But we wanted the targets to shoot. Nullsec has no targets, remember? Empty wasteland and all that.

I mean, in highsec we can't hotdrop or use superrifters, isn't that good enough for you?

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Otin Bison
Bison Industrial Inc
#69 - 2012-06-15 01:00:21 UTC
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:
I love the linear thought process that goes into devising this conspiracy theory.

CCP makes it that the cost of a wardec is based on the number of members in the defending alliance.
Goonswarm has the most members of any alliance, therefore they'd benefit the most (ignoring that they live in lawless space).
Therefore, Goonswarm must have convinced CCP to put in this mechanic.

bravo guys

State War Academy
Caldari State
#70 - 2012-06-15 01:07:20 UTC
Wardec's are bad mkay?

There all very evil and keep people from learning the genitive case.
David Cedarbridge
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#71 - 2012-06-15 01:13:58 UTC  |  Edited by: David Cedarbridge
CraftyCroc wrote:
2) You are incorrect. I spent 3 months in a large alliance - flying in fleets ranging from several hundred to over a thousand. I was very good at anchoring... i was often the first to find the anchor and click orbit. (I tended to only have the anchor in my watch list which made this task simple). I was also VERY good at pressing F1. I would select the primary I was given and then fired all of this whilst maintaining a near perfect orbit on my anchor. The reason I left ? Little or no skill was involved. I then moved on to smaller corps and started to PVP in a genuine manner. Small corps breed pvp pilots - large alliances breed sheep/robots w/e. Regardless, each to his own.

That's a very cool story and all but totally non-responsive to my point. I too am willing to accept that you know nothing about 0.0 warfare. Fair enough. (3 months, lol)
CraftyCroc wrote:
3)You are still missing the point entirely, but then I have already deduced you are a muppet and so I will try and explain once more. The gate guns are not an issue by itself. Fighting outnumbered whilst taking gcc is a problem. The war dec has mitigated this.

Whatever "muppet" means it must be really offensive to somebody somewhere. I'll file that one away. On the other hand, do try to keep your stories straight. If you are complaining about needing a wardec to avoid dying to gateguns while shooting at eve uni newbies that's cool. (your laundry list of killmails complaining about damage from gate guns comes to mind). If it is now about GCC or whatever, then that's cool too, but do try to be honest about what it is you are whining about. It helps the rest of us keep up without having to predict your next wild move.

My core point still hasn't changed. If you want to buy a lot of targets to shoot at you're going to have to have the money to pay for it. If you can't pay the price for the service then I would reconsider how important it is to you instead of whining about how unfair the game is to you. I mean, if you really want people to take you seriously as some sort of "real PVPer" then the least you can do is avoid whining on the forums about how unfair things are.

If you really think you should be paying less to shoot at people, I would consider purchasing less rights to shoot at less people. I hear that if you purchase less of something you end up paying less for it.
Caldari State
#72 - 2012-06-15 03:43:45 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:
Laktos wrote:
Pretty much. Goons were sick of getting harassed by constant decs. They are primarily carebears so this is understandable.

Yep, you reached down from camping Jita and slaps us in Dek where we were ratting.

Come on, you can at least get a ship with a cloak in to camp, right? I mean .... come on, a T1 frigate or something won't hurt your wallet that bad.

Enough with your propaganda, FSB goon!

Latest PVP Video: Perseverance

Sard Caid does not endorse this message.

Frying Doom
#73 - 2012-06-15 04:06:01 UTC
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:
I love the linear thought process that goes into devising this conspiracy theory.

CCP makes it that the cost of a wardec is based on the number of members in the defending alliance.
Goonswarm has the most members of any alliance, therefore they'd benefit the most (ignoring that they live in lawless space).
Therefore, Goonswarm must have convinced CCP to put in this mechanic.

bravo guys

So what alliance benefits the most from the War dec changes?
What alliance was having their wardecs attract massive numbers of allies to there enemys in droves?
What alliance gains the most from the super nerf to the ally system?
What alliance realized that with so many wardecs they were out manned in Hi-sec?
So what alliance would most want them removed?

Welcome to Goonswarm online, the game built to protect one set of Nullbears.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

#74 - 2012-06-15 04:07:12 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:
I love the linear thought process that goes into devising this conspiracy theory.

CCP makes it that the cost of a wardec is based on the number of members in the defending alliance.
Goonswarm has the most members of any alliance, therefore they'd benefit the most (ignoring that they live in lawless space).
Therefore, Goonswarm must have convinced CCP to put in this mechanic.

bravo guys

So what alliance benefits the most from the War dec changes?
What alliance was having their wardecs attract massive numbers of allies to there enemys in droves?
What alliance gains the most from the super nerf to the ally system?
What alliance realized that with so many wardecs they were out manned in Hi-sec?
So what alliance would most want them removed?

Welcome to Goonswarm online, the game built to protect one set of Nullbears.

You should change your name to Broken Record.

Cause you sound like one.
Frying Doom
#75 - 2012-06-15 04:08:24 UTC
Torneach wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:
I love the linear thought process that goes into devising this conspiracy theory.

CCP makes it that the cost of a wardec is based on the number of members in the defending alliance.
Goonswarm has the most members of any alliance, therefore they'd benefit the most (ignoring that they live in lawless space).
Therefore, Goonswarm must have convinced CCP to put in this mechanic.

bravo guys

So what alliance benefits the most from the War dec changes?
What alliance was having their wardecs attract massive numbers of allies to there enemys in droves?
What alliance gains the most from the super nerf to the ally system?
What alliance realized that with so many wardecs they were out manned in Hi-sec?
So what alliance would most want them removed?

Welcome to Goonswarm online, the game built to protect one set of Nullbears.

You should change your name to Broken Record.

Cause you sound like one.

I would but the members of Goonswarm haven't authorized that for the game yet.Lol

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#76 - 2012-06-15 04:14:18 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:
I love the linear thought process that goes into devising this conspiracy theory.

CCP makes it that the cost of a wardec is based on the number of members in the defending alliance.
Goonswarm has the most members of any alliance, therefore they'd benefit the most (ignoring that they live in lawless space).
Therefore, Goonswarm must have convinced CCP to put in this mechanic.

bravo guys

So what alliance benefits the most from the War dec changes?
What alliance was having their wardecs attract massive numbers of allies to there enemys in droves?
What alliance gains the most from the super nerf to the ally system?
What alliance realized that with so many wardecs they were out manned in Hi-sec?
So what alliance would most want them removed?

Welcome to Goonswarm online, the game built to protect one set of Nullbears.

How goes The Trade Guild's wardec against Goonswarm now that you made it mutual and permanent, btw?
Frying Doom
#77 - 2012-06-15 04:23:04 UTC
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:

How goes The Trade Guild's wardec against Goonswarm now that you made it mutual and permanent, btw?

I didn't make it mutual as they stated they would permadec me and one of the aims was for a pointless spending of their isk. They dropped the war after the first week. The support from allies was great, this was of course before the nerf to protect Goonswarm.

Thanks for asking.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Alavaria Fera
#78 - 2012-06-15 05:46:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Alavaria Fera
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:
How goes The Trade Guild's wardec against Goonswarm now that you made it mutual and permanent, btw?

Wow, The Honda Accord and The Star Fraction have gotten together quite a list of people. 38 Allies for Honda and 43 for Star.

Good going, guys. However, I don't think you've *yet* gotten every gate-camping, undock-sitting, remote-repping, station-gaming highseccer into the wars, so you better hurry.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Commonwealth Mercenaries
#79 - 2012-06-15 07:10:14 UTC
David Cedarbridge wrote:
CraftyCroc wrote:
2) You are incorrect. I spent 3 months in a large alliance - flying in fleets ranging from several hundred to over a thousand. I was very good at anchoring... i was often the first to find the anchor and click orbit. (I tended to only have the anchor in my watch list which made this task simple). I was also VERY good at pressing F1. I would select the primary I was given and then fired all of this whilst maintaining a near perfect orbit on my anchor. The reason I left ? Little or no skill was involved. I then moved on to smaller corps and started to PVP in a genuine manner. Small corps breed pvp pilots - large alliances breed sheep/robots w/e. Regardless, each to his own.

That's a very cool story and all but totally non-responsive to my point. I too am willing to accept that you know nothing about 0.0 warfare. Fair enough. (3 months, lol)
CraftyCroc wrote:
3)You are still missing the point entirely, but then I have already deduced you are a muppet and so I will try and explain once more. The gate guns are not an issue by itself. Fighting outnumbered whilst taking gcc is a problem. The war dec has mitigated this.

Whatever "muppet" means it must be really offensive to somebody somewhere. I'll file that one away. On the other hand, do try to keep your stories straight. If you are complaining about needing a wardec to avoid dying to gateguns while shooting at eve uni newbies that's cool. (your laundry list of killmails complaining about damage from gate guns comes to mind). If it is now about GCC or whatever, then that's cool too, but do try to be honest about what it is you are whining about. It helps the rest of us keep up without having to predict your next wild move.

My core point still hasn't changed. If you want to buy a lot of targets to shoot at you're going to have to have the money to pay for it. If you can't pay the price for the service then I would reconsider how important it is to you instead of whining about how unfair the game is to you. I mean, if you really want people to take you seriously as some sort of "real PVPer" then the least you can do is avoid whining on the forums about how unfair things are.

If you really think you should be paying less to shoot at people, I would consider purchasing less rights to shoot at less people. I hear that if you purchase less of something you end up paying less for it.

you really dont listen, read my previous post to understand why the dec was done. Or do some research. the targets were already on our doorstep. The dec allowed a more flexible use of our limited resources
Fraternity Alliance Please Ignore
#80 - 2012-06-15 10:57:05 UTC
David Cedarbridge wrote:
CraftyCroc wrote:
2) You are incorrect. I spent 3 months in a large alliance - flying in fleets ranging from several hundred to over a thousand. I was very good at anchoring... i was often the first to find the anchor and click orbit. (I tended to only have the anchor in my watch list which made this task simple). I was also VERY good at pressing F1. I would select the primary I was given and then fired all of this whilst maintaining a near perfect orbit on my anchor. The reason I left ? Little or no skill was involved. I then moved on to smaller corps and started to PVP in a genuine manner. Small corps breed pvp pilots - large alliances breed sheep/robots w/e. Regardless, each to his own.

That's a very cool story and all but totally non-responsive to my point. I too am willing to accept that you know nothing about 0.0 warfare. Fair enough. (3 months, lol)
CraftyCroc wrote:
3)You are still missing the point entirely, but then I have already deduced you are a muppet and so I will try and explain once more. The gate guns are not an issue by itself. Fighting outnumbered whilst taking gcc is a problem. The war dec has mitigated this.

Whatever "muppet" means it must be really offensive to somebody somewhere. I'll file that one away. On the other hand, do try to keep your stories straight. If you are complaining about needing a wardec to avoid dying to gateguns while shooting at eve uni newbies that's cool. (your laundry list of killmails complaining about damage from gate guns comes to mind). If it is now about GCC or whatever, then that's cool too, but do try to be honest about what it is you are whining about. It helps the rest of us keep up without having to predict your next wild move.

My core point still hasn't changed. If you want to buy a lot of targets to shoot at you're going to have to have the money to pay for it. If you can't pay the price for the service then I would reconsider how important it is to you instead of whining about how unfair the game is to you. I mean, if you really want people to take you seriously as some sort of "real PVPer" then the least you can do is avoid whining on the forums about how unfair things are.

If you really think you should be paying less to shoot at people, I would consider purchasing less rights to shoot at less people. I hear that if you purchase less of something you end up paying less for it.


Stfu you goon prik