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Make asteroid belts more realistic

Jonah Sands
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2012-05-10 19:00:38 UTC
Hello All,

For a long time, asteroid belts have bothered me...

In nature, asteroid belts tend to form around a gravity well, whether it be a planet, or an entire solar system, but never just as a circle in some quiet corner of space.

So, I suggest that asteroid belts should form around planets.

Perhaps, we could have an asteroid belt form around an entire solar system, but warping to one looks like a giant arc.
You don't need to have asteroids follow the entire way around the solar system, but at least give the impression that it isn't one 250km circle of roids.

Also, while i'm on the subject of space phenomena, what about having fast moving comets that you could also mine.

It would take a fast ship (to keep up with it on its trajectory) with good scanning capabilities to find the half dozen going around a solar systems star, but they could have a small amount of ore not usually found in that area, or even Ice not found in that area.

Anyway, a few ideas that might give mining a boost.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#2 - 2012-05-10 19:09:42 UTC
A belt, by definition, must encircle something. In this context, you are correct. Normally this would need to be a gravity well.

We seem to have asteroid puddles, instead. In theory, they are fixed by some gravity source, despite the fact they have not diffused themselves along this plane.

Gameplay, this makes sense. It's not that you have a hard time finding the asteroids in a belt, but belts are so big, that others would have a hard time finding you.
Real space effects and dynamics, it is just too easy for people to not run into each other enough.

Storyline explanation: I suspect these asteroid clusters have a source, something like a wormhole connecting to a system that is densely packed with these rocks. If the wormhole opens, and finds room on our side, more asteroids fall through to our side, until it reaches a balance with that local region of space.
Jonah Sands
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2012-05-10 19:17:44 UTC
I understand what you are saying about making belts too big so that no one sees each other, and that makes sense.

And easy fix would be retain the same amount of belts in each system, but relocate them to be *near* planets, and then reshape them so they appear to be part of a larger belt surrounding the planet.

That way, you still keep the same size, but now the look is more in line with what you would expect to see in a solar system.

Otherwise, put a bleeping wormhole in the middle of each asteroid belt (if they stay the same). That would be awesome! Big smile
Janet Patton
Brony Express
#4 - 2012-05-10 23:51:36 UTC
If you really want to be realistic with asteroid belts, and copy the one that is in our solar system that is between Jupiter and Mars. The biggest asteroid wouldn't be any bigger then a car, (which is pebble sized compared to a frigate) and each asteroid would be several thousand miles apart from each other.

Why do I have this sig? I don't smoke.

Jonah Sands
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2012-05-11 12:22:07 UTC
Yeah, I don't mean TOTALLY realistic. =)

A case could be made to say that our solar system is not the model to use for asteroid at all, and since we are on the edge of the galaxy, no wonder there isn't an over abundance of Battleship sized asteroids.

I just think giving *some* thought to aesthetics would go a long way toward total immersion in the game.

Would there be any other game play considerations to implementing something along these lines?
Im Super Gay
Investtan Inc.
The Republic.
#6 - 2012-05-11 12:45:51 UTC
Actually, just about every asteroid belt is within a few au of a planet, if not closer.
Fossor Wintersky
Ordinus Ursorum Cautorum
#7 - 2012-05-11 13:27:42 UTC
What about roid-brackets in space?
Loius Woo
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2012-05-11 13:52:10 UTC
Janet Patton wrote:
If you really want to be realistic with asteroid belts, and copy the one that is in our solar system that is between Jupiter and Mars. The biggest asteroid wouldn't be any bigger then a car, (which is pebble sized compared to a frigate) and each asteroid would be several thousand miles apart from each other.

Actually, the largest asteroid in our solar system is upwards of 1000KM in diameter with several that are hundreds of KM across.


Dispersion is correct though, the large ones are millions of km apart .

But those are not the only things that are "strange" about Eve Physics, for instance the space shuttle travels at 7.7km/s in orbit around the Earth, which is also traveling around the sun at 29.8km/s. So the Shuttle goes faster than the fastest dramiels in MWD and the Earth is going faster still by a factor of 4.

In real physics, your ship would have to match velocity (speed and direction) with a station before docking, not just drive straight toward it.

That goes for asteroids as well, which are traveling faster in real velocity than the Earth is (since they are in a higher orbit) so you would have to match speed and direction (and rotation) with a roid in order to harvest it.

But, in order to make Eve physics like real physics, we would all have to take classes in Orbital Dynamics
Elementary Orbital Equations

WHich would be un-fun I can assure you.

I think the asteroid belts as they are are fine. just suspend your disbelief for a little bit (not much more than you have to already to play a spaceship) and let it be.
#9 - 2012-05-11 14:49:56 UTC
Lagrange points. That is where roids are. Go look them up.

Economic PVP

Marlies Toronto
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2012-06-14 00:59:16 UTC
Skorpynekomimi wrote:
Lagrange points. That is where roids are. Go look them up.

Asteroids, not asteroid.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2012-06-14 11:04:45 UTC  |  Edited by: betoli
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2012-06-14 11:05:22 UTC
Loius Woo wrote:
Janet Patton wrote:
If you really want to be realistic with asteroid belts, and copy the one that is in our solar system that is between Jupiter and Mars. The biggest asteroid wouldn't be any bigger then a car, (which is pebble sized compared to a frigate) and each asteroid would be several thousand miles apart from each other.

Actually, the largest asteroid in our solar system is upwards of 1000KM in diameter with several that are hundreds of KM across.


Dispersion is correct though, the large ones are millions of km apart .

But those are not the only things that are "strange" about Eve Physics, for instance the space shuttle travels at 7.7km/s in orbit around the Earth, which is also traveling around the sun at 29.8km/s. So the Shuttle goes faster than the fastest dramiels in MWD and the Earth is going faster still by a factor of 4.

In real physics, your ship would have to match velocity (speed and direction) with a station before docking, not just drive straight toward it.

That goes for asteroids as well, which are traveling faster in real velocity than the Earth is (since they are in a higher orbit) so you would have to match speed and direction (and rotation) with a roid in order to harvest it.

But, in order to make Eve physics like real physics, we would all have to take classes in Orbital Dynamics
Elementary Orbital Equations

WHich would be un-fun I can assure you.

I think the asteroid belts as they are are fine. just suspend your disbelief for a little bit (not much more than you have to already to play a spaceship) and let it be.

I'd be all for more realistic asteroids. I don't see why having to scan stuff down to mine it should be seen as a negative. They wouldn't even need to move dynamically (relative to a celestial any movement would be irrelevent anyway), the server could just nudge them a little further along their 'orbit' every now and again when no one was looking.

Legion of Ghost
#13 - 2012-06-14 12:38:13 UTC
perhaps rearrange the current asteroid belts so the arc of the belt appears to for at least part of a ring around the planets.

rouge asteroids and comets could be introduced as a source of rarer elements and minerals that like the current ores are spaced based on sec status.
Alto Hopix
Kiith Naabal
#14 - 2012-06-14 12:43:39 UTC
I'd love to see more photorealistic/bigger asteroid belts.

I've been thinking about the comet idea too, that would be ace.

Also we should be able to mine planetary rings, that would be awesome. As it is, rings are just 2D textures, it would be awesome to see them as 3D asteroids and ice when you get close enough.
Lubba Luft
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2012-06-14 12:56:38 UTC
Would be awesome to see something like this, and be able to explore or mine it.