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When EVE online in spanish?¿

Akirei Scytale
Okami Syndicate
#161 - 2012-06-13 12:32:05 UTC
Wait, did you just call Cien años de Soledad archaic spanish???
Tor Gungnir
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#162 - 2012-06-13 12:36:05 UTC
Akirei Scytale wrote:
Wait, did you just call Cien años de Soledad archaic spanish???

Madre de Dios!

Space. It seems to go on and on forever. But then you get to the end and a gorilla starts throwing barrels at you.

Shameless Avenger
Can Preachers of Kador
#163 - 2012-06-13 12:51:55 UTC
Akirei Scytale wrote:
Wait, did you just call Cien años de Soledad archaic spanish???

You want to avoid the relevant questions and watch me troll Gabriel Garcia Marquez? Dude, the guy was born in 1927. A proper translation of his work would have words like "thou", "fullsome" and "henceforth".

But the point was... Spanish to English is way more difficult than English to Spanish. Spanish has more words and Spanish words sometimes have multiple meanings. Lets see an example:

Spanish to English
Spanish: "Lo mande al carajo"
English: "I sent him to the crow's nest"

As you can see, the translation might or might not be correct. Now, the same thing from English to Spanish:

English to Spanish
English: "I sent him to the crow's nest"
Spanish: "Lo mande al carajo"

On this case, translation is 100% correct. English to Spanish, easy.

"This is the Ninja. He will scan you down; he will salvage your wrecks and there shall be no aggro"

Phill Esteen
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#164 - 2012-06-13 12:56:59 UTC
Shameless Avenger wrote:
Five years ago, CCP considered Spanish worthy enough to make a Client. They have the data, you don't.

in 2007, they promised a Spanish client
Five years have passed
There is no Spanish client
They have the data

some archaic music for this thread

– postum faex est – 

never forget

Shameless Avenger
Can Preachers of Kador
#165 - 2012-06-13 12:59:49 UTC
Phill Esteen wrote:
Shameless Avenger wrote:
Five years ago, CCP considered Spanish worthy enough to make a Client. They have the data, you don't.

in 2007, they promised a Spanish client
Five years have passed
There is no Spanish client
They have the data

some archaic music for this thread

There's no Walk In Stations either :(
CCP Trolls

"This is the Ninja. He will scan you down; he will salvage your wrecks and there shall be no aggro"

Akirei Scytale
Okami Syndicate
#166 - 2012-06-13 13:05:12 UTC
Shameless Avenger wrote:
Akirei Scytale wrote:
Wait, did you just call Cien años de Soledad archaic spanish???

You want to avoid the relevant questions and watch me troll Gabriel Garcia Marquez? Dude, the guy was born in 1927. A proper translation of his work would have words like "thou", "fullsome" and "henceforth".

But the point was... Spanish to English is way more difficult than English to Spanish. Spanish has more words and Spanish words sometimes have multiple meanings. Lets see an example:

Spanish to English
Spanish: "Lo mande al carajo"
English: "I sent him to the crow's nest"

As you can see, the translation might or might not be correct. Now, the same thing from English to Spanish:

English to Spanish
English: "I sent him to the crow's nest"
Spanish: "Lo mande al carajo"

On this case, translation is 100% correct. English to Spanish, easy.

This might shock you, but thats the case with literally any language translated into any language - and thats before subtext and cultural reference.

you're starting to understand why translating is not a job for computers with some monkey doing error control.
Shameless Avenger
Can Preachers of Kador
#167 - 2012-06-13 13:10:46 UTC
Akirei Scytale wrote:
bla bla bla
you're starting to understand why translating is not a job for computers with some monkey doing error control.

Gotta love the subtle troll baits. You could say "with somebody doing error control". But nope... it gotta be a monkey.

You are just a troll.

"This is the Ninja. He will scan you down; he will salvage your wrecks and there shall be no aggro"

Yanomami's Space Pilots
#168 - 2012-06-13 13:17:02 UTC
La proxima vez voten por Riverini o un CSM hispano que haga presion. A Spanish Client is Obligatory, the south America Mass prefer 100% spanish games. Eve don´t grow in this regions because this a big problem for us. South America have 150+ millions of internauts, but only a little fraction play EVE. The language is a great barrier to get better numbers, CCP is losing a lot of Money here. Thi is a Fact: SPANISH PEOPLE DONT LIKE PLAY ENGLISH CLIENTS.
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#169 - 2012-06-13 13:27:01 UTC
Shameless Avenger wrote:
Akirei Scytale wrote:
Wait, did you just call Cien años de Soledad archaic spanish???

You want to avoid the relevant questions and watch me troll Gabriel Garcia Marquez? Dude, the guy was born in 1927. A proper translation of his work would have words like "thou", "fullsome" and "henceforth".

But the point was... Spanish to English is way more difficult than English to Spanish. Spanish has more words and Spanish words sometimes have multiple meanings. Lets see an example:

Spanish to English
Spanish: "Lo mande al carajo"
English: "I sent him to the crow's nest"

As you can see, the translation might or might not be correct. Now, the same thing from English to Spanish:

English to Spanish
English: "I sent him to the crow's nest"
Spanish: "Lo mande al carajo"

On this case, translation is 100% correct. English to Spanish, easy.

Sir, you just puzzled me.

"Carajo" is not even remotely related to "crow's nest". Not at all.

Carajo = d*ck (p*nis)
¡Carajo! = F*ck!
Irse al carajo = go to hell, to f*ck up, to bust something
Mandar al carajo = send to hell
Hacer un frío del carajo = to be bloody freezing
¡Vete al carajo! = F*ck off!, p*ss off!


Crow's nest = cofa, puesto de vigía (en una embarcación)
Shameless Avenger
Can Preachers of Kador
#170 - 2012-06-13 13:38:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Shameless Avenger
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:

Crow's nest = cofa, puesto de vigía (en una embarcación)

Your google-fu failed you. My translation is correct. Crow's Nest *IS* the original/official meaning of the word. It was one of the most hated jobs on the ship because it was difficult/dangerous to climb there, ship movement were amplified and get you dizzy, you got sunburned and it was boring. It wasn't unusual to be sent to the Crow's Nest as punishment. Therefore, the phrase "sent to the Crow's Nest" was coined as an equivalent of "sent to hell".

Google it up... you will find it.

"This is the Ninja. He will scan you down; he will salvage your wrecks and there shall be no aggro"

Akirei Scytale
Okami Syndicate
#171 - 2012-06-13 13:38:43 UTC
Agamenox wrote:
La proxima vez voten por Riverini o un CSM hispano que haga presion. A Spanish Client is Obligatory, the south America Mass prefer 100% spanish games. Eve don´t grow in this regions because this a big problem for us. South America have 150+ millions of internauts, but only a little fraction play EVE. The language is a great barrier to get better numbers, CCP is losing a lot of Money here. Thi is a Fact: SPANISH PEOPLE DONT LIKE PLAY ENGLISH CLIENTS.

Creeme, no quieres que Riverini te representa.
Shameless Avenger
Can Preachers of Kador
#172 - 2012-06-13 13:40:45 UTC
Akirei Scytale wrote:

Creeme, no quieres que Riverini te represente.

Is "represente", not "representa".

"This is the Ninja. He will scan you down; he will salvage your wrecks and there shall be no aggro"

Akirei Scytale
Okami Syndicate
#173 - 2012-06-13 13:41:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Akirei Scytale
Shameless Avenger wrote:
Akirei Scytale wrote:

Creeme, no quieres que Riverini te represente.

Is "represente", not "representa".

depends on dialect, boludo de mierda.
Shameless Avenger
Can Preachers of Kador
#174 - 2012-06-13 13:43:54 UTC
Akirei Scytale wrote:
Shameless Avenger wrote:
Akirei Scytale wrote:

Creeme, no quieres que Riverini te represente.

Is "represente", not "representa".

depends on dialect, boludo de mierda.

No it doesn't... troll

"This is the Ninja. He will scan you down; he will salvage your wrecks and there shall be no aggro"

Akirei Scytale
Okami Syndicate
#175 - 2012-06-13 13:45:29 UTC
see above, incompetent fool.

seriously, crows nest?
Shameless Avenger
Can Preachers of Kador
#176 - 2012-06-13 13:51:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Shameless Avenger
Akirei Scytale wrote:
see above, incompetent fool.

seriously, crows nest?

Yup... totally legit. Want some references?'s_nest

Wanna know more, guest what was the word used for "mast"? I'm not even gonna say that one... :P

PS: Meh... the ' character breaks the linky. But copy-pasta it... it's there. Totally legit, not a scam.

"This is the Ninja. He will scan you down; he will salvage your wrecks and there shall be no aggro"

Absolute Order XL
Absolute Honor
#177 - 2012-06-13 20:07:06 UTC
How would you say: "The Mittani" in espanol? is it even possible??? Shocked


The Greater Goon
#178 - 2012-06-13 20:12:44 UTC
J3ssica Alba wrote:
Manuel! Too much burro on those trays.

No senor, uno, dos, tres

no no no, is mantequilla
Sir John Halsey
#179 - 2012-06-13 20:55:24 UTC
Vaju Enki wrote:
English is the universal language, and we are all in the some sandbox. I don't think they should do any translation at all (including the russian, etc, it should all be in english).

Marketing => Localization => $$ Pirate

As long as a localized version attracts more subs (aka more money) than the $$ invested in maintaining that version, it will be done.

Is not what you want, it is what the marketing department dictates.
Tor Gungnir
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#180 - 2012-06-14 07:05:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Tor Gungnir
Agamenox wrote:
La proxima vez voten por Riverini o un CSM hispano que haga presion. A Spanish Client is Obligatory, the south America Mass prefer 100% spanish games. Eve don´t grow in this regions because this a big problem for us. South America have 150+ millions of internauts, but only a little fraction play EVE. The language is a great barrier to get better numbers, CCP is losing a lot of Money here. Thi is a Fact: SPANISH PEOPLE DONT LIKE PLAY ENGLISH CLIENTS.

If that is true, then frankly, Spanish people are dumb.

Get with the times.

However, I don't believe it to be true as I've met many Spanish-speaking people who spoke perfect English during my years of MMO playing.

Space. It seems to go on and on forever. But then you get to the end and a gorilla starts throwing barrels at you.