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War Dec's ---

First post
Miranda Etxebarria
Transgalactic Imports and Exports
#41 - 2012-06-13 16:02:08 UTC
500 ISK sent.

It always pains me to see abject poverty killing people's ambitions.
Alavaria Fera
#42 - 2012-06-13 18:02:14 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
THE L0CK wrote:
Sadly it is working as intended. Many of us tried to give insight on how it would kill small gang warfare but sadly nothing was changed other than it costing us an arm and a leg and the defender can bring even more targets on the table for us.

Unless you are a market guru or love purchasing plex's, small man is dead.

What exactly is stopping all you small gangs from going into 0.0 and hunting for targets? There are plenty of idiots out there you can find.

Lowsec pirates caught them on the gate from highsec doubtless.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

The Greater Goon
#43 - 2012-06-13 18:11:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Morganta
La Nariz wrote:
THE L0CK wrote:
Sadly it is working as intended. Many of us tried to give insight on how it would kill small gang warfare but sadly nothing was changed other than it costing us an arm and a leg and the defender can bring even more targets on the table for us.

Unless you are a market guru or love purchasing plex's, small man is dead.

What exactly is stopping all you small gangs from going into 0.0 and hunting for targets? There are plenty of idiots out there you can find.

go spend a day hunting for targets in syndicate

your pvp choices are:

crash 20+ man fleets into each other
camp gates in the hope that a single ship or small gang (chuckle) comes through
play endless station games with null bears with supercaps
bait -n- blop people like you who think that small gang warfare is thriving in null

the only small gangs we see down there are out of towners and bait fleets
Asuri Kinnes
Caldari State
#44 - 2012-06-13 18:39:14 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
What exactly is stopping all you small gangs from going into 0.0 and hunting for targets? There are plenty of idiots out there you can find.

Don't want to provide targets for hot-drops (or cold drops or even medium drops) probably. Also - people probably have no wish to provide "content" for bored 0.0 corps...

Bob is the god of Wormholes.

That's all you need to know.

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#45 - 2012-06-13 19:15:30 UTC  |  Edited by: La Nariz
Morganta wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
THE L0CK wrote:
Sadly it is working as intended. Many of us tried to give insight on how it would kill small gang warfare but sadly nothing was changed other than it costing us an arm and a leg and the defender can bring even more targets on the table for us.

Unless you are a market guru or love purchasing plex's, small man is dead.

What exactly is stopping all you small gangs from going into 0.0 and hunting for targets? There are plenty of idiots out there you can find.

go spend a day hunting for targets in syndicate

your pvp choices are:

crash 20+ man fleets into each other
camp gates in the hope that a single ship or small gang (chuckle) comes through
play endless station games with null bears with supercaps
bait -n- blop people like you who think that small gang warfare is thriving in null

the only small gangs we see down there are out of towners and bait fleets

I've done plenty of small gang in Syndicate its not that hard to find targets it just takes patience. Also you do know you aren't just restricted to Syndicate right. You can go to Providence and Delve which both have lots of targets. You're choosing to play station games in nullsec which is just plain stupid. If you're dumb enough to fall for drops then well I guess you are the victim of natural selection.

E: Can't forget -A- renter space they make good targets too.

Asuri Kinnes wrote:
Don't want to provide targets for hot-drops (or cold drops or even medium drops) probably. Also - people probably have no wish to provide "content" for bored 0.0 corps...

It sounds like you ~elite~ high sec pvpers are just whining about having to do things differently. Gee now doesn't that sound like the same old song the high sec miners sing maybe you all need better coping skills. Maybe CCP should require high sec dwellers to take a coping skills training mission.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Savage Angel
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#46 - 2012-06-13 19:32:50 UTC
Since a war dec is essentially a bribe to Concord to look the other way, lore-wise it makes no sense not to overcharge big corps, unless of course you believe in a noble corrupt official who won't take advantage of someone who can pay more out of a sense of....something.
Asuri Kinnes
Caldari State
#47 - 2012-06-13 19:53:40 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
It sounds like you ~elite~ high sec pvpers are just whining about having to do things differently. Gee now doesn't that sound like the same old song the high sec miners sing maybe you all need better coping skills. Maybe CCP should require high sec dwellers to take a coping skills training mission.

Maybe you should take "background check" for level one... I haven't lived in hi-sec in 3 years... Roll

But keep swinging for the fences cutie...

Bob is the god of Wormholes.

That's all you need to know.

The Greater Goon
#48 - 2012-06-13 19:58:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Morganta
La Nariz wrote:
Morganta wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
THE L0CK wrote:
Sadly it is working as intended. Many of us tried to give insight on how it would kill small gang warfare but sadly nothing was changed other than it costing us an arm and a leg and the defender can bring even more targets on the table for us.

Unless you are a market guru or love purchasing plex's, small man is dead.

What exactly is stopping all you small gangs from going into 0.0 and hunting for targets? There are plenty of idiots out there you can find.

go spend a day hunting for targets in syndicate

your pvp choices are:

crash 20+ man fleets into each other
camp gates in the hope that a single ship or small gang (chuckle) comes through
play endless station games with null bears with supercaps
bait -n- blop people like you who think that small gang warfare is thriving in null

the only small gangs we see down there are out of towners and bait fleets

I've done plenty of small gang in Syndicate its not that hard to find targets it just takes patience. Also you do know you aren't just restricted to Syndicate right. You can go to Providence and Delve which both have lots of targets. You're choosing to play station games in nullsec which is just plain stupid. If you're dumb enough to fall for drops then well I guess you are the victim of natural selection.

E: Can't forget -A- renter space they make good targets too.

Asuri Kinnes wrote:
Don't want to provide targets for hot-drops (or cold drops or even medium drops) probably. Also - people probably have no wish to provide "content" for bored 0.0 corps...

It sounds like you ~elite~ high sec pvpers are just whining about having to do things differently. Gee now doesn't that sound like the same old song the high sec miners sing maybe you all need better coping skills. Maybe CCP should require high sec dwellers to take a coping skills training mission.

**** sakes CCP... even your damn draft thing isn't working right now
David Cedarbridge
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#49 - 2012-06-14 03:18:10 UTC
CraftyCroc wrote:
David Cedarbridge wrote:
Let me get this straight, you seriously think that the only thing that is going to stop you from losing a 5 vs 50 fight against an ECM blob is getting a wardec to stop the gateguns? Man I've been doing my solo and small gang stuff all wrong.

Fight 1

Fight 2

Fight 3

The battle reports are bugged - the above is about 6 different engagements. If you check our losses - generally the highest damage was from gate/station guns.

Mr Harari has already commented on the level of small gang pvp goonswarm are known for so i'll not comment further

Ban Bindy wrote:
Jeez, what fun to see Gunpoint Diplomacy crying on the forums. Why don't you just gank a few more mackinaws in Teon? You'll be able to afford the war with the big newbie alliance you want to fight.

We can afford the war - that is not the issue. The issue is the cost is excessive.

Shockingly, among those thousands of members, a few of us solo. This is clearly shocking. In other news, engaging on stations and gates with guns will cost you ships. This is apparently news to a super pvp setup like Gunpoint. Good job guys. Does the fact that I've never lost a ship to gate guns or station guns at any point that I remember make me somehow better at lowsec pvp than your whole corp/alliance/hugbox? If so I'm very sorry.
David Cedarbridge
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#50 - 2012-06-14 03:22:07 UTC
Asuri Kinnes wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
What exactly is stopping all you small gangs from going into 0.0 and hunting for targets? There are plenty of idiots out there you can find.

Don't want to provide targets for hot-drops (or cold drops or even medium drops) probably. Also - people probably have no wish to provide "content" for bored 0.0 corps...

That's a pretty funny way of phrasing "we don't like getting shot at"
Alavaria Fera
#51 - 2012-06-14 04:34:33 UTC
David Cedarbridge wrote:
Asuri Kinnes wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
What exactly is stopping all you small gangs from going into 0.0 and hunting for targets? There are plenty of idiots out there you can find.

Don't want to provide targets for hot-drops (or cold drops or even medium drops) probably. Also - people probably have no wish to provide "content" for bored 0.0 corps...

That's a pretty funny way of phrasing "we don't like getting shot at"

Being shot at is content for the shooter, not the target, after all Shocked

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Better Off Red
Unspoken Alliance.
#52 - 2012-06-14 12:04:36 UTC
First and foremost I have found this thread.....

2nd To all the leet pvp'er Goon's and test that troll this forum Roll

3.) My esteemed colleague makes an excellent point on the topic of the cost of war dec's. As our killboard will show, before and after the war dec went live we have been easily handling euni fleets of 40-70 with 5-8 man gangs. We in no way want euni to leave or reduce there fleet size or ecm use-age as this would be detrimental to the steady stream of pvp we have been getting right next to where we live. In fact we are a corp with 98% -10 so we are not after any high sec assets at all or any structures at all, we simply want a target rich environment

Which I would love to thank Mr. Kelduum for providing us. But I digress, the main point is the cost of the war. Yes it is overly expensive and yes the big alliances with there CSM chairmen have maneuvered it such that they have all the control in the game now (Tin hat on). We here at Gunpoint endorse and support those 10-30 man corps who are looking to take on 2300 man alliances and have a blast doing it with no regard for loss of ship.

Now I leave you with some quotes from a convo we had with Mr. Kelduum.

2012.06.12 19:08:30 ] Kelduum Revaan > hey Crafty
[ 2012.06.12 19:08:30 ] CraftyCroc > i was being a diplomate with my cat

[ 2012.06.12 19:08:51 ] CraftyCroc > Mr Revaan, I understand you are the man with whom one should discuss things
[ 2012.06.12 19:09:40 ] CraftyCroc > I assume you are now aware
[ 2012.06.12 19:09:43 ] CraftyCroc > that we have dec'd you ?
[ 2012.06.12 19:09:51 ] Kelduum Revaan > Crafty, as I was telling Masty, we're going to be brining most of the Uni to come see you guys
[ 2012.06.12 19:09:57 ] CraftyCroc > Brilliant

[ 2012.06.12 19:10:08 ] Kelduum Revaan > if/when the war ends, it'll just be the LSC guys again
[ 2012.06.12 19:10:25 ] CraftyCroc > Are you willing to discuss terms yet for your surrender?

[ 2012.06.12 19:10:28 ] masty > i was tryin to say the uni could learn a lot from us
[ 2012.06.12 19:10:33 ] masty > we could be just fc's
[ 2012.06.12 19:10:37 ] Kelduum Revaan > the Uni members probably could really
[ 2012.06.12 19:10:50 ] masty > i believe crafty has lots of medals on your kb
[ 2012.06.12 19:10:58 ] Kelduum Revaan > cant really have you guys FCing, but yea, you could do some guest stuff
[ 2012.06.12 19:11:07 ] CraftyCroc > I have already requested this Kelduum
[ 2012.06.12 19:11:13 ] CraftyCroc > I spoke with Bob ?

[ 2012.06.12 19:12:00 ] CraftyCroc > to show them that ecm is not necessary
[ 2012.06.12 19:12:18 ] Kelduum Revaan > you guys wardecced us, so we have to come fight you, especially after we left Space P0lice to their war
[ 2012.06.12 19:12:24 ] masty > yes we have been doing ok mitigating the blackbird threat
[ 2012.06.12 19:12:30 ] Kelduum Revaan > ECM is annoying, which is why we use it in wars

[ 2012.06.12 19:13:17 ] xxxAlloxxx > and we have been doing very well.
[ 2012.06.12 19:13:32 ] xxxAlloxxx > we would love to continue this level of fighting
[ 2012.06.12 19:13:52 ] xxxAlloxxx > as we find it well to help teach new players
[ 2012.06.12 19:13:52 ] CraftyCroc > Kelduum
[ 2012.06.12 19:13:54 ] Kelduum Revaan > well, what I;m planning to do is to bring everyone who wants to PvP down to Bosena, and camp you guys until you end the war
[ 2012.06.12 19:13:59 ] xxxAlloxxx > and best way to learn is by fighting
[ 2012.06.12 19:14:07 ] Kelduum Revaan > im fine with you guys shooting the LSC guys

[ 2012.06.12 19:14:46 ] Kelduum Revaan > active members?
[ 2012.06.12 19:14:52 ] Kelduum Revaan > around 2300
[ 2012.06.12 19:14:55 ] CraftyCroc > excellent
[ 2012.06.12 19:15:06 ] xxxAlloxxx > now keldum
[ 2012.06.12 19:15:06 ] CraftyCroc > then you sir have 2300 nubbins
[ 2012.06.12 19:15:10 ] masty > i shall get the node reinforced
[ 2012.06.12 19:15:10 ] CraftyCroc > who will litter our killboard
[ 2012.06.12 19:15:15 ] CraftyCroc > HERE IS THE SKETCH
[ 2012.06.12 19:15:17 ] CraftyCroc > however
[ 2012.06.12 19:15:21 ] Kelduum Revaan > already done, masty

[ 2012.06.12 19:15:36 ] CraftyCroc > I believe we will match your 2300
[ 2012.06.12 19:15:37 ] Kelduum Revaan > masty said 6 :)
[ 2012.06.12 19:15:47 ] CraftyCroc > aye but 14 of us our playing day z
[ 2012.06.12 19:15:57 ] xxxAlloxxx > dayz : /
[ 2012.06.12 19:16:06 ] Kelduum Revaan > thats fine, but we will be heavy on the ewar
[ 2012.06.12 19:16:11 ] xxxAlloxxx > or diablo 3 : /
[ 2012.06.12 19:16:12 ] CraftyCroc > EXPECTED
[ 2012.06.12 19:16:15 ] CraftyCroc > tbh
[ 2012.06.12 19:16:17 ] Kelduum Revaan > good stuff

Near the end it looks to me like they want the CFC to team up with euni?

[ 2012.06.12 19:25:09 ] xxxAlloxxx > from what I last read you guys had decided to run with test
[ 2012.06.12 19:25:42 ] xxxAlloxxx > yes
[ 2012.06.12 19:25:43 ] Kelduum Revaan > TEST offered us free access to NPC fountain, as a bootstrap for a larger program
[ 2012.06.12 19:25:45 ] xxxAlloxxx > that null sec camp
[ 2012.06.12 19:25:54 ] xxxAlloxxx > it is in test space or there abouts
[ 2012.06.12 19:25:56 ] masty > ok well kelduum it was nice to talk to you
[ 2012.06.12 19:26:06 ] masty > i hope you do us some pleasure of coming down personally
[ 2012.06.12 19:26:14 ] Kelduum Revaan > so we can 'test' things out and make sure we have the links worked out before we scale it up

[ 2012.06.12 19:27:02 ] xxxAlloxxx > so are you saying there is a larger plan to join the CFC?
[ 2012.06.12 19:27:33 ] Kelduum Revaan > nope, more the other way around
[ 2012.06.12 19:27:48 ] Kelduum Revaan > the CFC has a significant proportion of E-UNI alumni
[ 2012.06.12 19:28:21 ] xxxAlloxxx > k I had my fun... gl hf
[ 2012.06.12 19:28:26 ] Kelduum Revaan > o7

This war has been loads of fun so far, hope it continues!!!


In Game Chat: 420 Pub chat

Caldari State
#53 - 2012-06-14 12:33:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Laktos
xxxAlloxxx wrote:
the big alliances with there CSM chairmen have maneuvered it such that they have all the control in the game now (Tin hat on).

Mittani is Vladimir Putin. Goons are FSB.

People of New Eden, stand up and fight for your rights!

Latest PVP Video: Perseverance

Sard Caid does not endorse this message.

Fraternity Alliance Please Ignore
#54 - 2012-06-14 12:35:26 UTC
David Cedarbridge wrote:
CraftyCroc wrote:
David Cedarbridge wrote:
Let me get this straight, you seriously think that the only thing that is going to stop you from losing a 5 vs 50 fight against an ECM blob is getting a wardec to stop the gateguns? Man I've been doing my solo and small gang stuff all wrong.

Fight 1

Fight 2

Fight 3

The battle reports are bugged - the above is about 6 different engagements. If you check our losses - generally the highest damage was from gate/station guns.

Mr Harari has already commented on the level of small gang pvp goonswarm are known for so i'll not comment further

Ban Bindy wrote:
Jeez, what fun to see Gunpoint Diplomacy crying on the forums. Why don't you just gank a few more mackinaws in Teon? You'll be able to afford the war with the big newbie alliance you want to fight.

We can afford the war - that is not the issue. The issue is the cost is excessive.

Shockingly, among those thousands of members, a few of us solo. This is clearly shocking. In other news, engaging on stations and gates with guns will cost you ships. This is apparently news to a super pvp setup like Gunpoint. Good job guys. Does the fact that I've never lost a ship to gate guns or station guns at any point that I remember make me somehow better at lowsec pvp than your whole corp/alliance/hugbox? If so I'm very sorry.

What is it with you goons. Every post you have made in this thread has been pathetic.
I have never engaged a goon flying solo. If you do solo then good for you. I am sure you will agree it is much more challenging and fun than following a fleet of a hundred + pilots clicking F1 when instructed to do so.
I congratulate you on having never lost a ship to gate guns/station guns. I also have never lost a ship to these. Therefore in answer to your question of whether or not having never lost a ship to station guns makes you better than the whole of gunpoint - No it does not.
Fraternity Alliance Please Ignore
#55 - 2012-06-14 12:43:48 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
CraftyCroc wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
CraftyCroc wrote:

We live in low sec. Generally we do not bother with war dec's as we are not bothered about being -10. The reason we have dec'd the alliance in question is because they fight with little skill but in large numbers. Generally we are engaging 5vs50.

Note they also expect us to take gcc and will not engage unless they have more ECM boats then we have ships.

If you're all -10 and in low sec then why are you whining about wardecs? Gate/station guns can't possibly be that much of a problem to warrant a wardec. It sounds like you need to recruit more people and escalate the situation if you want to deal with them or go fight someone else that you can handle. Instead of whining about wardec fees.

I have very quickly checked your killboard and noticed you are an amateur.

I will however entertain your troll by offering a response:

5 vs 50? Yes gate guns are an issue.


Yes because telling you to stop whining about wardec fees instead of actively working to improve your situation via already available in-game mechanics is trolling. You are no different from the miners that whine for a change from CCP so they don't have to actually think about fitting their hulks and instead can just always fit for max yield.

E: Even better your big "MY KILLBOARD" is over wanting to dec a newbie corp like eve-uni how ~elite~ pvp of you.

Your suggestion was to recruit more players. Not our thing.

We enjoy small gang/solo pvp. I'd ask that you find another thread to vomit all over as quite frankly the point still stands. The cost is excessive.
David Cedarbridge
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#56 - 2012-06-14 13:02:30 UTC
CraftyCroc wrote:
What is it with you goons. Every post you have made in this thread has been pathetic.

That's, like, your opinion, man.
CraftyCroc wrote:

I have never engaged a goon flying solo. If you do solo then good for you. I am sure you will agree it is much more challenging and fun than following a fleet of a hundred + pilots clicking F1 when instructed to do so.

I'm willing to bet you have never fought in a fleet battle with 1000 people on grid. I can tell this because you operate on some delusion that large fleet pvp is all "press F1 on the count of 3." I'm sure you could explain the intricacies of an interceptor, interdictor, one of several types of recons, combat probing in a cloud of 1000 ships, managing 30+ logistics with a logistics anchor, and all of the other features of "press F1" warfare and at which point the F1 key comes into play.

CraftyCroc wrote:
I congratulate you on having never lost a ship to gate guns/station guns. I also have never lost a ship to these. Therefore in answer to your question of whether or not having never lost a ship to station guns makes you better than the whole of gunpoint - No it does not.

Alright, now you just have to apply your own brilliance for not dying to station and gate guns to figure out how to keep your corpmates from dying to those gate and station guns without needing to whine at CCP to save you. HTFU
Frying Doom
#57 - 2012-06-14 14:13:21 UTC
The whole thing is easy to sum up without the back and forth.

Goons Win again, CCP has decided to back the largest alliance in the game. Everyone else got screwed. The End.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Caldari State
#58 - 2012-06-14 14:40:03 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
The whole thing is easy to sum up without the back and forth.

Goons Win again, CCP has decided to back the largest alliance in the game. Everyone else got screwed. The End.

Pretty much. Goons were sick of getting harassed by constant decs. They are primarily carebears so this is understandable.

Latest PVP Video: Perseverance

Sard Caid does not endorse this message.

Fraternity Alliance Please Ignore
#59 - 2012-06-14 17:15:20 UTC  |  Edited by: CraftyCroc
David Cedarbridge wrote:
CraftyCroc wrote:
What is it with you goons. Every post you have made in this thread has been pathetic.

That's, like, your opinion, man.
CraftyCroc wrote:

I have never engaged a goon flying solo. If you do solo then good for you. I am sure you will agree it is much more challenging and fun than following a fleet of a hundred + pilots clicking F1 when instructed to do so.

I'm willing to bet you have never fought in a fleet battle with 1000 people on grid. I can tell this because you operate on some delusion that large fleet pvp is all "press F1 on the count of 3." I'm sure you could explain the intricacies of an interceptor, interdictor, one of several types of recons, combat probing in a cloud of 1000 ships, managing 30+ logistics with a logistics anchor, and all of the other features of "press F1" warfare and at which point the F1 key comes into play.

CraftyCroc wrote:
I congratulate you on having never lost a ship to gate guns/station guns. I also have never lost a ship to these. Therefore in answer to your question of whether or not having never lost a ship to station guns makes you better than the whole of gunpoint - No it does not.

Alright, now you just have to apply your own brilliance for not dying to station and gate guns to figure out how to keep your corpmates from dying to those gate and station guns without needing to whine at CCP to save you. HTFU

1) Yes it is my opinion and seemingly everyone else's who has posted negative comments about GOONS.
2) You are incorrect. I spent 3 months in a large alliance - flying in fleets ranging from several hundred to over a thousand. I was very good at anchoring... i was often the first to find the anchor and click orbit. (I tended to only have the anchor in my watch list which made this task simple). I was also VERY good at pressing F1. I would select the primary I was given and then fired all of this whilst maintaining a near perfect orbit on my anchor. The reason I left ? Little or no skill was involved. I then moved on to smaller corps and started to PVP in a genuine manner. Small corps breed pvp pilots - large alliances breed sheep/robots w/e. Regardless, each to his own.
3) You are still missing the point entirely, but then I have already deduced you are a muppet and so I will try and explain once more. The gate guns are not an issue by itself. Fighting outnumbered whilst taking gcc is a problem. The war dec has mitigated this.

EDIT: This thread is about the cost of dec's and how they affect small corps. Please return to topic you goon.
Commonwealth Mercenaries
#60 - 2012-06-14 18:26:31 UTC
There is so much bad in this thread it is ridiculous but i shall try to point out the main issues and correct glaring comments by idiots.

The dec was started so we could use smaller more vulnerable ships in and around gate guns/stations without having to constantly fly with logi etc - Uni will also not fight if we have too much logi (read three or more unless they have a massive blob ready)

The Uni were not engaging us unless we took gcc first so it negated the use of small classes if they would not leave the Heild PTS station undock or Bosena gate

We are all filthy rich ~~hurr durr~~ so it is not the material isk cost, it is the point of it as a game mechanic. CCP has always stated the desire to break Eve up into smaller blocks and promote small scale combat - its easier on their servers Blink but also a more enjoyable and dynamic game experience. Having groups do small scale 'guerilla'-esque combat should be promoted not hampered.

sard is the filthiest, vand is the richest

If a one man corp decided to dec goons why should it cost him 300mil roughly? If these entities cannot train their pilots or recruit total idiots that is their problem. Deciding you want to be totally safe AP'ing a freighter through high sec is not a right.

the comments about this being tears from a high sec griefer corp? Before you post at least look at the group that is making the post

This quote is pretty funny, and yes i cba to quote it properly;

  • La Nariz - Yes because telling you to stop whining about wardec fees instead of actively working to improve your situation via already available in-game mechanics is trolling. You are no different from the miners that whine for a change from CCP so they don't have to actually think about fitting their hulks and instead can just always fit for max yield.

  • E: Even better your big "MY KILLBOARD" is over wanting to dec a newbie corp like eve-uni how ~elite~ pvp of you.

So you think we should recruit another 2000 pilots so we can match this colossus? Can you suggest any highly skilled groups we can base our expansion on? Or make more isk so we dont care about meagre losses, war dec fee's and supply all members with officer fit t3's and faction bs's? You are missing the point sir.

The Uni moved into the system next door to where we live. Into a system which is quite well known for its small ship/gang pvp due to the presence of a 2/10 angel plex. It has been home to many corps who pride themselves in frigate pvp who teach this to new members.
This ruins the small gang aspect that has generally persisted in Molden Heath for as long as i remember - with various periods interspersed with homeless 0.0 entities stationing for a couple of weeks at most. RANSM are quite competent at small gang work so looked forward to the pvp possibilities and after a weekend of some gf's we decided to spice it up more and expand our pvp possibilities. We have 37 members on our roster but roughly 15 or less are currently active, the rest being douchebags in Dayz atm. So with the high chances of not many members being on at the same time a war dec was called so small scale combat could occur around infrastructure, the Uni had learned quickly not to engage at the beacons unless blobbed the hell up.

So the crux of the issue is not tears, it is not chest beating. It is not calls for CCP to start changing the general idea of war dec's. It is the question why it should cost so much to declare war on a large entity who can realistically set up shop where they want and try to dictate terms of engagement.

We will keep pewing, having lols and giving gf's. The Uni membership have been fairly good sports, i have registered on their kb to correct some of the reasons they give for dying Lol hopefully they learn from the experience we can give them.
We are not here to grief them, they moved to us. If they want experience just keep flying against us, uni rules prohibit talking to war targets but we have no issue clearing up any issues they have about engagements we have and they died horribly.

we expect to lose a metric ton of assets due to shear numbers weighed against us but our kb stats do not define us and no one will get a bollocking for losing a cynabal and LG snake clone either, just get trolled to no end.

Have fun uni o/