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Surviving the goons

First post
Jita Alt666
#301 - 2011-10-06 01:53:52 UTC
heh beat my edit - join no way, help kill miners yes please.
Venus Vermillion
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#302 - 2011-10-06 03:20:52 UTC
Tokclik wrote:
And we always vote for "checkbox"

According to our last vote, Checkbox is actually the leader of Theta Squad.

He handily defeated a bag of groceries and thecrate.
Noble Sentiments
Second Empire.
#303 - 2011-10-06 03:27:41 UTC
Why do people say "the goons?"

Its really just "goons" or "goonswarm." Why do you keep throwing a useless and unneeded "THE" infront of it?

Lykouleon > CYNO ME CLOSER so I can hit them with my sword

Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#304 - 2011-10-06 04:08:08 UTC
Andski wrote:
Lyrrashae wrote:

Goons trying to make themselves relevant and credible again.


Tell us all about the conquests of the notorious Crushed Ambitions corporation

Right then, how about this:

1) We haven't become everything we professed to stand against
2) We haven't turned zerosec into a stagnant carebear joke
3) We haven't gained everything we have through botting and/or RMT


Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#305 - 2011-10-06 04:29:08 UTC
Lyrrashae wrote:
Andski wrote:
Lyrrashae wrote:

Goons trying to make themselves relevant and credible again.


Tell us all about the conquests of the notorious Crushed Ambitions corporation

Right then, how about this:

1) We haven't become everything we professed to stand against
2) We haven't turned zerosec into a stagnant carebear joke
3) We haven't gained everything we have through botting and/or RMT

Pack it in guys, we've been outed
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#306 - 2011-10-06 04:32:03 UTC
Lyrrashae wrote:
Andski wrote:
Lyrrashae wrote:

Goons trying to make themselves relevant and credible again.


Tell us all about the conquests of the notorious Crushed Ambitions corporation

Right then, how about this:

1) We haven't become everything we professed to stand against
2) We haven't turned zerosec into a stagnant carebear joke
3) We haven't gained everything we have through botting and/or RMT

1) She has some valid points.
2) I totally groove on the 'I'm hot and I'm gonna kick your ass and make you beg for it' look she has goin' on.
3) See number two.

Mr Epeen Cool
Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#307 - 2011-10-06 06:41:24 UTC
Lyrrashae wrote:
Right then, how about this:

1) We haven't become everything we professed to stand against
2) We haven't turned zerosec into a stagnant carebear joke
3) We haven't gained everything we have through botting and/or RMT

Sounds like you are describing Goonswarm Federation. We should be space buddies since we have so much in common!

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

#308 - 2011-10-06 07:03:30 UTC
mr epeen i am sick of your dung posting
you make me miss snot shot
you stupid pedestrian

TA on wis: "when we have a feature that is its own functional ecosystem of gameplay then hooks into the greater ecosystem of EVE as a whole, and it provides good replayability."

#309 - 2011-10-06 07:06:25 UTC
Signal11th wrote:
Sorry chaps I just nodded off at the 2nd page of this thread, So is this whole epic thread about blowing up miners , zzzzzzz

zzzzz Oh no I'm falling asleep aga..................Blink

zzzz...,,, "stretches arms" man that was a nice nap, so oh my this thread is still going, Oh well lets start reading the thread again Oh no not agai................zzzzz

God Said "Come Forth and receive eternal life!" I came fifth and won a toaster!

The Mittani
State War Academy
Caldari State
#310 - 2011-10-06 07:36:11 UTC
i'm going to go on a ganking spree in jita tomorrow, it's gonna own


Jowen Datloran
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#311 - 2011-10-06 07:45:59 UTC
I got a Mackinaw BPO, can I help?

Mr. Science & Trade Institute, EVE Online Lorebook 

Jita Alt666
#312 - 2011-10-06 08:18:11 UTC
Taiwanistan wrote:
mr epeen i am sick of your dung posting
you make me miss snot shot
you stupid pedestrian

That is a poor haiku.

Tallian Saotome
Nuclear Arms Exchange Inc.
#313 - 2011-10-06 08:23:01 UTC
All posts in this thread must now be in haiku form.

Inappropriate signature removed, CCP Phantom.

The Groundskeeper
State War Academy
Caldari State
#314 - 2011-10-06 08:43:48 UTC
Indeterminacy wrote:
Don't just "survive" the goons, fight back, ***** on some killmails and thwart their nefarious plot. Put a couple fast locking ranged ships in the belt with you and one of two things will happen.

- they won't try to gank you.
- you will minimize the losses you would otherwise suffered by attacking the goon assailant(s) even before concord thus killing them faster.

Also, I suggest setting the following red (at an alliance, corp, or personal level):

goons, test, and any noobship pilots you see in your belts, scoutin your ships, while any goons/test are in system. also, check the goonfleet killboard for kills and grab non-goon/test pilot names from it and set them red.

PS: the combat ships you put in the belt should be near point range of your, miners, and probably not a close range ship in case goons decide to set you up the bomb.

Listen to the advice of this guy from Brick Squad we've had to struggle against their skill in order to take a quarter of their stations in a week.
Tallian Saotome
Nuclear Arms Exchange Inc.
#315 - 2011-10-06 08:44:35 UTC
The Groundskeeper wrote:
Indeterminacy wrote:
Don't just "survive" the goons, fight back, ***** on some killmails and thwart their nefarious plot. Put a couple fast locking ranged ships in the belt with you and one of two things will happen.

- they won't try to gank you.
- you will minimize the losses you would otherwise suffered by attacking the goon assailant(s) even before concord thus killing them faster.

Also, I suggest setting the following red (at an alliance, corp, or personal level):

goons, test, and any noobship pilots you see in your belts, scoutin your ships, while any goons/test are in system. also, check the goonfleet killboard for kills and grab non-goon/test pilot names from it and set them red.

PS: the combat ships you put in the belt should be near point range of your, miners, and probably not a close range ship in case goons decide to set you up the bomb.

Listen to the advice of this guy from Brick Squad we've had to struggle against their skill in order to take a quarter of their stations in a week.

This post was not in haiku form. -50 DKP

Inappropriate signature removed, CCP Phantom.

The Groundskeeper
State War Academy
Caldari State
#316 - 2011-10-06 08:47:59 UTC
Tallian Saotome wrote:

This post was not in haiku form. -50 DKP

Brick Squad pilot gives advice
Hiding in empire
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#317 - 2011-10-06 08:59:37 UTC
Please, tank your orcas
A supertanked orca is
Worth a lot of isk
Tasiv Deka
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#318 - 2011-10-06 09:16:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Tasiv Deka
Tallian Saotome wrote:
All posts in this thread must now be in haiku form.

goon swarm is very funny
they are making the game so fun
i kinda hate haiku

in all seriousness though i have a lot of respect for what the goons are doing whether its for financial gain, to rid the game of botters, or just for straight up funsies its kept me entertained just by reading about the forums at my RL job

Oh, Do go on... no seriously ive got nothing better to do then listen to all the petty arguments and feeble trolling attempts... 

The sad thing is i'm not sure if i'm telling the truth.

The Apostle
#319 - 2011-10-06 09:30:02 UTC
The Mittani wrote:
i'm going to go on a ganking spree in jita tomorrow, it's gonna own

[brrrrppppp brrrrpppp]
Hello Orphanage?
Yeah, hey man... wha? Nah good. You?
Suweet.... Hey quick quessie?
Are G**Ns decced yet?
Yeah mate, their heading your way.
Be good to see fights a little less one sided. 'ey....
Yeah I know, they're like that 'ey....
You dealing?
Nah. Just the noobs dude. Wanna see if they run when fired at.
Yeah Catrcha.....


[i]Take an aspirin. If pain persists consult your local priest. WTB: An Austrian kangaroo![/i]

Goonswarm Federation
#320 - 2011-10-06 12:25:07 UTC
i see the apostle's grand plan to ignore goons lasted longer than anticipated

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.