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Aspiring pirate looking for teaching corp.

Oxxe Radak
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2012-06-11 22:55:51 UTC
So I've recently come back to Eve to continue my quest of becoming a pirate.

I need a corp that will guide me along, perhaps go out on a few adventures with me and show me the ropes if you will. I already know the basics of fighting. I'd just like a good group of people that might do a couple of 1 v 1 fights or slip a few helpful tips and tricks about the pirate's life in Eve.

If SP matters I've got about 1.3m. Most of it is in my offensive capabilities (maximizing my Rifter flying capabilites). I've also got a little bit in scanning but I'm currently not really training any skills in that direction.

Thanks for any consideration.

1st Kameiras Brigade
#2 - 2012-06-12 14:54:55 UTC
Black Rabbits:

Also, YARR academy:

I couldn't find the link for YARR academy, though this blog looks kinda cool.

Lauren Sheaperd
Cry Wolf.
#3 - 2012-07-26 08:34:03 UTC
Oxxe Radak wrote:
So I've recently come back to Eve to continue my quest of becoming a pirate.

I need a corp that will guide me along, perhaps go out on a few adventures with me and show me the ropes if you will. I already know the basics of fighting. I'd just like a good group of people that might do a couple of 1 v 1 fights or slip a few helpful tips and tricks about the pirate's life in Eve.

If SP matters I've got about 1.3m. Most of it is in my offensive capabilities (maximizing my Rifter flying capabilites). I've also got a little bit in scanning but I'm currently not really training any skills in that direction.

Thanks for any consideration.

I suggest you take a look at Repo. - they are an awesome bunch who take in fledgling pirates. Check here for more info:

Why do I even have a signature these days?

Cadre Assault Force
#4 - 2012-07-26 09:07:03 UTC
necro much?