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Satanic Roleplaying Corp! (not created yet, message me if interested in joining)

Zagan Acanthas
#1 - 2012-06-07 10:10:20 UTC
Ave Satani, dark brothers! Twisted

I am Zagan Acanthas, and my Lord and Master Satan has spoken to me!

Satan commands me to assemble an army. An army of those who wish for nothing more than to follow His teachings, who wish to spill innocent blood in his name, to cause pain, suffering, chaos and death wherever they go!

As a humble servant of Satan, I would love nothing more than to share the teachings of my master with any who desire to read them:

1. Satan demands that you prosper and thrive through any means necessary.
2. Satan demands that you honour him in everything you do- be it by word or action.
3. Satan demands that you suffer not the weak to live.
4. Satan demands that you grow strong, for his strength is your strength and your strength is his strength.
5. Satan demands that you do nothing that has no purpose- whether that purpose be wealth, for His honour or your enjoyment.

Truly, these words are as wise as they are profound! Ave Satani!

If you pledge to join my brotherhood, we shall ply the stars in the name of Satan, engaging in any sinister enterprise, devious act of evil or bloodthirsty slaughter that we feel like! Piracy, drug manufacturing and distribution, griefing, smuggling, scamming, we will do it all and more!

Join me, brothers and sisters, the Legio Satani awaits!
Jade Raikki
Darc Ray Inc
#2 - 2012-06-07 11:12:34 UTC
I died laughing just by reading the title of this post !
Zagan Acanthas
#3 - 2012-06-08 01:26:12 UTC
In a good way, my brother?
Zagan Acanthas
#4 - 2012-06-09 07:41:32 UTC
Come, my borhters and sisters! Revel in Satan's power!
1st Kameiras Brigade
#5 - 2012-06-09 11:12:48 UTC
(Spoken out of character)

HI Zagan,

On the one hand I salute you. I think that EVE really needs more roleplaying corps.

On the other hand, consider this:

EVE takes place 10,000 years in the future in a distant part of the Galaxy. The planet 'Earth' is considered to be a myth.

In the game lore, the Amarrians are an extremely religious society, based loosely upon the Catholic church of the Spanish Inquisition. Amarrians pray to God with devotion, and believe that the Empress is a living divine being. However, there is no mention of 'Jesus Christ' or 'Satan'.

Amarrians believe that war is beautiful, and as a result have conquered 40% of 'high sec' Empire space, enslaving and exterminating almost every other people they came into contact with. The only thing that prevented them from conquering more was the might of the Jovians, the resilience of the Gallente, and the Minmatar people they enslaved rising up in rebellion. So, the Amarrian religion isn't always 'nice'.

The closest thing to 'Satanism' in the official lore of Eve would be the
TwistedBlood Raiders,Twisted
a group of pirates Pirate that drinks human blood because they believe the Amarrian scriptures tell them so.

Their religion is 'Sani Sabik'. It's kind of like piracy, vampirism, and Satanism rolled into one.

There's a lot of stuff in EVE for you to use for your roleplay, such as the Apocrypha , scriptures which are forbidden for Amarrians to read or to possess.

However, being a pirate is a difficult life (or so I have heard). You will have to relocate to low-sec or maybe null-sec, find a way to keep you and your corp-mates supplied in ships and modules, as well as making ISK. You will certainly have to learn to fight really, really well in cheap disposable ships.

Most likely you will have to make a 'slave' (or alt) with positive security to do all your shopping and mission running for you in high sec while you and your minions terrorize low-sec looking for the blood of victims (and blowing up their ships and stealing their stuff too).

There are a lot of pirate corps out there and some of them might even be willing to show you the ropes of piracy.

Zagan Acanthas
#6 - 2012-06-11 06:08:26 UTC
Thank you for your advice, I think that you are right. I was hoping for more people willing to join, but it doesnt look like anyone is willing. oh well.

I actually had a similar discussion about Satan in Eve with someone else, and he pointed out everything that you did. I decided that Zagan was a Blood Raider who found ancient texts pertaining to God and Satan (mistaking this God for the Ammaran one) and he realised that the Blood Raiders were actually worshipping Satan (basically). He embraced the idea of Satan as a personification of everythign the Blood Raiders stood for, but the other Raiders were not so happy when he told them that they were worshipping the wrong deity, so they exiled him. Vengeful, he set out to spread the word of Satan.

but, that is irrelevant anyway- you cannot have a cult without cultists lol
Cutout Man
#7 - 2012-06-11 15:41:58 UTC
This. This is the kind of posting EVE needs MOAR of. Laughed loud and hard. Right up until my boss started reading over my shoulder. Do you know how hard it is to explain EVE and then satanic joke posting to a boss who is mad you're on the interwebz in the first place?
Pyke Syndicate
Solyaris Chtonium
#8 - 2012-06-11 17:03:16 UTC
Very funny concept!

Regardless of EVE lore, you could declare war on any religious EVE corps (assuming such a thing exists). Perhaps you'd even create a new RvB-like perpetual war of good versus evil Twisted
Austro-Hungarian Empire
#9 - 2012-06-11 17:16:06 UTC
This is bloody brilliant.
1st Kameiras Brigade
#10 - 2012-06-12 16:13:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Ji'kahr
Zagan Acanthas wrote:
Thank you for your advice, I think that you are right. I was hoping for more people willing to join, but it doesnt look like anyone is willing. oh well.

I actually had a similar discussion about Satan in Eve with someone else, and he pointed out everything that you did. I decided that Zagan was a Blood Raider who found ancient texts pertaining to God and Satan (mistaking this God for the Ammaran one) and he realised that the Blood Raiders were actually worshipping Satan (basically). He embraced the idea of Satan as a personification of everythign the Blood Raiders stood for, but the other Raiders were not so happy when he told them that they were worshipping the wrong deity, so they exiled him. Vengeful, he set out to spread the word of Satan.

but, that is irrelevant anyway- you cannot have a cult without cultists lol

Well, it takes a LOT of work to run a corporation. That probably goes double for a pirate one.

You have to be able to provide those that join you with just about everything, such as ships, modules, skill books, training, ways to make ISK, ship replacement if their T2 ships get blown up, etc. The fact that you are new yourself is not a huge incentive to attract new members. Still, with all of the people that play EVE there must be SOMEONE out there interested in the idea.

'Satan' as a deity is not really a good fit for EVE. Like Jesus Christ, it's a name that just smacks too much of Earth.

The religion of the Amarrians doesn't seem to have a Good/ evil duality such as the Judeo-Christian and Islamic ones do. I'm interpreting a little here, but it seems like the God of the Amarrians is so all-powerful that he encompasses both Good and Evil. The closest thing to 'Satan' I could find in the references to Amarrian scriptures was Garrulock the deceiver, who was an actual mortal and was sacrificed on an altar by the Emperor.

Yep, both slavery and human sacrifice openly practiced in the religion of the Amarrian state. Torture is widely used as a means of punishment and interrogation. Take a look at the 'Eater of Sin'.

The common Amarrian does not have access to the sacred texts, which are a collection of books perhaps the size of a small library. The only people that have access to these texts are theological scholars, trained since birth to read and interpret long dead languages (like 'English'). Their interpretation of the scriptures gives the Amarrian state the authority to do whatever it wants, for the most part, and do it in the name of God.

Here, take a look at the "Book of Prayers and Devotions' for the Amarrian, Khanid and Ni-Kunni rites:

Notice how a lot of it is striking at the enemy with a furious vengeance? Breaking their teeth? Washing them with their own blood? There is no kindness, no pity for the weak, no turning the other cheek, no sympathy for the poor. If the words or name Satan (as we think of him) existed at all in the Amarrian religion, he would probably be considered as a minor prophet.

As a Blood Raider, you would be drinking human blood, bathing in human blood, sacrificing humans, eating human flesh, having strange candlelight circles while chanting religious prayers, you name it! You just don't NEED to mention the name 'Satan'. That word would have no power in EVE, anymore than 'Stan' or 'Santa' would.

You would of course be restricted from high sec, and you could expect a lot of Amarrian loyalists to war dec you, so you would have to be excellent at PvP. You might even want to consider flying some cloaky stealth bombers, so you could hide more easily and kill ships bigger than yourself.

For now, just consider putting it as part of your bio and signing up with a pirate school such as 'Black Rabbits'. You will learn the fine art of PvP, as well as how to make money and survive as a Pirate. Stick with your idea of roleplaying as a Blood Raider, and you are bound to find at least a few people to join your roleplay corporation. Everything in EVE takes patience, persistence, planning.

You might even be able to raise your standings with the NPC Blood raider faction in the game.

Read up on the Blood Raiders and what they are about. Yes they are a cult so you and your corpies can be as radically different from them as you want to be, which includes shooting the 'blood raider' rats in the asteroid belts. Generally though, you would only accept Amarrians, Khanid, and Ni-Kunni in your corp. No 'inferior' races like the Minmatar or Gallente, and Caldari wouldn't bother.

You can even write news articles for the Gallente Scope, and have them show up as 'News flashes' in EVE. This would be a pretty effective recruitment tool. 'Blood raider activity increasing', etc. Use a Gallente alt for this, and (s)he can also be your high sec hauler. Just as there are Satanic death metal bands on Earth, there are some rock musicians in Gallente society that practice a mild form of 'Sani Sabik' mostly for it's shock value.

EVE fiction is another venue. Write a story about the Blood Raiders and what they are up to now, just substitute the name 'Satan' for something else.
1st Kameiras Brigade
#11 - 2012-06-12 18:15:57 UTC
Enik3 wrote:
Very funny concept!

Regardless of EVE lore, you could declare war on any religious EVE corps (assuming such a thing exists). Perhaps you'd even create a new RvB-like perpetual war of good versus evil Twisted

^^This is true as well.^^

Eve is a 'sandbox', so you can do what you want.

You can be a Satanic roleplay corporation if you want, and war dec other corps just for the sh*ts and giggles. Someone will join your corp, eventually. You would only need about four people for a pretty good 'wolf pack' pirate corp.

You just have to keep your profile up and recruit, recruit, recruit. Take a look at the other corporations recruiting. They are willing to offer stuff like free (tech one) ships and modules, a web-page forum, team-speak and so on. Most people looking for a new corporation come here with the attitude 'what can you offer me'?

I'm just expressing my opinion that EVE really needs more roleplay, and those that want to roleplay pirates such as the Blood Raiders are sadly lacking.

Personally I think a lot of work went into the development of the EVE lore, with the Blood Raiders, the Guristas, etc. having their backstories, motivations, and so forth well thought out. Sadly, so many of us think of them as 'rats', NPC ships that look like red crosses we shoot for loot. Does it matter if the NPC rat is a religious cultist that wants to drink our blood, or a Caldari opportunist that wants us dead to steal our stuff? Not really, since the loot and the bounty are the same.

Wouldn't it be great to have at least one player player corporation who were also Blood raiders? It would really add to the immersion element.

I say though, it's definitely worth it to start a corporation like this. Even if it's just a 'corporation of one', you can set the tax rates to zero and keep all the money you make from running missions yourself. It only costs about a million ISK to start your own corp. Just keep with the Blood Raider theme, call yourself 'Blood Disciples' or something, which still works if you want to stick with the Satanic roleplay theme.

You can even set your corp ticker as 'SATAN', since it's five letters (unless it's taken). Twisted

Do some of the epic story arcs such as the 'Sisters of EVE' one, and you can roleplay it up as being a 'blood seeker' who follows the Sisters of EVE to find victims (i.e. the 'hunters' that lead the blood raiders to the weak and feeble.).

The Sisters of EVE story arc is pretty challenging/ frustrating for a lot of newbies, and I think a lot of people would appreciate not only physical help with the mission to 'kill Dagan', but they would love the satire and humour of someone 'fun and funny' openly conflicting/ mocking/ insulting the religious beliefs of the SOE. Humour is a great pressure valve.

I think to kill Dagan, you need a cruiser.

Train to fly a cruiser (maybe an Omen) and to use medium lasers. Learn to fit and use the different crystals. Browse some Amarrian cruiser fittings on Battleclinic, get the skillbooks and train to be able to fit and use them. Train all the stuff you need to fly a Punisher frigate well first though, such as Engineering to 5, Evasive manuvering to 5. All of those skills translate to EVERY ship you fly.

Dagan is probably using lasers too, which are EM/ Thermal damage so use EM/ Thermal resists in the low slots. Teaming up with other frigates (especially your corp-mates) to kill Dagan would work well too.

Really that's all a corporation is, a group of friends that help each other. EVE doesn't really give new people a lot of help beyond the newbie tutorials. It has a steep learning curve, so it can be overwhelming for a lot of people. It's like being a minnow in an Ocean full of sharks. There aren't a lot of corporations that really want to take the time to help new players either, which is where you come in.

You don't even have to be 'expert at EVE'. Just do the 'Blood stained stars' mission once, do it successfully, then keep doing it over and over until you are an expert at that one mission. Now help new players run that mission, offer a select few membership in your corp, wait until you get your corporation as large as you want, then move on.

High sec 'Mission grinding' is a pretty common way to make money and get standings in EVE. It gets boring doing it alone, but pretty much anything is fun when you get your friends and corpies on team-speak shouting "HAIL SATAN!" or whatever.

You are new yourself, but you seem intelligent enough to learn the intricacies of EVE and help others learn them. There are a lot of EVE resources on the internet to help you.

Help new players to kill Dagan, and you will be like a hero to them.

This would probably be the ideal place to open a corporate office, depending how expensive it was. The offer of 'free ships and mods' would be pretty tempting to the newbies who lose their tech 1 frigates as they try unsuccessfully to kill Dagan.

Train your other two alts, and make them 'slaves of satan'. Have one as a hauler/ trader, the other as a builder/ miner. They can do all your high sec work. It also helps to have a support corp to make ships and ammo to back up the logistics of your Pirate corp.

I would consider it a 'front' corporation where brainwashed cult-slaves make ships and weapons. Give it a name like 'Grandma's cookies'. (GRANNY) Make a funny corp description such as 'Just wholesome cookies. Yep. Nothing suspicious about us'.

Keep the hauler in the NPC newbie corp.

If you make a 1 man corp and decide to go to 'Black Rabbits' for pirate training, move one of your alts into the corp to 'hold it', then quit corp. Rejoin the corp and kick your alt after you graduate from Black Rabbits.