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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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9m sp returning player looking for active small gang PvP corp

Zigzy Xoxo
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1 - 2012-06-07 18:58:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Zigzy Xoxo
After taking a bit of a break from the game, I have just recently returned and am looking for a purely PvP corp. I don't care about indy or mining, and I'm not interested in being in a corp with people who do. I've tried my luck with corps who say they are only interested in PvP, but then end up being big time mission-runners and I end up solo-roaming anyway.

What I'm looking for:
-As stated, a pure PvP corp, who isn't concerned about much of anything else. I want to blow up spaceships.

-A mature/semi-casual atmosphere. I'm not an elitist, I'm not smug, I just want to have fun and fly with some cool guys. Being married means that I can't game 60 hours a week like I could at one time, but know that I would if I could.

-Mostly very small gang roams. I would love to also try out bigger fleet warfare and have nothing against it, but being mostly a frigate solo pilot up to now, my training might not be as suited to that.

-Helpful corpmates: I realize that I have fewer SP than most, and I realize that my experience isn't amazing. What I'm hoping for is a place where I can grow into the corp, and hopefully have people around who are willing to take me in and make me a much better player.

-A corp with balls. I don't want to roam for hours and pass up fights because we may or may not win, I'm too susceptible to taking bait and I'm not overly upset when I lose a ship. I play to shoot my guns and as a newer player this often gets me into trouble, but I'm happier with some action than none at all.

-Finally, a very active, established corp. I've done the "join my corp we are just starting" thing and 10 times out of 10 it turns into me being the only one online for a week or so at a time.

What I can offer:
-Willing to do anything thats going on, as long as its PvP related.

-Willing and want to learn more about the game. I spend the majority of my time out of game reading blogs and doing research on the game itself. Even at work or in bed I'm on my droid reading up.

-A high level of activity. I'm mostly on from 1800 to 2200, then again from 0 to 2. (2-6 and 8-10 US EST). Also sometimes much earlier than 1800, just depends on work.

-A very, very long history of playing games at a very high level - I have played MMO's of all sorts at the highest possible level for the past 12 years or so. Even so, I check my ego at the door in all cases, and realize that EVE is a completely different animal, one which I must learn much more about.

-Currently sitting at near 9 million SP, almost every single point is in a combat skill of some type. Mostly focused on frigates, especially inty's and some AF's, and currently looking at getting in a Vagabond sometime soon.

-For all intents and purposes, I am a pirate. I will shoot anything, and if I think I can make a good amount of money, I ransom. But moreso I just enjoy PvP, so I wouldn't automatically rule out non-pirate corps.

The best way to contact me is via in-game mail if I'm not currently online, and obviously if I am just convoing me. Thanks for reading, and I hope to be hearing from people soon.
Zigzy Xoxo
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-06-08 12:53:46 UTC
Still looking for a home. Really hope to hear from more of you guys.
Lord Zekk
Angel Raiders
#3 - 2012-06-08 13:12:06 UTC
We're a Caldari FW Corp with over 70 very friendly chilled out members a reputation for small gang warfare and being good at Fac War.

We have TS3, Killboard etc and understand that real life comes first. Our corp has a nearly equal presence in the US and EU/AUS Time Zone.

We're looking for pilots who are interested in pew pewing and being a part of something that is more than just a good looking killboard. The idea is to learn to be and to be skilled at PVP, being able to fight outnumbered using superior tactics apart from just winning when you have the larger force. With the new faction warfare changes you even get to make LP while getting fights.

We also have access to some nicely upgraded 0.0 Sov space you can JC to make some more ISK and get away from it all when you need to. We have plenty of FCs and train FCs as well as newer players who are eager to PVP and show potential. Our corp is a mix of High, Mid and a few lower SP players.

If you're interested I know more about our corp you can check out our recruitment post here:

22nd BRDU Recruitment Thread

To get an idea of the kind of fights we get you can check out our killboard below:

22nd BRDU Killboard

If you have any more question feel free to contact me in game or drop by our public channel "22nd Pub"

Hope you find what you're looking for.


Daimien Hayes
Wrecking Machine.
#4 - 2012-06-08 16:07:24 UTC
Hi Zig

Id like you to consider Dark-Rising as were looking for new players in Gallente FW to have a laugh and pvp with... with the total overhaul of FW mechanics, FW has become more active and ideal place to have stress free fun all day long... we offer daily ops mainly EU TZ and early US TZ and great community... lots of experienced pilots and excellent reputation within eve community... were totally independent corp and we are no ones puppies... Dark-Rising is self sufficient with strong industrial base so all you might need, you can have trough us.

theres some minor requirements so have a look if you've got what it takes to join the dark side ^^
Requirements are still as follows

must have active recent pvp history on killboards and familiar with empire, wardec, lowsec and 0.0 game mechanics
must be willing to abide by our policies about smack and forum behavior
must be use teamspeak 3 and irc whenever hes online and have a working microphone
must have mature and healthy attitude towards gaming

it doesnt matter if you have 10 alts or none... it doesnt matter if you have 100 or 5 mil sp... it doesnt matter if your mother says you have to go to bed before 12... it doesnt matter if your wife has plans for every friday... all that matters is that youre having fun and enjoying your career with our online community... our family in New Eden... our home

you may also read what our new members think about the corp by checking our public recruitment thread and latest messages and check our killboard

if you fit within these parameters come join our public channel "Dark-Rising" or read about our history, policies here and drop an app in.

Child of Dark
Director of Recruitment
Total Newbie
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5 - 2012-06-08 16:15:32 UTC
Az Tek
#6 - 2012-06-09 01:22:05 UTC

Hey there. I would like to offer you a position amongst the ranks here at Heretic Nation. We are a Low Sec Pirate corp based in the Heimatar Region. Mother Amamake. Pirate We are deff a corp with balls. :P I really think this is something you might be interested in.

It's pretty much constant pew pew. We specialize in small gang warfare but dabble in just about everything. I'm looking to get a dedicated group of pilots together with specialized skills for specific combat engagements during weekly op's but also just looking for the casual PVPer. We are a very laid back corp and a fun group of guys. Some serious PVPer's and again some casual. We simply like to have fun indulging in our daily dose of tears.

BattleClinic Killboard
Home Killboard

We are active through out all TZ's typically with pilots on at all times. Always a fleet going even if only locally. Many of us will go out solo or go out in small gangs pretty much whenever.

If your interested hit me up in game on toon 'Az Tek' or in channel 'Heretic Pub' Look forward to hearing from you. Happy Hunting o7

Az Tek

Fight, Fly, Crow... Bangerang

Suleiman Shouaa
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#7 - 2012-06-09 14:47:37 UTC
Would love to speak to you ingame about The Tuskers. We're a family friendly low sec piracy corporation interested in good fights. We run organised black ops, frigate, battlecruiser and armor hac gangs, as well as random gang compositions - yesterday we took out a Tempest Fleet, Maelstrom, Phobos just because one of our members bought a Pest Fleet and wanted to try it out.

When we're logged on, we're PvPing. - we got 1800+ kills last month, all of them in solo/small gangs (mostly <5, which sounds like what you're interested in) and not via gatecamping. On a daily basis we like to mix it up - at the moment we have several members roaming out in Pure Blind poking Goons etc in and around EC-, some who are based around the Minmatar FW space and ripping it up in destroyers & frigates etc., whilst most of us live in Gallente low sec.

We check for wormholes on a daily basis near us to see if there's any interesting places to connect to which are normally a bit too far for us to hit (35+ jumps etc.), as well as roam independently until one of us spots a shiny gang, at which point we reship to a suitable counter and go for them.

Oh and yesterday we had Rif1ah come around with a T1 destroyer + frigate gang, had a good 3 vs 7-8 fight where we walked away with all of them dead and only 2 losses.

Killboard is here. Convo me ingame if this sounds interesting to you and I'll walk you through the recruitment process.
WM Necros
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#8 - 2012-06-09 22:01:40 UTC