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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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8 years , 130 mil SP+ searching a reson not to quit Eve.

Albidus Corvus
#1 - 2012-06-06 13:10:59 UTC
32 years old , living in Germany working for Sony is searching for a reason to play the game again. Im just loggin to put skills , chat with my friends and spinning ships since months.

My EVE-Life this far:
Started with missions - 4 months --->Changed to 0.0 - 7 years ---> Now - nothing....

Had many WH-Corps offers on my last try to find something new, but was lag on time because of RL/Work. So help me out to play the game one more year and another and another.....

H A V O C Industrial
#2 - 2012-06-06 14:33:44 UTC
What are you after? Do you want PVE, non-stop PVP or a mix of the two? Do you prefer to live in 0.0 or do you want to avoid it full stop?

You say you've been in 0.0 for seven years I assume I don't have to introduce AAA to you.

What I will say is that it's hard to maintain or regain that desire to play once it starts to ebb. However, I recommend you come to our public channel SNAKE LAIR if you do want to get back into 0.0 as we don't just care about kills but also about having a nice, friendly community. This shit's got to go - Jacque Fresco

Blue Canary
Watch This
#3 - 2012-06-06 16:09:07 UTC
why dont you give faction warfare a try? with the new patch its gotten pretty exciting around here. theres plenty fights to be had, lots of isk to make, great bunch of guys to fly and laugh with.

id love to have you join the zombies but at the end of the day, id rather you had fun. eve is a pretty big game so there is gonna be something to entice you back ino playin. that being said, it is just a game adrea life aways comesfrs.

if you wanttgive it ashot, gimme amailingame and we can have a chat
Wolf TheFallen
The Fallening Deafening Silence Syndicate
#4 - 2012-06-06 16:14:54 UTC
Could always Do something on the indy side. always for causally play eve talk to the corp mates better then ship spinning. There are soo many different ways to play eve, you just need to try a new part out and see if it fits the bill.
Axium Cog
Holey Amarrian Inquisition
Grand Inquisitors Federation
#5 - 2012-06-06 20:18:50 UTC
If youve heard of IAC, which you probably have, you should look at joining Grand Solar Trinity.
Im expanding my PVP base and we have plenty of targets to shoot at and the alliance has all TZ covered so joining a fleet is never an issue.

Feel free to convo me in game or join GST Recruitment to talk more.

Good luck!
Albidus Corvus
#6 - 2012-06-07 11:20:54 UTC
another day , another try
Total Newbie
State War Academy
Caldari State
#7 - 2012-06-07 11:37:37 UTC
I think we all look for reasons not to quit eve.

I think it boils down to who you sepnd your time playing the game with.

Check us out!
Tora Bushido
The Marmite Mercenaries
#8 - 2012-06-07 14:17:15 UTC
Join the high sec war decs we have...... Why would you join us ? Because even when you don't want to pvp in EVE, you can still laugh a lot with us on teamspeak.


Meta Gaming Level VII, Psycho Warfare Level X, Smack Talk Level VII.

Waylan Yutani
SkyLark Insurgency
#9 - 2012-06-07 15:18:04 UTC
Come fly with me in fw, and i'll lead you to glourious deaths over and over again..
Viscount Hood
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#10 - 2012-06-07 15:46:26 UTC
go do something else. theres loads of other games out there.
Daimien Hayes
Wrecking Machine.
#11 - 2012-06-07 16:13:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Daimien Hayes
Hi Conga

Id like you to consider Dark-Rising as were looking for new players in Gallente FW to have a laugh and pvp with... with the total overhaul of FW mechanics, FW has become more active and ideal place to have stress free fun all day long... we offer daily ops mainly EU TZ and early US TZ and great community... lots of experienced pilots and excellent reputation within eve community... were totally independent corp and we are no ones puppies... Dark-Rising is self sufficient with strong industrial base so all you might need, you can have trough us.

theres some minor requirements so have a look if you've got what it takes to join the dark side ^^
Requirements are still as follows

must have active recent pvp history on killboards and familiar with empire, wardec, lowsec and 0.0 game mechanics
must be willing to abide by our policies about smack and forum behavior
must be use teamspeak 3 and irc whenever hes online and have a working microphone
must have mature and healthy attitude towards gaming

it doesnt matter if you have 10 alts or none... it doesnt matter if you have 100 or 5 mil sp... it doesnt matter if your mother says you have to go to bed before 12... it doesnt matter if your wife has plans for every friday... all that matters is that youre having fun and enjoying your career with our online community... our family in New Eden... our home

you may also read what our new members think about the corp by checking our public recruitment thread and latest messages and check our killboard

if you fit within these parameters come join our public channel "Dark-Rising" or read about our history, policies here and drop an app in.

Child of Dark
Director of Recruitment
Teron Radec
Fairlight Corp
Rooks and Kings
#12 - 2012-06-08 13:31:34 UTC
Contact me in game or join 'Mind games public'.

Wolf TheFallen
The Fallening Deafening Silence Syndicate
#13 - 2012-06-08 13:57:46 UTC
So here comes the real questions?

What do you want to find yourself doing in Eve, their on many different paths to go done, and lots to do. With the time you have done and invested in eve, i can imagine you have done a little of every thing. What did you enjoy doing most, was it the game or who you where flying with?

If you are looking for a good group of people to fly with check us out.


or join DEFSS Pub
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2012-06-08 15:25:31 UTC
Martyr’s Vengence

- ACTIVE PLAYER BASE (We have been flying together for years)

- Always deployed some where with logistic support to move ships and gear in combat area
- Always fleets up, Cap and Sub Cap
- Cap building program (if you need a cap for cheap)
- Ship replacement program in place at alliance level
- Forms with fleet ops

- You will need a sense of humor
- API Required
- Ratting to Fill your wallet
- Pub Free
- 0.0 Corp/Alliance
- Fountain Region
- Forums

MV Publord Lounge
Contact: Trebizond or Divercity
TeamSpeak for INTERVIEWS
(Evemail me if no answer in Channel)

Yes I know this is cut and paste but I dont have 20 hours to reply to people
Victor Twenty
The Scorpion Brothers
#15 - 2012-06-08 20:20:43 UTC
If you havent yet found a coporation yet to join, you should join our public channel. "OSEXP Public"

We are extremely active and have been growing quickly. Most importantly we have fun while doing whatever feel like doing in New Eden.

For more information check out our ad


Hopefully you find what your looking for.

Albidus Corvus
#16 - 2012-06-08 21:17:02 UTC
thx for all the ideas people are mailing me. i guess i was online more in the last 3 days then the other 6 months before :-)

for more information:

I think pvp would be the only thing that keeps me playin the game , so i didnt answer to the offer of industry corps, Sorry guys i need blood on my hands..
Next , i am really tired of sov fights , i am searching for more special ones , like small gangs where every player knows what to do. otherwise im really loyal to corp/ally im joining and will do CTAs , Capfights etc. but if its 24/7 thats nothing for me anymore.
Im just searching a bunch of guys who are doing things thats fun ingame. Dont care 20+ or 500+ gangs , in that less time ive got for playing i just want to burn my big wallet down :-)

thx for the offers , let them come , ive done several interviews so far and met a lot of players thinking like me after years of Eve !

Albidus Corvus
#17 - 2012-06-10 19:38:49 UTC
Germany : Portugal = 1: 0
K'rashu Graylock
#18 - 2012-06-11 17:24:39 UTC

I am the CEO of Parahelion Industries, a startup corporation currently operating out of high-sec Caldari space. Our Mission statement is as follows:
"To construct and curate a self-sufficient and profitable corporation by simultaneously maintaining a low-cost combat fleet and protected industrial arm while applying the concepts of FIFO and good accounting practices."

Our plans are to move from High-sec in the near future into NPC 0.0, once there, we'll begin recouping expenses and preparing ourselves for an eventual move into Sov. 0.0.

In short, what we're building is a vertically integrated group that feeds into itself - the industrial sector providing a cost-effective arms stockpile that is in turn protected by our combat fleet while they protect our interests. We're new player friendly, and are looking for pilots aged 21 and up. For more information, our recruitment thread is located here:

Happy Flying,
.K'rashu Graylock

Jesus_Christ renamed to Scoreboard. Scoreboard kills himself.