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The Pirate Story Thread

First post First post
The Black Shell
#361 - 2012-05-28 17:18:04 UTC
Hum. I'm ashamed, I should post here more often.

Anyway, today's story. Probably my worst one but well.

I was chilling around in some ~lowsec~ next to highsec, then I spotted an unknown bestower on dscan.
I started looking for him. He was in a NPC corp, and around a planet, but one without a belt (no mining bestower today duh Straight ). I hastly warped my ~highly experimental fit~ gila to the custom office.
Here is is, hugging the poco. I pointed him and unleashed a swarm of drones on him.
He warped out to the highsec gate. My honorable samourai spaceship have been defeat by a treacherous warp core(s) ninja trick. And he's mocking me in local.

I sent my cloaky alt to follow him. The poor guy had some trouble finding a station to repair his lovely bestower, and I lost interest 10mn later. I went back to my holy crusade against all the cynos in this system.

One hour later, he's back in lowsec. I immediatly jumped in my dear navy comet. But not your average navy comet. The multi-scrambles navy comet ! I got him again on a poco, pound him with Tom, Anna and Mickael (my hobgobs T2).

Since then, he's so kind he's sending me mails, but it's written in russian. Sad
Google translate is suggesting that he's not happy. Pirate


Proud co-admin of, a French fansite about EVE !

Rezig Huruta
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#362 - 2012-05-29 19:43:44 UTC
You lose interest in 10 minutes?
Daemon Ceed
Ice Fire Warriors
#363 - 2012-05-30 00:23:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Daemon Ceed
The night drew on as I sat patiently in Low-sec, away from the rabble of highsec peasantry and Concord. My Loki, a new addition to my fleet of ships and fueled by the tears of carebears, miners, and other pirates alike, sat humming cloaked up in deadspace. It wasn't like the familiar rattle and loud engine noises of my Hurricane. The sophisticated feel, the symmetry that is unlike most Matri ships, made me feel focused and motivated. A covert-ops fit ship is quite unlike what I'm used to, where I'm flinging myself at my opponent with reckless abandon, 425's a-blazing. No, this was a new thing for me indeed. Hidden, watching, waiting like a stalking butler.

The local pilot registry suddently lit up with a new pilot in system. My senses perked as I tapped the short range scanner. The tactical computers identified the ship as an Amarr Omen cruiser. While it was not likely to have anything good on it, certainly it would be a good test to see how well my steath Loki performed. I narrowed the sensor attenuation from 180 all the way down to 5 degrees and saw that the Omen pilot was flying in one of the asteroid belts near my position. A quick adjustment of d-scan range confirmed it, since it was the only belt within 750M km.

As I put the ship into warp, the computer cooed into my ear "Warp drive active". To this very day it gives me at least a half chub. Warping to 10km off the belt I see the Omen blasting away at a Serpentis Chief. While I'm no fan of the Serpentis corporation, I'll gladly assist him in killing the hapless Amarr pilot. I've never been fond of the religious types, nor have I seen the hand of God deliver anyone from the punishment of my guns as they scream for mercy from their Lord.

With webs and long range warp disruptor pre-activated, I invisibly move in closer, slowly, like a shark coming in for the harbor seal kill. Once I'm 15KM off I decloak and try to initiate a lock. The computer displays a message stating "Sensor re-calibration in process. Please try again in 6 seconds." I curse the cloak's sensor penalty as I move into range as fast as I can. The least I can do is ram the pilot off of his alignment while I'm waiting for my sensors to be ready again. The finely tuned Republic Fleet microwarp drive kicks on full blast and I barrel at the Omen like a slavehound to a Matari fugitive. My ship is jarred by the sudden collision just as the computer finally allows lock initiation. About 3 seconds later the lock completes and the warp disruptor and webs seize the Omen in a death grip. My 425mm Autocannon II's instantly burst to life at the same time and shells start tearing the armor, piece by piece, from the bedamned cruiser. "HELP!" the pilot pleas in a mayday on the local broadcast channel. "There is no help," I mutter under my breath. "Only death. Concord ain't coming this time!" As high explosive Hail rounds shuck away the last sliver of armor at an alarming rate, flames erupt from the Omen's hull. The end is near. I can already smell the deuce that the doomed pilot dropped in his pod.

The Omen exploded in a brilliant white-blue flash of light as his reactor core took the final hit from my barrage of hate and lead. His pod blows free of the wreckage and I immediately begin to lock it. Either out of complete shock or the lack of wherewithal of what to do, Mr. Omen's pod dangles in space, like a pinata at a 6 year old's birthday party in ancient Mexico City. I begin to lock the pod, not expecting at all that I'd snag it. Just as I could see the pod begin to change direction to escape, the warp disruptor engages and webs take hold. With a single tap of a button, my autocannons line up the shot and blow it away. Left floating is the badly beaten, almost unrecognizable frozen corpse of the pilot, surrounded by suspended pod goo that floats in zero gravity. Shards of metal and computer parts deeply embedded in his flesh and implants hanging outside of his cranium. He will soon feel the instant shock of the consciousness transfer to a new clone light years away. I slowly drift towards the corpse and my ship pulls it into the cargo hold and places it next to the pile of victims I've collected through the night.

"Cloak", I command the ship. Beams of light from the sun instantly bend around my ship, obscuring it from prying eyes as if it disappeared into a different dimension. Like a ghostly spectre, I warp away leaving the Serpentis Chief to muddle over the empty wreck of the destroyed Omen.

"Yar!" I say to myself with a half cocked grin. The pirates life may be short, but it's a bloody good one.
Cable Udan
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#364 - 2012-06-01 11:41:13 UTC
So I was doing a quick roam before bed in my shiny new Vagabond when I entered the Vifrevaert system which is quite well-known for it's carebear missioners as it has a highsec border. I glanced at local and saw I was one of two people. "Bleh, probably nothing," thought your dashing author. Did a quick D-scan which revealed nothing and then warped to a cluster out of scan range.

A wild Myrmidon appears!

Quickly narrowing down it came apparent that this guy was either in a belt or on the highsec gate. I chose the gate, hit warp and landed 18km from the (neutral) Myrm. Started yellowboxing and offered a 1v1 (I 'aint engaging on a gate in a Vaga, lolz!) He declined and warped to a cluster with a planet, customs office and belt. I chose the belt and warped in at 20. Landed 16km off him and engaged. This is the transcript starting from the offer of a duel:

[ 2012.05.31 22:38:09 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Vifrevaert
[ 2012.05.31 22:40:36 ] Cable Udan > 1v1?
[ 2012.05.31 22:40:45 ] XXXX > I just got this thing, man haha
[ 2012.05.31 22:41:03 ] Cable Udan > They're excellent boats

It was at this point he warped from the gate.

[ 2012.05.31 22:41:09 ] XXXX > Note to self: Don't **** with my bio in low sec

This is where I landed and pointed him.

[ 2012.05.31 22:41:40 ] XXXX > Damn you're good
[ 2012.05.31 22:41:52 ] XXXX > Gotta do a mission real quick, one sec
[ 2012.05.31 22:42:01 ] XXXX > Oh for the love of God xD

Half armour and he starts panicking!

[ 2012.05.31 22:42:07 ] XXXX > I'll give you money, dude
[ 2012.05.31 22:42:11 ] XXXX > Please don't break me
[ 2012.05.31 22:42:11 ] Cable Udan > how much?
[ 2012.05.31 22:42:19 ] XXXX > I have 4 mil on me
[ 2012.05.31 22:42:26 ] Cable Udan > Thats not enough I'm afraid
[ 2012.05.31 22:42:42 ] XXXX > Oh come on!
[ 2012.05.31 22:42:58 ] XXXX > Damn you're tough
[ 2012.05.31 22:43:11 ] Cable Udan > Its nothing personal

He didn't get his pod out before I got a lock, much to my amusement.

[ 2012.05.31 22:43:36 ] XXXX > You're going to pod me?
[ 2012.05.31 22:43:49 ] Cable Udan > What's your pod worth to you?
[ 2012.05.31 22:44:03 ] XXXX > A bunch of implants and a reason to keep playing this game

I just checked his info here and realised he'd only been playing this character for 17 days. My PLEX senses are tingling!

[ 2012.05.31 22:44:28 ] Cable Udan > You have a bunch of implants and a Myrm 17 days into the game but only have 4 mil?
[ 2012.05.31 22:44:49 ] XXXX > I got my Myrm this morning
[ 2012.05.31 22:45:02 ] XXXX > So yeah I'm a little low on money
[ 2012.05.31 22:45:17 ] Cable Udan > How much have you actually got?
[ 2012.05.31 22:45:31 ] XXXX > Dude I am not kidding you. I have 4.1 mil
[ 2012.05.31 22:45:44 ] Cable Udan > Send me 4mil and I'll let you leave in your pod.
[ 2012.05.31 22:45:50 ] Cable Udan > You have my word.
[ 2012.05.31 22:46:20 ] Cable Udan > there you go
[ 2012.05.31 22:46:38 ] Cable Udan > Was nice doing business with you

So I let him go. I was half-tempted to not take the ransom and pod him just to see what he had, but decided against it.

Still the part where he said "A bunch of implants and a reason to keep playing the game" made me laugh and feel fuzzy inside. Knowing I had such internet spaceship power over someones desire to keep playing is what makes me love Eve.

Should have podded him.
Potrondal Morrison
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#365 - 2012-06-02 10:25:07 UTC
Cable Udan wrote:

So I let him go. I was half-tempted to not take the ransom and pod him just to see what he had, but decided against it.

Still the part where he said "A bunch of implants and a reason to keep playing the game" made me laugh and feel fuzzy inside. Knowing I had such internet spaceship power over someones desire to keep playing is what makes me love Eve.

Should have podded him.

You did the right thing, he probably would not have left EVE for long before the addiction took him back, but now you have kept him in the game for sure to get more ISKies off of for another day.

Good story BTW. +1
Private Pineapple
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#366 - 2012-06-03 04:04:08 UTC
I killed a "pirate" in the Career Advancement Military mission storyline.


Aulx-Gao Ekanon
#367 - 2012-06-05 12:25:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Aulx-Gao Ekanon
A bloodthirsty pirate ganked me (well, my alt) and more than a dozen other miners. One of them was particularly butthurt and sent the following email. (The names have been changed to protect the guilty.) [I have edited for content and placed summarizations in brackets.]

Lost yer hulks

From: Butthurt
To: [List of Potential Butthurt Miners], MyAlt, Captain Yarrrrrrr,

Hey all
Sorry if you dont speak english it is all that i speak. All 14 of you and I have something in common. We just lost our mining barges in high sec. While I am thrilled that I have someone out there who can sympothise with me as I have been crying all day to my corp mates and they just dont understand I am royally pissed off. This guy Captain Yarrrrrrr is the guy who did this to you and I am on a mission of sorts now to get him banned from the game :) You see the way he was able to destroy your barge was by a technique called "boomerang" it is when he uses close range guns gets very close then warps to station and fires.

[tl;dr - blah blah blah, boo hoo, my man-foliage is deflowered]

Now like I said I want to get this guy terminated (im a little bitter). I started to stalk him then I saw his corporation has a website with a killboard this killboard is going to be my tool to get this guys charactor booted from the game.
Everyone he kills in high sec I will send this to. What I want you to do first is allow yourself to be mad. then create a petition.

[Grrrrrr, Butthurt angry!]

You do this by clicking on the help icon in your menu. Click the big E in the top left corner then click Help then click create new petition. It will give you some options on how to create one in the group field select Rules & Policies then in the catagory field select Exploits. In the Petition text box copy the following intering in your system and charactor names.

Captain Yarrrrrrr in (enter your system) attacked and destroyed my fully fitted and rigged (hulk or whatever other ship) (enter any other losses on your part during this encounter). Concord did not show up nearly in time as he warped before he fired. He warped to the station and simply waited for his cooldown to wear off. anouther person probably a friend of his immediatly showed up and looted my wreck. I thought to myself that has never happened so I looked up how he did it and discovered it is a problem. As stated in the eve news page from customer support:

It is a violation of game policy to avoid retaliation from CONCORD and players who are found using this exploit will have action taken by Game Masters on their accounts.

I hate to nark someone out but the guy blew up my ship in high sec. I need that back. It was too much work to get to the point where I was and I dont plan on doing it all again. I have descovered that this player has been making quite a profit from this Exploit destroying 15 mining barges in high sec this month only. His corporation has a killboard where he is showing off his new found trick. The link to this page is:{redacted to protect the guilty}

I strongly suggest that this players charactor be removed from the game and perminent account conciquences be strongly considered as he is creating a hostile environment for all players in the game. As a player of eve that contributes to the gameplay I recognise that this players actions do not promote the fun and relaxing gameplay expected by veteren players and required for new players. When there is anouther glitch revieled or when assistance from the players is requested do you think you can count on this guy to do anything but further his attempts to promote the hostility and unwelcome attitude he has already happily shown? I am pretty sure his motives and intentions are set and will not change. I have to further suggest that his corporation be warned as they are obviously promoting this behaviour.

Captain Yarrrrrrr's reply.

Re: Lost yer hulks

From: Captain Yarrrrrrr
To: : [[List of Potential Butthurt Miners], MyAlt, Butthurt

Dear all,

I absoultely applaud any concerted effort to stop me from what I am doing - I spent a long time mining and after this happened to me the game opened up a whole load.

I would like to reinforce however that at NO point have I avoided the displeasure of concord. Our KB had pulled kills only, not losses. I have added those to make it absolutely clear that I have not been "boomeranging". FYI here is the ship I used to kill - [link redacted to protect the guilty]. The glitch has also been fixed in that once you have earned a GCC you are unable to warp.

That is scant consolation I know, but hey it's a game. If you have killrights on me then please come and kill me - I will happily come out in a variety of small ships to give you the opportunity. However remember there are some things that you can do;

* Don't mine solo - an orca will probably give you some other gang bonuses
* If you see a Destroyer / T3 Battlecruiser come into system / belt be ready to warp away
* Do not mine at the warp in point on a belt - that will often make you the first target - mine up the belt
* If you have an alt / corpmate standing guard then get the to lock and shoot the moment the ganker fires - at least one of you could have been defended

I would remind you that space is hostile, and that hisec is low risk, not no risk.

Captain Yarrrrrrr

{continued in next post}

_Naughty by nature, wicked by choice. _

Aulx-Gao Ekanon
#368 - 2012-06-05 12:25:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Aulx-Gao Ekanon
My reply

Re: Lost yer hulks

From: MyAlt
To: [List of Potential Butthurt Miners], Captain Yarrrrrrr, Butthurt

He didn't boomerang me. His destroyer butt raped my Retriever and then he was destroyed, etiher by Concord or his own bomb. I concur that it was thoroughly annoying and I'd like to smack him in the jimmy with a cheese grater. That being said, he didn't use any exploits against me.

He didn't get any loot from the wreckage either. I got to the wreckage with another ship before he did, looted his wreckage and my own and then salvaged it.

Your employment history shows you've been playing this game since 2009. Surely you understand that pirates are an ever present danger and you have to watch your butt so the little peckers don't poke you.

In conclusion, I saw no evidence that Captain Yarrrrrrr was "boomeranging" and I am unable to assist you with your petition.

On the other hand, if you have his real world address I'd be bappy to throw eggs at his house. :-)

Captain Yarrrrrrr shares his booty

Re: Re: Lost yer hulks

From: Captain Yarrrrrrr
To: [List of Potential Butthurt Miners], Butthurt,

Dear all,

Because of the quality of banter received I have awared two prizes.

First is MyAlt for the sheer quality of his banter - Isk to buy a new mining barge

Second is GrewaPair for manning up and firing up a PVP alt - Isk to buy some combat ships

Stay tuned for the next thrilling gankisode!

Captain Yarrrrrrr

_Naughty by nature, wicked by choice. _

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#369 - 2012-06-07 06:07:33 UTC
Hello All,

It has been a while since I posted here. With the recent changes, release of Diablo3, Max Payne 3 I have been a bit absent.

So after those gaming marathons it time to get back into business.

Last night decided to check my normal stomping grounds in my Thorax, saw a Brutix flying in the belts.

Check corp 3 of them in system 2 youngens and 2009 player. See two ospray in the belt mining of the same corp.

I steadily stroll to their can and the brutix warps in as well targeting me as I head towards them. My first though is that with his age and that ship. This is going to hurt.

*click *click

Cans flipped Ospray and Brutix engages. The Brutix to my surprise falls like a bag of Shyte and his dps is hardly noteworhty. He pops and two shots later the Osprey pop.

I do the customary gf o/ Gents, did not expect to win that.

I get a reply of FU from them.

How rude.

*to bad we can't click and drag killmails to the forums.


Osprey: (yes I know... I will pop an Ibis is it was red) He had a scram so a valid pvp target.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#370 - 2012-06-08 05:33:59 UTC
Once again, and as so many times before my post always start the same.

Got war targets docked, decided to go and visit some system with my Thorax.

Found 4 guys sitting a belt mining in Battleships and 1 Bestower.

1 Mining Mega, 1 Fully Kitted Mega and a Raven.

I drop my customary insulting can between all of them question their ships and their manhood against the phallic shape of my Thorax. And I am totally ignored.

I minute later the mining Mega drops a can which is quickly scooped up by me.

The Mega opens fire and the game is on, shortly afterwards the Raven opens fire. I quickly get under the Mega's guns and the Raven is doing minimal Damage to me.

The Mega is going down and the rest of their decides to bug out and warp out. They left their member to die in a blaze of glory...


"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Cable Udan
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#371 - 2012-06-09 15:32:21 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
Once again, and as so many times before my post always start the same.

Got war targets docked, decided to go and visit some system with my Thorax.

Found 4 guys sitting a belt mining in Battleships and 1 Bestower.

1 Mining Mega, 1 Fully Kitted Mega and a Raven.

I drop my customary insulting can between all of them question their ships and their manhood against the phallic shape of my Thorax. And I am totally ignored.

I minute later the mining Mega drops a can which is quickly scooped up by me.

The Mega opens fire and the game is on, shortly afterwards the Raven opens fire. I quickly get under the Mega's guns and the Raven is doing minimal Damage to me.

The Mega is going down and the rest of their decides to bug out and warp out. They left their member to die in a blaze of glory...


Killmail wrote:
Location: Classified
The Forge (0.0)

Can flipping in 0.0, wut?
The Black Shell
#372 - 2012-06-09 15:36:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Reppyk
Cable Udan wrote:
Can flipping in 0.0, wut?
You must be new here.
It's "0.0" by default when it's classified, even when it's not in 0.0 space.
All the KBs work like this, but a few custom-made.


Proud co-admin of, a French fansite about EVE !

Cable Udan
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#373 - 2012-06-09 15:48:05 UTC
Reppyk wrote:
Cable Udan wrote:
Can flipping in 0.0, wut?
You must be new here.
It's "0.0"b default when it's classified, even when it's not in 0.0 space.
All the KBs work like this, but a few custom-made.

Did not know that, thanks.
Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#374 - 2012-06-09 17:17:48 UTC
Yeah I keep my KB classified for 3-4 days to keep people guessing. The smarter ones get around it though.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#375 - 2012-06-12 14:12:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
So I had a war with some german fighter corp.

The second the war went live all of them disconnected just about immediately. Two guys stayd online which was two of their oldest player.

Both of them decide to come after me. I was in a Cane and got caught on the gate by the Loki. Second pilot comes in with Tengu. I am toast I think and call on a buddy to urgently help me. He comes in a rep domi which was still unable to keep the amount of dps from those ships off me.

With double medium neuts on the Loki his hardeners shut-down and since he was using 100 navy cap boosters, my nuets ate through quickly enough, allowing me to eat through armor really fast. As the loki hits structure the Tengu warps away and the Loki pops.

My Cane looks like a flame ball sitting at half structure itself, I warp just as local explodes about how unfair the fight was with unfair numbers. Apparently 2v1 where 2 T3 against 1 Cane was more than fair against them. i sit there for a minute wondering what was unfair? A Cane and 1 rep Domi agaist two T3 ships...

I do see nothing wrong with the fact that somebody came and rescued my little ass from two T3 ships. If the Loki was fitted properly or had cap 800 charges I would have been dead since the Tengu and the Loki was putting out so much DPS, even the Domi was unable to negate it.

So it seems that because I was able to call on somebody to help. I am a cheap bastard. I find that insulting, I am not cheap... I am a fairly expensive bastard that has good taste in ships.

So I ask... was it wrong to call for help? I might fly alone but I can always call on a friends to assist.

Also I discovered the Loot fairy hates me.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

The Black Shell
#376 - 2012-06-12 20:24:31 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
He comes in a rep domi which was still unable to keep the amount of dps from those ships off me.
From EFT (yes, I know) a rr domi with 4 T2 heads will remote a standard armor cane for 1200dps, before any ganglink or implants. A tengu can push 600dps, a loki about 550dps. You were in a shield cane ? Oops


Proud co-admin of, a French fansite about EVE !

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#377 - 2012-06-13 05:20:28 UTC
Reppyk wrote:
Cannibal Kane wrote:
He comes in a rep domi which was still unable to keep the amount of dps from those ships off me.
From EFT (yes, I know) a rr domi with 4 T2 heads will remote a standard armor cane for 1200dps, before any ganglink or implants. A tengu can push 600dps, a loki about 550dps. You were in a shield cane ? Oops

Armor Cane

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Giorgos Rbs
Lead Head Inc
#378 - 2012-06-13 21:58:38 UTC
Daemon Ceed wrote:
The night drew on as I sat patiently in Low-sec, away from the rabble of highsec peasantry and Concord. My Loki, a new addition to my fleet of ships and fueled by the tears of carebears, miners, and other pirates alike, sat humming cloaked up in deadspace. It wasn't like the familiar rattle and loud engine noises of my Hurricane. The sophisticated feel, the symmetry that is unlike most Matri ships, made me feel focused and motivated. A covert-ops fit ship is quite unlike what I'm used to, where I'm flinging myself at my opponent with reckless abandon, 425's a-blazing. No, this was a new thing for me indeed. Hidden, watching, waiting like a stalking butler.

The local pilot registry suddently lit up with a new pilot in system. My senses perked as I tapped the short range scanner. The tactical computers identified the ship as an Amarr Omen cruiser. While it was not likely to have anything good on it, certainly it would be a good test to see how well my steath Loki performed. I narrowed the sensor attenuation from 180 all the way down to 5 degrees and saw that the Omen pilot was flying in one of the asteroid belts near my position. A quick adjustment of d-scan range confirmed it, since it was the only belt within 750M km.

As I put the ship into warp, the computer cooed into my ear "Warp drive active". To this very day it gives me at least a half chub. Warping to 10km off the belt I see the Omen blasting away at a Serpentis Chief. While I'm no fan of the Serpentis corporation, I'll gladly assist him in killing the hapless Amarr pilot. I've never been fond of the religious types, nor have I seen the hand of God deliver anyone from the punishment of my guns as they scream for mercy from their Lord.

With webs and long range warp disruptor pre-activated, I invisibly move in closer, slowly, like a shark coming in for the harbor seal kill. Once I'm 15KM off I decloak and try to initiate a lock. The computer displays a message stating "Sensor re-calibration in process. Please try again in 6 seconds." I curse the cloak's sensor penalty as I move into range as fast as I can. The least I can do is ram the pilot off of his alignment while I'm waiting for my sensors to be ready again. The finely tuned Republic Fleet microwarp drive kicks on full blast and I barrel at the Omen like a slavehound to a Matari fugitive. My ship is jarred by the sudden collision just as the computer finally allows lock initiation. About 3 seconds later the lock completes and the warp disruptor and webs seize the Omen in a death grip. My 425mm Autocannon II's instantly burst to life at the same time and shells start tearing the armor, piece by piece, from the bedamned cruiser. "HELP!" the pilot pleas in a mayday on the local broadcast channel. "There is no help," I mutter under my breath. "Only death. Concord ain't coming this time!" As high explosive Hail rounds shuck away the last sliver of armor at an alarming rate, flames erupt from the Omen's hull. The end is near. I can already smell the deuce that the doomed pilot dropped in his pod.

The Omen exploded in a brilliant white-blue flash of light as his reactor core took the final hit from my barrage of hate and lead. His pod blows free of the wreckage and I immediately begin to lock it. Either out of complete shock or the lack of wherewithal of what to do, Mr. Omen's pod dangles in space, like a pinata at a 6 year old's birthday party in ancient Mexico City. I begin to lock the pod, not expecting at all that I'd snag it. Just as I could see the pod begin to change direction to escape, the warp disruptor engages and webs take hold. With a single tap of a button, my autocannons line up the shot and blow it away. Left floating is the badly beaten, almost unrecognizable frozen corpse of the pilot, surrounded by suspended pod goo that floats in zero gravity. Shards of metal and computer parts deeply embedded in his flesh and implants hanging outside of his cranium. He will soon feel the instant shock of the consciousness transfer to a new clone light years away. I slowly drift towards the corpse and my ship pulls it into the cargo hold and places it next to the pile of victims I've collected through the night.

"Cloak", I command the ship. Beams of light from the sun instantly bend around my ship, obscuring it from prying eyes as if it disappeared into a different dimension. Like a ghostly spectre, I warp away leaving the Serpentis Chief to muddle over the empty wreck of the destroyed Omen.

"Yar!" I say to myself with a half cocked grin. The pirates life may be short, but it's a bloody good one.

You has a fan! More please... :)

(no offense to the other posters, your stories have kept me entertained for many hours, this one though is.... special)
Daemon Ceed
Ice Fire Warriors
#379 - 2012-06-14 10:53:54 UTC
Reppyk wrote:
Cannibal Kane wrote:
He comes in a rep domi which was still unable to keep the amount of dps from those ships off me.
From EFT (yes, I know) a rr domi with 4 T2 heads will remote a standard armor cane for 1200dps, before any ganglink or implants. A tengu can push 600dps, a loki about 550dps. You were in a shield cane ? Oops

Urp, Loki can push more than that bro :) Try at least 700 with drones.
Slave Labor Industries
#380 - 2012-06-18 23:26:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Furyious1
So this is my first post in the forums. I've been following in Cannibal Kane's foot steps.

A few days ago I stole some ore from some guys mining and ended up blowing up a couple ships.
I get an email from their CEO asking me to leave their corp alone... blah blah blah.
I respond telling him for a very cheap 200m he'll never have to worry about me harassing his corp again.
He tells me to go to hell.
My response is that if he doesn't want to pay I'll go after his corp even more and wont stop until I've destroyed 2 billion of their stuff.
Same response from him. Plus telling me I have to pay them 2 billion to not be podded if I end up war dec'ing them

This brings me to last night.... I'm sitting in station minding my own business when I see local start filling up with the CEO and his corp members.
They end up with 6 in system... and start camping my station... even though we're not at war.
The CEO calls me out to fight telling me I only go after noobs and such... can't fight a real fight. I didn't realize 6 vs 1 was a fair fight... but ok.
I undock in my Bhaal. A neuting Domi, Hurricane, Ferox, and Blackbird are sitting outside with cans out for me to steal. They see my Bhaal and the ferox and blackbird warp away. Then they begin to ***** in local that they wont try to take on a Bhaal... that isn't fair !! They ask me to bring out my tengu instead.
So I dock back up and come out in the tengu.... this time its only the Domi and hurricane sitting there. I grab their can ... get in orbit and wait for them to fire. They start telling me I'm a pussy.... apparently they think me orbiting is me running away. Takes them a while but they finally start to fire. The Domi is just sitting still and the caine is chasing me in orbit. So I start drawing him out so I can be out of the domi's range. I make short work of the caine. Right as he's bursting into a ball of fire the ferox warps back in. I do the same thing to him and he falls even faster. I then started back towards the CEO's domi. The blackbird finally comes back... jams me... and they both warp away.
So after showing up with 6 corp members they had to run with their tails between their legs. Mind you the 2 guys I killed are very new. I dont know why they thought this would be a good idea.
And thanks to those 2 kills they're 100m closer to their 2 billion total.

