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MWD or Warp Scrambler?

Peck R Wood
#1 - 2012-05-31 17:40:38 UTC
I'm still new to EVE, interested in pvp, and learning how to fit frigates. I have been equipping an afterburner and a stasis webifier in my mids because I believe they are essential to pvp. This inevitably leads to the dilemma of fitting a MWD or a warp scrambler. Am I doing something wrong? If not, what is most useful in fights with other players: The MWD or the scram?

Thanks in advance for any guidance.

"Benteen, come on, big village, be quick. Bring packs." -George Armstrong Custer

Ryelek d'Entari
Horizon Glare
#2 - 2012-05-31 17:49:40 UTC

A warp scrambler (or warp disruptor in certain cases) is essential for solo and small gang PvP. Otherwise your target can just warp away at leisure. If you're flying in a large enough gang, not everyone needs a warp jamming module. If that's the case, your FC will assign roles and you should fit or not fit a point as necessary.

In most scenarios you should choose either an Afterburner OR a MWD. You can't use them both at the same time. However, certain "dual-prop" (dual propulsion mod) setups are used, typically on interceptors or other fast tackle frigates. In this case you skip the web, not the point.

The basic priority rule of thumb for frigate PvP mid slots is:

(1) scrambler
(2) afterburner
(3) web

Only substitute in a MWD for the AB if you're sure you know what you're doing. MWD gives you speed boost but it also lights you up like a christmas tree via a huge signature radius modifier, making you very vulnerable to getting blapped by larger ships. MWD also gets shut off if you're hit with a warp scrambler, whereas AB does not.

Warp disruptors (a.k.a. "long point") are not usually used on non-interceptor frigates because they have a high cap drain and don't shut off MWDs.
Peck R Wood
#3 - 2012-05-31 18:51:29 UTC
Thanks for the good info, Ryelek. I'll stick with the scram.

"Benteen, come on, big village, be quick. Bring packs." -George Armstrong Custer

Ignotis Imperium
#4 - 2012-05-31 18:58:38 UTC
For most Tech 1 Frigates you want to fit a Afterburner and Warp Scrambler. The web is less important than the scrambler and in some cases is unnecessary. All depends on what you are doing.

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Kahega Amielden
#5 - 2012-05-31 19:17:37 UTC
In general, fitting is highly dependent on the ship and the situation. One of the few general rules, however, is that unless you have an extremely compelling reason not to, you should be fitting both a propulsion mod (either an afterburner or a microwarpdrive) and a point (warp disruptor or warp scrambler).