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Is the penalty for suicide-ganking too low?

Julii Hakaari
Hakaari Inc.
#1 - 2012-05-30 21:55:31 UTC
Note: I know a lot of trolls on acid and other reality twisting substances will feel a psychological need for trolling, but please, for goodness sake, I am bringing something relevant to a discussion of two sides who are constantly at war using tears as weapons; may they be goon-eve-is-hard-and-cold-deal-with-it tears or may they be someone-shot-my-expensive-ship-in-high-sec tears - they are still tears both of which lacks any intelligence behind them and I for one am sick of these threads. Therefore I kindly request the courtesy to avoid trolling and instead discussing the risk/reward with suicide-ganking; a fundamental part of EVE.

Note 2: I have never been suicide-ganked and I have never suicide-ganked, thus I can remain impartial since I dislike the idea that miners should be safe as much as I dislike nullsecers for their hypocrisy.

Topic: I know sec-status is affected when attacking people in high-sec ... hell, my sec has suffered when I've seen a lonely victim sitting by a gate in low sec and I say to myself, "oh, ****, a kill!" - then I die from Gallente badass gate-guns. Sucks. Anyhow, is this penalty enough? If someone is deemed a murderer in empire by either a faction or by CONCORD, why would they allow this person entrance? In the tear-filled debated raging between goons and high sec miners, neither one seem to produce any kind of argument a self-respecting person would use. I propose a better risk/reward-system for suicide-ganking, because if the reward outweighs the risk too much - then how can we call that EVE?

This is not about discouraging suicide-ganking, but simply about not making life easy for them, because that simply isn't life in New Eden; actions should have consequences - murder in empire should have severe consequences.

I know this has been discussed before, but why has it not been implemented? It's not logical to commit several murders in empire space and only lose a bit of security status; to commit murder should be an act of outlawing oneself and thus accepting consequences of no longer being permitted travel in CONCORD / specific faction ruled space.

tl;dr: suicide-ganking is too easy and should have greater penalty; life for suicide gankers should be no easier than life for miners. EVE is a system built on risk/reward - and the reward for suicide-ganking outweighs the risk of doing it.

Thus ends the thoughts of Gaius Julius - oh, no, wait - Julii Hakaari (doesn't sound at all as awesome, now does it?).

What are your thoughts? And, yet again, please, for goodness sake, act as the intelligent EVE-gamers your propose yourselves to be.

J. H.

"Completely un-phased? You think I'm totally lacking in any phasing? The idea that I'm anything less than half-phased I actually find offensive. It greatly phases me."

HVAC Repairman
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2012-05-30 21:57:29 UTC
the gankee loses his ship and gains insurance (heh probably not knowing hi-sec), the ganker loses his ship and loses security status

if anything hi-sec ganking should be buffed
Sunshine and Lollipops
#3 - 2012-05-30 21:59:36 UTC
Hell, it was recently increased by about 400%.

I know this has been discussed before, but why has it not been implemented?
Because what you describe is the players' job, not something that should be handled by NPCs.
Copine Callmeknau
Dirty Vagrants
Intergalactic Space Hobos
#4 - 2012-05-30 22:01:48 UTC
Confirming that I am a MURDERER! Lol

There should be a rather awesome pic here

Nocturnal Romance
Cynosural Field Theory.
#5 - 2012-05-30 22:09:18 UTC
Note: when you say the word trolls they come in a minute, they can smell you from lightyears away.


People who put passwords on char bazaar Eveboards are the worst.

Julii Hakaari
Hakaari Inc.
#6 - 2012-05-30 22:11:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Julii Hakaari
HVAC Repairman wrote:
the gankee loses his ship and gains insurance (heh probably not knowing hi-sec), the ganker loses his ship and loses security status

if anything hi-sec ganking should be buffed

Can the "gankee" scan into the future for gankers? Since gankers can scan gankees they gain fundamental information to use in the calculation of risk and reward; thus it can become too profitable to gank someone since the only risk is losing ones' ship and a bit of security status. A better penalty could be to choose between bribing CONCORD/faction with a 50- 100m fine or choosing exile.

I really don't see how you reached that conclusion.

Tippia wrote:
Hell, it was recently increased by about 400%.

I know this has been discussed before, but why has it not been implemented?
Because what you describe is the players' job, not something that should be handled by NPCs.

No, it's not; players rule nullsec - we don't rule empire space. That's why the guns shoot at me when I shoot at someone near empire gates - even in low sec space.

Copine Callmeknau wrote:
Confirming that I am a MURDERER! Lol

- and confirming that you are as incompetent as you are incoherent. I specifically asked people to avoid trolling; that you feel no shame over your behavior is sad.

"Completely un-phased? You think I'm totally lacking in any phasing? The idea that I'm anything less than half-phased I actually find offensive. It greatly phases me."

Goonswarm Federation
#7 - 2012-05-30 22:13:20 UTC
there ought to be enough risk in putting me at risk to ensure i am 100% safe while afk mining at all times
Vaal Erit
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#8 - 2012-05-30 22:16:30 UTC
If it is so easy and so profitable with no downsides, they why don't you do it?

I think the punishments are fine:
Cannot do anything in space for 15 minutes
Shootable by everyone for 15 minutes
Killrights for 30 days
Large sec hit which will make you shootable by everyone forever until you fix it which is no easy matter
No insurance
Ship blown up 100% of the time

Oh god, I'm posting in another "let's nerf a certain playstyle because I don't like it" whine thread again.
Julii Hakaari
Hakaari Inc.
#9 - 2012-05-30 22:16:53 UTC
EvilweaselSA wrote:
there ought to be enough risk in putting me at risk to ensure i am 100% safe while afk mining at all times

I'm sitting here asking myself what I should reply. I see this ignorant and stupid post and I see that, of course - you're a goon, and I ask myself if I'm racist against goons or if I'm just a realist for not being surprised that ignorant, stupidity and goons walk hand in hand, but then I realize that I'm better off reading about Einstein's theory on relativity, so I walk away.

"Completely un-phased? You think I'm totally lacking in any phasing? The idea that I'm anything less than half-phased I actually find offensive. It greatly phases me."

Hammer Crendraven
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2012-05-30 22:17:08 UTC

Well a couple of points stick out about this:

1. Goons claim they have way too much money on their hands.

2. CCP is looking for ways to reduce ISK float in the game.

3. Suicide ganking is a great avenue to reduce ISK float in the game so make it happen.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#11 - 2012-05-30 22:17:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Julii Hakaari wrote:
No, it's not
Yes it is. Your security is your responsibility. Keeping you safe is your job. The NPCs are not part of it, in highsec or anywhere else. If you want people to be kept out of highsec because they threaten your security, then it's your job to keep them out.

If you think the penalty is too low, it's because you make it too low. You are willingly nullifying some of the costs. Your choices are not a game design problem.
That's why the guns shoot at me when I shoot at someone near empire gates - even in low sec space.
No. They do that because you engage in a criminal act, not because you have any specific level of security status. It's exactly the same as why CONCORD doesn't chase outlaws, only cirminals. You're confusing two completely separate mechanics.
Siobhan MacLeary
#12 - 2012-05-30 22:24:08 UTC
No, the price is not too low.

The price is that gankers eventually lose enough security status to not be able to go into any hisec system owned by one of the four Empires without attracting a massive fleet of NPCs that chase him through space and time, and can alpha all but the largest and most heavily tanked ships.

To fix this, a ganker must grind missions in low and null until his standing and security status are at a level that he can enter a hisec system without attracting said fleet of uber-ganky NPC police.

What's the one thing a ganker supposedly hates most of all? Grinding. What does he eventually have to do if he wants to continue ganking? Grind.

Seems a fitting punishment to me.

Point out to me a person who has been harmed by an AFK cloaker and I will point out a person who has no business playing this game.” - CCP Soundwave

Julii Hakaari
Hakaari Inc.
#13 - 2012-05-30 22:24:44 UTC
Vaal Erit wrote:
If it is so easy and so profitable with no downsides, they why don't you do it?

I don't see it as a play-style I wish to adapt to myself. With that said, I have no problems with other people doing it, because I have no will in changing someone's liberty - but I do want a better reward/risk system for gankers who can suicide-gank a ship with valuable cargo and loot it with his alt.

Vaal Erit wrote:
I think the punishments are fine:
Cannot do anything in space for 15 minutes
Shootable by everyone for 15 minutes
Killrights for 30 days
Large sec hit which will make you shootable by everyone forever until you fix it which is no easy matter
No insurance
Ship blown up 100% of the time

15 minutes is nothing; the scanned ship risks to lose a lot more spent time.
Killrights is not enough.
The security loss is indeed a good penalty, but it should be harder upon the ganker.
Of course the ship is blown up - it should be; that's why it's called suicide-ganking.

What I'm talking about is a more realistic approach to someone who commits murder in a state rather than in a desolate place equivalent to a lonely island, i.e. nullsec.

Vaal Erit wrote:
Oh god, I'm posting in another "let's nerf a certain playstyle because I don't like it" whine thread again.

If this is what you've gathered from reading my post, then I do pity you.

I do not whine and I have given no such impression to deserve such a pitiful argument against my arguments. You'd do well to stick with the mentality you first showed when producing arguments which I may not agree with, but I do respect.

"Completely un-phased? You think I'm totally lacking in any phasing? The idea that I'm anything less than half-phased I actually find offensive. It greatly phases me."

Surfin's PlunderBunny
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2012-05-30 22:26:45 UTC
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

"Little ginger moron" ~David Hasselhoff 

Want to see what Surf is training or how little isk Surf has?

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2012-05-30 22:28:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Fredfredbug4
The suicide ganker is 100% guaranteed to lose his ship, some modules, and sec status. It is the highest risk activity in EVE. Anyone can acknowledge that.

Watch_ Fred Fred Frederation_ and stop [u]cryptozoologist[/u]! Fight against the brutal genocide of fictional creatures across New Eden! Is that a metaphor? Probably not, but the fru-fru- people will sure love it!

#16 - 2012-05-30 22:34:45 UTC
Surfin's PlunderBunny wrote:
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Heyyy, that's my shtick

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

Julii Hakaari
Hakaari Inc.
#17 - 2012-05-30 22:36:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Julii Hakaari
Tippia wrote:
Yes it is. Your security is your responsibility. Keeping you safe is your job. The NPCs are not part of it, in highsec or anywhere else. If you want people to be kept out of highsec because they threaten your security, then it's your job to keep them out.

I agree that the security status is the responsibility of the character, but I don't see what that has to do with anything. I'm talking about there being fundamental differences between high security space, low security space and null security space. To commit a murder in for instance Minmatar Republic should have more severe consequences either by Minmatar Republic itself, or CONCORD. Why would they wait until your security status drops enough? Is one murder not enough? I agree that the player-base should in essence rule the game, but there are differences between the different securities of space, and these differences cannot be ignored as long as there is any kind of environmental game-play in New Eden.

Tippia wrote:
If you think the penalty is too low, it's because you make it too low. You are willingly nullifying some of the costs. Your choices are not a game design problem.

No, they are not, but it is a game design problem if your reward far exceeds the risk of killing me in CONCORD/faction space.

Tippia wrote:
No. They do that because you engage in a criminal act, not because you have any specific level of security status. It's exactly the same as why CONCORD doesn't chase outlaws, only cirminals. You're confusing two completely separate mechanics.

I never said it has anything to due with "specific level of security status".

What this thread is about is simple: does the reward exceed the risk too much of suicide-ganking? I believe so, why else are people doing it? I'm not saying that we should prevent it because people are doing it; merely look at it and ask if it isn't too easy after all. I'm just trying to get a discussion between two parties' going here; a break from the goon-whining and the miner-whining.

Siobhan MacLeary wrote:
No, the price is not too low.

The price is that gankers eventually lose enough security status to not be able to go into any hisec system owned by one of the four Empires without attracting a massive fleet of NPCs that chase him through space and time, and can alpha all but the largest and most heavily tanked ships.

To fix this, a ganker must grind missions in low and null until his standing and security status are at a level that he can enter a hisec system without attracting said fleet of uber-ganky NPC police.

What's the one thing a ganker supposedly hates most of all? Grinding. What does he eventually have to do if he wants to continue ganking? Grind.

Seems a fitting punishment to me.

Yes, "eventually" that will happen. I propose a harder, more cold, if you will, punishment for committing murder in high sec.

"Completely un-phased? You think I'm totally lacking in any phasing? The idea that I'm anything less than half-phased I actually find offensive. It greatly phases me."

Julii Hakaari
Hakaari Inc.
#18 - 2012-05-30 22:41:00 UTC
Fredfredbug4 wrote:
The suicide ganker is 100% guaranteed to lose his ship, some modules, and sec status. It is the highest risk activity in EVE. Anyone can acknowledge that.

That's not true, though. I fit a cheap rifter if I'm looking for some fun frigate pvp, and I couldn't care less if I lost the ship.

Now, if I fit a 100m+ hurricane with 29m back on insurance, then I do care about losing it or not. My point is that losing ship A is cheaper than ship B and I can adapt what I spend with the reward I receive from suicide-ganking.

"Completely un-phased? You think I'm totally lacking in any phasing? The idea that I'm anything less than half-phased I actually find offensive. It greatly phases me."

Fiddler Hays
Aerodyne Collective.
#19 - 2012-05-30 22:41:45 UTC
CONCORDS response to Outlaws/Criminals that enter Hi-sec is very underwhelming. Currently you can be -10.0 and still go anyway in EVE. Which would not be an issue if there were not ways to getting ships after entering.

I have no issues with gankers other then the impunity in which they seem to operate in hi-sec. Having CONCORD deem them Shoot on Site after they have reach a certain security status would slow down their activities and would make paid events like Hulkageddon unsustainable in hi-sec.

As was pointed out above, you are responsible for you own security. But this isn't 0.0 where you have an alliance to keep out the un-welcomed. In Hi-sec you only have CONCORD.

Julii Hakaari
Hakaari Inc.
#20 - 2012-05-30 22:43:44 UTC
Fiddler Hays wrote:
CONCORDS response to Outlaws/Criminals that enter Hi-sec is very underwhelming. Currently you can be -10.0 and still go anyway in EVE. Which would not be an issue if there were not ways to getting ships after entering.

I have no issues with gankers other then the impunity in which they seem to operate in hi-sec. Having CONCORD deem them Shoot on Site after they have reach a certain security status would slow down their activities and would make paid events like Hulkageddon unsustainable in hi-sec.

As was pointed out above, you are responsible for you own security. But this isn't 0.0 where you have an alliance to keep out the un-welcomed. In Hi-sec you only have CONCORD.


I had myself no problem jumping seven jumps through high sec and dock in Jita with my 15 min cooldown; each jump I was told on my screen that I should leave, lest I be shot.

I wasn't shot.

"Completely un-phased? You think I'm totally lacking in any phasing? The idea that I'm anything less than half-phased I actually find offensive. It greatly phases me."

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