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Surviving the goons

First post
Duncan Kennedy
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#201 - 2011-10-05 00:50:34 UTC
Woo Glin wrote:
i have goosebumps

You should probably put on pants.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#202 - 2011-10-05 00:59:17 UTC
^ This is what happens when a goon runs out of pubbies to troll. Some non-goon post in this thread, prevent this tragedy. Sad
Doctor Ungabungas
#203 - 2011-10-05 01:08:55 UTC
Cipher Jones wrote:

For example leaving out the part that the ganking cannot be sustained, and regardless of the insurance payouts, the amount of opportunity cost being wasted is astronomical. Or the fact that it benefits others greatly.

Did you just talk about the 'opportunity cost' of a recreational activity? No one is blowing up ice miners to 'make lots of money'. They are blowing them up because it's hilarious and insurance and bounties are only relevant in as much as they offset the 'work' required to sustain the recreational activity.

Goonswarm Federation
#204 - 2011-10-05 01:11:02 UTC
It's not their fault Doc. They don't understand the concept of shooting anything that doesn't have an ISK value displayed next to its name.
Poor things. Sad
3 R Corporation
#205 - 2011-10-05 01:13:06 UTC
Doctor Ungabungas wrote:

Did you just talk about the 'opportunity cost' of a recreational activity? No one is blowing up ice miners to 'make lots of money'. They are blowing them up because it's hilarious and insurance and bounties are only relevant in as much as they offset the 'work' required to sustain the recreational activity.

When you consider that the whole internet spaceships thing is one big glorified spreadsheet, I think "opportunity cost" is relevant. Just take it to mean "I could be having fun doing this instead of having less fun doing that". I mean we have to be pretty weird to enjoy EVE in the first place... most people are busy playing Angry Birds.
Goonswarm Federation
#206 - 2011-10-05 01:16:52 UTC
Ptraci wrote:

When you consider that the whole internet spaceships thing is one big glorified spreadsheet, I think "opportunity cost" is relevant. Just take it to mean "I could be having fun doing this instead of having less fun doing that". I mean we have to be pretty weird to enjoy EVE in the first place... most people are busy playing Angry Birds.

So the opportunity cost of ice mining--using your own logic here--is gargantuan. We're doing these people a valued service, and you are the one who's trying to keep them stuck in an unfun, unprofitable activity!

You monster.
Doctor Ungabungas
#207 - 2011-10-05 01:23:29 UTC
Ptraci wrote:
Doctor Ungabungas wrote:

Did you just talk about the 'opportunity cost' of a recreational activity? No one is blowing up ice miners to 'make lots of money'. They are blowing them up because it's hilarious and insurance and bounties are only relevant in as much as they offset the 'work' required to sustain the recreational activity.

When you consider that the whole internet spaceships thing is one big glorified spreadsheet, I think "opportunity cost" is relevant. Just take it to mean "I could be having fun doing this instead of having less fun doing that". I mean we have to be pretty weird to enjoy EVE in the first place... most people are busy playing Angry Birds.

That's what I mean though.

People are enjoying killing ice miners right now, so the 'opportunity cost' of doing something less enjoyable is completely irrelevant.

Cipher Jones is trying to min max for maximum isk/hour while at the moment GSF is min maxing for maximum enjoyment.

So is the game about making isk/hour or is it about enjoying yourself? When you started playing, did you think to yourself 'boy, I hope I can get that number changing as fast as I can' or did you think 'I want to nail tiny bitches in space'.
Cipher Jones
The Thomas Edwards Taco Tuesday All Stars
#208 - 2011-10-05 01:28:26 UTC
Doctor Ungabungas wrote:
Cipher Jones wrote:

For example leaving out the part that the ganking cannot be sustained, and regardless of the insurance payouts, the amount of opportunity cost being wasted is astronomical. Or the fact that it benefits others greatly.

Did you just talk about the 'opportunity cost' of a recreational activity? No one is blowing up ice miners to 'make lots of money'. They are blowing them up because it's hilarious and insurance and bounties are only relevant in as much as they offset the 'work' required to sustain the recreational activity.

Rofl. You are not. Others are. And you are their tool.

internet spaceships

are serious business sir.

and don't forget it

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#209 - 2011-10-05 01:29:47 UTC
holy crap

are you talking about isk/hr favorably in terms of ICE MINING

jesus christ

This post was crafted by the wormhole expert of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.

Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#210 - 2011-10-05 01:31:26 UTC
Querns wrote:
holy crap

are you talking about isk/hr favorably in terms of ICE MINING

jesus christ

It's Cipher Jones.

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

Doctor Ungabungas
#211 - 2011-10-05 01:34:49 UTC
Cipher Jones wrote:

Rofl. You are not. Others are. And you are their tool.

You're right I'm not - Hand to hand combat does not interest me, so I am chilling out in the depths of space running a vast industrial enterprise instead.

That's kind of what I do.
3 R Corporation
#212 - 2011-10-05 01:38:30 UTC
Querns wrote:
holy crap

are you talking about isk/hr favorably in terms of ICE MINING

jesus christ

The only thing that beats ice mining in a fully tricked out Mackinaw top skills, the 5% implant, and a fully skilled Orca pilot is ABC mining in null sec.

But from your attitudes you seem to think that ice miners aren't allowed to own other ships or do other stuff in between mining ops. Hey it's not like once you wear a Mack, you never go back. But it certainly beats hanging around gate-camping or roaming in low sec hoping to find the one guy dumb enough to fight you but not good enough to kill you.
Doctor Ungabungas
#213 - 2011-10-05 01:40:52 UTC
Ptraci wrote:
once you wear a Mack, you never go back.

That's the best thing you've ever said, don't cheapen it by posting further.
Jita Alt666
#214 - 2011-10-05 01:41:40 UTC
Ptraci wrote:
Doctor Ungabungas wrote:

Did you just talk about the 'opportunity cost' of a recreational activity? No one is blowing up ice miners to 'make lots of money'. They are blowing them up because it's hilarious and insurance and bounties are only relevant in as much as they offset the 'work' required to sustain the recreational activity.

When you consider that the whole internet spaceships thing is one big glorified spreadsheet, I think "opportunity cost" is relevant. Just take it to mean "I could be having fun doing this instead of having less fun doing that". I mean we have to be pretty weird to enjoy EVE in the first place... most people are busy playing Angry Birds.

If I add the value of enjoyment I perceive as a an integer between 1-100 on column AAC of my Eve Online Spreadsheet, it changes the opportunity cost of ganking ice miners by a factor of: Your tears make it worth it whatever the cost.

Your threads are bait for bored goons who are waiting for their global aggression timer to finish. You do not need to respond to them. You do not even need to read them. You are also sighting Cipher Jones as a competent source. He is about this competent.
Risktech Analytics
#215 - 2011-10-05 01:44:59 UTC
Ptraci wrote:
Querns wrote:
holy crap

are you talking about isk/hr favorably in terms of ICE MINING

jesus christ

The only thing that beats ice mining in a fully tricked out Mackinaw top skills, the 5% implant, and a fully skilled Orca pilot is ABC mining in null sec.

But from your attitudes you seem to think that ice miners aren't allowed to own other ships or do other stuff in between mining ops. Hey it's not like once you wear a Mack, you never go back. But it certainly beats hanging around gate-camping or roaming in low sec hoping to find the one guy dumb enough to fight you but not good enough to kill you.


You do realize that if you make less than 60M an hour in this game you're doing it wrong? And 60M/h is not really anything to brag about either.

No one mines ABC in null because doing pretty much anything else is 10x more profitable.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#216 - 2011-10-05 01:47:36 UTC
Ptraci wrote:
Querns wrote:
holy crap

are you talking about isk/hr favorably in terms of ICE MINING

jesus christ

The only thing that beats ice mining in a fully tricked out Mackinaw top skills, the 5% implant, and a fully skilled Orca pilot is ABC mining in null sec.

But from your attitudes you seem to think that ice miners aren't allowed to own other ships or do other stuff in between mining ops. Hey it's not like once you wear a Mack, you never go back. But it certainly beats hanging around gate-camping or roaming in low sec hoping to find the one guy dumb enough to fight you but not good enough to kill you.

Actually, belt ratting in 0.0 beats everything you just listed.

Incursions beat it by a factor of at least 10.
Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#217 - 2011-10-05 01:48:53 UTC
Ptraci wrote:
The only thing that beats ice mining in a fully tricked out Mackinaw top skills, the 5% implant, and a fully skilled Orca pilot is ABC mining in null sec.

lol now you're just trolling. Grats on lowering yourself to our's fun down here!

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

Jita Alt666
#218 - 2011-10-05 01:51:16 UTC
EnderCapitalG wrote:
Ptraci wrote:
Querns wrote:
holy crap

are you talking about isk/hr favorably in terms of ICE MINING

jesus christ

The only thing that beats ice mining in a fully tricked out Mackinaw top skills, the 5% implant, and a fully skilled Orca pilot is ABC mining in null sec.

But from your attitudes you seem to think that ice miners aren't allowed to own other ships or do other stuff in between mining ops. Hey it's not like once you wear a Mack, you never go back. But it certainly beats hanging around gate-camping or roaming in low sec hoping to find the one guy dumb enough to fight you but not good enough to kill you.

Actually, belt ratting in 0.0 beats everything you just listed.

Incursions beat it by a factor of at least 10.

Thus the correct answer is, stop mining ice jump into a zealot or guardian and pew pew your way to riches?
Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#219 - 2011-10-05 01:55:25 UTC
Jita Alt666 wrote:
Thus the correct answer is, stop mining ice jump into a zealot or guardian and pew pew your way to riches?

Ratting in a guardian is a pro plan.

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

Jita Alt666
#220 - 2011-10-05 02:12:16 UTC
Ladie Scarlet wrote:
Jita Alt666 wrote:
Thus the correct answer is, stop mining ice jump into a zealot or guardian and pew pew your way to riches?

Ratting in a guardian is a pro plan.

Providing logistic support to an amour tanked incursion fleet is more or less pro?