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Current Caldari Faction War

Shadow Adanza
Gold Crest Salvage
#221 - 2012-05-28 06:12:42 UTC
Mutnin wrote:
Shadow Adanza wrote:
Or how about today? Some Caldari engaged a member of our plexing fleet in a 4 on 1, so the rest of the fleet comes back to get them and Mutnin tries to make a big scene about it, lol. As if our outnumbering of them was any worse than their outnumbering of our solo guy.

You realize how easy you are to troll?

I wasn't aware I was taking any of this seriously, sir.
I think it's a lot of fun. We've got some good humor between us. "Don't camp my guys", "Is this one of your fair fights?", my Thrasher that was named 'Mutnin's Capsule'. I was actually rather hoping your little dessy gang would've jumped it the other night. That would have been hilarious for you to kill 'Mutnin's Capsule."

Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

Lock out
Shadows Of The Federation
#222 - 2012-05-28 07:51:27 UTC
Tekitha wrote:
RavenTesio wrote:

Not sure how you can e-peen waggle over such things all the time.
Frankly while I like the harder fights to win, feels more of an accomplishment when you hold the field. You guys though, I dunno. What exactly have you accomplished? When was the last fight (except for that blue op with the Amarr vs PL) where you truely felt like the fight was close and entertaining?

confirming we have no fun at all, unless the caldari are leeroying into us ...

is how we spend our days ... bored and waiting for your thrasher gangs

please give up posting until you become relevant.

Confirming it was more than 5 jumps from Nisuwa. Ok, it was a carrier jump and a bridge, gates are soo 2010.
Lock out
Shadows Of The Federation
#223 - 2012-05-28 08:01:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Lock out
RavenTesio wrote:
What exactly have you accomplished? When was the last fight (except for that blue op with the Amarr vs PL) where you truely felt like the fight was close and entertaining?

Uhmm, see Tek's link above ? Or maybe the Geminate fight where we jumped with 15 guardians and 35 BS in to 80 BS and 21 caps ? Or maybe the Kedama fight vs SNUFF, X13 and Muppets ?

As for accomplishing, EON magazine top 10 pvp corporations twice in the last year or so, making EN24 news on multiple ocasions, getting the kill that made all fanfest lol at PL, making FW interesting and causing a 21 page thread by siding with the supposed enemy ?

What did you accomplish ? You are kidding yourself if you think your plexing in a thrasher is of any relevance to the eve comunity as a whole.

I saw Mutnin flying with Exodus. in some nice fights, I saw Per C is well respected in some circles, but the rest of you should be posting more questions and less verdicts, because you have a lot of clicking in space to do untill your opinion holds any weight.
Liandri Corporation
#224 - 2012-05-28 12:50:54 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
marketjacker wrote:
Yea hes be mad. Try learning to pvp scrub. Stop posting.
Very mad!

I was pretty worried he had a point, then I saw his killboard. I've lost more ships leroying into bad situations than he has in total kills.

pfft! Like the Killboards truely show what happened in a given situation.
Besides I like my killboard, you might see it as a string of Leeroy maneouvers ... to me I remember every engagement on there and often have fond memories of them.

Easy kills are boring and meaningless, past additional numbers on an equally meaningless internet board for meaningless waggling of e-peens. It's difficult to see where you get your entertainment from if all you do is run or out-ship people.

As I said, don't understand why you don't just move to Null where your favoured tactics are actually appreciated and wanted.
Liandri Corporation
#225 - 2012-05-28 12:59:42 UTC
Lock out wrote:
RavenTesio wrote:
What exactly have you accomplished? When was the last fight (except for that blue op with the Amarr vs PL) where you truely felt like the fight was close and entertaining?

Uhmm, see Tek's link above ? Or maybe the Geminate fight where we jumped with 15 guardians and 35 BS in to 80 BS and 21 caps ? Or maybe the Kedama fight vs SNUFF, X13 and Muppets ?

As for accomplishing, EON magazine top 10 pvp corporations twice in the last year or so, making EN24 news on multiple ocasions, getting the kill that made all fanfest lol at PL, making FW interesting and causing a 21 page thread by siding with the supposed enemy ?

What did you accomplish ? You are kidding yourself if you think your plexing in a thrasher is of any relevance to the eve comunity as a whole.

I saw Mutnin flying with Exodus. in some nice fights, I saw Per C is well respected in some circles, but the rest of you should be posting more questions and less verdicts, because you have a lot of clicking in space to do untill your opinion holds any weight.

Which goes to show that your personal sight on what happens within eve is so small and narrow it's basically a tunnel.
I barely ever use Thrasher (**** think I've flown them maybe twice in the past 9 years), I also rarely complex run.

Just saying you've barely noticed certain people about doesn't really mean much. Hell, honestly I've only ever see (or perhaps noticed) you in a single fight that I arranged with Loren Gallen when I was bored with an ex-corpie who wanted to test out his new Brutix.

You might think you've been around and being in these big fights that are handed out as oppurtunities due to your situation, but really it only means something to you. Honestly to me, the business you guys have dealing with PL and such is your own business... but believing that being noticed somehow makes you EVE gods and everyone should listen to you, well that's just laughable.

You're little more than a dude behind a computer, internet fame (or infamy in this case) isn't exactly something you can wear proudly as a badge. Nor does it make you any more or less important than anyone else.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#226 - 2012-05-28 13:49:48 UTC
RavenTesio wrote:
pfft! Like the Killboards truely show what happened in a given situation.
Besides I like my killboard, you might see it as a string of Leeroy maneouvers ... to me I remember every engagement on there and often have fond memories of them.

Easy kills are boring and meaningless, past additional numbers on an equally meaningless internet board for meaningless waggling of e-peens. It's difficult to see where you get your entertainment from if all you do is run or out-ship people.

As I said, don't understand why you don't just move to Null where your favoured tactics are actually appreciated and wanted.

lol, must be Gallente alt troll. Sorry I didn't pick up on it sooner.

Lock out
Shadows Of The Federation
#227 - 2012-05-28 15:56:13 UTC
RavenTesio wrote:
Nor does it make you any more or less important than anyone else.

I know I know, everyone is special, little snowflake.
Quantum Cats Syndicate
Of Essence
#228 - 2012-06-15 18:52:25 UTC  |  Edited by: chatgris
Owena Owoked wrote:
no longer can you play LoL only undocking the blob to kill and still win the war.

Rest assured, I now have a 0 skill defensive plexing alt that I run on my second monitor while playing LoL. Teemo is back baby!

And the occupancy war rages on.
RaVeN Alliance
#229 - 2012-06-15 19:09:26 UTC
I must counter that with one home system afk cyno/defensive plexing alt. (she is ruining my kb btw) Blink
Super Chair
Project Cerberus
Templis CALSF
#230 - 2012-06-16 03:35:49 UTC
chatgris wrote:
Owena Owoked wrote:
no longer can you play LoL only undocking the blob to kill and still win the war.

Rest assured, I now have a 0 skill defensive plexing alt that I run on my second monitor while playing LoL. Teemo is back baby!

And the occupancy war rages on.

Teemo players have no soul, just saying.

I need to troll you guys with my jungle soraka again sometime Big smile
David Clausewitz
David Clausewitz Corporation
#231 - 2012-06-16 06:40:34 UTC
You shouldn't play LoL except in small doses because it is bad for your gamer health..