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Learning implants ruined my life

Sugar Kyle
Middle Ground
#21 - 2012-05-28 04:29:57 UTC
OP, I am glad that you went out and enjoyed yourself. I do not, however, understand how your risk adversion should affect the rest of the playerbase. Implants are no different then ships. This is Eve. Everything can be lost. I'm not sure why I have to suffer because you do not wish to spend ISK/take risk/have an expensive pod on your kilkboard.

Perhaps, you should look into how you reached the point that you would rather ship spin then lose some implants and not play the game you are playing.

Member of CSM9 and CSM10.

Richard Desturned
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#22 - 2012-05-28 04:30:38 UTC
learning implants are a vestige of the days of learning skills

they gotta go

npc alts have no opinions worth consideration

Sevastian Liao
DreamWeaver Inc.
#23 - 2012-05-28 04:32:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Sevastian Liao
Honestly - Why? You're not forced into making use of learning implants that are too expensive to the point where they deter you from getting into PvP. You have the choice, much like someone looking for PvP has the option to buy a stack of cheap Rifters, instead of splurging everything on a pimped out faction ship that wipes out his wallet when he dies. Or a miner who has the choice to buy a stack of Covetors to use in dangerous space/during Hulkageddon, instead of thinking that he needs a pimp Hulk for mining or else "mining's just not worth it"

Why do the latter attitudes get laughed at, but "expensive learning implants are broken because I insist on using them" makes perfect sense? In all cases you have the option to tailor the size of the financial investment you're putting at risk, taking into account your experience, skills, risk appetite, etc.
Richard Desturned
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#24 - 2012-05-28 04:35:00 UTC
Sevastian Liao wrote:
In all cases you have the option to tailor the size of the financial investment you're putting at risk, taking into account your experience, skills, risk appetitie, etc.

implants only have a superficial risk of loss outside of 0.0/wormhole space

npc alts have no opinions worth consideration

Karl L
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2012-05-28 04:53:59 UTC
I finally said "**** it" one day and destroyed my implants. You get used to not having the boost that they provide and you never have to worry about losing/replacing them!
State War Academy
Caldari State
#26 - 2012-05-28 05:05:27 UTC
THis is just too funny.

A bunch of vets that are scared of some newbie who can pick up +3's for song and dance and what catch up the vets skill points after how many years.

Give me break.

Oh but wait attribute implants or a snake set that could cost you in the range of 1 bill + is okay.
Cause those will make you more likely to engage in a PVP fight.

Give me a break all you are getting desperate for trolling now going after some as foolish as this.

CCP already bent over to the crying and made everyones racual stats the same.
SO you want to dumb down the game even more and make it so that everyone trains at the same speed EXCEPT for those that can afford 1 Bill + for implants ???

Yeh okay I can see how this is going to help new players.. NOT
Tyrannos Sunset
#27 - 2012-05-28 05:19:54 UTC
Simetraz wrote:
THis is just too funny.

A bunch of vets that are scared of some newbie who can pick up +3's for song and dance and what catch up the vets skill points after how many years.

Give me break.

Oh but wait attribute implants or a snake set that could cost you in the range of 1 bill + is okay.
Cause those will make you more likely to engage in a PVP fight.

Give me a break all you are getting desperate for trolling now going after some as foolish as this.

CCP already bent over to the crying and made everyones racual stats the same.
SO you want to dumb down the game even more and make it so that everyone trains at the same speed EXCEPT for those that can afford 1 Bill + for implants ???

Yeh okay I can see how this is going to help new players.. NOT

Actually, removing implants and increasing stats across the board would be a HUGE help to new players and the mildly risk-averse.

Personally, I would be much more inclined to roam, even solo, without having to worry about either messing with my training times or losing implants. Keep the implants, but remove the attribute bonuses and just have the sets. Veteran/rich players keep their combat bonuses, new players that couldn't afford the high-end implants anyway lose nothing, but gain the peace of mind to not give a crap about being podded.

In the end, the vets should support this. They might get more targets roaming around, like me.

"Do not lift the veil. Do not show the door. Do not split the dream."

#28 - 2012-05-28 05:19:59 UTC
Train two decent alts on one account. Give each a jump clone without implants. Swap into the JC while other alt is training at full speed. Use the JC for risky stuff Blink
State War Academy
Caldari State
#29 - 2012-05-28 05:34:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Simetraz
Kaaeliaa wrote:

Actually, removing implants and increasing stats across the board would be a HUGE help to new players and the mildly risk-averse.

Why or should I say how ?
Implants was the least of my concerns when I was a new player.
I was more interested in keeping myself in a ship.

Sorry but I don't see why everyone is stuck on there implants these days and how they have now become the new excuse of why they won't PvP.

Ship & Clone & Ammo first Implants only after that.

If people are so worried about losing implants, why did you put them in to begin with.

Becuase you can train faster.
Well when CCP gets rid of the implants you will all be training alot slower.
Oh wait you want faster training right...
So is this thread really about implants or is it about people complaining cause they spend to long training.
If it is just about implants then CCP should be able to delete them without increasing your current stats.
Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#30 - 2012-05-28 05:44:44 UTC
putting in example 2x +3 implants is not much more isk compared to 30m clone activation and ship losses i am going to take.
#31 - 2012-05-28 05:47:28 UTC
Simetraz wrote:
If people are so worried about losing implants, why did you put them in to begin with.

Becuase you can train faster.
Well when CCP gets rid of the implants you will all be training alot slower.
Oh wait you want faster training right...
So is this thread really about implants or is it about people complaining cause they spend to long training.
If it is just about implants then CCP should be able to delete them without increasing your current stats.

Actually when this thread appeared a couple of times in Jita Hall and Features & Ideas it was suggested that we get rid of learning implants, get rid of stats, and set training times to the equivalent of a set of +5's.

They want to get rid of the cake, and then eat it.
Onyx Nyx
The Veldspar Protectorate
#32 - 2012-05-28 05:59:35 UTC
Kaaeliaa wrote:
Simetraz wrote:
THis is just too funny.

A bunch of vets that are scared of some newbie who can pick up +3's for song and dance and what catch up the vets skill points after how many years.

Give me break.

Oh but wait attribute implants or a snake set that could cost you in the range of 1 bill + is okay.
Cause those will make you more likely to engage in a PVP fight.

Give me a break all you are getting desperate for trolling now going after some as foolish as this.

CCP already bent over to the crying and made everyones racual stats the same.
SO you want to dumb down the game even more and make it so that everyone trains at the same speed EXCEPT for those that can afford 1 Bill + for implants ???

Yeh okay I can see how this is going to help new players.. NOT

Actually, removing implants and increasing stats across the board would be a HUGE help to new players and the mildly risk-averse.

Personally, I would be much more inclined to roam, even solo, without having to worry about either messing with my training times or losing implants. Keep the implants, but remove the attribute bonuses and just have the sets. Veteran/rich players keep their combat bonuses, new players that couldn't afford the high-end implants anyway lose nothing, but gain the peace of mind to not give a crap about being podded.

In the end, the vets should support this. They might get more targets roaming around, like me.

No. Because should this change make it in, it won't be long until someone else makes another idiotic suggestion that they keep drumming on about until CCP caves in and implements it.

If you are too terrified to undock because of the sandbox design, then EVE just isn't not for you.

I kill kittens, and puppies and bunnies. I maim toddlers and teens and then more.

  • Richard (
Gallente Federation
#33 - 2012-05-28 06:01:37 UTC
Sentient Blade wrote:
After this experience, which I chose to share, I personally think that one of the single best ways of getting more people involved in PvP would be if all attributes were set either +3 or +4, and the learning implants removed from the game.

Snakes, Slaves, Crystals etc all have perfectly reasonable combat uses, they offer a significant benefit in combat to the player, and should remain in game as is, perhaps other sets could be added too.

But as for the learning implants themselves... no, get rid of them.

@Alavaria Fera - If memory serves the cost comes to around 14m ISK for the +3 / +2 set for whatever I am training at the time. But that's going to be adding 50% on to the cost of a T1 cruiser, and doubling (or more) the cost of a frigate.

There was a suggestion on this a while back -- get rid of attribute implants and convert those 5 slots into hardwires. It didn't go over well.

The way I've explained implant "logic" to some is pretty simple:

I can afford a lot. I can buy tons of fits and ships, bling them or fly cheap - it doesn't make a difference, literally I can afford billions in losses and shrug it off - it's just isk and I can always get more.

What I can't buy, the 1 thing that all the isk in the game won't get me is SP that I didn't gain by using higher end attribute implants.

It's about not earning the SP that sit heavy on many players minds. The ability to fit & fly ships in this game is a major motivation - be that from a new char still working Engineering up, or a more experienced char trying to "meet requirements" for a given corp/alliance's operations - "need carriers 5 or I can't fly a super" can park a char just as readily as "can't fit an MWD on my frigate" to a newbie.

Only after they have the SP do players tend to find it to be a trivial issue - or once they have a batch of accounts, each focused on different parts of the game, do they not care anymore.

As such, I find them to be a bigger impediment for players to actually get into PvP than anything else. All the rest is just isk costs but the training losses? That cannot be bought and I'd like to see this benefit removed from "carebears" / the penalty taken off of the PvP players.

Yeah, I'd like to see it redressed, like removal of the learning skills - which did improve game play for the majority, by large margins.
Alavaria Fera
#34 - 2012-05-28 06:08:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Alavaria Fera
Mocam wrote:
[What I can't buy, the 1 thing that all the isk in the game won't get me is SP that I didn't gain by using higher end attribute implants.

It's about not earning the SP that sit heavy on many players minds. The ability to fit & fly ships in this game is a major motivation - be that from a new char still working Engineering up, or a more experienced char trying to "meet requirements" for a given corp/alliance's operations - "need carriers 5 or I can't fly a super" can park a char just as readily as "can't fit an MWD on my frigate" to a newbie.

Only after they have the SP do players tend to find it to be a trivial issue - or once they have a batch of accounts, each focused on different parts of the game, do they not care anymore.

As such, I find them to be a bigger impediment for players to actually get into PvP than anything else. All the rest is just isk costs but the training losses? That cannot be bought and I'd like to see this benefit removed from "carebears" / the penalty taken off of the PvP players.

Well you can buy characters... of course a supercarrier character costs about as much as a supercarrier or something, but you'll lose some of the latter so ~~

400+ days for a Fighter-Bomber IV, Carrier IV, JDC V character (with remaps)

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Inexorable Retribution
#35 - 2012-05-28 06:23:32 UTC
My clone costs 45 million sans implants. CCP hates me. Evil

TBH, the stupidly high cost of my pod is one of (but not the only) the reasons I don't fly frigs of any sort or T1 cruisers. Insufficient survivability.

"But Wrayeth, aren't you a 2004 character? Why don't you have billions upon billions of ISK?"

I spent it on PvP ships. And I really can't be assed to mission much anymore. Also, I don't live in 0.0 because sov and blob warfare suck the big one these days, so I don't have access to the other primary means of making cash.

I'm just hoping CCP reduce the clone costs like they mentioned doing at in a blog or one of the Fanfest panels a few months ago (can't remember which).
Alavaria Fera
#36 - 2012-05-28 06:30:23 UTC
Wrayeth wrote:
"But Wrayeth, aren't you a 2004 character? Why don't you have billions upon billions of ISK?"

I spent it on PvP ships.

A great EVE player.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

No More Heroes
Boomer Humor
Snuffed Out
#37 - 2012-05-28 06:52:03 UTC  |  Edited by: No More Heroes
Sentient Blade wrote:
So I have come to the conclusion that learning implants ruined my game in EvE, and not just my game, but a lot of other peoples' games as well.

So here's the story; for the past two or three weeks I have not been logging into the game very much at all, and when I have it was just to engage in general chit chat in alliance or its leadership channels, very rarely undocking from station except for perhaps refuelling a POS.

Boredom had taken a hold. I just sat there, watching the skill training queue tick away, scrolling through the other 450+ days of training I had planning in EHQ in order to finish up my support skills, then drones and gunnery.

I was so frustrated with the game that something inside me snapped, f**k it, I thought, and I started looking through my clones until I found an empty one - I stopped my training queue and jump cloned into it. My face dropped as I saw just how much of a hit my training queue had taken.

Ye know what? It was the start of perhaps the best 24 hours I've ever had in my 2 years of EvE.



Corus Aerospace
#38 - 2012-05-28 08:27:12 UTC
Imagine how I feel... I have to pay 30 mil for my clone without implants... that is the second problem... paying for new clones after you get podded...(not so bad when your low sp)

Supercap nerf - change ewar immunity Module activation delay!

Lin-Young Borovskova
#39 - 2012-05-28 08:39:57 UTC
Cheappo +3's and eventually a +1 or +3 hardwiring it's really not that expensive, and really who's turd enough to fap on pod KM's? -give him a free ticket to discuss his personality issues with a real doctor Lol

This is a game, and a game whatever you do is tedious for such small reward (fun), like it or hate it. There are other pvp games with other reward system like levelling, there's not much difference, it's just another nerd game for internet nerds.
Internet nerds always feel special and better then all the other internet nerds playing another game, except nerds whoever they are, are just nerds and less interesting than the average "normal" human being, that's why they have to spend so much time giving themselves credit for internet gaming achievements.


Rellik B00n
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#40 - 2012-05-28 08:47:53 UTC
OP is correct.

This is also the reason many choose to stay in high and low sec space. Your chances of keeping your pod alilve are much higher so you can do the fun bit and the learning faster bit.

better to add +3 to all characters and remove them - like the learning skills before them they are an unnecessary evil.
[Of a request for change ask: Who Benefits?](