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How should we improve the inventory UI?

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Sunshine and Lollipops
#281 - 2012-05-26 08:57:08 UTC
More tree-view nitpicks:

ISSUE: Long inventory names makes all tabs be named the same.
FIX: Don't include the full “path” when you name the inventory window — just use the actual name of the single location you're looking at. It's often far more relevant to know what on earth you're looking at than where in tree structure this location exists. It's better to know that you're looking at the “Ph4t lewt” container than knowing that you're in the “Corporate Hangar > Stuff stolen from children > Ph4t lewt” container. When you have it in a tabbed stack, all you'll know is that it's in the “Corporate H”, and you can't distinguish that nice loot container from the trash container you put in the “Corporate Hangar > Vendor Junk” division — both will be labelled the same.

ISSUE: No location awareness in the tree view.
FIX: In kind of opposition to the above, though, in a long list of item locations, it's easy to lose track of where the current inventory is actually located. A rclick→highlight in tree view function that scrolled the tree down to the right node and displayed it would be nice.

ISSUE: No undo for mistaken navigation.
FIX: Give us breadcrumbs that show the last locations we navigated to and/or a “back” button that lets us go back to the inventory we were looking at. This also makes it easier for those who actually use a single view since you can keep the tree view open at the inventory you want to move stuff to and then just use the back button/click on the breadcrumb trail to go from it back to the source location… and then click in the tree view to go to the destination location again. And back and forth and so on.
Misfit Haus
#282 - 2012-05-26 09:21:20 UTC
HTP2K wrote:
Easiest Possible Fix which will satisfy many of the people that have problems with the UI interface....
Give an option to turn the UI OFF (turning off the index and the 1 window format) IE revert to the old way.

You managed it with station walking.

Give the players the option to turn it off and see how many of your active subscribing accounts actually use the current interface

I agree with this. The new UI is absolutley agrivating and annoying. Every time i dock i have to reopen everything to move stuff in and out of hanger and ship cargo bay. Same goes with undocking(everything closes). If you can, at least make it so when you open a window and leave it there.... it stays there.
Praetor Tim
Super Villains
Pandemic Horde
#283 - 2012-05-26 10:05:05 UTC
HTP2K wrote:
Easiest Possible Fix which will satisfy many of the people that have problems with the UI interface....
Give an option to turn the UI OFF (turning off the index and the 1 window format) IE revert to the old way.

You managed it with station walking.

Give the players the option to turn it off and see how many of your active subscribing accounts actually use the current interface

I totally agree on this. Give us the option and evaluate which is most popular. My bet is that you won't find many using the new inventory system...
Microsoft Excel Club
#284 - 2012-05-26 12:50:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Nakkano
Everything about the new inventory system is not entirely bad. It's actually helpful sometimes, but most of the time it is counter intuitive, sluggish, and cumbersome.

My suggestions

Essential changes and bug fixes:

-Persistent inventory windows in stations
-Restore the 'Ships' icon for the neocom
-When dragging inventory to the sidebar (Tree view), the UI needs to be much more responsive. The container you are going to drop items in takes a few seconds for the inventory Tree to gain focus, and then only mousewheel will slide the tree, it doesn't respond to cursor position.
This is disgracefully bad.
Inventory dragged over the tree should automatically scroll the sidebar if the cursor is near the top/bottom of the scrollable tree.

Changes to make it more intuitive:

If I have the inventory window open, and then I open a container in space, that container needs to be in a separate, miniturized (old style) window. Not everyone may agree with this, but this was the previous default behavior and it should remain the default behavior.

Nothing is more infuriating to me then having the inventory open, clicking on a hangar/array/container to open it, and then having my current inventory window switch to that container. That defeats the purpose of having graphics at all, after I have been doing it that way for years in W-space.

An analogy of this scenario is eve combat-- Sure in combat, you can target enemies using the overview. But you can also click on them and target them as you see their ships in space. The inventory should work like this as well and pop up containers in a separate window by default.

I propose to have a settings checkbox that makes unified inventory the default window for all containers that are opened, disabled by default. The default setting is for new containers to be opened in separate windows, unless the modifier *SHIFT* is pressed, in which case the containers become nested in the inventory tree.

Regarding the responsiveness of the new inventory

The initial loading seems sluggish, but I don't have the old system to compare it to. I want to say that it is slower because it is loading all the containers at once, but it could be my imagination. Anyone else's thoughts on that?

I have faith ccp will improve this. They have improved the game so remarkably over the last few months that I see no reason why they would stop now.
#285 - 2012-05-26 13:15:14 UTC
(5:56:01 PM) generaldisturbed: So we're out of assembled rifters
(5:56:21 PM) generaldisturbed: Or will be if I ever stop black screening long enough to drag them out
(5:56:32 PM) generaldisturbed: This new UI is literally killing my client
(5:57:15 PM) generaldisturbed: I can't even tell this newbee I'm blackscreened
(5:57:52 PM) generaldisturbed: Okay we have a few rifters left, I literally cannot take anything from the mentors hangar
(5:58:03 PM) generaldisturbed: Or close it at this point
(5:58:07 PM) generaldisturbed: I hate CCP so much
(6:00:46 PM) generaldisturbed: Trying so hard to accept this newbees trade
(6:00:48 PM) generaldisturbed: ******* eve
(6:08:35 PM) antir: I haven't opened the corp hangar in days because of that, I've no idea how I'll handle cap fueling now
(6:08:49 PM) generaldisturbed: v0v
(6:08:57 PM) generaldisturbed: My client immediately goes from 600mb to 2GB of ram usage
(6:09:12 PM) generaldisturbed: If I open the mentors hangar
(6:09:50 PM) antir: I even get it in other systems with a bunch of stuff in the hangars, it's like everything is reloaded every time

^^^ Today's fun with the new UI. Wish I could assemble more ships, but I've written our corp hangars off as lost. If I open them I can't get the client to stop locking up long enough to remove anything. Much less get it to close.
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#286 - 2012-05-26 13:34:19 UTC

Issue: Its sometimes counter-intuitive to on how to open new inventory windows.

Fix: Make the inventory icon a permanent, non-shifting memeber of the left icon taskbar. Whenever you click on it, a new inventory window will open. This will allow one to easily open a window, set it to its desired location... click on the inventory to open another window, move it to a desired location, rinse and repeat.

Issue: Its often hard to scroll manually.

Fix: Allow the user to change the size of the scroll bar, so it is a size that best suits them!

Issue: Ship hangar needs to be more quickly accessible.

Fix: Bring back a fixed Ships Inventory icon on the icon taskbar.
BlackTalon Mining Corp
#287 - 2012-05-26 15:13:24 UTC
simple way to improve the inventory .is really easy just get rid off it go back to old system nothink was wrong with it .this new system is way to much hassle if your an ceo or orca or noctis pilot its an nightmare . please just go back to old style inventory or give us an button for it also since new client update i run multi clients with other toons and its really bad now think others may be having same problem
Dark Matter Fun
#288 - 2012-05-26 22:00:04 UTC
Please please please change the hangers back to the way they was, im finding it confusing and time consuming. or have this hanger system on mother and titans only.. for the average player whose cargo hold is not always full its far to complicated. I am spending far to liong finding hangers and opening them up whils pressing shift when the old system of right click the ship and open that hanger (Orca is a mess to open hangers for ore /cargo / corp hanger) I absouloutly hate this system and find it a over complicated system.Bear
Dark Matter Fun
#289 - 2012-05-26 22:03:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Balevian
you want to improve the cargo hangers put it back to the way it was to start with !!!!!
DooDoo Gum
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#290 - 2012-05-26 22:15:00 UTC
The new UI for containers has some great new features, but the implementation is horrible, it feels rushed and it takes away almost as much [if not more] than it gives.

The detailed search feature is very powerful, but the UI needs to be pulled back a bit, not so 'in your face' a way to do this could be deploying it in a fasion similar to the way that each pilots multiple overview settings are saved and called upon. perhaps a nice simple and fast pulldown menu of your pre-saved search categories.

Also, the STUPID amount of time it takes to load it up each time you enter a station, just defies any common sense whatsoever, improvements are supposed to simplify things and make common tasks faster, not slower... this needs to be gutted and rethought, when i open my ship cargo, i want to open my ship cargo, not wait 20 seconds for the entire station inventory to load...

CCP you are onto a good thing here, dont break all the great ideas by deploying it in a half ars'd UI.

Oh, and as a side note, these search functions, i really hope they are saved server side, because after setting all these up, i would be damn upset if i had to do it all over again at any stage, so upset i probably would not bother with them... so make them server side or exportable [in a similar fasion to the overview].

Dan Lyon
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#291 - 2012-05-26 23:55:33 UTC
Issue: If we're gonna be dragging items using the tabs, the system need to be able to handle dragging to large a stack into a container

Fix: Add the ability to split stacks if there's not enough room in destination container, similar to how dragging 100 cap 800 charges into a BS cargohold from one window to another used to work.
Vala Kyrija
LUX Uls Xystus
LUX aRe us
#292 - 2012-05-27 14:42:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Vala Kyrija
Issue: The new inventory menue is unintuitive and cumbersome

Fix: give us back the old options of handling inventory, like the corp hangar button
Else let us merge other inventory stuff like the corporate hangars and the actual ship's hangar to the station panel like it is possible with the ships and items hangars.
Faith Lincoln
Amarr Empire
#293 - 2012-05-27 15:33:58 UTC
Issue: Unified inventory is crap
Fix: Change it back
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#294 - 2012-05-27 15:40:40 UTC
I think the complaints are all sound. I'm not going to repeat several issues, I'm only going to give ideas for additional functions of the existing Unified Inventory, which I personally like, but could be expanded more, fixing issues on the way.

1: All windows opened through unified inventory (by shiftclicking) remember their location on the screen, even when opened and closed, or you get out of range, or whatever. This is actually a must.

2: Cargo bay and wreck cargo will, by default, have their own window on the screen when outside stations. You can of course close them and they should stay closed after that, but for new players, they are opened.
2.a: CHAs and SMAs (also on capital ships)... tbh I don't know much about these. I suppose they could use the unified inventory as long as

3: Unified Inventory should be actually good for POSes: the distance requirements to open structures inside the POS forcefield should be removed. As long as you are within 2500m of the control tower you can move stuff between structures that are kilometers away from each other with a single click. This makes it easier to manage POSes through the unified inventory. It always bugged me that I had to travel literally kilometers inside a POS, to move crap between structures. That's one of the most useless and annoying game mechanics. So change it, and combined with unified inventory, POSes will be so much more easier to manage.

That's it. That should fix pretty much all issues with the inventory.

To fit more in the EVE style, maybe not make it a vertical scrollbar, but make "tabs" and a horizontal scroll bar like the old style, but then in the new unified inventory style to be more intuitive.

Less yappin', more zappin'!

Scorpio Holdings
#295 - 2012-05-27 19:01:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Osloman
Just face it.... This change sucks.. Too many clicks and just a holy mess if u got alot of assets.. Evil

Well its a good time of the year to take a break from EVE.. Lol

FIX: Change it back to before patch...
Jack Carrigan
Order of the Shadow
#296 - 2012-05-27 19:05:27 UTC
I personally believe that either the new inventory should be optional as it stands, or at least give us the capability to pin it to our station services menu. Because my researchers (all of our research is done remotely) are all up in arms right now.

I am the One who exists in Shadow. I am the Devil your parents warned you about.

||CEO: Order of the Shadow||Executor: The Revenant Order||Creator: Bowhead||

State War Academy
Caldari State
#297 - 2012-05-27 20:25:51 UTC
I for one like the Inventory UI. It has a bit of a learning curve but can be very efficient once you understand how to use it.

One thing that would be helpful is being able to filter the Right hand column where all the ship and Item hangers are. Specifically for POS Items. It would be nice to be able to filter out all the guns and turrets in the Index and just look at the Arrays. In most cases the turrets are to far away to populate anyway and unless you are reloading them it's not really necessary to see them.

Another thought is being able to see what is fit to the ships in your list. Not only what is in the hold but what modules are fit. Maybe be able to right click on them and make them active right from there and go directly to the fitting tool.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#298 - 2012-05-27 22:54:53 UTC
Giving us back the old way to deal with inventory would be the single biggest improvement ccp had ever done to EVE
Zac Solo
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#299 - 2012-05-28 00:08:32 UTC
Osloman wrote:
Just face it.... This change sucks.. Too many clicks and just a holy mess if u got alot of assets.. Evil

Well its a good time of the year to take a break from EVE.. Lol

FIX: Change it back to before patch...

good idea summers here! maybe in the fall this new inventory will be a just bad memory.if not other games to play!!
Mercury Inc.
#300 - 2012-05-28 09:45:36 UTC
An answer to two SIMPLE questions, please.....

1. Why not revert to the old system ?
2. Why did you not listen to all the issues pointed out for a couple of weeks while this system was on SISI ?

Giving an honest response to these questions is the least you can do after all this crap.