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Infinite skill queue

Liliana Rahl
Remote Soviet Industries
Insidious Empire
#21 - 2012-05-25 21:39:09 UTC
Back in my day, there was no skill queue.
Im Super Gay
Investtan Inc.
The Republic.
#22 - 2012-05-25 23:01:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Im Super Gay
It would be impossible to buy skills Arrow set 18 month titan que anyway, as you can't inject skills unless all the prereqs are trained.

The whole premise of passive skill training is that you don't need to log on and mindlessly grind up XP to level up. The "infinite" skill que, or at least extended skill que falls in line with that premise. If you can only play eve at certain times and/or days of the week, increasing the skill que would help reduce the chore of skill bumping during times when you can't play eve anyway.

Skill bumpers don't effect ccp's bottom line, if they want to pay $15 per month to never log in than thats their choice. In fact, removing the need to log in to skill bump would actually slightly reduce the load on the ccp servers.

If nothing else, at least give us the ability to que one individual skill to V at a time, so i don't need to log on in 4 hours and 17 min to que the skill from IV to V.
Quade Warren
Gallente Federation
#23 - 2012-05-26 01:06:50 UTC
Mary Annabelle wrote:
Quade Warren wrote:
Plus... if I didn't have to log in and just set up a pilot for a carrier queue, I'd have NO reason to log in and change it, whereas in the last six months I've changed from carrier to hictor to black ops, etc... My mind changes because I'm constantly revisiting the game, keeping up the expansions, etc.

So yeah... infinite skill queue = no bueno.

Wait, you don't play unless you needed to bump your queue?


Because you sound like you are saying that.

No, I log in much more than that, but I work full time and go to school full time. During my 'dry' periods, what forces me to interact with my corp and alliance is that I have to bump my skill queue. I log in and it's just not proper not to at least say hi.

It also gives me ample excuse to get a "state of the union" out of corp. If I could set up an infinite queue, I would ONLY log in when I wanted to play. In a way, this is CCP's genius at work. They force us to interact which makes this more of an alternate life than a game.
Loius Woo
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#24 - 2012-05-26 04:28:32 UTC
Im Super Gay wrote:
It would be impossible to buy skills Arrow set 18 month titan que anyway, as you can't inject skills unless all the prereqs are trained.

The whole premise of passive skill training is that you don't need to log on and mindlessly grind up XP to level up. The "infinite" skill que, or at least extended skill que falls in line with that premise. If you can only play eve at certain times and/or days of the week, increasing the skill que would help reduce the chore of skill bumping during times when you can't play eve anyway.

Skill bumpers don't effect ccp's bottom line, if they want to pay $15 per month to never log in than thats their choice. In fact, removing the need to log in to skill bump would actually slightly reduce the load on the ccp servers.

If nothing else, at least give us the ability to que one individual skill to V at a time, so i don't need to log on in 4 hours and 17 min to que the skill from IV to V.


If you had the ability to queue as much as you wanted to, you could log on like 7 times in 18 months to train for Titans.

Then you could sell your character for isk.

Then you could use the isk to fund 2 other accounts.

Then those two accounts could do the same thing.

Then those could sell titan pilots for the same amount.

Then you could pay for 4 accounts to do the same thing.....

You see where this is going?

An infinite queue = a broken game.

Until someone addresses the issue that infinite skill queue allows players to afk make isk by selling high sp pilots, this idea is DOA and everyone knows it...

BTW, I just updated my skill queue. Cause I have the time and the queue was up within 24 hours.
Loius Woo
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#25 - 2012-05-26 04:29:59 UTC
Liliana Rahl wrote:
Back in my day, there was no skill queue.

I know right?

These young guys don't know how well they have it these days.
Azn Empire
#26 - 2012-05-26 06:16:11 UTC
No to an infinite queue, for all the reasons against in this thread.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Caleb Ayrania
Invisible Exchequer
#27 - 2012-05-26 10:49:23 UTC
There are a lot of circular arguments in here..

The reason trading high skill points characters is as lucretive as it is now is exactly because of the need to log in and change skills all the time. The original Idea of real time training was novel back in 2003, and the skill queue was a nice reduction in the losses caused to players that needed to be away for RL reasons.

An infinite skill queue is no longer a game breaker, since ghost training is gone.

It will only make things more fair on all paying customers.

Its one of those last remnants of Skinner boxing, that really isnt needed in EVE. Because the game is so sandbox and pvp oriented it never has and never will need the same grind motivational tools that other games use.

You dont log in to EVE to grind, since most grind in EVE seem way longer and dont have the same instant gratification as other games. Once you get past the first 3-6 months of play it becomes something very different then your standard mmo pecking at buttons to get seeds.

Also this feature would be mainly focused on players that have a few years on their back. When you have been part of the EVE experience for a long time, you usually find that you need breaks, or real life gets in there and takes your time for a while. It would be nice if that did not cost anything in your actual training and goals towards something like the mentioned titan training or something similarly long time training oriented.

The only reasonable argument in here atm about an infinite training queue, is the trading of characters, and as mentioned the reason this is so prevalent is because of the lack and loss of training.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#28 - 2012-05-26 11:04:53 UTC
No support..

I personally prefer people to log in and play the game. some people go to change their skills and end up playing for a few hours, even if its just chatting they're contributing to the EVE universe. A lot of people log in, find out there's a fleet operation going and decide "why not". anything that lowers the amount of people logged in at any time gets a downvote from me - because even if it seems like there's less players when there really isn't, it looks bad.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#29 - 2012-05-26 11:14:14 UTC
Caleb Ayrania wrote:
The only reasonable argument in here atm about an infinite training queue, is the trading of characters
…and the fact that they want you to log in.
…and that the purpose of the training queue is simply to not have to log in at ungodly hours to change skills.

A better solution: rename the skill queue to “skill switch buffer” to get away from that unlucky “queue” word and the associations it brings.
Xhaiden Ora
#30 - 2012-05-26 11:19:54 UTC
Leviathian wrote:
No support..

I personally prefer people to log in and play the game. some people go to change their skills and end up playing for a few hours, even if its just chatting they're contributing to the EVE universe. A lot of people log in, find out there's a fleet operation going and decide "why not". anything that lowers the amount of people logged in at any time gets a downvote from me - because even if it seems like there's less players when there really isn't, it looks bad.

I believe this point has already been addressed. This only works if someone has the time. If they do not have the time, this point is irrelevant. Making people log in to bump their queue does not make them play. It just makes them log in to bump their queue. Seeing as the request is coming from the people who do not have the time trying to make an argument based on the people who do have the time proves nothing.

While I'm not saying throw it open to an infinate skill queue or anything, there really is little functional difference between a short queue and a long queue now. Someone who is training an alt or a character for the bazaar is not going to be detered by the amount of times they have to log into that character to update the queue. Otherwise no one would do it now as things already are.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#31 - 2012-05-26 11:39:16 UTC
Xhaiden Ora wrote:
Making people log in to bump their queue does not make them play. It just makes them log in to bump their queue.
…and occasionally to stick around and play.

there really is little functional difference between a short queue and a long queue now.
Then there is no need to extend the queue beyond its original purpose: to remove alarm-clock skill changes and the annoyance of low-rank/low-level skill-swatch wakes.
Xhaiden Ora
#32 - 2012-05-26 12:14:20 UTC
Tippia wrote:
and occasionally to stick around and play.

I can't help but feel you're completely missing the point that was being made. -.-

Tippia wrote:
Then there is no need to extend the queue beyond its original purpose: to remove alarm-clock skill changes and the annoyance of low-rank/low-level skill-swatch wakes.

While I don't think it should be infinite or anything, I do understand the points being made about wanting to extend it.
Heimatar Military Industries
#33 - 2012-05-26 12:27:38 UTC
Liliana Rahl wrote:
Back in my day, there was no skill queue.

Mine also, and we used to have to get up at 2:15 AM in the morning to set the next skill or lose training time.

What I would much rather have is one less character slot and be able to train two characters at once.

EVE Online Fan ... Looking for "End Game" since 2006 ... Happily, I still havn't found it

Snow Burst
Caldari State
#34 - 2012-05-26 12:31:12 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Xhaiden Ora wrote:
Making people log in to bump their queue does not make them play. It just makes them log in to bump their queue.
…and occasionally to stick around and play.

there really is little functional difference between a short queue and a long queue now.
Then there is no need to extend the queue beyond its original purpose: to remove alarm-clock skill changes and the annoyance of low-rank/low-level skill-swatch wakes.

point of entire thread has blown right over your head. some people cant play EVERY day so its annoying having to log in for 5 mins to sort out skills for tommorow

There Is A 90% Chance All Of What You Just Read Is Wrong, Inaccurate Or Just Me Being Controversial In Some Way. Or By Some Chance It's Completely Right In Every Way... At Least To Me :3

Sobaan Tali
Caldari Quick Reaction Force
#35 - 2012-05-26 12:34:16 UTC
Snow Burst wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Snow Burst wrote:
I still fail to see why it HAS to be limited its so annoying being away for a day n then realising my queue entered less then 1 day left then finished -_-
Check your queue before going away and make sure it covers the period you'll be gone. The beauty of the queue — and the problem it solves — is that you can do this at any time without worrying about losing training time.

Well considering some of us have work and a life outside of eve its hard to make time somedays like people who play all day everyday :p, isnt this meant to be a thread PRO infinite skill queue ?!

I too have work, family, appointments, a pet, friends that don't require a keyboard to talk to, you In nearly 3 years I've missed training once on one char because I ended up in the hospital one weekend. Granted EveMon helps quite a bit since I don't have the best memory, but it's not that hard. Now, if I get reactivated (reserve mil), somthing like THAT I can understand. Changing the queue's 24hour cap just cause everyday life makes the 60 seconds to log in once and a while unbareble seems a little thin.


"----in' A, right?"

"Trouble is, those things cost like a million and a half each."

"----, you pay me half that and I'll hump in some c4 and blow the ---- out of it my own damn self."

Snow Burst
Caldari State
#36 - 2012-05-26 12:41:58 UTC
Sobaan Tali wrote:
Snow Burst wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Snow Burst wrote:
I still fail to see why it HAS to be limited its so annoying being away for a day n then realising my queue entered less then 1 day left then finished -_-
Check your queue before going away and make sure it covers the period you'll be gone. The beauty of the queue — and the problem it solves — is that you can do this at any time without worrying about losing training time.

Well considering some of us have work and a life outside of eve its hard to make time somedays like people who play all day everyday :p, isnt this meant to be a thread PRO infinite skill queue ?!

I too have work, family, appointments, a pet, friends that don't require a keyboard to talk to, you In nearly 3 years I've missed training once on one char because I ended up in the hospital one weekend. Granted EveMon helps quite a bit since I don't have the best memory, but it's not that hard. Now, if I get reactivated (reserve mil), somthing like THAT I can understand. Changing the queue's 24hour cap just cause everyday life makes the 60 seconds to log in once and a while unbareble seems a little thin.

not everyone has the same life as you random person in 7billion

There Is A 90% Chance All Of What You Just Read Is Wrong, Inaccurate Or Just Me Being Controversial In Some Way. Or By Some Chance It's Completely Right In Every Way... At Least To Me :3

Sunshine and Lollipops
#37 - 2012-05-26 12:53:43 UTC
Xhaiden Ora wrote:
I can't help but feel you're completely missing the point that was being made. -.-
No. You seem to have completely missed mine though.

Snow Burst wrote:
point of entire thread has blown right over your head. some people cant play EVERY day so its annoying having to log in for 5 mins to sort out skills for tommorow
Good news: you don't have to play every day, skill queue or not. Above all, you no longer have to get up in the middle of the night or just leave the client running to perfectly match the switch-overs.

Well considering some of us have work and a life outside of eve its hard to make time somedays like people who play all day everyday :p, isnt this meant to be a thread PRO infinite skill queue ?!
As luck would have it, I also have work and a life outside of EVE and it's not particularly hard to make enough time to manage a few skill changes regardless of that. I certainly don't have time to play every day. Also, no, this is meant to be a feature-and-idea discussion about the skill queue and we're poking holes in the idea that an infinite queue (or even an extended queue) is a needed feature or a good idea.
Sobaan Tali
Caldari Quick Reaction Force
#38 - 2012-05-26 12:58:03 UTC
Snow Burst wrote:
Sobaan Tali wrote:
Snow Burst wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Snow Burst wrote:
I still fail to see why it HAS to be limited its so annoying being away for a day n then realising my queue entered less then 1 day left then finished -_-
Check your queue before going away and make sure it covers the period you'll be gone. The beauty of the queue — and the problem it solves — is that you can do this at any time without worrying about losing training time.

Well considering some of us have work and a life outside of eve its hard to make time somedays like people who play all day everyday :p, isnt this meant to be a thread PRO infinite skill queue ?!

I too have work, family, appointments, a pet, friends that don't require a keyboard to talk to, you In nearly 3 years I've missed training once on one char because I ended up in the hospital one weekend. Granted EveMon helps quite a bit since I don't have the best memory, but it's not that hard. Now, if I get reactivated (reserve mil), somthing like THAT I can understand. Changing the queue's 24hour cap just cause everyday life makes the 60 seconds to log in once and a while unbareble seems a little thin.

not everyone has the same life as you random person in 7billion

A phone call takes me longer than adding to skill queue. You must be a buisy guy. BTW, login and check your skill queue after reading this.


"----in' A, right?"

"Trouble is, those things cost like a million and a half each."

"----, you pay me half that and I'll hump in some c4 and blow the ---- out of it my own damn self."

Snow Burst
Caldari State
#39 - 2012-05-26 13:03:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Snow Burst
lol and with a busy life one tends to forget :p

There Is A 90% Chance All Of What You Just Read Is Wrong, Inaccurate Or Just Me Being Controversial In Some Way. Or By Some Chance It's Completely Right In Every Way... At Least To Me :3

Xhaiden Ora
#40 - 2012-05-26 13:53:09 UTC
Tippia wrote:
No. You seem to have completely missed mine though.

The point was that if someone has no time to play, making them log in to bump their queue will not make them play.