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Let carebears be carebears (PVP Opt Out)

Serina Tsukaya
Dropbears Anonymous
Brave Collective
#221 - 2012-05-24 07:33:29 UTC
These so-called "griefers" are actualy an important part of EVE. I have seen at least 2 posts where people discribed how they started to do pvp after being ganked in Highsec.

The logic of allowing this is that the loss of assets will anger you and through this cause you to hate the person who did it, and wish to gain revenge. How would you gain revenge exactly? By blowing up their ship with your kill rights ofcourse! And that's how some people start pvp.
Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#222 - 2012-05-24 07:34:45 UTC
also, ban npc corps
Aiding and Abetting
#223 - 2012-05-24 15:08:25 UTC
David Campbell wrote:
AxelFuller wrote:
People don't understand it becuase they pay to play a game with mechanics which are broken, yes CCP want PVP to be a primary focus of the game, maybe thats true but really, how many of it's subscribers are carebears?

So ? If I play Call of Duty online, I sure ain't gonna complain to the dev because people are shooting at me when I just want it to be a hide and seek game. And I don't beleive CCP wants to make eve a pvp only game, they just want people to live in one universe not in two divided by the High Sec - Low/Null Sec barrier.

This. Hop on a server of any fps and be delighted as a 12 year old riddles your head with bullets then proceeds to teabag your corpse until you respawn. EvE is PvP, it's going to happen no matter where you are. I personally think CCP needs to designate a day where the security system shuts down everywhere(hell idk blame it on the Jove), and all the 0.0 alliances make a grand march to capture Jita before CONCORD comes back online. They'd have my sub for life.
Davion Falcon
Those Once Loyal
#224 - 2012-05-25 06:37:49 UTC
Strangely relevant:

Ruthlessness is the kindness of the wise. Never forgotten, never forgiven.

Masked Rider Project
#225 - 2012-05-25 14:38:35 UTC
This entire argument - or at least, all of it that I could stand reading - is missing a fairly fundamental point, one which makes me think that the OP is trolling.

It has always been possible to declare war on any player corporation. Always.

The new war dec mechanics do not change this. If anything, it makes harassing war decs of minor corps less appealing on the face of it, because in general, they will now be more expensive, not less - and industrialists can potentially hire mercs if they wish, as well.

War decs used to start at 2 million a week, now they start at 50. The price of griefing by war dec JUST ROSE. The new mechanics do not make it harder to avoid PvP combat. They just don't. If you drop corp to avoid the war, you can come back as soon as the war ends. NOTHING HAS CHANGED IN ANY IMPORTANT RESPECT.

So stop whining, and ignore the troll, as applicable to your current circumstances.
midas Silf
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#226 - 2012-05-25 15:40:36 UTC
Let me make this clear........I am currently a CareBear/ Hi-Sec dwelling/ Mission Runner. I like making ISK in Hi-Sec, I like running Incursions and to be quite honest I can't see what your problem is. It's not My Little Pony you're playing, the game mechanics are built on Trade, Mining, PvP, PVE, and Manufacturing. Take any element away in Hi, Low or Null Sec and the game breaks.

If someone pop's me in Hi-Sec via War be it. The reason I feel this way?? I might get bored of PVE (and have in the past) and venture down to Low or Null to PvP and pop someone down there.....there is no difference. It's all about choice, you choose to be a pacifist in a sandbox game where everything is possible (within reason), other people choose not to be.......that doesn't mean you have to like it.

Hi-Sec shouldn't mean 100% safe, just "safer"................
Daemon Ceed
Ice Fire Warriors
#227 - 2012-05-25 16:27:10 UTC
midas Silf wrote:

Hi-Sec shouldn't mean 100% safe, just "safer"................

There's a little known secret in Eve, my furry little carebears. Lowsec, in many areas, is much safer than Hi-sec. GASP, SHOCK! I know, right? Hard to believe. You want to know the reason why, though? It's because there is nobody all! You can mine better ore, get higher mission rewards, better bounties on rats, have a POS without requiring stupid charters and high State standings, and very rarely will a griefer corp follow you all the way down to lowsec to get you. In fact, I doubt you'd ever get wardeced at all.

There are a couple precautions to take:

1.) Cloaky haulers are your friends for moving your crap in and out. If you have a jump freighter and learn how to use it, your life there has become 75% easier.

2.) It's always good to use a scout alt in something cloaky to watch your gates or scout you through the occasional active systems that are 1 jump away from highsec.

I've spent almost my entire Eve career in lowsec and have gotten almost all of my ISK running DED sites and scoring very expensive loot drops. A pirate's gotta make a living when there's not much going on, yanno. I've done all of this with relative ease. If you have more than 3 functioning brain cells, a modicum of knowledge of game mechanics and know how to use d-scan, you too can out-earn your highsec carebear counterparts.
Princess Nexxala
Zero Syndicate
#228 - 2012-05-25 16:54:06 UTC
can we ban stupidity as well?

Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:
also, ban npc corps

nom nom

Daemon Ceed
Ice Fire Warriors
#229 - 2012-05-25 21:04:40 UTC
Princess Nexxala wrote:
can we ban stupidity as well?

Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:
also, ban npc corps

But I profit so much from other's stupidity. I vote no on this proposal.
Eclipse Navy
#230 - 2012-05-25 23:24:06 UTC
Any chance you might be willing to tell me the name of your pve alt and his corporation?

AxelFuller wrote:
With the new War Dec mechanics it seems like there is no consideration to players who wish to take part in PVE activity only.

It would appear the only option available to none PVP type players is to stay in an NPC corp or join a large enough Corp which is unlikely to get War Dec'ed because of the cost.

What happened to Eve being a Sandbox allowing players to choose what they want to do.

A typical PVE player example which is no longer possible

1. I want to play Eve for fun and be a carebear
2. I want to run my own corp for me and my buddies
3. I don't want to take part in PVP so i live in hisec
4. Just let me play the game how i like to play it and leave me alone

It seems with the new War Dec mechanics players who want to run small scale corps for fun and carebear activities are now going to be extorted indefinately by PVP gangs. Misions runner corps, Minign Corps, Incursion Corps, ect will now be prime targets for small scale PVP gangs to extort leaving the carebeasr with no option but to return to NPC corps and ultimately bring an end to the player run corp's for PVE activities.

Before all the PVPers rage that a carebear shouldn't be safe, please hold that rage for another thread and debate... carebears pay there subscription like everyone else and should be allowed to play the game as they wish without being constantly griefed by other players which is basically what the new war dec mechanics will bring and the only way to avoid that is to be in an NPC corp where you can't gain the same control with your buddies from having your own corp.

How about an opt out of PVP option, is it really that important that eve becomes a completely PVP based game where carebears and new comers can't avoid being targetted and killed?

The argument that a carebear can stay in an NPC corp is flawed becuase that carebear might want to run a 5 man corp with himself and his RL friends, so they can meet up chare a corp experience and do the things together they liek to do in Eve, simply saying to those guys right you now have to go and join an NPC corp to be safe is a little unbalanced in favour of the PVPers as that same 5 man corp will disband, join NPC corps and miss out on all teh features which were available to them in a small corp such as sharing hisec POS rights, corp management roles and leaders.

Finally this may sound liek a big carebear crying but i'm simply trying to work out how this new mechanic will be balanced in favour of all players rather than just those PVP corps who will now be able to grief carebears and extort them which is a little unfair considering they pay to play a game we all share.

Tasiv Deka
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#231 - 2012-05-26 08:29:45 UTC
if it wasnt 3:15 in the morning here i'ld find the quote for this but its been stated by ccp that suicide ganking and war-deccing are considered to be acceptable ways of "Market Manipulation" and what not... and as to all the comparisons to real life crime both sides are half right... Just like in real life you cant wave a flag that says "Dont attack/mug/whatever me" and expect that to be a legitimate method of staying safe... someone somewhere is going to get you it doesnt matter if its illegal or not they have a need/want to do that to you so they will its the same in eve the difference is its illegal in every way shape and form in real life where as "ingame" its illegal but not not against the games interface rules, thats what people need to realize that Game Rules are different than Game Laws. Once again if it wasnt early/late in a morning in which i have been combining Alcohol and Allergy meds i would make a much more in depth argument so to sum up: Suicide ganking is allowed ingame "laws" are not the same as game "rules", oh and as to the op i really think this is a troll i mean seriously wardec base cost went up so its not really going to make going after "smaller" targets as appetizing nor larger its the mid sized ones that are going to suffer.

Oh, Do go on... no seriously ive got nothing better to do then listen to all the petty arguments and feeble trolling attempts... 

The sad thing is i'm not sure if i'm telling the truth.

Virgil Travis
Non Constructive Self Management
#232 - 2012-05-26 12:19:56 UTC
Industrialist with balls and teeth signing in. maybe those wanting a 'don't hurt me' flag should get some too. Everything you do impacts someone else in the universe, even in small ways. Some will retaliate by lowering their price, some will respond with guns.

Welcome to EVE.

Unified Church of the Unobligated - madness in the method Mamma didn't raise no victims.

Gremund Austrene
Did he say Jump
Deepwater Hooligans
#233 - 2012-05-26 14:58:47 UTC
The super sweet thing about a "sandbox" is that it's a sandbox for err'body!

Player 2 says "I want to grief hisec pansies because they want to stay in 'safe' hisec!"
CCP says "Yaaaayyyy griefing" and hoists little taco girl up high.

There are "workarounds" to being wardecced in highsec now. Look up the "allies" feature? If you are wardec'd you can reach out to your friends (if you don't have any friends, you're doing it wrong.) and your networks and ask them to help you.

Sure you can have your 5 man corporation. Just be friends with the 3-400 man corporation that lives near you and when you get wardecced, they can help ya!

Otherwise, this game is based on players killing other players. If you don't like it, it's like you playing WoW not to level a character but to look at the scenery. You're doing it wrong...