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Infinite skill queue

Caleb Ayrania
Invisible Exchequer
#1 - 2012-05-25 12:46:52 UTC
Now that we have had the big ccp operation "Ghost Busters" and almost all ghost issues are gone, could we not get a non limited skill queue?

Its especially frustrating when it comes to the longer skills, and serves little purpose but nuisance to the older characters.

Since ccp did such a nice job on "Ghost Busting" there is little reason for leaving this limit in there..

From a pure business point of view it should be beneficial to ccp to remove the cap so players would maybe stay subscribed or keep plexing, regardless of active game time..

Sunshine and Lollipops
#2 - 2012-05-25 12:53:57 UTC
Caleb Ayrania wrote:
Since ccp did such a nice job on "Ghost Busting" there is little reason for leaving this limit in there.
There's still the same reason as always: they want you to log in.

From a business perspective, people being logged in is what creates content for everyone else, so they want as many logged in as possible.

The skill queue is meant to solve two main problem: the need to get up at 3AM to change skills, and the need to stay logged in for hours on end to constantly swap out those lower-ranked/lowere-levelled skills. It serves the same purpose for all characters, no matter what age. It certainly doesn't suddenly add any nuisance just because you're older.
Kaylen Vimanis
#3 - 2012-05-25 12:54:58 UTC
CCP have stated that there will never be an infinite skill queue. Besides surely longer skills are better for players who don't want to log in?

It would also be against CCPs intention for ppl to be away from the game as much as possible, since player interaction in an MMO is a pretty crucial part of eve, even if you have to login for a few minutes to greet your corp.

Also this would make farming characters for sale easier, though i'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing, but i guess it's bad if it's used for RMT.

I'm i being trolled?

I’m a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan.

Caleb Ayrania
Invisible Exchequer
#4 - 2012-05-25 14:55:30 UTC

Once you get to only have skills to train that are longer than 3 days, whether or not I log in is not going to be based on the skill training. If so it wont keep me logged in for longer than swapping the actual skill.

This feature would change little regarding actual active ingame time from older characters. The main point is that older characters might not cancel their sub if they had this incentive.

As for training characters for trade, the people doing that seem to be very systematic in this, so adding this feature might actually level the playing field more, and bring them more competition. This would lower the price for trained characters exchanged, and afaik ccp makes money on the transfers, thus making this another incentive to add this.

There really is no loosing sides to this feature, not since we got rid of the ghost training abuse.

Ideally while considering this, a ccp training planner might be nice, since we already got some of these features with the visualizing of needed skills.

Also adding some content in making certificates more interesting and valid, letting the certificates boost LP on certain agent missions, and making it possible to add a full certificate to the skill training planner. SO just clicking "Add to plan" from the certificates menu.

There could even be special cosmos based missions you could only pick up when you had the specific certificates, and they had to show while working the mission chains.

Such latteral and rp oriented integration is much needed imho, to deepen the experience of EVE.

Mary Annabelle
Moonlit Bonsai
#5 - 2012-05-25 15:06:27 UTC
I think people should log in to play the game, who made time and prepared to play the game.

Who cares if people log in, if they did it just because they needed to bump a skill queue!

I think someone needs to point out the obvious here:

If a player logged in as a response to their skill queue, and not because they wanted to play... They won't play.
DONE, end of story.

I am sure someone can dredge up some meaningless statistic, that says somewhere player x mindlessly logged in, and forgot to log out because they started playing.

Seriously? Is anyone really buying that story?

How the frak did they get home last, if they are that easily distracted?

Are they seriously that useful in the game, if they can wander off so easily?
Colonel Xaven
Caldari State
#6 - 2012-05-25 15:11:54 UTC
lazy bastards Big smile

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#7 - 2012-05-25 16:52:10 UTC
Mary Annabelle wrote:
Are they seriously that useful in the game, if they can wander off so easily?

Wait a sec, this will kill off the Derp supply so many have been enjoying shooting....
Shovel Bros
#8 - 2012-05-25 18:51:53 UTC
Mary Annabelle wrote:
I think people should log in to play the game, who made time and prepared to play the game.

Who cares if people log in, if they did it just because they needed to bump a skill queue!

I think someone needs to point out the obvious here:

If a player logged in as a response to their skill queue, and not because they wanted to play... They won't play.
DONE, end of story.

I am sure someone can dredge up some meaningless statistic, that says somewhere player x mindlessly logged in, and forgot to log out because they started playing.

Seriously? Is anyone really buying that story?

How the frak did they get home last, if they are that easily distracted?

Are they seriously that useful in the game, if they can wander off so easily?

You're way off base here. People really do log in for skills and stay on to play at times. It's really not that inconceivable either.

It's not a matter of someone being easily distracted, it's a matter of logging in and then realizing that there's an op starting and deciding to get in on it. Or logging in for skills and then someone says hi and you end up spending an hour chatting with them. There are many situations where someone can log in intending to change skills and then realize that they're having fun playing Eve. Infinite skill queue would guarantee that they never have the chance for this to happen.
Mary Annabelle
Moonlit Bonsai
#9 - 2012-05-25 19:13:17 UTC
mxzf wrote:
You're way off base here. People really do log in for skills and stay on to play at times. It's really not that inconceivable either.

It's not a matter of someone being easily distracted, it's a matter of logging in and then realizing that there's an op starting and deciding to get in on it. Or logging in for skills and then someone says hi and you end up spending an hour chatting with them. There are many situations where someone can log in intending to change skills and then realize that they're having fun playing Eve. Infinite skill queue would guarantee that they never have the chance for this to happen.

You are framing your response from a very narrow viewpoint. It would be fair to say you are only accurate when viewed from that viewpoint.

What you are really describing is players with time to kill, who are obviously looking for inspiration on finding something to do.

If they did NOT have the time available, they would have no choice but to log out once they handled the brief needs of queue bumping. Add to this, they are now frustrated if they did notice something they would like to join in on.

Needing to bump a queue does not give you time to kill. Only real life opportunities can give you this.

And guess what? If you DO have time to play, chances are you will jump on EVE anyways. People training a 25 day skill still log in, don't they?

The limited queue doesn't promote play. It is an obstacle to deal with when you can't, though.
Loius Woo
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2012-05-25 19:21:43 UTC
Mary Annabelle wrote:
mxzf wrote:
You're way off base here. People really do log in for skills and stay on to play at times. It's really not that inconceivable either.

It's not a matter of someone being easily distracted, it's a matter of logging in and then realizing that there's an op starting and deciding to get in on it. Or logging in for skills and then someone says hi and you end up spending an hour chatting with them. There are many situations where someone can log in intending to change skills and then realize that they're having fun playing Eve. Infinite skill queue would guarantee that they never have the chance for this to happen.

You are framing your response from a very narrow viewpoint. It would be fair to say you are only accurate when viewed from that viewpoint.

What you are really describing is players with time to kill, who are obviously looking for inspiration on finding something to do.

If they did NOT have the time available, they would have no choice but to log out once they handled the brief needs of queue bumping. Add to this, they are now frustrated if they did notice something they would like to join in on.

Needing to bump a queue does not give you time to kill. Only real life opportunities can give you this.

And guess what? If you DO have time to play, chances are you will jump on EVE anyways. People training a 25 day skill still log in, don't they?

The limited queue doesn't promote play. It is an obstacle to deal with when you can't, though.

I disagree.

The limited queue means that you cannot create a character on an alt account, load a titan queue and come back in 18 months and undock him for the first time.

If you don't have time to log on and update the queue, then you don't have time to play eve. That is the truth since NOTHING in eve is as easy or fast to do as bumping the queue.

So if that is your problem, logging in to update the queue and you don't have time for it, then you should cancel your sub and play minesweeper or solitaire, or a game you can pause and come back to.

Eve takes time to commit to, I know, I have a RL and I don't have enough time to play myself and sometimes my queue goes inactive for a few hours when I just don't have the time, but that is life and life is hard.
Quade Warren
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2012-05-25 19:36:32 UTC
I agree with the previous posts on this. Not having the skill queue was a genuine pain in the arse, but this skill queue is a serious boon. I've never seen it as anything more than what it is, an excuse to get you to log in and potentially interact.

Just showing up for two minutes to change a skill and then log could promote other conversation, too. "Hey, Quade just logged. Must've been changing his queue." "He's been talking about that setup he's been skillin' for... I wonder how close he is."

As lame as the above sounds, it happens because people are curious and any chance to add any form of chaos into this sandbox is a good thing.

Plus... if I didn't have to log in and just set up a pilot for a carrier queue, I'd have NO reason to log in and change it, whereas in the last six months I've changed from carrier to hictor to black ops, etc... My mind changes because I'm constantly revisiting the game, keeping up the expansions, etc.

So yeah... infinite skill queue = no bueno.
Mary Annabelle
Moonlit Bonsai
#12 - 2012-05-25 19:40:50 UTC
Loius Woo wrote:
I disagree.

The limited queue means that you cannot create a character on an alt account, load a titan queue and come back in 18 months and undock him for the first time.

If you don't have time to log on and update the queue, then you don't have time to play eve. That is the truth since NOTHING in eve is as easy or fast to do as bumping the queue.

So if that is your problem, logging in to update the queue and you don't have time for it, then you should cancel your sub and play minesweeper or solitaire, or a game you can pause and come back to.

Eve takes time to commit to, I know, I have a RL and I don't have enough time to play myself and sometimes my queue goes inactive for a few hours when I just don't have the time, but that is life and life is hard.

Disagree all you like, but your logic fails when you consider this:

The Player in question fits one of two descriptions, or is logging in or not regardless of the queue.

Description 1: They only have the time to bump skills. They CAN do this indefinitely, the above mentioned 18 month time frame fitting well inside of this. Since they are paying their sub, CCP is not complaining.

Description 2: They have time to kill, and lots of it. They log in to update their queue. IF, in that precious 2 minute time period, the following is true, then they might stay longer:
*>They belong to a corp, or have friends actively watching for them.
*>Their friends do something to grab their attention, realizing they are only present for moments unless an action is taken.
(This presumes their friends are online, and have something to do where they want to drag others into)

If the above conditions are not met, queue bumping player with time apparently logs out and falls asleep.

My point, is that people with both the time and interest WILL play.
People missing either the time or the interest will NOT play.

The queue is not going to provide either of these.
Mary Annabelle
Moonlit Bonsai
#13 - 2012-05-25 19:42:48 UTC
Quade Warren wrote:
Plus... if I didn't have to log in and just set up a pilot for a carrier queue, I'd have NO reason to log in and change it, whereas in the last six months I've changed from carrier to hictor to black ops, etc... My mind changes because I'm constantly revisiting the game, keeping up the expansions, etc.

So yeah... infinite skill queue = no bueno.

Wait, you don't play unless you needed to bump your queue?


Because you sound like you are saying that.
Loius Woo
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2012-05-25 19:50:41 UTC
Mary Annabelle wrote:
Loius Woo wrote:
I disagree.

The limited queue means that you cannot create a character on an alt account, load a titan queue and come back in 18 months and undock him for the first time.

If you don't have time to log on and update the queue, then you don't have time to play eve. That is the truth since NOTHING in eve is as easy or fast to do as bumping the queue.

So if that is your problem, logging in to update the queue and you don't have time for it, then you should cancel your sub and play minesweeper or solitaire, or a game you can pause and come back to.

Eve takes time to commit to, I know, I have a RL and I don't have enough time to play myself and sometimes my queue goes inactive for a few hours when I just don't have the time, but that is life and life is hard.

Disagree all you like, but your logic fails when you consider this:

The Player in question fits one of two descriptions, or is logging in or not regardless of the queue.

Description 1: They only have the time to bump skills. They CAN do this indefinitely, the above mentioned 18 month time frame fitting well inside of this. Since they are paying their sub, CCP is not complaining.

Description 2: They have time to kill, and lots of it. They log in to update their queue. IF, in that precious 2 minute time period, the following is true, then they might stay longer:
*>They belong to a corp, or have friends actively watching for them.
*>Their friends do something to grab their attention, realizing they are only present for moments unless an action is taken.
(This presumes their friends are online, and have something to do where they want to drag others into)

If the above conditions are not met, queue bumping player with time apparently logs out and falls asleep.

My point, is that people with both the time and interest WILL play.
People missing either the time or the interest will NOT play.

The queue is not going to provide either of these.

At no point in your reply did you address the question of this:
If I create an alt and fill his queue with everything needed to fly a titan and then never log again until done, paying sub for it all the time and then log in with a fully trained titan pilot who has never undocked, is that a problem?

If you don't think that that is a problem then we will never agree anyway.

But that is what I am saying about the skill queue problem, not that it would be bad for me who plays actively when I can and have no problem logging in to change stuff, but that the game is broken when someone can create an alt, train to titan, sell alt for isk to fund next alt with plex, rinse and repeat with tons of profit.

See how that is a problem?

If you don't, then I can't help you.
Mary Annabelle
Moonlit Bonsai
#15 - 2012-05-25 19:55:15 UTC
Loius Woo wrote:
At no point in your reply did you address the question of this:
If I create an alt and fill his queue with everything needed to fly a titan and then never log again until done, paying sub for it all the time and then log in with a fully trained titan pilot who has never undocked, is that a problem?

If you don't think that that is a problem then we will never agree anyway.

But that is what I am saying about the skill queue problem, not that it would be bad for me who plays actively when I can and have no problem logging in to change stuff, but that the game is broken when someone can create an alt, train to titan, sell alt for isk to fund next alt with plex, rinse and repeat with tons of profit.

See how that is a problem?

If you don't, then I can't help you.

You can do that already, with the obvious exception that you need to bump the queue.

You never need to undock. Ever.

Are you saying bumping the queue, by itself with nothing else, somehow accomplishes something?
Snow Burst
Caldari State
#16 - 2012-05-25 20:39:31 UTC
I still fail to see why it HAS to be limited its so annoying being away for a day n then realising my queue entered less then 1 day left then finished -_-

There Is A 90% Chance All Of What You Just Read Is Wrong, Inaccurate Or Just Me Being Controversial In Some Way. Or By Some Chance It's Completely Right In Every Way... At Least To Me :3

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2012-05-25 20:48:50 UTC
Snow Burst wrote:
I still fail to see why it HAS to be limited its so annoying being away for a day n then realising my queue entered less then 1 day left then finished -_-

Exactly. It's crowded enough as is, we won't miss you. +1Big smile
Snow Burst
Caldari State
#18 - 2012-05-25 20:52:41 UTC
sabre906 wrote:
Snow Burst wrote:
I still fail to see why it HAS to be limited its so annoying being away for a day n then realising my queue entered less then 1 day left then finished -_-

Exactly. It's crowded enough as is, we won't miss you. +1Big smile

congrats on making a sentence that made no sense *clap*

There Is A 90% Chance All Of What You Just Read Is Wrong, Inaccurate Or Just Me Being Controversial In Some Way. Or By Some Chance It's Completely Right In Every Way... At Least To Me :3

Sunshine and Lollipops
#19 - 2012-05-25 20:52:48 UTC
Snow Burst wrote:
I still fail to see why it HAS to be limited its so annoying being away for a day n then realising my queue entered less then 1 day left then finished -_-
Check your queue before going away and make sure it covers the period you'll be gone. The beauty of the queue — and the problem it solves — is that you can do this at any time without worrying about losing training time.
Snow Burst
Caldari State
#20 - 2012-05-25 20:56:23 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Snow Burst wrote:
I still fail to see why it HAS to be limited its so annoying being away for a day n then realising my queue entered less then 1 day left then finished -_-
Check your queue before going away and make sure it covers the period you'll be gone. The beauty of the queue — and the problem it solves — is that you can do this at any time without worrying about losing training time.

Well considering some of us have work and a life outside of eve its hard to make time somedays like people who play all day everyday :p, isnt this meant to be a thread PRO infinite skill queue ?!

There Is A 90% Chance All Of What You Just Read Is Wrong, Inaccurate Or Just Me Being Controversial In Some Way. Or By Some Chance It's Completely Right In Every Way... At Least To Me :3

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