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EVE Online: Inferno - Issues thread

First post
Bakanial Cadence
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#881 - 2012-05-25 14:02:54 UTC
Equilus DaGood wrote:
Please fix Eve voice.

I take it then that I am not the only person having issues with Eve voice?

are you getting the error where you don't get a response from the server after like 5 minutes trying to join voice?
Maliken Stormborn
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#882 - 2012-05-25 14:08:03 UTC
I have some very big issues with session changes.

When I undock space doesn't load and I can't do ****. When I dock the station doesn't load and I can't do anything. When I jump the right click menu in space doesn't work.

I have my drivers up to date, I have ran the repair tool. The game was working just fine a few days ago when Inferno just launched, these new 1.01 and 1.02 patches screwed everything up. Unfix please.

And don't give me the reduce graphic settings solution because that's not the problem.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#883 - 2012-05-25 14:15:50 UTC
Hey guys, forgive if this is a repost to someone that's posted this problem already (i'm not about to read 45 pages of stuff to search for it lol).

I noticed last night that when i am in wormholes, and i come OUT of warp..... i go to APPROACH a wormhole in my overview. I highlight the wormhole in the overview, and click the approach button. . . . my ship does nothing. sits there! I can spam click the approach button, and nothing. IF i approach another object (IE: the sun, its the only other thing in my current overview settings) then i will start moving towards that, and i can finally click on the Wh in the overview and click the approahc and it will start to draw near it.

Again this is only tested in wormholes, i havent been in Kspace to try this yet. . . . . multiple people in my corp experiencing the same thing. Only happening since patch release.
El Geo
The Ascendants
#884 - 2012-05-25 14:26:50 UTC
Umfoofooh wrote:
Hey guys, forgive if this is a repost to someone that's posted this problem already (i'm not about to read 45 pages of stuff to search for it lol).

I noticed last night that when i am in wormholes, and i come OUT of warp..... i go to APPROACH a wormhole in my overview. I highlight the wormhole in the overview, and click the approach button. . . . my ship does nothing. sits there! I can spam click the approach button, and nothing. IF i approach another object (IE: the sun, its the only other thing in my current overview settings) then i will start moving towards that, and i can finally click on the Wh in the overview and click the approahc and it will start to draw near it.

Again this is only tested in wormholes, i havent been in Kspace to try this yet. . . . . multiple people in my corp experiencing the same thing. Only happening since patch release.

i actually thought my mouse wasnt working properly
Izo Alabaster
Black Death Skorpions of Death
#885 - 2012-05-25 14:27:40 UTC
I had an issue last night with the new inventory system. The text filter option in the top right (where you type in letters/words and it filters the inventory to that criteria) ceased functioning completely. Closing and re-opening my inventory fixed it. I'm not sure what caused it or how to reproduce it. Just thought you might want to know.

The new missile effects are awesome btw. I'm enjoying the patch, keep up the good work! Smile
Ind Inc
#886 - 2012-05-25 14:58:29 UTC
El Geo wrote:
Umfoofooh wrote:
Hey guys, forgive if this is a repost to someone that's posted this problem already (i'm not about to read 45 pages of stuff to search for it lol).

I noticed last night that when i am in wormholes, and i come OUT of warp..... i go to APPROACH a wormhole in my overview. I highlight the wormhole in the overview, and click the approach button. . . . my ship does nothing. sits there! I can spam click the approach button, and nothing. IF i approach another object (IE: the sun, its the only other thing in my current overview settings) then i will start moving towards that, and i can finally click on the Wh in the overview and click the approahc and it will start to draw near it.

Again this is only tested in wormholes, i havent been in Kspace to try this yet. . . . . multiple people in my corp experiencing the same thing. Only happening since patch release.

i actually thought my mouse wasnt working properly

i may or may not have experienced this or something related in Kspace, i was doing my usual travel route when 1.7.1 was deployed, the same routine typically, warp to gate, back to the youtube video until i hear the warp end and i noticed for whatever reason (i'm not sure what caused it, so i can't be sure if it's related or not) instead of warping to and then jumping through the gate as the jump normally functions it had left me parked next to the gate.

it may be related to the WH space problems you guys are having, it may not, i can't really say for sure and it's only happened the one time, anyway, hope the info helps in some way.

and in closing, i have to say to the people at ccp, i LOVE the new missile effects, they are epic, whoever was behind that, keep up the good work... i'll avoid mentioning whoever was responsible for the UI however just for the sake of being polite.
Lady Naween
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#887 - 2012-05-25 14:59:45 UTC
Goddess Adicia wrote:
Lady Naween wrote:
executioner ship.

3 guns on left side.. 2 on right...


shhhh, that's okay, i find it funny, a bit on the cool side for me.....BlinkBlink

*laughs* if it was one of those horrible caldari.. sure but us pure and noble Amarrians shouldnt have to suffer this insult!
Lady Naween
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#888 - 2012-05-25 15:03:20 UTC
Umfoofooh wrote:
Hey guys, forgive if this is a repost to someone that's posted this problem already (i'm not about to read 45 pages of stuff to search for it lol).

I noticed last night that when i am in wormholes, and i come OUT of warp..... i go to APPROACH a wormhole in my overview. I highlight the wormhole in the overview, and click the approach button. . . . my ship does nothing. sits there! I can spam click the approach button, and nothing. IF i approach another object (IE: the sun, its the only other thing in my current overview settings) then i will start moving towards that, and i can finally click on the Wh in the overview and click the approahc and it will start to draw near it.

Again this is only tested in wormholes, i havent been in Kspace to try this yet. . . . . multiple people in my corp experiencing the same thing. Only happening since patch release.

happens in Kspace too. almost lost several ships to it already. its a HUGE frakkin pain in the ass.
#889 - 2012-05-25 15:39:51 UTC
Minor Buggeration wrote:
Mac keyboard and mouse issues.

Since Inferno, I sometimes have to click a number of times to e.g. perform scans.

When showing system mapo and with probes deployed, using shift drag to resize/move sometimes sticks. After releasing mouse button, the UI acts as if the button is still pressed. I have to repress the button a number of times to clear the issue.

I have to click a probe launcher a number of times to get a launch.

I would say about 50% of times this happens.

It feels like I have to press to get focus and then press again to perform an action.

This is pretty common now. If you could post your specs in this thread it would be helpfully.
#890 - 2012-05-25 15:43:44 UTC
Nadirea wrote:
Serious Mac client issues.

1) Random crashes during game play, as well as idle afk.
2) Unable to left-click select items (nearly anything, actually) until I restart the client. Even then there's about a 50/50 chance that it will function properly once logged. It acts as if the left mouse button is continuously held down. I've checked all hardware and peripherals which are functioning fine from my end.

Same thing iI just said to the other guy ;). Please come post your system specs in this thread. Lots of mac users are having this problem.
#891 - 2012-05-25 15:55:09 UTC  |  Edited by: ISquishWorms
Sorry this was meant for feedback thread.

‘No, this isn't it at all. Make it more... psssshhhh’.

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#892 - 2012-05-25 16:13:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Zaknapan
Bakanial Cadence wrote:
Equilus DaGood wrote:
Please fix Eve voice.

I take it then that I am not the only person having issues with Eve voice?

Nope same here, but I am on Linux which may complicate things a bit. I cant make a connection to eve voice at all :-(
United System's Commonwealth
#893 - 2012-05-25 16:44:40 UTC
- ship in ship maint hangar at pos in w-space change online/offline state of modules

Got a Phobos heavy interdictor in a pos ship maint hangar in w-space.

It has four guns, two online, two offline.

It has a t2 warp disrution field generator, online.

When i park it in the ship maint hangar with the above config and pull it out after the next downtime it changes the online state of the warp dis and the guns.

It then has four guns online. Warp disruption field gen offline!!!

Super annoying when you land in a hot zone and notice the bubble is offline... AGAIN.

Please fix.
Capsuleer Newton
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#894 - 2012-05-25 18:38:20 UTC
Meytal wrote:
Since it sounds like that few people (if any) raged about how hard the previous inventory management system worked, there wasn't a lot of pressure to fix what wasn't broken. So, there wasn't a "need" here.

By now, CCP has to know that when they make a change, a lot of people will rage just so they can rage at CCP. But unless this change was amazing, they would have a lot of the players raging; feedback from SiSi should have been enough to show that it wasn't ready for production yet.

There wasn't a "need" to fix anything, and there was a strong reason NOT to push something this impacting to production systems. So there had to be some sort of reason for this change and to forge ahead in spite of negative feedback.

They write their code in Python, which by and large is portable.

I had a strange thought that I'm hoping isn't true: Are we testing DUST's new inventory system?
Please say this isn't true.

now that you mention it, this unified inventory works like a charm for games like world of warcraft, if this is how WoW's bag management works, it'll be awesome, if the World of Darkness is like WoW, then we, Eve players may well be the beta testers of WoD's Inventory System... Cool!!! EvilEvilEvil NOT!!!

see, with games like WoW, you don't need to open your bag all the time, but you need to "carry" a set stuff like potions, elixirs, even a set of armor and weapons for different roles, and other necessities. damn remembered playing WoW that i always have half my bags full of something.....
Lillan Strand
#895 - 2012-05-25 18:44:17 UTC
Anyone else finds it funny how a carrier has almost same drone dps with a full set of 10 fighters as a drone cruiser(gila, ishtar). Not to say that a dominix or rattle will do even better being able to use blasters(rails) or torps(cruise). Now, i understand that carriers have other roles and they are rarely used for their fighters anyway but still, they are capitals that require 10 times more skills then the battleships and cruisers i named.
At this rate you can just give up their drone bay and make them 100% logistics.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#896 - 2012-05-25 20:01:08 UTC
So peeps having issues with your assets in a station disappearing, what I did was undock, and your loot should show up in your assets(when docked they do not show up in inventory or assets), contract it to an alt while undocked and I had my alt put it all in like 5 cans and contracted back. Have all me loot back, was over 900 items.
Kalzin Maya
#897 - 2012-05-25 20:50:19 UTC
When I drag items to the Station hangar slot, it doesn't try to put it in items.... i think it used to; if not, I am making that same mistake over and over or it defaulted to items more
#898 - 2012-05-25 21:55:17 UTC  |  Edited by: EarthZone
Mother of all gods, what an s*** with this new inventory. /o\

As long as i do not get the good old inventory and hangar back, i'm not willing to play my favorite MMO anymore.

Edit: Uh, sry. This one's for the inferno feedback issue.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#899 - 2012-05-25 22:27:59 UTC
Ok so ive deleted and reinstalled eve like 4 times now and i still cant log in. The launcher works just fine, even shows how many people are online but when i hit play, the window comes up to put in my information and the server status says i can play it at my buds, even my girlfriends crappy computer plays it just fine, i dont get it......
Chloe Celeste
Net Effect
#900 - 2012-05-25 23:45:43 UTC
Unified Inventory is horrible.........rollback to the way it was previous to this expansion.