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New BPO's? Did ccp forget to seed?

Kaaii-Net Research Labs
#1 - 2012-05-22 21:14:51 UTC

Or am I missing the location / thread of woe / got nerfed / ooops found them, references....?

The Frog Pond
#2 - 2012-05-22 21:17:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Zifrian
I'm not positive but some were said to be bpc drops. Not sure what the final decision was though.

From the dev blog:

So, three of the new modules will not be seeded directly on the market. The Extrinsic Damage Amplifier, the CPU rig and the web drones will be seeded directly on market. Also note that to get the T2 drone damage module, you need to invent it using T1 BPCs.

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Hans Tesla
RigWerks Incorporated
#3 - 2012-05-22 21:30:55 UTC
Sort of...

Reading some of the threads (which would be too painful to hunt down), I believe the ones that were to be seeded as exploration site drops did successfully seed... but they're apparently broken right now and can't be used in Invention.

I believe the ones that were supposed to be seeded in the Market had "issues" which were going to be fixed and deployed with tomorrow's patch.

Head Rigger In Charge

Conspicuous Forums-Alt
#4 - 2012-05-22 22:50:07 UTC
Hans Tesla wrote:
Sort of...

I believe the ones that were to be seeded as exploration site drops did successfully seed... but they're apparently broken right now and can't be used in Invention.

From what i remember from devblogs, t2 version of new mods do not exist at this moment. they will be brought after t1 versions are seen to be working and balanced well enough.
Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#5 - 2012-05-22 23:32:41 UTC
Some of the new modules were introduced as Meta-1 - specifically so that they could control the flow and drop rates until they determine whether the new modules are balanced or horribly unbalanced.

Original plan was to introduce them as meta-zero items, which we poo-poo'd very loudly because they weren't going to introduce BPOs for them. So they got changed to meta-1.

The only thing they forgot to do is to give those Meta-1 items some flavor to the names (such as 'Arup' or 'Malkuth' or the like).
The Frog Pond
#6 - 2012-05-23 00:35:50 UTC
Apparently the names are different for the armor hardener and the drone mod.

Reactive Armor Hardener and Drone Damage Amplifier

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STK Scientific
The Initiative.
#7 - 2012-05-23 04:23:16 UTC
i have been getting 50 Run BPC's being dropped in Drone Wrecks....
Unity Ventures
#8 - 2012-05-23 17:54:56 UTC
Had an Ancillary Shield Booster 50 run BPC drop from a null rat last night.
Ymmi Stenson
Future Overlords
#9 - 2012-05-23 20:48:01 UTC
Tulvar wrote:
Had an Ancillary Shield Booster 50 run BPC drop from a null rat last night.

Lucky bastard.
Serina Tsukaya
Dropbears Anonymous
Brave Collective
#10 - 2012-05-24 07:54:03 UTC
Half are to be seeded as bpos, the other half are drops from rats in mag and radar sites (or something similar). It's a significant boost to the importance of those miniprofessions.
Hans Tesla
RigWerks Incorporated
#11 - 2012-05-24 12:36:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Hans Tesla
Serina Tsukaya wrote:
It's a significant boost to the importance of those miniprofessions.

Unless the cans are dropping the BPCs, it's more of a boost to the importance of scanning rather than hacking or archaeology. But hey, anything to make Mags more worthwhile.

ETA: I can now confirm that the cans are also dropping the BPCs, as I just got a 3 run Reactive Armor Hardener from a Hi-Sec Mag canister. Hooray!

Head Rigger In Charge

Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#12 - 2012-05-24 13:21:39 UTC
Hans Tesla wrote:

Unless the cans are dropping the BPCs, it's more of a boost to the importance of scanning rather than hacking or archaeology. But hey, anything to make Mags more worthwhile.

ETA: I can now confirm that the cans are also dropping the BPCs, as I just got a 3 run Reactive Armor Hardener from a Hi-Sec Mag canister. Hooray!

Now we just need to get them to add implant BPCs to the mag sites...
Hans Tesla
RigWerks Incorporated
#13 - 2012-05-24 14:47:36 UTC
Scrapyard Bob wrote:
Hans Tesla wrote:

Unless the cans are dropping the BPCs, it's more of a boost to the importance of scanning rather than hacking or archaeology. But hey, anything to make Mags more worthwhile.

ETA: I can now confirm that the cans are also dropping the BPCs, as I just got a 3 run Reactive Armor Hardener from a Hi-Sec Mag canister. Hooray!

Now we just need to get them to add implant BPCs to the mag sites...

My old suggestion was seeding limited run pirate faction ammo BPCs. Really, just something that was kind of unique. This seems to be a great start to making the sites more interesting. For mag sites, the only reason really to do them in the past is if you were a rig builder as the mats usually weren't worth the time to run otherwise.

Head Rigger In Charge

Space Mermaids
#14 - 2012-05-24 16:05:28 UTC
The rigs BPO's are seeded but when you invent the Charred Micro Circuit makes a magical turn to Power circuit instead of Micro Circuit bringing the cost up from 300K to 30 mill so I don't know how popular the T2 Processor over clocking units will be.
STK Scientific
The Initiative.
#15 - 2012-05-24 17:58:22 UTC
after Ratting Drones for the last 2 days i have got

5 Reactive Armor Hardeners
2 Target Spectrum Breaker
1 Small Ancillary Shield Booster
1 Large Ancillary Shield Booster

All 50 Run Copies.
Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#16 - 2012-05-24 18:52:55 UTC
Twopah wrote:
The rigs BPO's are seeded but when you invent the Charred Micro Circuit makes a magical turn to Power circuit instead of Micro Circuit bringing the cost up from 300K to 30 mill so I don't know how popular the T2 Processor over clocking units will be.

Please bug report it. (With both items side-by-side in a screenshot.)
Hans Tesla
RigWerks Incorporated
#17 - 2012-05-24 19:30:10 UTC
50ish M ISK off a 3 run BPC later, I would like to report that I am rather pleased with this method CCP has chosen of seeding new modules in the game. Get in at the ground floor and you can make some money.

Head Rigger In Charge

STK Scientific
The Initiative.
#18 - 2012-06-01 16:13:00 UTC
looks like CCP have lowered (or Stopped) the drop rate of the new Module BPC's in Drone Wrecks, i have had none over the last 2 days, compared to 10+ last week.
STK Scientific
The Initiative.
#19 - 2012-06-01 18:54:17 UTC
The Wrecks have to be salvaged now for the BPC's to drop