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Current Caldari Faction War

#101 - 2012-05-23 20:31:49 UTC
Come get some!
Joanna Ramirez
Intaki Militia
#102 - 2012-05-23 20:36:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Joanna Ramirez
Mutnin wrote:
I'm sure someone can come up with some ******** Caracal gang fit that could do crazy things in plexes.. Like maybe HMLs & damps or something. The key being if they did that, it would mean they were working as a "group" using gang fits to work as a team, rather than bring what ever you have relying on nothing more than blob to win.

Oh dear....and here I think I was once killing your dessie gangs in my AML caracal back when you were in Matar militia Lol

Simply put, AML caracal has exactly one thing where it is bad and that is DPS on paper, which is not good. On the other hand, you get a reasonably priced boat with engaging distance 0-50km without any tracking or fall-off penalties which means it delivers that dps all the time and without missing. It also has very respectable tank.

I do hope that I can get those gangs going again. As you can see this ia gang of caracals facing gang of mainly thoraxes (no links or any faggotry was involved). You can also see that we had 4 against quite a lot. Oh and the guy who died was in rupture which was slower and had less range than aml caracal:)
Quantum Cats Syndicate
Of Essence
#103 - 2012-05-23 20:37:36 UTC  |  Edited by: chatgris
Mutnin wrote:
The key being if they did that, it would mean they were working as a "group" using gang fits to work as a team, rather than bring what ever you have relying on nothing more than blob to win.

First off, I only took issue with the fact you said that caracal's sucked. I fully agree that effective gangs should fit according to a doctrine.

To the main topic: That's the point. If you have a gang working together, the caracal is IMO a better ship than the rest, and at least it can definitely hold it's own. Don't bash caracals and moas, bash the fact that people won't fit for a fleet goal.

The rest of your post, we could go back and forth. I was on grid with the fleet the whole time, the oracle could have crushed one of the thoraxes just as easily as my caracal, etc. I am not saying that a cruiser gang of even caracals should be able to take on a tier3 bc gang. I am saying that the caracal is a top tier contender for medium plex fighting.

But the point is the caracal's damage projection should not be overlooked (and the AML caracal also packs a decent tank). That's why I kept doing well for damage while all those thoraxs and vexors and ruptures take time to approach their time, for drones to lumber over, the caracal is applying dps from range.

One day I hope to do the same with caracals that I did with drakes earlier in my militia.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#104 - 2012-05-23 20:42:41 UTC  |  Edited by: X Gallentius
Mutnin wrote:
A Caracal; doing ok vs some random target doesn't mean the Caracal is still not a bad choice for what & how they are trying to use them.
There are two things I've learned in Eve and it's this: 1) Listen to chatgris and try to understand what he's saying - he is always right. 2) If PERVS used a ship a certain way, then that ship was the optimal choice for the job.

Caracals in medium plexes. Look into them.
#105 - 2012-05-23 20:47:00 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Mutnin wrote:
A Caracal; doing ok vs some random target doesn't mean the Caracal is still not a bad choice for what & how they are trying to use them.
There are two things I've learned in Eve and it's this: 1) Listen to chatgris and try to understand what he's saying - he is always right. 2) If PERVS used a ship a certain way, then that ship was the optimal choice for the job.

Caracals in medium plexes. Look into them.

Says the guy with 50 kills in an exequror! Serious who flys those and gets kills!
Quantum Cats Syndicate
Of Essence
#106 - 2012-05-23 20:52:27 UTC  |  Edited by: chatgris
X Gallentius wrote:
Mutnin wrote:
A Caracal; doing ok vs some random target doesn't mean the Caracal is still not a bad choice for what & how they are trying to use them.
There are two things I've learned in Eve and it's this: 1) Listen to chatgris and try to understand what he's saying - he is always right. 2) If PERVS used a ship a certain way, then that ship was the optimal choice for the job.

Caracals in medium plexes. Look into them.

Says the guy with 50 kills in an exequror! Serious who flys those and gets kills!

X G is a hardcore RP'er and he does everything possible to find good gallente ships, fits and tactics (even though I think he's generally starting from a significant disadvantage). He's an expert when it comes to gallente ships.
Deen Wispa
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#107 - 2012-05-23 20:58:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Deen Wispa
Turkish Waiter wrote:
If you look at the roster of corps currently on the gal side, the only way for caldari to make any headway is for an established pvp corp to join the cause. A new corp will not have room to organically grow within the current mechanics to challenge the established pvp focused corps in the gal militia, which is a shame.

Yes and No. If anything, the Squids outnumber Gal by a bit especially on US TZ. It just doesn't seem like it because of what the KB shows. I have seen some very tight 10-20 man squid shield gangs rolling around and we can't always muster the personnel to fight them.

Having been in GalMil for a few months, I can honestly say that the thing that would kill GalMil is our own complacency, arrogance, or political infighting (see SOTF/WBR drama lama stuff). If we get through that stuff, then we will be fine. Historically, the strength of GalMil is our ability to put any schisms aside and fight as a mixed unit.

I have guys in my corp who are very arrogant and think very little of the squids. And I often have to remind them to be humble and always stay vigilant.

And I hear others within general GalMil who hesitate to be more inclusive to various smaller corps because they haven't "heard" of them yet. I would hope that we can be more inclusive of other smaller corps as GalMil has been towards my corp when we started several months ago. If GalMil does, then we will have new allies and friends. It's nice to have household names that have anchored GalMil for years but I'd like to see new stars rise up as well and continue the wonderful gaming community that is GalMil

High Five. Yeah! C'est La Eve .

Joanna Ramirez
Intaki Militia
#108 - 2012-05-23 20:58:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Joanna Ramirez
Says the guy with 50 kills in an exequror! Serious who flys those and gets kills!

X Gal cheats. He flies navy exequror. Only one man can kill anything in Exequror (or Osprey) and he is not the Stig, but Stig's weird finnish cousin!

I also cheat, I fly Osprey navy issues and not real ospreys...
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#109 - 2012-05-23 21:04:14 UTC
[Says the guy with 50 kills in an exequror! Serious who flys those and gets kills!

I didn't say I follow his recommendations, I just said he is right all of the time.

Sometimes you gotta fly what you have fun in. ENIs are the Gallente hull all real Gallente pilots want to fly - They are stupid fast (2400 m/s not overheated), and put out ridiculous DPS (799 dps overheated).

What I see, however, is that these same "faux" Gallente pilots who cry for more speed on the forums can't stomach the lack of a huge tank on the battlefield. They are afraid to lose ships (and therefore, they are not real Gallente pilots, IMO).

ENIs are cheap w.r.t FW LP but many Gallente pilots don't get it. For example, there is one prominent Gallente FC (who shall rename nameless but has the initials "JF") who regularly spends about 300-450k FW LP to get enough isk to purchase one Vigilant when he could have purchased 10-15 ENIs instead. But that's his choice. Somehow losing a Vigilant at a gate camp is considered honorable, but melting several WTs before dying in a fire is not. Go figure. Big smile
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#110 - 2012-05-23 21:14:19 UTC
Joanna Ramirez wrote:
I also cheat, I fly Osprey navy issues and not real ospreys...
I fear the day the Caldari put 2 and 2 together and start flying ONI's like Caracals in medium plexes.
Super Chair
Project Cerberus
Templis CALSF
#111 - 2012-05-23 22:53:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Super Chair
X Gallentius wrote:
Joanna Ramirez wrote:
I also cheat, I fly Osprey navy issues and not real ospreys...
I fear the day the Caldari put 2 and 2 together and start flying ONI's like Caracals in medium plexes.

But i love my CNI, it looks cooler Big smile

But yeah that ENI is properly flown I would say.

We had CNI, 3 moa, Rupture, blackbird, vexor while you guys had 2 sfi, 2 eni, bb thorax (edit: and vexor). It was a nice 7v7 and if not for you burning to our BB and killing him we would have incurred less losses (we held the field) it came down to the last 2 cruisers on each side and your vexor bailed leaving the other cruiser to die Sad It was a good fight though, and people hate on moas and caracals so much Roll
Super Chair
Project Cerberus
Templis CALSF
#112 - 2012-05-23 23:08:17 UTC
In defense of my beloved caracal: top damage (suck it ruptures).

And for my beloved moa: (this is the 7v7 fight that I mentioned in my earlier post, why this kill? because it was the first primary in that fight (so our vexor/thorax were still alive doing dps)). Why does the moa (all moas in this case) have more damage? Because even with a thorax sitting on a warpin at 0 the enemy cruiser can still land 5-6km away and the moa still has the best damage application at that range. The moa is faster, has a simillar tank and with 3 mag stabs you generally have almost as much dps as most 1600/electron blaster thoraxes.

I honestly fear the day chatgris gets the gallente militia to all fly caracals. It's like drakes fighting in a medium plex. Now if only caldari could all agree on something Roll
Caldari State
#113 - 2012-05-24 00:46:33 UTC
DirtyDozen wrote:
Andre Vauban wrote:
Cryissa wrote:
So hows it going?

Was in it before Dec last year. We dropped out as a corp and joined an alliance with 0.0 and WH ops but now looking to come back.

What's the current situation, feel and well everything really?

Of course I am expecting the enemy to post here as well......

Like everybody stated, the situation is not good for the Caldari. However, you will have lots of targets and will not be lacking things to do. There are still some good Caldari pilots out there that can beat the Gallente pound for pound in small fights, they just don't have the numbers to effectively compete.


It's a challenge, but that's why it's fun. We've only been in Caldari FW for a little over a week. Just know a lot of the time you engage, you'll be outnumbered and fighting links. I'm not complaining. They are always willing to fight. I'm looking forward to more GFs down the road.

Personally, I'm not in it for the isk. All my guys have other sources of income. We wanted to come to fight with the underdogs.

Maybe this is what I've been missing about EVE. I lament on these blogs and to others elsewhere that there is no recognition of racial/factional expertise in weapons, ships, tactics, etc, because everyone is just flying whatever is the current hot ship with the current best PvP fit for that ship. All the while I'm trying to find the best way to fit the best Caldari ship I can fly with the best/most appropriate Caldari fit of weapons and modules. Is FW the place I should be? It seems to me that a significant problem for Caldari FW would be that players don't see Caldari ships and tactics as particularly useful for PvP (other than the tengu, obviously), so don't fly them, but if I were to fly for Caldari State, would that be where I would find at least a few like myself that see this as the whole point of EvE?

I know people would hate to be forced in any way to fly their own race's ships, and I'm not suggesting that should be the case, but I think bonuses for flying your own race's ships would help - it would result in people learning and flying the tactics for those ships. I'm thinking kiting with long range missiles and railguns and ECM in the Caldari way, rather than the standard PvP way with MWD, blasters/autocannon, close-range battles that favour one race over another and result in everyone flying those races ships instead of their own. I don't know what the ultimate answer to all this is, and I suspect whatever that answer is will be howled down by the majority and never implemented by CCP, but if I can find a little segment of EVE that at least respects these ideas and tries to follow their spirit, perhaps that will keep my interest...
Bluejacket CT
Percussive Diplomacy
Intergalactic Space Hobos
#114 - 2012-05-24 00:54:58 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
1) Listen to chatgris and try to understand what he's saying - he is always right.

(But he's a vegan!)

SLAPD - Corp Janitor

Joanna Ramirez
Intaki Militia
#115 - 2012-05-24 04:56:27 UTC
Nalianna wrote:
so don't fly them, but if I were to fly for Caldari State, would that be where I would find at least a few like myself that see this as the whole point of EvE?est...

Most likely though I dont know anyone who dutifully sticks to just one races ships.

"I fly Caldari boats since my enemies need a handicap" - Bad Messenger
Quantum Cats Syndicate
Of Essence
#116 - 2012-05-24 05:02:38 UTC
Nalianna wrote:
I'm thinking kiting with long range missiles and railguns and ECM in the Caldari way, rather than the standard PvP way with MWD, blasters/autocannon, close-range battles that favour one race over another and result in everyone flying those races ships instead of their own. I don't know what the ultimate answer to all this is, and I suspect whatever that answer is will be howled down by the majority and never implemented by CCP, but if I can find a little segment of EVE that at least respects these ideas and tries to follow their spirit, perhaps that will keep my interest...

You just outlined my fleet philosophy, and I'm in the gallente militia. I regularly chastise my blaster loving brethren :D
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#117 - 2012-05-24 05:29:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Hrett
Joanna Ramirez wrote:
Nalianna wrote:
so don't fly them, but if I were to fly for Caldari State, would that be where I would find at least a few like myself that see this as the whole point of EvE?est...

Most likely though I dont know anyone who dutifully sticks to just one races ships.

"I fly Caldari boats since my enemies need a handicap" - Bad Messenger

There are a few of us on both sides that do. I will sit in a Cane or Naga when I am forced, but otherwise I just fly Gallente. There are lots of others the same way. I know Gallente arent the best or most optimal in all situations, but that is kinda part of the fun of it is making non-FOTM ships work. At least for me. It may resuslt in some lol lossmails, but I have found some different fits that work too - or at least kinda work. :)

I guess I am kinda an RPer-light in that regard. Who'da thunk it?

spaceship, Spaceship, SPACESHIP!

Shadow Adanza
Gold Crest Salvage
#118 - 2012-05-24 05:59:24 UTC
My character's not "race loyal" in any form. He's a Caldari fighting for the Gallente in Minmatar ships. XP

Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

Caldari State
#119 - 2012-05-24 06:58:39 UTC
Shadow Adanza wrote:
My character's not "race loyal" in any form. He's a Caldari fighting for the Gallente in Minmatar ships. XP

lol yeah that seems about normal for most of the EVE community. I guess we all start off as one race, decide we want to be another race, and then discover yet another race's ships are better for what we want to do. I have a number of accounts with a variety of different races all so I can experience the whole different racial/factional thing, trying as much as possible to stick with the ships, weapons and tactics of each race but I find it quite hard due to the fact that often the best mix at least for PvP, is a hotchpotch of skills, modules and ships from all four races, which of course not one of my pilots can fly, or at least well. Which is why I was looking for anyplace I could do the real factional warfare thing, complete with correct ships per race, etc. I thought the statement made earlier that most Caldari fleets are shield repped meant it was at least a good bet that I was on the right track, but I'm not sure now.... Still I wouldn't mind giving Caldari Militia a go, if indeed the Caldari side is lacking pilots. Not sure how much of an asset I'd be though... :)

Thanks heaps for the feedback. I'll hang around here for a few more days, see if this is where I need to be.
Joanna Ramirez
Intaki Militia
#120 - 2012-05-24 07:17:01 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Joanna Ramirez wrote:
I also cheat, I fly Osprey navy issues and not real ospreys...
I fear the day the Caldari put 2 and 2 together and start flying ONI's like Caracals in medium plexes.

No real fear there really. ONI does not get velocity bonus to AML so it's range sucks with those. In the end you are left with fast boat which lobs heavy missiles for less than 200 dps. Sure it is faster than CNI but CNI is easier to fit, has more tank, more dps, more capacitor and longer targeting range. And 25% all around damage bonus is bit meh when you factor in CNI gets 6 launchers anyway with 25% kinetic damage bonus on top.

If ONI could match even vanilla SFI* in speed without nanoes and so forth, it would be more viable but since it is still relatively slow compared to alternatives (Cynabal without nano is 500m/s faster than ONI), there is little reason to fly one over CNI unless you fly my ham/ab fit (which is quite effective though). At the very least this poor bugger should be given larger drone bay rather than the 10m it has right now.

So right now ONI is in "Sort of viable but better alternatives are available from same races arsenal" category.

*SFI with 1600mm plate is still slightly faster than unnanoed/rigged ONI