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I really Know why Eve don't get more Players....

Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2012-05-23 18:44:18 UTC
I think I’m going to express now a very controversial opinion that will be prolly fought especially by veteran eve players.

However I feel I have to talk. Shocked

It seems that there is a “mantra” in eve that cannot be discussed because, for many players, it’is the fundamental reason why they play Eve… at the same time I think this is exactly the same reason why Eve is a relatively “Niche” game that, in it’s current format, cannot really aspire to a larger audience of players.

Before coming to the point, I’ve to say that I’ve been myself a game developer and now CEO of an IT firm, I also played a lot of games online and offline for many years, including many of the today online best-of-breed games and a core eve player since more than two years now running multiple accounts.

So, In my modest opinion, the MAIN big point why EVE, in its current form, is destined to remain a “core ppl game” with a relatively small number of players is this:


Wow PVP!!!!

Yes, this is the main reason why many of us like this game so much and this is exactly why much more ppl don’t like it.
It’s easily to check with relatives and friends the main problems they encounter when they get into the game, we all know about learning curve, scarce tutorial, cold interface, complex actions etc… however if you dig deeper, while some like to try pvp sooner or later, many more are completely scared by it, frustrated if they try it and, most important, they don’t want to care about competition!

Yes, think about it without prejudice: compared to the number of competitive ppl that like games like EVE today, many more prefer cooperative game environment.

Don’t tell me that EVE is cooperative…. I know it is, but most of the cooperation is always open to PVP and you have to plan all you work on the game, you corp, your alliance etc… around PVP.

A simplistic example: I met many many ppl that would love to join fleet where they cannot kill each other nor be attacked by other players etc… but just focus con carebearing things like exploration, plexing, mining etc…
Beware, I’m not saying remove PVP from EVE!

What I’m saying is that if we would like to have double players, or triple or ten times what we have today, EVE shall implement places where non-competitive, non-aggressive, friendly players can simply enjoy the fly in space and the sandbox universe (OBV Empire today is not the answer, way too much PVP takes place there).
Most non-pvp ppl don’t really want to care about win something against other players, but just fix their own simple targets and try to make those with some friends or even alone.

Someone could argue: do we really want 10 times more players in eve? Or 10 times more carebears?
My answer would be YESSSSS!!!! All life long!

At least three very good reasons:
1. We can finally have some (or some more) RL friends playing the game we love with us!
2. CCP will have 10 time more real life ISKS to provide us a much better game, with faster implementation and a bigger universe
3. We will have a bigger market, more options, more isks and overall more fun

To finish this long and probably boring issue, something for CCP:
Every time you say, advertise, write or in any other way put out sentences like “more shooting in face, more player wars etc…” while you push up the core-players for sure, you LOSE MANY MANY more potential players!

I had to say the above for the passion I have toward EVE, don’t shoot me now but if you want to I’m ready Bear


Christopher AET
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2012-05-23 18:46:10 UTC

I drain ducks of their moisture for sustenance.

Malice Redeemer
#3 - 2012-05-23 18:46:49 UTC
Allyxy wrote:
I think I’m going to express now a very controversial opinion that will be prolly fought especially by veteran eve players.

However I feel I have to talk. Shocked

It seems that there is a “mantra” in eve that cannot be discussed because, for many players, it’is the fundamental reason why they play Eve… at the same time I think this is exactly the same reason why Eve is a relatively “Niche” game that, in it’s current format, cannot really aspire to a larger audience of players.

Before coming to the point, I’ve to say that I’ve been myself a game developer and now CEO of an IT firm, I also played a lot of games online and offline for many years, including many of the today online best-of-breed games and a core eve player since more than two years now running multiple accounts.

So, In my modest opinion, the MAIN big point why EVE, in its current form, is destined to remain a “core ppl game” with a relatively small number of players is this:


Wow PVP!!!!

Yes, this is the main reason why many of us like this game so much and this is exactly why much more ppl don’t like it.
It’s easily to check with relatives and friends the main problems they encounter when they get into the game, we all know about learning curve, scarce tutorial, cold interface, complex actions etc… however if you dig deeper, while some like to try pvp sooner or later, many more are completely scared by it, frustrated if they try it and, most important, they don’t want to care about competition!

Yes, think about it without prejudice: compared to the number of competitive ppl that like games like EVE today, many more prefer cooperative game environment.

Don’t tell me that EVE is cooperative…. I know it is, but most of the cooperation is always open to PVP and you have to plan all you work on the game, you corp, your alliance etc… around PVP.

A simplistic example: I met many many ppl that would love to join fleet where they cannot kill each other nor be attacked by other players etc… but just focus con carebearing things like exploration, plexing, mining etc…
Beware, I’m not saying remove PVP from EVE!

What I’m saying is that if we would like to have double players, or triple or ten times what we have today, EVE shall implement places where non-competitive, non-aggressive, friendly players can simply enjoy the fly in space and the sandbox universe (OBV Empire today is not the answer, way too much PVP takes place there).
Most non-pvp ppl don’t really want to care about win something against other players, but just fix their own simple targets and try to make those with some friends or even alone.

Someone could argue: do we really want 10 times more players in eve? Or 10 times more carebears?
My answer would be YESSSSS!!!! All life long!

At least three very good reasons:
1. We can finally have some (or some more) RL friends playing the game we love with us!
2. CCP will have 10 time more real life ISKS to provide us a much better game, with faster implementation and a bigger universe
3. We will have a bigger market, more options, more isks and overall more fun

To finish this long and probably boring issue, something for CCP:
Every time you say, advertise, write or in any other way put out sentences like “more shooting in face, more player wars etc…” while you push up the core-players for sure, you LOSE MANY MANY more potential players!

I had to say the above for the passion I have toward EVE, don’t shoot me now but if you want to I’m ready Bear


is there a suggestion in there?
Markus Reese
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-05-23 18:47:48 UTC
Didn't have time to read it all, but yes. It needs more pve, more small fleet complexity to get people's interest into doing the pvp. Also allow a form of earning for those that dont' have the time to invest in full time pvp operations. And stuff about a bit more security for new players? Dunno how to go about that, but players constantly under harass will become bothered and leave.

To quote Lfod Shi

The ratting itself is PvE. Getting away with it is PvP.

Shovel Bros
#5 - 2012-05-23 18:48:18 UTC
So, your 'solution' for a problem that doesn't actually exist (Eve being a niche game isn't a problem, it's a feature) is to suggest that the very heart of Eve (dangerous space with PvP anywhere and everywhere) be ripped out and thrown away. It's not going to happen.
All Hail The Liopleurodon
#6 - 2012-05-23 18:48:37 UTC
TLDR we found out anyways the servers can't deal with many more people

Also I've is not used how you think it is.
Vyl Vit
#7 - 2012-05-23 18:49:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Vyl Vit
It's an EVE tradition to pretend how you play it is the only way to play it. This includes getting on this forum and declaring your thing is the ONLY thing. PvP-ers seem to think they're particularly special and there's a spot waiting for them in Digital Heaven while everybody else will spend eternity in Redwood, Washington enduring long sessions of Bill Gates bragfests. Do like my momma says. "Ignore ignorance."

Paradise is like where you are right now, only much, much better.

Christopher AET
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2012-05-23 18:50:36 UTC
If you don't want to pvp why did you consent to it?

ie logged in

I drain ducks of their moisture for sustenance.

Lady Ayeipsia
#9 - 2012-05-23 18:53:52 UTC
Your assumption is that we want those players. Think of it this way....

If you let 12 million players from hello kitty online dictate eve's next direction, you'll get hello kitty online in space.

We like eve the way it is. We like pvp in all aspects. It is why we are here. On my indy toons, I like knowing i am in competition to make t2 warp disrupts cheaper than others with a healthy view of my version if profit.

On my main, I like pvp so much, I joined RvB for a third time because where else can I get almost 30 kills in the hour and a half I play each night.

So really, what would more pve players net us? More voice dictating ccp move away from the core fundamental pvp nature of eve.

Think of it this way, if you like your it firm, you wouldn't hire your employees out to do landscaping in addition to the it work, especially if you knew such a move would turn your firm into Joe's landscaping service.

Eve is pvp and yes it may be a niche game, but by god that is how we like it.
Cedar Locus
Fleet 2 die
#10 - 2012-05-23 18:54:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Cedar Locus
its not getting more players cause ccp is greedy as hell

how long does 1 expansion take a half year? instead of adding to the game they have been testing technology for other console games where they can make more money....

same as all the other stupid stuff involving skill training and botting

also, tl;dr
#11 - 2012-05-23 18:54:52 UTC
Christopher AET wrote:

wow ****, I might just unsub eve for a few months and check this out,

alot of MMOs have gone FTP. Would eve work with a FTP model tho, thats the question.

dust is FTP so we will wait and see.

I know alot of my RL freinds would try eve if it went Free to play, the sub price puts people off.

Plex= someone else have paid for your game time, which in my eyes is not free!!!
Protus Correction Facility Inc.
#12 - 2012-05-23 18:55:01 UTC
Allyxy wrote:
We can finally have some (or some more) RL friends playing the game we love with us!

BAD. Last time I interacted with a friend, it was to raid a POS alongside him. He grabbed a rorq, I grabbed a good bil or so in ore and a carrier. Unfortunately, 'cause he was a RL friend, I couldn't simply lay an ambush for him and ransom the rorqual for his pod. No, I had to LET HIM SHARE. Sharing is caring, but this ain't carebears online - this is EvE. Less people I can gank and rob with a clean conscience means more reasons to quit.

"We will create the introduction thread if that is requested by the community. Also, we will have an ISD Seminar about the CCL team in the coming weeks in which you can ask your questions about the CCL team and provide some constructive feedback to us." - Countless pages of locked threads and numerous permabanned accounts later, change is coming.

Terranid Meester
Tactical Assault and Recon Unit
#13 - 2012-05-23 19:02:46 UTC
Obligatory go play WoW comment.
Ryoken McKeon
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#14 - 2012-05-23 19:03:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Ryoken McKeon
No, this theory is wrong. This game has such low subs because of how complicated it is to figure out in the beginning and the general lack of direction for new players. I joined a corp on my first day and literally the first thing I did when I got into their system was shoot at WTs. If things hadn't worked out that way, if I hadn't joined a corp on my first day, I probably would never have continued. The reason why this was so important was that I was given, on my first day, a fair amount of perspective on what PvP in EVE is like. I lost my newly bought condor, but we ended up taking out their t2 fit thoraxes; after that I didn't have a problem losing ships.

The 'problem' with the PvP system in this game is that it requires intelligence and skill, offering great rewards to winners and great punishment to the losers. Those who don't figure it out die a lot and for nothing (and then come here to 'enlighten' those of us with more brains and experience). I don't want the game watered down for those who can't hack it :/

What you are saying may turn off some MMO players, but I don't think it is anything like as significant for sub pop as the learning curve.

OP, you're young in this game and don't really understand it yet. There is more coordination in this game between players than in any other. (I've played WoW, WAR, SWG, TOR, and EVE at end game in good organizations for long periods of time; those games are all inferior.)
#15 - 2012-05-23 19:05:26 UTC
EVE is truely a PVE game NOT a PVP game! Why else do I have to kill 4,000 battleships to replace my tengu???? True PVP games do not make you work for a week to die once. Anyone who thinks this is a PVP based game is a moron!!! Yeah my character has 50m sp. Lets go gank some miners and noob mission runner corps.... This game is about PVE and Griefing Primarily... everything else is secondary.... As long as you have a game where someone with 6 years of sp can freely kill players with 1 month of sp.... you will have a hard time recruiting new players... Oh wait they can't freely kill. They have to pay 2m first... ROTFLMFAO. I make that in 20 secs! A noob takes a week to make that lol... Seriously. I know nothing about programming but let me throw out a few suggestions. How bout making a character with 1m sp immune to players with 50m sp.... how bout making a sp system like they had in Runescape. The farther you go into low sec the bigger the sp difference can be... There is no love for noobs in eve so I think this games days are truely numbered.
Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#16 - 2012-05-23 19:06:03 UTC
yes, let's take eve and turn into the lowest common denominator prolefeed to appease subhuman mongrels like yourself
Savage Angel
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2012-05-23 19:09:05 UTC
If you have to give up your soul to gain a few subs, what have you really gained?
Mina Hiragi
Caldari State
#18 - 2012-05-23 19:10:48 UTC

The core of EVE is non-consensual PVP.

Remove that - as you suggest - and the game is dead. End of story. You cannot remove the core of an MMO without killing it. It doesn't matter what whizbang shiny Hello Kitty ideas you're going to bring in that will purportedly lead to billions of happy fluffy campers.

The field is littered with the bodies of MMOs that have tried altering their core nature, and have died as a result.

Also EVE needs more Hello Kitty. I can haz Chococat insignia on my Rifters?
#19 - 2012-05-23 19:11:01 UTC
Terranid Meester wrote:
Obligatory go play WoW comment.

I was always thinking WOW is for geeks but it's looking better every day lol. Not really. I'd go star trek online first then prolly battlefield 1942.
Malice Redeemer
#20 - 2012-05-23 19:12:21 UTC
Dethbringer1 wrote:
EVE is truely a PVE game NOT a PVP game! Why else do I have to kill 4,000 battleships to replace my tengu???? True PVP games do not make you work for a week to die once. Anyone who thinks this is a PVP based game is a moron!!! Yeah my character has 50m sp. Lets go gank some miners and noob mission runner corps.... This game is about PVE and Griefing Primarily... everything else is secondary.... As long as you have a game where someone with 6 years of sp can freely kill players with 1 month of sp.... you will have a hard time recruiting new players... Oh wait they can't freely kill. They have to pay 2m first... ROTFLMFAO. I make that in 20 secs! A noob takes a week to make that lol... Seriously. I know nothing about programming but let me throw out a few suggestions. How bout making a character with 1m sp immune to players with 50m sp.... how bout making a sp system like they had in Runescape. The farther you go into low sec the bigger the sp difference can be... There is no love for noobs in eve so I think this games days are truely numbered.

What a joke, who can even understand these people. They would have just loved Shabowbane

Hey guy, don't fly it if you can't afford to lose it.
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