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EVE Online: Inferno - Issues thread

First post
The Erzohians
Raravathian Mining and Logistics
#641 - 2012-05-23 15:29:33 UTC  |  Edited by: RivaDiva
People in local are not showing up with blue standings / alliance beside their name.... Reds are still showing correctly in local channel


It was the overview settings causing this problem in local chat channel and overview settings not being correctly applied to the overview
Squizz Caphinator
The Wormhole Police
#642 - 2012-05-23 15:29:57 UTC
CCP Punkturis wrote:
SoC Darkord wrote:
has anyone noticed that the killmail formatting is messed up?

Yeah we messed up. Tuxford has fixed it internally and the fix will go out to you guys tomorrow.
He's also writing a dev blog so you'll have something to read before you go to bed Blink

Good to know. What about the additional flag values in the KillLog API? It seems there is now a flag for each slot, which I believe is awesome. Will this new feature be kept or did it get "fixed" too? (I hope it is kept)

Various projects I enjoy putting my free time into: |

VaCh Industries
#643 - 2012-05-23 15:30:31 UTC
CCP karkur wrote:
Shadow Adanza wrote:
I went to mess with the new character creation skin colors and upon going through all of them, I decided I liked my default skin color the best and went back on the history to it. Well, upon going and taking the portrait, the skin color was my original, chosen, color. But after taking the picture and continuing on, I posted in the forum and I had this dark-skinned portrait as well as my character now being dark-skinned when I had clearly chosen my original look. My portrait in-game is the chosen color, but the character in the forum picture as well as in character creator and view full body is dark-skinned.
could you please file a bugreport and I'll take a look at it tomorrow.
Also, would you like me to give you old color back if I can (which I think I can do)?

Have the same issue. Posted here. Yes I would like my old skin back please.
Blasterion Valstarian
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#644 - 2012-05-23 15:33:31 UTC
Simon Charante wrote:
Trillian Mac Millan wrote:
Martin Hartl wrote:
launcher started an update... and shows: CantResolveUrl
i closed the launcher and retried it, same. closed it again and ran the repair tool... no change

Has anyone got a workaround for this?

says the patch page is not found
patch download for manual patching cant find it either

..and I was redirected to download full installer, and re-install as:

We were unable to locate a patchfile for your build no. (376700).

so, it's now downloading to be reinstalled the 377452 ... and we'll see...
Dave-Tatman-Lister Dwarfers
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#645 - 2012-05-23 15:36:46 UTC
Socket errors every 5 mins or so. restarts game. not my connection as tested..really annoying.
Pirmasis Sparagas
Bullet Cluster
#646 - 2012-05-23 15:36:46 UTC
Logical error:

When you do tutorial misions in industry or mining you get mining/hauler frigate class ship of that race.

For Amarr it's Tormentor.

But after this update, it has no mining/hauling bonues, but combat...

So how the heck should newbie do mining with no mining frigate?
Keep it Hard
#647 - 2012-05-23 15:41:00 UTC
Pirmasis Sparagas wrote:
Logical error:

When you do tutorial misions in industry or mining you get mining/hauler frigate class ship of that race.

For Amarr it's Tormentor.

But after this update, it has no mining/hauling bonues, but combat...

So how the heck should newbie do mining with no mining frigate?

ccp is not worried about players of this game any more they are focused on Dust 514

Troll Skill Lv3 ≡√≡

CCP Tuxford
C C P Alliance
#648 - 2012-05-23 15:42:21 UTC
Squizz Caphinator wrote:
CCP Punkturis wrote:
SoC Darkord wrote:
has anyone noticed that the killmail formatting is messed up?

Yeah we messed up. Tuxford has fixed it internally and the fix will go out to you guys tomorrow.
He's also writing a dev blog so you'll have something to read before you go to bed Blink

Good to know. What about the additional flag values in the KillLog API? It seems there is now a flag for each slot, which I believe is awesome. Will this new feature be kept or did it get "fixed" too? (I hope it is kept)

It's kept and what my dev blog is about. Sorry to not have notified you guys ahead of time was a misunderstanding on my behalf.

Imnar Blade
Caerbannog Corp
#649 - 2012-05-23 15:43:17 UTC
Whilst switching ships in a WH POS, (Ship Maintenance Array) i received a Modal error message saying I no longer had access to the cargo hold of the ship I'd changed out of. Clicking OK had no effect, presumably the client simply reattempted access to the forbidden container, result one infinite loop.

Only way I could regain control was to restart the client.

Whilst on the subject of Modal dialog boxes, please, please, please get rid of the bleeding things when the only response is OK.
Super Chair
Project Cerberus
Templis CALSF
#650 - 2012-05-23 15:44:40 UTC
Only pilots in capture range of a FW complex receive loyalty points from the capture of the plex rather than everyone on grid (so tackle and close range ships gaurding the warpin do not receive LP)
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#651 - 2012-05-23 15:46:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Dragonspore
I have been trying to get EVE working since the server went back up after last patch, after several failures to download the patch successfully and a total deletion and re-instillation on my PC I finally at 1645 pm (GMT) 23 May 2012 get the damn thing to work... what went wrong and why did I have so much trouble ?

Afterthought: Why launch something when it was clearly not ready ??
Diabella Aihaken
Abitbol TEAM
#652 - 2012-05-23 15:48:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Diabella Aihaken
People delog still show in local
this is a very serious problem you need to fix it now !

Make a quick fix and restart the server we cannot wait until tomorrow DT...
Keep it Hard
#653 - 2012-05-23 15:53:20 UTC
Diabella Aihaken wrote:
People delog still show in local
this is a very serious problem you need to fix it now !

this bug was re introduced for the sake of getting goons more kills after this update as the old bugs always re-surface after every update... goons can camp stations and wait for their targets to log back in

Troll Skill Lv3 ≡√≡

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#654 - 2012-05-23 15:54:21 UTC
Bug in new UI window

If you dock the new UI to the right of the chat, and you have autohide neocom:

- old behavior: any window docked to the right of the chat (or directly docked to the neocom) would cause all the docked windows to scroll left when neocom disappeared, all would scroll right when neocom re-appeared.

- new behavior: the chat still scrolls like before but the new UI won't obey to the dock and sits still.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#655 - 2012-05-23 15:56:09 UTC

I may have found a minor issue with the notepad ... it no longer seems to save blank lines in (my) structured notes.

For example, if i save:



They seem to open as:


The Scope
Gallente Federation
#656 - 2012-05-23 15:57:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Draesun
I wont point out the obvious local bug.

Nevermind, new devblog addressing "some" of my concerns! Thank you!
#657 - 2012-05-23 16:00:00 UTC  |  Edited by: C09
My eve online launcher after today DT does not work, i launch the game and the launcher make an error, i launch the repair tool who rapair correctly, and the ******* launcher does not work again, and again, and again. Thanks a lot CCP guys this is very fun, from so far i don, t have a lot of fun like today.

solved: eve.bin.exe file start the game correctly, don, t now atm if the launcher now work correctly
Ymmi Stenson
Future Overlords
#658 - 2012-05-23 16:01:02 UTC
There was an unexpected error while retrieving update status:

Unable to download file /EveOnlineLauncher/launcherInstaller/EveOnlineLauncherInstaller_TQ_1320.exe from the server.
Error: url // not found

Do you want to go to support page?

This has nothing to do with the actual content, but actual patch. Says that there is new patch today, but can´t download it.

Any tricks or do I just download the whole game again? 100 Mbps so not really big issue.
Ymmi Stenson
Future Overlords
#659 - 2012-05-23 16:02:06 UTC
Also I noticed last night that approach button didn´t work at all times.
Ymmi Stenson
Future Overlords
#660 - 2012-05-23 16:04:08 UTC
Ymmi Stenson wrote:
There was an unexpected error while retrieving update status:

Unable to download file /EveOnlineLauncher/launcherInstaller/EveOnlineLauncherInstaller_TQ_1320.exe from the server.
Error: url // not found

Do you want to go to support page?

This has nothing to do with the actual content, but actual patch. Says that there is new patch today, but can´t download it.

Any tricks or do I just download the whole game again? 100 Mbps so not really big issue.

Actually this problem comes only when I start the actual client. But if I start launcher, it will start patching. So all fine.