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Warfare & Tactics

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There are only 2 Militias

First post
Del Vikus
Sundered Core
#321 - 2012-05-23 12:12:09 UTC
Suzu Fujibayashi wrote:
So, now is a good time to join Amarr militia, or what?

Or just join SOTF, which apparently amounts to the same thing these days.
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#322 - 2012-05-23 12:13:33 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
This whole thing seems like a waste of time and rep for sotf.

Also, I love the way the amarr complain about numbers but can muster a 50 man fleet to take on a 15 man ahac gang in 5 minutes.

You really shouldn't bring up the AHAC gang argument, because you Crosi & SP-DR are just clueless as far as AHACS go and the best part about it, 90% of EVE lowsec knows this which ends up in you dieing 90% of the time you undock your AHACS.


Well, as CCP set the scene for a new level of FW, catering more towards low SP toons and new players, i think its time some of the old guard stand aside and let the new blood play. Its just that CCP neglected to make nullsec any good what-so-ever so thats a step that wont be taken or repeated by many people in the short term.

Oh and about us being lazy, you damn well bet we are. We don't log on everyday to pew pew for our home, if that's what we wanted to do we'd be in nullsec. As such the new FW doesn't cater towards more low sp toons and players it caters only higher numbers, you know this and i know this - pretending anything else just makes you look clueless and/or silly.

Last but not least, i must thank you really, all of the minnies, the ridiculously huge stockpile of navy battleships we've got lying around is going to pay for at least 2-3 more Titans, they've already more than doubled in value thanks to your remarkable conquest effort.
I must also commend your efforts in taking so many systems before the patch with no lp gain, because now, after the patch, i get to have fleet phoons for 75k lp. Cheers for making them dirtcheap i think you're going to see a lot of us flying them around soon. I really do enjoy others doing the work and then reaping the benefits.

SP-DR lose a couple pf ahac fleets because for months you complain about being outnumbered but as soon as sp-dr undock a fleet they are intercepted by 3 times their numbers before they can get much further than amamake lol. You know this to be true lol.
If you can form up for that sort of special occasion, but not engage in frequent pvp to defend your system then you are indeed lazy.

The new FW, low sp or not, caters for people who will pew for their homes on a daily basis. The income from fw is dropping by 4x since low lp cost for bs in an illusion and will just flood the market and high lp cost wont equally resuly in rocketing prices of our goods. Less stable income means that ultimately the players who currently rely on fw income will have lower capacity to deploy dreadnaughts and such meaning all those cap sp coulld become useless to them in fw. Of course thats based on my somewhat sceptical view of how the economy will unfold.
Stalking Mantis
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#323 - 2012-05-23 12:14:12 UTC
kBeing Away From Game with only forum access from my work I really want to say

THIS TREAD DELIVERS. Thank you for all the fun I am having reading this.

In regards to the fighting I could have sworn I saw this same scenario in the Lord of The Rings movie (when they were fighting over that castle) with SoTF being the Riders of Rohan. Hmmm I wonder if Capitol One got to wear his fully decced knight armor suit for the local trolling that must have happened.

Miss you all much and look forward to being back on my couch (SUP FHP!) chasing sasawong out of plexes and suiciding my hawks into 10 man stabber fleet issue fleets.

We wanted to blob. You didn't let us lob. Waaah.

Amarr Liason Officer Extraordinare -->Check Out Amarrian Vengeance/Amarr FW History from 2011 to 2014

#324 - 2012-05-23 12:17:24 UTC
Gallactica wrote:
Jade Constantine wrote:
Gallactica wrote:
Jade Constantine wrote:

No great surprise to learn that SF considers SOTF to be treacherous imperialist dogs quite deservedly -10. Gallente Nationalists propping up Amarrian Slavers ... what a complete surprise!

Who are you?

Somebody happy to shoot at you. Any other stupid questions?

Was a serious question, no idea who you are.

Like him or hate him, a 'who are you?' retort towards Jade Constantine, makes sound like an utter noob. Roll

Operation WRITE DOWN ALL THE THINGS!!!  Check out the list at Collecting and compiling all fixes and ideas for EVE. Looking for more editors!

The Lazy Crabs
#325 - 2012-05-23 12:22:02 UTC
I like Cake <3
Fliet Pizza Delivery
Of Essence
#326 - 2012-05-23 12:36:59 UTC

Lock out wrote:

Well, we don't care about occupancy warfare from an rp'ing or arbitrary mechanics point of view.

But we focused on saving Raka and Nenn because our friends from SLAPD and QCATS live there, not because some random rp reasons. We did the same for Kamela, tried (and succeded) to save a system where some friends live .

I am not interested in having some CCP arbitrary mechanic telling me who my friends and my enemies should be, I get to chose that and act accordingly, otherwise the whole ideea of sandbox is out the window and it becomes pretty linear.

This is really all that needs to be said. Sandbox, deal with it.
Shadows Of The Federation
#327 - 2012-05-23 12:37:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Gallactica
Tobiaz wrote:
Gallactica wrote:
Jade Constantine wrote:
Gallactica wrote:
Jade Constantine wrote:

No great surprise to learn that SF considers SOTF to be treacherous imperialist dogs quite deservedly -10. Gallente Nationalists propping up Amarrian Slavers ... what a complete surprise!

Who are you?

Somebody happy to shoot at you. Any other stupid questions?

Was a serious question, no idea who you are.

Like him or hate him, a 'who are you?' retort towards Jade Constantine, makes sound like an utter noob. Roll

I know exactly who jade is mate, we very nearly joined his alliance many moons ago :)

I was being pedantic regarding his relevance to this thread.
Fliet Pizza Delivery
Of Essence
#328 - 2012-05-23 12:38:12 UTC
Yogsoloth wrote:

[quote=Lock out]
Well, we don't care about occupancy warfare from an rp'ing or arbitrary mechanics point of view.

But we focused on saving Raka and Nenn because our friends from SLAPD and QCATS live there, not because some random rp reasons. We did the same for Kamela, tried (and succeded) to save a system where some friends live .

I am not interested in having some CCP arbitrary mechanic telling me who my friends and my enemies should be, I get to chose that and act accordingly, otherwise the whole ideea of sandbox is out the window and it becomes pretty linear.

This ^^ is really all that needs to be said. Sandbox, deal with it.
Capitol One
Blue Canary
Watch This
#329 - 2012-05-23 12:47:32 UTC
Stalking Mantis wrote:
kBeing Away From Game with only forum access from my work I really want to say

THIS TREAD DELIVERS. Thank you for all the fun I am having reading this.

In regards to the fighting I could have sworn I saw this same scenario in the Lord of The Rings movie (when they were fighting over that castle) with SoTF being the Riders of Rohan. Hmmm I wonder if Capitol One got to wear his fully decced knight armor suit for the local trolling that must have happened.

Miss you all much and look forward to being back on my couch (SUP FHP!) chasing sasawong out of plexes and suiciding my hawks into 10 man stabber fleet issue fleets.

We wanted to blob. You didn't let us lob. Waaah.

I was indeed wearing my shiny knight armor, but for entirely different reasons. I wore it because I'm an Amarrian and WE ARE AWESOME! And because kicking minnie ass is so much more fun that way :P
Theronth Valarax
#330 - 2012-05-23 13:03:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Theronth Valarax
Joanna Ramirez wrote:
Turkish Waiter wrote:
Damar, everyone understands in advance how you treat people. Someone could go out of their way to help you countless times, but as soon as they do one thing that you don't like, they become an enemy for life. This is why people tend to keep their distance from you, you're way too high maintenance.

No, it's only when they wear the green jersey. I get along quite ok with Super Chair, Bolsterbomb and Mutnin (was he ever with froggies though, was minmatar at least) when they dont' have it. It's a bit like on/off switch. Theronth, Madbuster, Adolf, etc. were all my good buddies at one stage. But they swapped the shirts, so I swapped my opinion of them.

Does it mean we are neutral now Damar? I mean, I still wanna invite you to BOSS shoot, but I'm afraid you wouldn't come just because I'm traitor to Caldari cause :(

EDIT: To random TEST fags in FW thread!!!

xXPIZZAXx flies Thrashers when we are high, but when we board real ships you rarely undock, and when you do we just farm your mails, nom nom :D
Deal with it

Broski dead, yo!
Devoid Privateering
#331 - 2012-05-23 13:24:12 UTC
Suzu Fujibayashi wrote:
So, now is a good time to join Amarr militia, or what?

Yeah, better time than ever, apart from some new bugs. The UI tells you exactly how contested the system you're in is; the militia window tells you exactly how contested every system in your respective battlefield (Amarr/Minmatar , Caldari/Gallente) is. Although it takes five times as long as before to flip a system, seeing numbers update when you capture a plex (former behavior: seeing absolutely nothing; maybe a blob on the map would be imperceptibly more prominent) makes it feel more... better. And Amarrian mining in FW space has been given a great shot in the arm by CCP now that the Tormentor has room for a second mining drone, more cargohold mods, a survery scanner, perhaps a core probe launcher for the gravimetrics. I'm really excited about this.

It's especially a good time for Amarr as the current state of the map is somewhat artificial, for reasons I won't go into. The next few weeks are going to produce a more accurate picture of the campaign's progress. You can be a part of that. It might not be as satisfying to join after things shake out.

Just mind the station lockout, and base in a relatively heavily defended system. If you've no idea where to go: Amarr space is shaped like a donut, with the Bleak Lands/Devoid lowsec connecting at Oyonata/Sosan at one side and Lamaa/Tzvi at the other side. Amarr hold the Bleak Lands, most of it, but have lost just about all of Devoid. To reclaim it, you have to fight 'around the donut', pushing either from Sahtogas or Kamela. (You could also base in Mili or Mehatoor, both highsec, and both somewhat inside Devoid. Basing in Mehatoor will give you some opportunities with Minmatar who are trying to get to Arzad but are too afraid to fly through all that space that they 'control'.) If you've no idea which side you'd like to be closest to, Iesa and Anka are equidistant.
Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#332 - 2012-05-23 13:25:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Jade Constantine
Gallactica wrote:
Who are you?

Jade Constantine wrote:
Somebody happy to shoot at you. Any other stupid questions?

Was a serious question, no idea who you are.

Like him or hate him, a 'who are you?' retort towards Jade Constantine, makes sound like an utter noob. Roll

I know exactly who jade is mate, we very nearly joined his alliance many moons ago :)

I was being pedantic regarding his relevance to this thread.

Well seeing as how the only point I was making was to politely inform you that your organization was -10 and we'd be shooting you (we're NRDS and respect such niceties) I'm not sure you had much to be sarcastic about. Especially because we were both in local Kamela at the time and guess what, we spent the rest of the evening shooting at each other Cool

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Shadows Of The Federation
#333 - 2012-05-23 13:47:27 UTC
Hehe Jade, apologies - I think I got a little carried away with trolling :)

See you on the battlefield mate.
Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#334 - 2012-05-23 14:01:59 UTC
Gallactica wrote:
Hehe Jade, apologies - I think I got a little carried away with trolling :)

See you on the battlefield mate.

No probs mate, see you in space!

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#335 - 2012-05-23 14:41:13 UTC  |  Edited by: X Gallentius
It's going to be very interesting in a couple weeks when Minmatar start derping into plexes with SFIs instead of Ruptures (and when the entire Gallente militia starts flying comets and ENIs Big smile ) . Bunker busts will be happening with derping RR Navy Domis and Republic Fleet Faction BSs.

Good luck keeping up with the original suppliers. Hope Amarr and Caldari have an endless supply of isk to help fill the coffers of their Minmatar overlords (nobody else flies Gallente faction hulls in game).

Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#336 - 2012-05-23 14:59:01 UTC
Minnies have been spamming SFI's for ages .. expect the amount of Navy Phoons to go through the roof though.

FW LP market tanked ages ago and LP has always been abundant. Only wonder is that it took three years for the navy hulls to start showing up in majority number, but reckon raw ISK has been more alluring than flying bling in an area where life expectancy is sometimes counted in minutesSmile
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#337 - 2012-05-23 15:07:43 UTC
Think "order of magnitude" increase in usage, and you'll still be a bit low on your estimate.

sYnc Vir
Ghost Legion.
#338 - 2012-05-23 15:11:33 UTC
I cant wait for the all Navy Minnie fleets, So much more Lp for killing them.

Price - Insurance + fit / people = yum.

Though that will change once all the farmers slap so many hulls on the market they cost just alittle more than the standard hull.

Don't ask about Italics, just tilt your head.

Turkish Waiter
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#339 - 2012-05-23 15:31:19 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
It's going to be very interesting in a couple weeks when Minmatar start derping into plexes with SFIs instead of Ruptures (and when the entire Gallente militia starts flying comets and ENIs Big smile ) . Bunker busts will be happening with derping RR Navy Domis and Republic Fleet Faction BSs.

Good luck keeping up with the original suppliers. Hope Amarr and Caldari have an endless supply of isk to help fill the coffers of their Minmatar overlords (nobody else flies Gallente faction hulls in game).


You know that anyone who's been involved in FW for more than a couple of months is likely fully prepared to farm either side of FW right? Even before the changes many amarr where farming minmatar FW missions on alts.

I accept that this will impact players with only one account, but on the whole this is going to have little impact in terms of resources on either side. The biggest impact will be the reduction in price for lp store items.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#340 - 2012-05-23 16:01:50 UTC
Turkish Waiter wrote:

You know that anyone who's been involved in FW for more than a couple of months is likely fully prepared to farm either side of FW right?
Only a minority will do so. Have at it.