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EVE Online: Inferno - Issues thread

First post
Keep it Hard
#581 - 2012-05-23 13:19:18 UTC
Domino1352 wrote:
ok have tried repair FAILED
tried running from the bin directory FAILED
restarted client many times (SOCKET CLOSED]

Any other suggestions?

did you try using the client repair tool?

Troll Skill Lv3 ≡√≡

Keep it Hard
#582 - 2012-05-23 13:20:01 UTC
Domino1352 wrote:
ok have tried repair FAILED
tried running from the bin directory FAILED
restarted client many times (SOCKET CLOSED]

Any other suggestions?

did you try using the client repair tool?

sorry i see you listed the repair tool

Troll Skill Lv3 ≡√≡

Jebediah MacAhab Dallocort
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#583 - 2012-05-23 13:21:17 UTC
Neo Agricola wrote:
Jebediah MacAhab Dallocort wrote:
CCP Punkturis wrote:
SoC Darkord wrote:
has anyone noticed that the killmail formatting is messed up?

Yeah we messed up. Tuxford has fixed it internally and the fix will go out to you guys tomorrow.
He's also writing a dev blog so you'll have something to read before you go to bed Blink

Are you going to test your patch this time?

They will seed it to Sisi in 10 mins and create a Feedback thread where we can write down our feedback... and they will read it the same way as
- Unified inventory
- Aurum Shop
- CQ

Oh, I know. I was trying to provide mild entertainment for myself by seeing CCP lie through their teeth.

How to Improve Quality Assurance at CCP

Professional Programmer, DBA, Game Developer and Systems Analyst

CCP SoniClover
C C P Alliance
#584 - 2012-05-23 13:26:52 UTC
new skill book is useless Target Breaker skill is not a prerequisite to use the module Target Spectrum Breaker module unless there is another module the book was meant to be trained before it can be used

The new Target Breaker skill is not intended to a be a prereq for the module, but a bonus skill. It is only to improve the cap use and duration of using the module. The prereqs for the module is electronics/electronic warfare
Sirion Vokan
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#585 - 2012-05-23 13:32:57 UTC
Im having troubles to joint to the game.

There is a new build available. Would you like to download it now?

The build is 19,2 MB in size.

Answer : Yes

Got message :

There was an unexpected error while retrieving update status:

Unable to download file /EveOnlineLauncher/launcherInstaller/EveOnlineLauncherInstaller_TQ_1320.exe from the server.
Error: url // not found

Any suggestion of how to fix please?

Thank you!!
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#586 - 2012-05-23 13:33:41 UTC
Ok Giving up!!.. Will try again tomorrow I hope all the snafus are sorted. by then..
CCP Punkturis
C C P Alliance
#587 - 2012-05-23 13:34:10 UTC
Jebediah MacAhab Dallocort wrote:
Neo Agricola wrote:
Jebediah MacAhab Dallocort wrote:
CCP Punkturis wrote:
SoC Darkord wrote:
has anyone noticed that the killmail formatting is messed up?

Yeah we messed up. Tuxford has fixed it internally and the fix will go out to you guys tomorrow.
He's also writing a dev blog so you'll have something to read before you go to bed Blink

Are you going to test your patch this time?

They will seed it to Sisi in 10 mins and create a Feedback thread where we can write down our feedback... and they will read it the same way as
- Unified inventory
- Aurum Shop
- CQ

Oh, I know. I was trying to provide mild entertainment for myself by seeing CCP lie through their teeth.

heh now I'm getting "told off" for replying to issues people are having with features my team breaks? Roll

♥ EVE Brogrammer ♥ Team Five 0 ♥ @CCP_Punkturis

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#588 - 2012-05-23 13:35:20 UTC
When i accept to download the patch from today, from the ingame login page, i get this message :

There was an unexpected error while retrieving update status:

Unable to download file /EveOnlineLauncher/launcherInstaller/EveOnlineLauncherInstaller_TQ_1320.exe from the server.
Error: url // not found

Do you want to go to support page?

If i then press the link, and goes to the supportpage, i get this message :

Patches for Tranquility

Here you can download patches for manual patching, if for some reason autopatching fails.

To manually apply a patch you will need to download the patch from below and save it to a local folder. Launch the EXE file from that folder. If a file-open dialog appears then locate EVE on your hard drive.

Patches are also available for Singularity, Multiplicity and Duality.

If you experience any problems then do not hesitate to contact support on

We were unable to locate a patchfile for your build no. (376700).

At the supportpage thers a link for manual download, but when i press that, then it wants me to download the whoile EVE client !

Any suggestions ?

Caldari State
#589 - 2012-05-23 13:37:03 UTC
Downloaded todays patch, after log in, on station screen withit about 1 minute I'm getiing :
Socket was closed
restart quit

Someone have solution for that?
(computer rebooted, repair tool used, tried to execute exefile.exe)
SoC Darkord
Silentium Mortalitas
#590 - 2012-05-23 13:41:00 UTC
CCP Punkturis wrote:

heh now I'm getting "told off" for replying to issues people are having with features my team breaks? Roll

To be fair, i don't think anyone has any issues with the new war stuff, apart from the odd teething problem, which is to be expected.

Its more the err.. hate.. of the new inventory system

So far you guys are my Favourite dev team :D, more ways of charging people iskies for killing things is my kind of update ^_^

Just more ways of wrapping your head in knots trying to move a single item from one hanger to another, and it taking 10 mins is not so much :P But hey that wasnt you guys so its all good ^_^ we still love you

Offering Blackops and Covert services

 Covert bridging / Null sec camp clearing / Null sec Disruption / Anti capital / Covert fleet support

Raeningi Triglav
#591 - 2012-05-23 13:42:04 UTC
I can't update my clien. That is the massage

Unable to download file /EveOnlineLauncher/launcherInstaller/EveOnlineLauncherInstaller_TQ_1320.exe from the server.
Error: url // not foun

Launcher and repair dont work too -

File "repairTool\progressPanel.pyc", line 82, in _TaskRun
File "repairTool\repairUI.pyc", line 97, in Start
File "repairTool\repairLogic.pyc", line 199, in Repair
File "repairTool\repairLogic.pyc", line 314, in Restore
File "checksum.pyc", line 291, in __init__
File "shelve.pyc", line 239, in open
File "shelve.pyc", line 223, in __init__
File "anydbm.pyc", line 83, in open
File "dbhash.pyc", line 18, in open
File "bsddb\__init__.pyc", line 364, in hashopen
DBNoSuchFileError: (2, 'No such file or directory')
Время работы: 0h00m00s

I'll try to replace my launcher foulder, recieved from my friend. I hope it will work...
#592 - 2012-05-23 13:42:14 UTC
As per Inferno 1.0.1

* Separated Ship, Items, Delivery, Corp Hangar window still does not open as per last setting when docked. I'd like them open at all times when docked
* In the active ship cargo panel (only), "My filter" refuses to stay hidden despite various attempts.
* Existing items do not show/update properly - in both Items and Assets !! You will see an increase in missing items petitions. As of now, I show 2/11 items in the station I'm docked at, with no workarounds to see or manipulate any of the missing items (even after relogging).

Cathrine Kenchov
Ice Cold Ellites
#593 - 2012-05-23 13:42:50 UTC
CCP Punkturis wrote:

heh now I'm getting "told off" for replying to issues people are having with features my team breaks? Roll

Naturally, people get all mad in every case.

Thanks for being awesome Punkturis, and letting us know of the fix. S**t happens.
Ristlin Wakefield
Amarr Empire
#594 - 2012-05-23 13:43:08 UTC
I didn't get any of the issues many of the other players on the forum are complaining about, mainly:
-Windows resetting every time they dock and undock
-Windows resetting during warp
-Extended/delayed warp/jump time

I believe the majority of the problems to be a result of latent system settings that have not properly cleared from the cache. I didn't run into these problems because I patched in the morning and didn't log in to play until later in the evening. By the time I got on, everything was working smoothly and I was able to easily work my and my corp's inventory without issue and without problems during dock and undocks. I didn't notice anything that stuck out as unintuitive or difficult to learn.

I'm sure people will notice less issues today or after they clear their cache.

I have a lover, her name is EVE. I see her every night and all she asks in return is that I have a pilot's license.

Voivod Jones
Protean Concept
#595 - 2012-05-23 13:43:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Voivod Jones
Huge Problems with POS Ship Maintenance Arrays:

I get this error often when switching ships:

Action Failed
You cannot view the contents of the Typhoon because it does not belong to you, a fellow corporation member or a fellow fleet member (if the ship is configured to allow that).

Then the client is locked up and has to be restarted. I have full rights on all arrays and it happens on all my clients

Also, having POS guns show up in the INDEX on the Starbase Mgmt/Inventory Window IS RIDICULOUS. You have to scroll through all the guns to find the desired array to click on. Super annoying. Either put a filter for what shows up in the Index or put the guns in a separate folder. Also, the whole window should close once you empty a cargo container and it disapppears.

Having said that... I think the new inventory (ONCE the kinks are worked out and you get used to it) will be nice.
Tiger's Spirit
Templars of the Shadows
#596 - 2012-05-23 13:43:48 UTC
Sirion Vokan wrote:
Im having troubles to joint to the game.

There is a new build available. Would you like to download it now?

The build is 19,2 MB in size.

Answer : Yes

Got message :

There was an unexpected error while retrieving update status:

Unable to download file /EveOnlineLauncher/launcherInstaller/EveOnlineLauncherInstaller_TQ_1320.exe from the server.
Error: url // not found

Any suggestion of how to fix please?

Thank you!!

Your security software use protocolfiltering.
Disable it when you updating.

UIf do you using Nod32 or Eset Security software you can find it, at the options menu.
Rose Hips
Zero Dot Zero
#597 - 2012-05-23 13:44:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Rose Hips
All the gold on all of God's ships... where is it savages? What did you blasphemers do?

Forum signature removed by Empress Jamyl as instructed by the Jove

Bow down before the one you serve; you're going to get what you deserve

Max Singularity is the way, the light, the Harbinger of Faith and true hope for New Eden!

Qutain Malakovic
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#598 - 2012-05-23 13:49:35 UTC
An item that I have a concern on is the windows while docked at a station. I like having my hanger items and ships and ship cargo hold windows open while in station. However everytime I leave station and come back, I have to start the process of opening them all back up again. I've tried pinning the windows, but to no avail. Please put it back to how it was, when you leave a station and redock at any station, let the windows stay open how you had it when you left a station.

Thank you
Pual Muad'Dib
Eschelon Directive
Quantum Inquisition
#599 - 2012-05-23 13:52:44 UTC
12-05-23 Something is up with this new patch, theres an error locating it then when you go to the support page it only lets you dl the whole client. any advice?
Keep it Hard
#600 - 2012-05-23 13:53:01 UTC
CCP SoniClover wrote:
new skill book is useless Target Breaker skill is not a prerequisite to use the module Target Spectrum Breaker module unless there is another module the book was meant to be trained before it can be used

The new Target Breaker skill is not intended to a be a prereq for the module, but a bonus skill. It is only to improve the cap use and duration of using the module. The prereqs for the module is electronics/electronic warfare

not sure that makes sense then why is a special skill that cost 25 mill needed for t2 ships its like heres a shotgun even though you are blind shoot this apple off my head

Troll Skill Lv3 ≡√≡