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There are only 2 Militias

First post
#301 - 2012-05-23 09:36:20 UTC  |  Edited by: FIRST GENERAL
Dynast wrote:

So.. Amarr/Caldari militias are supposed to fight Minmatar/Gallente militias. The mechanics aren't perfect but they pretty well dictate who is supposed to be on whose side. .

Underlined what i added. Tough luck, we don't play the way its supposed to be played, we play it exactly as we please both SOTF and us.

You get to pick which side you're on.

Absolutely: sides were picked - lots of juicy drama ensued.

/emote keeps on munching popcorn
Turkish Waiter
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#302 - 2012-05-23 09:41:08 UTC
The obvious alternative to W-BR calling upon SOTF for help, is to get significant help from the rest of the Amarr Militia.

" significant help from the rest of the Amarr Militia" - This is basically a joke, as its simply not possible. You just have to look through the corps posting in this thread to see how many corps in minnie and gal militia have 30+ active pilots. Amarr militia has one. If this all played out how FW should operate, it would be W-BR & a few rag tag corps from caldari & amarr VS iron oxide, late night, qcats, sotf, sp-dr, percussive, electus etc... (basically no fun for anyone)

I believe many good players/pvpers are in the amarr militia, but they are divided between too many small corps resulting in disjointed pvp philosophies and problems with fitting "doctrines". I know people get annoyed with this "doctrine" ****, but its fundamental in successful pvp, to get good fights. (I don't want to go into great length about this; If you bring a fleet out of 20 people, the counter fleet will base itself on killing 20 enemies, if 10 of that fleet do not follow the fitting regiment then the counter fleet will slaughter you, the 10 extra are more of a hindrance than help because they force the counter fleet to be larger before they undock).

I know personally that FG tells it straight, when talking with other amarr corps, he's trying to whip them into shape "drill instructor" style, which doesn't always sit well, but fundamentally he's trying to help, not to insult (he is even harsher on his corp members, and holds them to a much higher standard). His message is clear, you wanna fleet with W-BR its my way or the highway. This is why people are pretty vocal in disrespecting FG from the caldari side. W-BR have some burnt bridges in blackrise, for the same reasons (all the haters basically at some point have been kicked from fleet by FG because they brought a drake or some **** to an armor BS fleet, "who does he think he is, the arrogant bastard") FG's straight talking approach is not ideal diplomatically, but if he allows **** fits in from other amarr corps, it would undermine his authority within W-BR when disciplining members for fitting issues.

Whats better W-BR & SOTF vs Everyone else or W-BR vs SOTF & Everyone else (basically no fight)?

I'd like people to acknowledge that FG has been an integral factor in raising the game of all those involved in faction warfare, both friend and foe, and I'm disappointed that more people have not come out to support W-BR's only possible action in this situation other than bailing out.
Joanna Ramirez
Intaki Militia
#303 - 2012-05-23 09:41:43 UTC
NB. Gall, if the caldari come to kick you out of Nisuwa give me a ring i'll pull all the stops out for you <3

Good to know in advance then that you go back from your earlier statements that WBR would never shoot Caldari militia members who are fighting gallente.
#304 - 2012-05-23 09:53:09 UTC  |  Edited by: FIRST GENERAL
Joanna Ramirez wrote:

Good to know in advance then that you go back from your earlier statements that WBR would never shoot Caldari militia members who are fighting gallente.

Reading comprehension 0/10 Damar.

Where does it say that i'd come shoot caldari? I said "i'll pull out all the stops".

On a sidenote though, should you manage to conquer all the gallente systems, and nisuwa will be the only place left to take, then you're damn right then i'll fight & kill for the defense of the home of SOTF with FATE and everybody else i can bring to the table.
Turkish Waiter
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#305 - 2012-05-23 09:56:30 UTC
Joanna Ramirez wrote:
NB. Gall, if the caldari come to kick you out of Nisuwa give me a ring i'll pull all the stops out for you <3

Good to know in advance then that you go back from your earlier statements that WBR would never shoot Caldari militia members who are fighting gallente.

Damar, everyone understands in advance how you treat people. Someone could go out of their way to help you countless times, but as soon as they do one thing that you don't like, they become an enemy for life. This is why people tend to keep their distance from you, you're way too high maintenance.

The statement you refer to was probably just one of many to try and avoid a damar hissy fit. Look at yourself; for example count how many times you've kicked people from your channels for trivial things only for them to be back in the channel when it suits you.
Room for Improvement
Good Sax
#306 - 2012-05-23 09:59:07 UTC
Dynast wrote:

So.. Amarr/Caldari militias are supposed to fight Minmatar/Gallente militias. The mechanics aren't perfect but they pretty well dictate who is supposed to be on whose side. .

Underlined what i added. Tough luck, we don't play the way its supposed to be played, we play it exactly as we please both SOTF and us.

There's a whole universe of EVE out there where you get to do what you want, to whoever you want, whenever you want. It's called null sec. You know what Faction Warfare is for, it's not a complex concept, it's right there in the name. Sure, the mechanics are weak enough that you can claim protection from one faction then get away with shooting that faction, but you know what was intended. You know you're playing a game, and games only work when there are rules.

In a normal situation, people who **** on the rules like this wouldn't get invited back to someone's house. If it was a game over money, like poker, maybe someone gets their ass kicked. Or worse. But you're obfuscated behind the internet and can safely pretend that twisting the game mechanics around to maintain some contemptible nullsec "bropact" is somehow impressive.

Like I said, ***** move.
#307 - 2012-05-23 10:00:34 UTC
Turkish Waiter wrote:

" significant help from the rest of the Amarr Militia" - This is basically a joke, as its simply not possible. You just have to look through the corps posting in this thread to see how many corps in minnie and gal militia have 30+ active pilots. Amarr militia has one. If this all played out how FW should operate, it would be W-BR & a few rag tag corps from caldari & amarr VS iron oxide, late night, qcats, sotf, sp-dr, percussive, electus etc... (basically no fun for anyone)

Lets be fair though, the past weekend has gotten all of Amarr to work together for the single goal of stopping the minmatar onslaught and a lot of the Amarrian pilots have started to view FATE differently as well.

Its nowhere near yet where i'd personally like it to be in terms of cohesion and working together, but we'll damn sure get there.
#308 - 2012-05-23 10:02:27 UTC
Dynast wrote:

more of the same

Tell me how you really feel.

Eve is a sandbox and we'll play it any way we please - deal with it.
Room for Improvement
Good Sax
#309 - 2012-05-23 10:03:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Dynast
I change what people say in quotes because I'm embarrassed by getting called out.

I am dealing with it. I'm telling you that you're a *****. There isn't really much else to do, I'm certainly not going to go tilting at windmills shooting Amarr militia corps.
Joanna Ramirez
Intaki Militia
#310 - 2012-05-23 10:06:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Joanna Ramirez
Turkish Waiter wrote:
Damar, everyone understands in advance how you treat people. Someone could go out of their way to help you countless times, but as soon as they do one thing that you don't like, they become an enemy for life. This is why people tend to keep their distance from you, you're way too high maintenance.

No, it's only when they wear the green jersey. I get along quite ok with Super Chair, Bolsterbomb and Mutnin (was he ever with froggies though, was minmatar at least) when they dont' have it. It's a bit like on/off switch. Theronth, Madbuster, Adolf, etc. were all my good buddies at one stage. But they swapped the shirts, so I swapped my opinion of them.

Also, I would recommend all Caldari to stop interfering with the drama-lama here and only comment if it actually effects Caldari militia. Right now it does not and frankly, why should we care? I merely commented on FG basicly threathening to go back on his word not to shoot Caldari militia.

And Turkish, multiple times I flew 20j to help WBR so don't talk to me about how to help or treat people.
#311 - 2012-05-23 10:07:48 UTC  |  Edited by: FIRST GENERAL
Dynast wrote:

I am dealing with it. I'm telling you that you're a *****.

Now tell me how you really feel, son.

Delicious rage is delicious.
Room for Improvement
Good Sax
#312 - 2012-05-23 10:11:39 UTC
Now tell me how you really feel, son.

Delicious rage is delicious.

You're actually proud to say something like that? I rest my case.
Shadows Of The Federation
#313 - 2012-05-23 10:12:26 UTC
Dynast wrote:
Tell me how you really feel.

Eve is a sandbox and we'll play it any way we please - deal with it.

I am dealing with it. I'm telling you that you're a *****. There isn't really much else to do, I'm certainly not going to go tilting at windmills shooting Amarr militia corps.


Page 16, wow the butthurt is still strong.

And @ Julius Foederatus - You dont get to tell me who i can and can not be blue with or who i can or can not work with.

Threatening to revoke militia TS and GMI to DnD is a joke my friend, if you wanna be all pissy then just do it already and cause lots more drama in the process, because i catagorically state now that my stance and how we do things in SoTF will not change and i would do exactly the same again.
Turkish Waiter
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#314 - 2012-05-23 10:18:45 UTC
Joanna Ramirez wrote:
Turkish Waiter wrote:
Damar, everyone understands in advance how you treat people. Someone could go out of their way to help you countless times, but as soon as they do one thing that you don't like, they become an enemy for life. This is why people tend to keep their distance from you, you're way too high maintenance.

No, it's only when they wear the green jersey. I get along quite ok with Super Chair, Bolsterbomb and Mutnin (was he ever with froggies though, was minmatar at least) when they dont' have it. It's a bit like on/off switch. Theronth, Madbuster, Adolf, etc. were all my good buddies at one stage. But they swapped the shirts, so I swapped my opinion of them.

Also, I would recommend all Caldari to stop interfering with the drama-lama here and only comment if it actually effects Caldari militia. Right now it does not and frankly, why should we care? I merely commented on FG basicly threathening to go back on his word not to shoot Caldari militia.

And Turkish, multiple times I flew 20j to help WBR so don't talk to me about how to help or treat people.

You've only ever flown 20 jumps to help W-BR if it might result in a flipped system and a victory post in the name of Damar. As a gamer in Eve I have a massive amount of respect for you. You're an excellent pvp'er and if i were ever to have to counter plex you I'd just give up before i started. You were a huge asset for the amarr when you single handedly began reclaiming systems in the amarr/minnie warzone, and taught so many the mechanics and nuances of FW plexing, but please don't claim that the motives are anything but gaining personal glory, and an opportunity to troll/flame the frogs.
Joanna Ramirez
Intaki Militia
#315 - 2012-05-23 10:27:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Joanna Ramirez
Turkish Waiter wrote:
You've only ever flown 20 jumps to help W-BR if it might result in a flipped system and a victory post in the name of Damar. As a gamer in Eve I have a massive amount of respect for you. You're an excellent pvp'er and if i were ever to have to counter plex you I'd just give up before i started. You were a huge asset for the amarr when you single handedly began reclaiming systems in the amarr/minnie warzone, and taught so many the mechanics and nuances of FW plexing, but please don't claim that the motives are anything but gaining personal glory, and an opportunity to troll/flame the frogs.

lolwut? Multiple times i've flown over to join wbr fleet to do something so "glorious" and "forum worth" things like flying an ECM scorpion which ended up guarding on-lining POS for 20 minutes or a falcon scout/cyno Lol

And reason why I was in Dal was because back then Caldari was even in sorrier state than it is right now that I moved to Dal in disgust since Lancress told me, in his own words, that it offered "mission noobtards to harvest & instant pvp". I told I would return to Black Rise when Caldari could muster bunker busting fleets and eventually they could.

There was also the "payback" to be had for minmatar for their time in Eugales and actually the whole "D'amarr Victor" shout after succesful bunker busts was invented by Flyinghotpocket (if I recall correctly) as means to cause a pissy-fit in the matars.

Anyway, this is derailing the thread. His Royal Highness now demands more drama-lama since I have not eaten all the popcorn yet Lol
#316 - 2012-05-23 10:53:12 UTC  |  Edited by: FIRST GENERAL
Dynast wrote:

I rest my case.

You don't have a case. Cool
Mystical Might
Eclipse Pulsar
#317 - 2012-05-23 11:16:39 UTC
'erryday, I log in and there's another couple pages...
Can we push it up to 18 today?
Capitol One
Blue Canary
Watch This
#318 - 2012-05-23 11:29:25 UTC
Amarr Victor! :)
Mystical Might
Eclipse Pulsar
#319 - 2012-05-23 11:53:30 UTC
Vordak Kallager wrote:

... as SOTF revokes blue status from all Minmatar entities and we follow suit by revoking their blue status ...

That is all.
Suzu Fujibayashi
Happy Dudes
#320 - 2012-05-23 12:06:32 UTC
So, now is a good time to join Amarr militia, or what?