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Bring back the quick Items, ship and corp hangar button - Post here if u agree!
.:Space Cowboys:. I've got my saddle. On my horse. He's called....T-t-t-t-t-trigger. Of course.
Miner/PVE Pilot with some required PvP skills
COO - Bene Gesserit Chapterhouse CEO - Sanctuary Pact Alliance
EvE Online portal | EvE markets tutorials
Trading for living / living for trading.
Alt of Shangra Mu'zgob
Not today spaghetti.
Inferno do _stuff _with _stuff _to imitate the _stuff _you could do faster with the old stuff
In the cat-and-mouse game that is low sec, there is no shame in learning to be a better mouse.
Dont steal my coffee !!
[i]"The biggest problem with quotes on the Internet, is that just because it's on the Internet too many believe them to be real" -[/i]Abraham Lincoln's "Berlin Wall" speech at the 1984 Winter Olympics.