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(idea) Role change for dreads

Kain Kodiak
Black Talon Flight Group
#1 - 2012-05-23 04:52:40 UTC
I remember my first view of a dread fleet pounding on a POS in null, these massive ships of destruction, firing volley after volley each round bigger than my rifter, and thought 'I want to fly that someday.'

With the titan single target DD and supercarrier changes, the once mighty dreadnaught has become a relic. But why should this continue? Why not change the role to a capital assault ship?

Increase high slots to 7 or 8

Extra hardpoints for launchers and turrets

Increase max cpu, powergrid and cap.

Add a new module, Assault module:

RoF bonus 25-50%

25-50% damage bonus

50% tanking bonuses

No tracking penalty

No movement penalty

These changes will allow the dreadnaught to be an effective siege platform, with the increased hardpoints, and effective frontline assault ships.

Your thoughts?
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-05-23 05:15:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Leviathian
Dreadnaughts are designed to be the "Artillary" of the EVE online world. So when their siege modules take away their movement capabilities, it's probably akin to them digging into the ground so the shock of such powerful shells don't send the artillary tank flying - at least, that's the similarity I saw.

I think it makes too much sense for a dreadnaught in its current role, to change so dramatically. It's a big ship. In fleet fights you have a lot of other smaller ships who would be acting as "Assault ships".

I also disagree that they're outdated as you say they are. Sure, Supercaps and Titans can nearly match their DPS - but dreadnaughts are also very very much cheaper - 30th of the price of a titan on a bad day. So, If you can have 30 dreadnoughts fielded for the same price as one titan, then that's 30x the raw DPS output on the battlefield. (Yes, I know the titan has other abilities, but I'm talking about the dreadnoughts roles here, and how its not outdated.)

Not only do you have 29 more ships fielded doing 30x more damage than a single titan couId, your eggs aren't all in one basket. You lose on or two dreads, thats only 6 billion ISK down the drain. if the FC decides to retreat, you cut your losses. what happens if the Titan or Mothership is caught? There's nowhere for it to run. Thats 25bln - 35bln for a mothership down the drain, and 90bln plus for a Titan.

It's kind of like saying T1 battlecruisers or battleships are outdated. Why do you think everybody goes around in tempest, abaddon or drake fleets? They're so cheap for members to fit and fly and they're efficient ships. Sure, if ISK wasn't a problem we might be roaming around in blackops or marauders or faction battleships like bhaalgorns or nightmares... but nobody has that kind of isk to throw around. same principle applies to Dreadnoughts vs Motherships & Titans.
Kain Kodiak
Black Talon Flight Group
#3 - 2012-05-23 05:32:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Kain Kodiak
I like your reasoning, but I still get the feeling of them being a one trick pony. I think they should be given more options than artillery, while still being available for that role. And I honestly didn't think think about the cost difference. But that is why I made this post, seeing if the idea was valid.
Ice Fire Warriors
#4 - 2012-05-23 05:52:36 UTC
Kain Kodiak wrote:
I like your reasoning, but I still get the feeling of them being a one trick pony. I think they should be given more options than artillery, while still being available for that role.

You are aware that CCP nerfed dreds about a year ago so that they would have LESS options... right?
Kain Kodiak
Black Talon Flight Group
#5 - 2012-05-23 05:57:08 UTC
I did not. I think I was away from the game during that time.
Ice Fire Warriors
#6 - 2012-05-23 06:03:42 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
Yeah... dreds used to have a substantial drone bay and the Moros used to have a 20% per level bonus to drones (making it the perfect ship for low-sec sub-capital ganks).

The reasoning for the change was that dreds (and other high-DPS ships like Titans and Supercarriers) should not be able to swat away smaller ships so casually. Now, without any point defense, these large ships effectively NEED other players in small ships to safeguard them so they can perform their primary function.
Kain Kodiak
Black Talon Flight Group
#7 - 2012-05-23 06:22:47 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:
Yeah... dreds used to have a substantial drone bay and the Moros used to have a 20% per level bonus to drones (making it the perfect ship for low-sec sub-capital ganks).

The reasoning for the change was that dreds (and other high-DPS ships like Titans and Supercarriers) should not be able to swat away smaller ships so casually. Now, without any point defense, these large ships effectively NEED other players in small ships to safeguard them so they can perform their primary function.

Well this idea would still leave them vulnerable without support, they would just be able to go toe-to-toe with other caps and supers with the assault module, while not being the super tanked siege setup.
Kain Kodiak
Black Talon Flight Group
#8 - 2012-05-24 03:51:19 UTC
Just trying to keep the bonuses of the Assault module clear and open for any changes that come up from this post.
Mfume Apocal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2012-05-24 04:11:17 UTC
I don't like this, makes dread too versatile.
Kain Kodiak
Black Talon Flight Group
#10 - 2012-05-24 04:37:20 UTC
Mfume Apocal wrote:
I don't like this, makes dread too versatile.

Fair enough, was there any part that stood out as bad or the whole idea?
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2012-05-24 04:40:10 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:
Yeah... dreds used to have a substantial drone bay and the Moros used to have a 20% per level bonus to drones (making it the perfect ship for low-sec sub-capital ganks).

The reasoning for the change was that dreds (and other high-DPS ships like Titans and Supercarriers) should not be able to swat away smaller ships so casually. Now, without any point defense, these large ships effectively NEED other players in small ships to safeguard them so they can perform their primary function.

Dreads never had a primary function other than POS bash to begin with.
Mfume Apocal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2012-05-24 04:43:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Mfume Apocal
Kain Kodiak wrote:
Fair enough, was there any part that stood out as bad or the whole idea?

The net DPS nerf is kinda OK-ish, but lack of a movement penalty, additional highs, etc. basically begs for someone to assemble a massive number of dreads and pick and choose between siege for confidently blapping subcaps and assault-mode to act as an un-alpha-able mainline DPS. With ample highs, you're looking at dudes fitting cynos, neuts, smartbombs, etc. which may or may not be overpowered when combined with the ability to also sling around 10-15K DPS as the situation called for it.

It'd also act as a net nerf to comps built around DPS instead of alpha and I'm not a huge fan of that direction since I feel alpha and DPS are well balanced against each other currently.
Kain Kodiak
Black Talon Flight Group
#13 - 2012-05-24 07:52:28 UTC
sabre906 wrote:
ShahFluffers wrote:
Yeah... dreds used to have a substantial drone bay and the Moros used to have a 20% per level bonus to drones (making it the perfect ship for low-sec sub-capital ganks).

The reasoning for the change was that dreds (and other high-DPS ships like Titans and Supercarriers) should not be able to swat away smaller ships so casually. Now, without any point defense, these large ships effectively NEED other players in small ships to safeguard them so they can perform their primary function.

Dreads never had a primary function other than POS bash to begin with.

That's why I thought they might need something like this option, but the general idea will need some tweaking if it were to be accepted.

Am I wrong or did the dreads have fewer highslots last year? I seem to remember the Nag only having three, but it shows as five now.
Ice Fire Warriors
#14 - 2012-05-24 08:28:24 UTC
Kain Kodiak wrote:
Am I wrong or did the dreads have fewer highslots last year? I seem to remember the Nag only having three, but it shows as five now.

Nope. Dreds pretty much have the same amount of high-slots that they had when introduced.

However, I do recall that the Nalfgar has gone though some revisions. It once had split damage bonuses and that there was much QQ about it. Now it is bonused specifically for projectile weapons but retains the missile launcher slots (again, much to the angst of many)... but even with split weapons it puts out a metric fuckton of damage... almost on par with the current Moros when properly skilled.
Im Super Gay
Investtan Inc.
The Republic.
#15 - 2012-05-24 12:55:29 UTC
The role of dreads are fine, the problem is that a super blob melts through dreads like nothing, and you're stuck there for 5 min, unable to run away. Either drasticly reduce the siege cycle to something like 30 seconds, or make it so dreads can jump out when in siege mode.
Kain Kodiak
Black Talon Flight Group
#16 - 2012-05-25 04:29:01 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:
Kain Kodiak wrote:
Am I wrong or did the dreads have fewer highslots last year? I seem to remember the Nag only having three, but it shows as five now.

Nope. Dreds pretty much have the same amount of high-slots that they had when introduced.

However, I do recall that the Nalfgar has gone though some revisions. It once had split damage bonuses and that there was much QQ about it. Now it is bonused specifically for projectile weapons but retains the missile launcher slots (again, much to the angst of many)... but even with split weapons it puts out a metric fuckton of damage... almost on par with the current Moros when properly skilled.

Ah thank you.