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EVE Online: Inferno - Issues thread

First post
A55 Burger
Weiland Yutani Corporation
#401 - 2012-05-23 02:43:59 UTC
Messoroz wrote:
Mariner6 wrote:
When you look up a Nemesis in the market the old picture shows up. If you click on it, you do get the correct new ship.

This is not a bug, clear your cache. EVE generates ship icons on the fly.

And why not? The cache should be the location of things that are specific to the player, such as text entries, chat channels, and the like. Ship icons are the same for everyone, and belong in the client folder.
Dawne Xi
3D Salvage and Acquisitions
#402 - 2012-05-23 02:47:55 UTC
Locked BPO's are no longer appearing greyed out in the corporation hangars. This needs to be fixed because the only way I can determine if they are locked or not is by trying to move them out of the hangar...
Mithril Ryder
Genstar Inc
#403 - 2012-05-23 03:00:12 UTC
Oh, here is a problem. And no, I don't care if this is "by design".

" While we appreciate your effort to shoot down xxxxxxxxxx, a despised enemy of our militia, Federal Defence Union is unable to grant you any loyalty points since the value of the lost ship is less than its insurance value."

The formula should be insurance value off ship at max - cost of insurance. Because there is absolutely no ship in the game that sells for less then max insurance less cost of max insurance. I don't think there are many that realistically sell for less then max insurance either, since insurance has lagged behind ship prices badly.
Rodnik Riasson
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#404 - 2012-05-23 03:05:51 UTC
I really don't understand why the new inventory always has to open the desired container in the same window. If i open it from that window it's fine, but if i open it any other way, i want a new window, ms windows reacts like that. why take that away?
The more i think about it,i think mac users designed this (remember the time macs only had one mouse button?)
shift clicking is not a shortcut, it's a PITA.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#405 - 2012-05-23 03:08:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Evilynthea
You can have multiple windows. Shift click an inventory and they get separated.

Try again... the change doesn't stick. Anytime you close any window or undock/dock you have to shift click everything you want opened again. Try working with 15 station containers, corp hangar tabs, item hangars, ship cargoholds... and re-doing every single window everytime you want to manage your inventory. One mistake undoes half of what you re-did in the first place. It now takes 15x longer to do what I was able to do in the old UI.

To make it simple, the tab system was far superior to the windows explorer system. Why do you think all web browsers flocked to using tabs to navigate through different webpages?

*IF* you can make EVERY single window remember it's last location... and I mean every single one... then this could be usable.
Spar Jamlamin
Stay Frosty.
A Band Apart.
#406 - 2012-05-23 03:11:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Spar Jamlamin
Are people aware that routes aren't listing the systems in line when making a series of jumps?

I was half way through low-sec when I realized. Thank god the FWites were busy pew-pewing themselves.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#407 - 2012-05-23 03:12:10 UTC
Waited a whole day to play around with the inventory system to see if it was just getting used to thing, or if it really was that inconvenient, and turns out, it really is that inconvenient.

I like the Filter that you have, but the actual moving around stuff is a nightmare. Tried the ubiquitous 'but press shift+click' too, and it doesn't really help since you have to go through a scroll-fest all the time.. Tried this with industry, pos-handling, mining and looting, and it's just a PITA..

Suggestion: keep this inventory thing because its sweet to search for things with, but please bring back the old containers, SPECIALLY the ship hanger, the stuff hanger, and pos hangers...

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#408 - 2012-05-23 03:13:00 UTC

A right click menu with 15 options is about the worst functionality in the world.

Why not just make the right click menu's fully customizable so we could add what we want to it? It seems kind of ridiculous that you decide that everyone thinks right click with 15 options is bad.
A55 Burger
Weiland Yutani Corporation
#409 - 2012-05-23 03:22:56 UTC
Evilynthea wrote:

A right click menu with 15 options is about the worst functionality in the world.

Why not just make the right click menu's fully customizable so we could add what we want to it? It seems kind of ridiculous that you decide that everyone thinks right click with 15 options is bad.

Not to mention the whole idea of "Things on a menu I don't use offend me, I must not only not use them, but remove them from use. Yet, while on this crusade, I will leave things on the right click menu that can also be done with the mouse, yet refuse to add things that can not."
Iwant Urstuff
Iwant Urstuff Corp
#410 - 2012-05-23 03:33:52 UTC
The new inventory system sucks. Get rid of it. What do we need 10,000 noob ships blasting JITA for weeks on end to get your attention? Get rid of new inventory system. We want our multiple window, sizable window, easy system back. Programmers always think newer is better, what a nifty idea, but it absolutely positively sucks in practice. It looks pretty but it isn't practical or effective. CCP take a lesson from this, IF IT AIN'T BROKE DON'T FIX IT!!!!


Chooi Harrison
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#411 - 2012-05-23 03:40:20 UTC
I would like to report a possible issue with the new Inventory system.

While I have no issues with the design, layout or the likes I continually receive errors accessing the Corporation Hangar.

"You have been denied access for the following reason: You require take access to open the container requested."

Prior to the patch I had full access to certain tabs and read only access to others. I checked with my CEO who stated my roles appeared to have been wiped during the patch deployment; but even after he reset them and I logged in and out I still received the error. We also tried full access to all tabs and containers but the same issue occured.

Has anyone else had this error?
Misguided Pacifists
#412 - 2012-05-23 04:12:02 UTC
Some Characters stay in the corp/local/etc chat after logging out. As from my watchlist they are offline but still on the channels with a red dot. My alt is in the chat too - logout was 6 hrs ago.

cache clear / restart and all that default things do not help here :s
Riemannian Manifold Torus
#413 - 2012-05-23 04:33:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Thryson
I REALLY dis-like the inventory everything is constantly resizing on my screen to the point where I cant even play the game, hangers on capitals are a nightmare to access and I cant fit this new cargo window any where on my screen as it hides what I need to have open with all the crap I am accessing. All in all this is the most inconvenient bunk piece of s--- you have produced and I cant believe you decided to work on this over actual game changers like Security status updates and Ship lines. Disappointment dose not even begin to cover what I feel about Inferno. You should honestly consider taking this OUT until you make some serious improvements to it.
#414 - 2012-05-23 04:35:32 UTC
I'm gonna be as constructive as possible here.

Inventory changes are without a doubt a step in the wrong direction. Let me just go into why for a moment.

You take a core thing like your station hangar and poof it - what's gonna happen? No matter how good the changes to the inventory system might be (and after playing around with them, I'm not convinced they are), you'll have people come in and go " many clicks do I have to go through to get to the same functionality as pressing one icon? And this happened why?
rabble rabble rabble"

Don't get me wrong, there were improvements to inventory that needed to be made and there are some genuine improvements in this patch. But the section of the unified inventory that doesn't allow for a station hangar to be viewed from the sidebar needs to be changed to allow the traditional station view along with these changes.

Please listen to your testers on sisi ffs.
#415 - 2012-05-23 04:38:47 UTC
Mithril Ryder wrote:
Oh, here is a problem. And no, I don't care if this is "by design".

" While we appreciate your effort to shoot down xxxxxxxxxx, a despised enemy of our militia, Federal Defence Union is unable to grant you any loyalty points since the value of the lost ship is less than its insurance value."

The formula should be insurance value off ship at max - cost of insurance. Because there is absolutely no ship in the game that sells for less then max insurance less cost of max insurance. I don't think there are many that realistically sell for less then max insurance either, since insurance has lagged behind ship prices badly.

^^^also this needs to get fixed
Riemannian Manifold Torus
#416 - 2012-05-23 04:57:53 UTC
Having gone back through the thread and reading the threadnaught I do have one thing to say,

CCP soundwave, EAT A **** I have tried to make use of the unified inventory by the shift/click which is a great idea however these windows wont stay even after they have been pinned and your base window with everything listed (the same one I don't want to use because it is a nightmare to navigate) opens every time I dock and re-sizes both my "station-external" and "station-internal" windows alternatively. I don't need a tree to navigate the 3 old windows that most people use 90% of the time "Ships" "Items" "Cargo" if you need to access other windows simply pull them up when needed.

You guys had already fixed the big issues with the old system IE having all windows stay open on dock and undock, so why as soon as you fix something would you try and re-invent the wheel, its just a waste of time.
Jace Bowen
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#417 - 2012-05-23 05:32:41 UTC
The Inventory is TOO Unified.

If you open up any kind of inventory window in a POS, it queries all the POS modules with storage within at least 30 km, even though it won't let you access anything past 3km. This causes inventory lag EVERY time you enter a POS on the order of 30 seconds. Secondly, multiple ship maintenance arrays and corporate hangar arrays are nearly indistinguishable in the new inventory, since they don't have unique names.
Sir Halfloaf
Irn Bru Crew
#418 - 2012-05-23 05:32:59 UTC
The new UI (based on my own and 2 newish players)
Its taken a simple system and made it more complex . it reminds me also of the huge amount of clicking we had to do in PI when it first went live .

I would like the option to revert back to the old UI as there was nothing wrong with the look and feel of it .

Failing that at least remember which windows i have open and re-open them everytime i dock or undock etc .

This is one change that has made me reconsider my subscription due to the backwards feel to the change . It is far too much like work having to re-open all the windows i like having open when i'm docked .
Paul Maken
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#419 - 2012-05-23 05:46:41 UTC
There is an Incorrect cargohold capacity check.

1.) Fill your cargohold with a stackable item. In my case, a Badger Mark II with 12513m3 of heavy defender missiles.
2.) Shift drag to split the stack in the cargohold.
3.) Drag one of the stacks into the station.
4.) Drag that stack back into cargo on top of the first stack to combine them.

Expected behavior: The cargo hold fits the same number of items as before.
Observed behavior: Error: the cargo bay is overloaded...only capable of fitting 5512.5 units

That amount is exactly 5% more than show info capacity, but the ship requires Caldari Industrial III to fly, so the minimum capacity with skills even without expander modules should be 5250*1.15

It's not the capacity of the ship without a pilot as that is just 5250. It's less than the ship plus skills or the ship plus modules.

Dragging the second stack into the station into the cargohold without dragging it on top of the existing stack works as expected. The cargohold holds all the items from before.
Delivery Boi
#420 - 2012-05-23 05:50:36 UTC
Dropping onto tabs doesn't work as it used to:
I shift-click two containers to get them in separate windows (Orca cargo hold and ore hold). I drop one of the new windows onto the other so they are now tabbed in a single window. I click the cargo hold tab to have it the "active tab".

I used to be able to drag items from wherever and drop directly onto the tab of the "hidden" ore hold in the tabbed window (moving from cargo/corp hangar to ore hold). Now dropping onto any tab doesn't move the items.