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When will Eve introduce Faction Carriers and Titans?

Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-05-23 00:56:22 UTC
I mean we have already gotten the first Faction Super Carrier in the Revenant, so why not move up to a Sansha based Titan? Or even other faction Super Carriers?

Since the in-game reason for the incursions is meant to be an invasion of sorts, why not give these Sansha's something bigger.

Maybe to make this new Sansha Titan a bit more balanced, instead of putting a normal doomsday device onboard with a one kill shot, you could introduce a new type of faction doomsday for this ship only, an area affect Energy Neutralizer/cap bonus cloud (Anyone ever seen Babylon 5 and the Shadow death cloud, like that in epic graphics).

However, instead of destroying a ship or a fleet as the old doomsdays did, the new faction doomsday for the samsha would neutralize all capacitors within 100 KM. Consider it the Void Bomb x 1,000 fold, while all ships in fleet will not be effected. Time limit of effects would be 2 mins. It could make a huge game changer and make this particular Faction Titan very ugly and useful in fleet combat, both in terms of buying time for fleets and even allowing inferior numbers to defeat larger fleets, basically ending the reign of blobs as without cap shields and armor melt away very quickly.

That's just my idea for a Sansha Titan, it probably would work better as a Blood Raider one, but still I think the idea is fun and not too powerful.
Macabre Votum
Northern Coalition.
#2 - 2012-05-23 01:37:21 UTC
At most, I could see T2 carriers but I, personally, don't want to see anymore super-capitals in the game.

(I was always hoping SuperCars would become T2 Cars but, oh well)
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-05-23 04:31:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Leviathian
You think neuting the cap of the entire enemy fleet is not overpowered? Any subcap fleet would be left sitting ducks, their shields/MWD/scrams/webs/guns all turned off in one instant. It would be a massacre. against cap fleets? Dreads rely on their cap a hell of a lot - take away their entire cap and they're more useless than a Velator. That would be the most overpowered weapon in the game, Sir. not to mention, that if the cap of the carriers (The only caps that are going to be able to transfer capacitor to other ships) don't have cap themselves, they're completely useless until their own cap comes back - 5 or 10 minutes without logi support for the other caps? goodbye cap fleet.

Now lets look at the way ships are structured, for a moment. you look at all cap-sized ships and you notice they all have incredibly specific roles. Dreadnaughts are for taking down massive structures or other caps. Titans are paticularly useful for their Titan Bridging ability and anti-cap warfare. Carriers tend to slide into the cap-logistic ship, acting as support for dreads in terms of supplying cap boosts, and shield/armor repping for supercaps/titans.

Do we need new caps? What roles would they fufill? Honestly, in my opinion, there's no point adding more and more ships if they're just copying the same function of 4 other ships of the same shiptype in the game. If you're going to add faction carriers, or other faction capital-type ships, give them a unique purpose.

T2 version of the Ferox is the Vulture. They have completely different roles. Same with a Nighthawk. All T2 ships take on completely different roles than their T1 counterparts. If there's going to be T2/faction carriers/caps, Give them a new role to fufill.

question I'm asking, do we NEED more roles? What kind of roles would they fufill?
Liliana Rahl
Remote Soviet Industries
Insidious Empire
#4 - 2012-05-23 04:32:32 UTC
How about no more caps?
Serina Tsukaya
Dropbears Anonymous
Brave Collective
#5 - 2012-05-23 08:48:51 UTC
Basically what you want is more and bigger stuff to shoot at. Remember that blueprints do exist for ships such as the reverent and players can fly them. Adding more titans to be made is nonsense as there's barely much use for them today other than as a display of wealth and power.
Lunkwill Khashour
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2012-05-23 09:41:56 UTC
The Current revenant is lackluster as it is no need for more epeen database entries.
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2012-05-23 12:48:51 UTC
Leviathian wrote:
You think neuting the cap of the entire enemy fleet is not overpowered? Any subcap fleet would be left sitting ducks, their shields/MWD/scrams/webs/guns all turned off in one instant. It would be a massacre. against cap fleets? Dreads rely on their cap a hell of a lot - take away their entire cap and they're more useless than a Velator. That would be the most overpowered weapon in the game, Sir. not to mention, that if the cap of the carriers (The only caps that are going to be able to transfer capacitor to other ships) don't have cap themselves, they're completely useless until their own cap comes back - 5 or 10 minutes without logi support for the other caps? goodbye cap fleet.

Now lets look at the way ships are structured, for a moment. you look at all cap-sized ships and you notice they all have incredibly specific roles. Dreadnaughts are for taking down massive structures or other caps. Titans are paticularly useful for their Titan Bridging ability and anti-cap warfare. Carriers tend to slide into the cap-logistic ship, acting as support for dreads in terms of supplying cap boosts, and shield/armor repping for supercaps/titans.

Do we need new caps? What roles would they fufill? Honestly, in my opinion, there's no point adding more and more ships if they're just copying the same function of 4 other ships of the same shiptype in the game. If you're going to add faction carriers, or other faction capital-type ships, give them a unique purpose.

T2 version of the Ferox is the Vulture. They have completely different roles. Same with a Nighthawk. All T2 ships take on completely different roles than their T1 counterparts. If there's going to be T2/faction carriers/caps, Give them a new role to fufill.

question I'm asking, do we NEED more roles? What kind of roles would they fufill?

Good points, but here's my counter.

Neuting support ships exist in game already, neuting bombs exist in game already. Combine the two into a titan size weapon seems like a logical choice.

Why not have Capital ships specifically for race and role specific support of the ECM/Energy neut. A support capital ship is not completely out of the line as these areas exist even in real world navies as Capital ships like Carriers do have electronic warfare suites and tactical support for the entire battlegroup.

Also, for fleet composition, it means that buffer tank fleets would see more action (doesn't matter if you can't last long, just long enough to outlast the Titan in DPS), the passive tank drake army or the remote rep carrier would be overwhelmed in these types of engagement along with standard capital fleets. You still have use of missiles, projectile weapons, and fighter-bombers, I really don't see an issue with DPS output.

However, for the newly minted Hybrid fleets and cap heavy Laser siege fleets, this type of Titan would be their worst nightmare, essentially as you pointed turning them into useless velators.

Lastly, you don't need to fly brawler fit to take on a Titan or capital ship, why not have a secondary Long range sniper contingent in your fleet with Maelstroms, Rokh, and Cruise ravens beyond 100KM (They have the range and the fits o do just that, so why not?)
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#8 - 2012-05-23 20:38:46 UTC
warzonetemp wrote:
Leviathian wrote:
You think neuting the cap of the entire enemy fleet is not overpowered? Any subcap fleet would be left sitting ducks, their shields/MWD/scrams/webs/guns all turned off in one instant. It would be a massacre. against cap fleets? Dreads rely on their cap a hell of a lot - take away their entire cap and they're more useless than a Velator. That would be the most overpowered weapon in the game, Sir. not to mention, that if the cap of the carriers (The only caps that are going to be able to transfer capacitor to other ships) don't have cap themselves, they're completely useless until their own cap comes back - 5 or 10 minutes without logi support for the other caps? goodbye cap fleet.

Now lets look at the way ships are structured, for a moment. you look at all cap-sized ships and you notice they all have incredibly specific roles. Dreadnaughts are for taking down massive structures or other caps. Titans are paticularly useful for their Titan Bridging ability and anti-cap warfare. Carriers tend to slide into the cap-logistic ship, acting as support for dreads in terms of supplying cap boosts, and shield/armor repping for supercaps/titans.

Do we need new caps? What roles would they fufill? Honestly, in my opinion, there's no point adding more and more ships if they're just copying the same function of 4 other ships of the same shiptype in the game. If you're going to add faction carriers, or other faction capital-type ships, give them a unique purpose.

T2 version of the Ferox is the Vulture. They have completely different roles. Same with a Nighthawk. All T2 ships take on completely different roles than their T1 counterparts. If there's going to be T2/faction carriers/caps, Give them a new role to fufill.

question I'm asking, do we NEED more roles? What kind of roles would they fufill?

Good points, but here's my counter.

Neuting support ships exist in game already, neuting bombs exist in game already. Combine the two into a titan size weapon seems like a logical choice.

Why not have Capital ships specifically for race and role specific support of the ECM/Energy neut. A support capital ship is not completely out of the line as these areas exist even in real world navies as Capital ships like Carriers do have electronic warfare suites and tactical support for the entire battlegroup.

Also, for fleet composition, it means that buffer tank fleets would see more action (doesn't matter if you can't last long, just long enough to outlast the Titan in DPS), the passive tank drake army or the remote rep carrier would be overwhelmed in these types of engagement along with standard capital fleets. You still have use of missiles, projectile weapons, and fighter-bombers, I really don't see an issue with DPS output.

However, for the newly minted Hybrid fleets and cap heavy Laser siege fleets, this type of Titan would be their worst nightmare, essentially as you pointed turning them into useless velators.

Lastly, you don't need to fly brawler fit to take on a Titan or capital ship, why not have a secondary Long range sniper contingent in your fleet with Maelstroms, Rokh, and Cruise ravens beyond 100KM (They have the range and the fits o do just that, so why not?)

A curse or a wing of bombers with void bombs doesn't literally spell the end of an entire fleet. No cap means no jumping out, no reps, no energy transfer, no reps, no lasers/hybrids, no hardeners even. Do you not think that is a bit much? Seriously? And your counter to it is to have people sit at warpin range for one of those five second probers? Do you even play this game?
Im Super Gay
Investtan Inc.
The Republic.
#9 - 2012-05-23 22:55:52 UTC
Leviathian wrote:

T2 version of the Ferox is the Vulture. They have completely different roles. Same with a Nighthawk. All T2 ships take on completely different roles than their T1 counterparts. If there's going to be T2/faction carriers/caps, Give them a new role to fufill.

Ahem...T2 fills a more specific role, not necissarily a completely different one. Ferox fills a dps and fleet boosting role. Vulture fills a fleet boosting role only, due to the bonuses and hard points. Nighthawk fills the dps role based off of bonuses and hard points.

Navy faction offers better performance than T1 within the same role, i.e., more dps, more tank, more utility slots, etc.
Pirate faction offers generally better performance than T2 but tends to combine multiple racial bonuses and/or roles.

Gila: shield tanked Ishtar
Cynabal: vagabnd with slightly more utility
Vigilant: Deimos with a web bonus
Phantasm: shield tanked zealot
Ashimmu: dps pilgrim w/o cloak

Rattlesnake: shield tanked domi
Machariel: faster phoon without split weapons
Vindicator: Megathron with more dps and a web bonus
Nightmare: shield tanked paladin
Bhaalgorn: paladin with neuts

That being said, there's really no point to faction caps except to be a giant epeen factor. AoE DD was removed because wiping out a support fleet was op, so wiping out the support fleets cap is also op.
Emporors Champian
War Mongers
#10 - 2012-05-23 23:17:38 UTC
i hope they do this soon after they make faction destroyers and faction battlecrusiers
Mfume Apocal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2012-05-24 04:13:08 UTC
I would rather chew on my own pubic hair than try to brawl down a titan with T2 resists.
Aerich e'Kieron
#12 - 2012-05-24 04:41:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Aerich e'Kieron
Super-capital ships capacitors aren't really scaled up as much as one might expect compared to regular caps.
Ever been neuted by subcaps whilst in a carrier/dread/sc/titan?

.. they still have other issues to deal with in terms of capitals imo anyway. Like the Chimera's cpu amount, the Hel's rep bonus, or fighter damage in general.
^The last one their kinda just my own pet peeve, and the Chimera's cpu amount is probably a good segue into shield subcaps that aren't nano...

Oh, and it's too bad sma's aren't more highly utilized outside of transporting ships between stations(occasional POS)

I would rather chew on my own pubic hair than try to brawl down a titan with T2 resists.

Gallente Federation
#13 - 2012-05-24 13:58:35 UTC  |  Edited by: warzonetemp
Its an idea as well, why aren't capacitor on supes significantly higher.

As for the neuting issue, it was mentioned by the poster with rationale of "rep" twice in your points against a neut based dd.

Sounds like you're afraid of losing too many bassies and scimis :p 2nd rule of eve never fly what you can't afford to lose in pvp. I hear this from other pilots.

When in a fleet expect to lose the ship, it is about the fleet not an individual ship. Also here's my logic, when you lose a ship due to bad fit its your fault, when you lose a fleet due to bad composition its the fc fault. Would a sane fc with cap dependent fleet engage a titan neut dd fleet?

If 100km is too extreme , then why not 50km. Basically, you don't need to have cap heavy brawlers fit with pulse and blasters.
The Cuddlefish
Ethereal Dawn
#14 - 2012-05-24 19:50:27 UTC
It could be done but only if there is a significant different role for it. I.e. a bonus to smartbombs or something out of the blue like that.

More importantly though, there needs to be a lore reason, or an actual reason for the ship to exist in game. The Revenant was made for the incursion HQ sites. Making it playable is just an added bonus.
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2012-05-25 05:50:16 UTC
PinkKnife wrote:
It could be done but only if there is a significant different role for it. I.e. a bonus to smartbombs or something out of the blue like that.

More importantly though, there needs to be a lore reason, or an actual reason for the ship to exist in game. The Revenant was made for the incursion HQ sites. Making it playable is just an added bonus.

Aye, the bonuses will have to be different in role than their traditional empire counterparts for this type of pseudo weapon to be made.

As for Lore, why hasn't anyone ever asked the most important question of all: Where are all the Pirate ships we're killing coming from in high, low, and null sec. We assume they have stations and sites in our areas of space, but what if they have external staging points and they are only coming through now in such numbers due to advanced Titan Bridges. They could be using stolen Jovian technology to create advance jump bridges into Empire space. (Trying to attack the source of the invasion could become CCP's backdoor to create new regions in Eve near supposedly dead end systems). Lot's of stuff could work together.

Fleet Warpsujarento
#16 - 2012-05-25 09:54:41 UTC
I love how these ideas for supercap changes always come from people who have never so much as seen a carrier, never mind flown a titan.
Asuka Solo
Tactical Narcotics Team
#17 - 2012-05-25 10:06:14 UTC
As a proliferater of capitals and a hater of sub-cap ships I support this concept.

Eve is about Capital ships, WiS, Boobs, PI and Isk!

Gallente Federation
#18 - 2012-05-25 13:47:57 UTC
Fleet Warpsujarento wrote:
I love how these ideas for supercap changes always come from people who have never so much as seen a carrier, never mind flown a titan.

Aren't you only like 1 yrs old and a high sec pilot. :p jk, Guessing your char an alt.

Anyone who has a few months in null have seen a cap or supeecap. I've only seen two titans in the last three years so you do have a point, i don't see them often. However its a good thing as they're not meant for frontline warfare. Even with my idea, it should only be a last line of defense for home systems.