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EVE Online: Inferno - Issues thread

First post
Vincent Athena
#361 - 2012-05-22 23:14:21 UTC
I went to my POS looked at the inventory...


Every gun, every silo, every hangar, every assembly array, all listed. But click on one and

"You must be within 2500 meters to open that"

I strongly recommend that if I am out of range of a container it is not shown in the tree, or they be sorted into a "in range" and "out of range" group, or be able to set a filter that excludes out of range containers.

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Shadow Adanza
Gold Crest Salvage
#362 - 2012-05-22 23:15:11 UTC
I went to mess with the new character creation skin colors and upon going through all of them, I decided I liked my default skin color the best and went back on the history to it. Well, upon going and taking the portrait, the skin color was my original, chosen, color. But after taking the picture and continuing on, I posted in the forum and I had this dark-skinned portrait as well as my character now being dark-skinned when I had clearly chosen my original look. My portrait in-game is the chosen color, but the character in the forum picture as well as in character creator and view full body is dark-skinned.

Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

CCP Zorba
C C P Alliance
#363 - 2012-05-22 23:19:17 UTC
Talon SilverHawk wrote:
+1 for this. Also get the issue if I have tabbed in and out of the client a few times the missiles in flight and missile firing animation disappear even the the missiles icons in the UI are still cycling and I'm getting damage notifications for the target. Zoom in on turrets and they are still tracking they just don't look like their firing.

Not sure if this is linked but this is happening to me in Jita, each time this happens I lose control of the ship as in I'll click dock on a station, I'll get acknowledgement to say docking but ship just keeps orbiting the current target. I have to log to fix.


Next year if you make it to Fanfest (which you should because the 10th anniversary will be the most awesome yet) I will explain over a beer why situations like this make me shudder. But basically EVE is two different giant balls of asynchronous state that make even simple things difficult to think about, and space rendering lives on top of a giant general rendering engine that tries to help manage graphics state.

So the more chaotic the circumstances that produce a graphics bug, the more fortitude it takes on the part of a programmer to fix the bug. Fortunately our graphics programmers are an angry German, intrepid Icelanders, and an incredibly clever Englishman, I'll see what they say.

CCP Zorba | EVE Online Technical Director | @techartistsorg

Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#364 - 2012-05-22 23:20:33 UTC
Vincent Athena wrote:
I went to my POS looked at the inventory...


Every gun, every silo, every hangar, every assembly array, all listed. But click on one and

"You must be within 2500 meters to open that"

I strongly recommend that if I am out of range of a container it is not shown in the tree, or they be sorted into a "in range" and "out of range" group, or be able to set a filter that excludes out of range containers.

Don't worry, you can hold down shift, and just open them the old way, bypassing the new UI.

CCP karkur
C C P Alliance
#365 - 2012-05-22 23:23:32 UTC
Shadow Adanza wrote:
I went to mess with the new character creation skin colors and upon going through all of them, I decided I liked my default skin color the best and went back on the history to it. Well, upon going and taking the portrait, the skin color was my original, chosen, color. But after taking the picture and continuing on, I posted in the forum and I had this dark-skinned portrait as well as my character now being dark-skinned when I had clearly chosen my original look. My portrait in-game is the chosen color, but the character in the forum picture as well as in character creator and view full body is dark-skinned.
could you please file a bugreport and I'll take a look at it tomorrow.
Also, would you like me to give you old color back if I can (which I think I can do)?

CCP karkur | Programmer | Team Five 0 | @CCP_karkur

Shadow Adanza
Gold Crest Salvage
#366 - 2012-05-22 23:24:39 UTC
CCP karkur wrote:
Shadow Adanza wrote:
I went to mess with the new character creation skin colors and upon going through all of them, I decided I liked my default skin color the best and went back on the history to it. Well, upon going and taking the portrait, the skin color was my original, chosen, color. But after taking the picture and continuing on, I posted in the forum and I had this dark-skinned portrait as well as my character now being dark-skinned when I had clearly chosen my original look. My portrait in-game is the chosen color, but the character in the forum picture as well as in character creator and view full body is dark-skinned.
could you please file a bugreport and I'll take a look at it tomorrow.
Also, would you like me to give you old color back if I can (which I think I can do)?

I shall.
And yes, thank you! That would be very appreciated! ^_^

Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#367 - 2012-05-22 23:44:00 UTC

wow much space very ship such pvp many pew

Talon SilverHawk
Patria o Muerte
#368 - 2012-05-22 23:46:48 UTC
CCP Zorba wrote:
Talon SilverHawk wrote:
+1 for this. Also get the issue if I have tabbed in and out of the client a few times the missiles in flight and missile firing animation disappear even the the missiles icons in the UI are still cycling and I'm getting damage notifications for the target. Zoom in on turrets and they are still tracking they just don't look like their firing.

Not sure if this is linked but this is happening to me in Jita, each time this happens I lose control of the ship as in I'll click dock on a station, I'll get acknowledgement to say docking but ship just keeps orbiting the current target. I have to log to fix.


Next year if you make it to Fanfest (which you should because the 10th anniversary will be the most awesome yet) I will explain over a beer why situations like this make me shudder. But basically EVE is two different giant balls of asynchronous state that make even simple things difficult to think about, and space rendering lives on top of a giant general rendering engine that tries to help manage graphics state.

So the more chaotic the circumstances that produce a graphics bug, the more fortitude it takes on the part of a programmer to fix the bug. Fortunately our graphics programmers are an angry German, intrepid Icelanders, and an incredibly clever Englishman, I'll see what they say.

Thanks, was like that saying Jita was really busy and my client and the server where in to different time zones ?

Oh I'll hold you to that beer, although after the bashing I have been giving your UI guys they might bring their retired baby seal clubs along for a gentle chat as well.

Thx Tal
dr Fanden
Sognariket Logistics
#369 - 2012-05-22 23:51:18 UTC
I just did a Serpentis Vigil in a 0.6 system (Arant), and the Shadow serp. cruiser dropped a Low-grade Snake Omega, a shadow serp. tag and some faction ammo, plus some normal loot.
When I docked up all the faction stuff DISAPPEARED. Poof! Gone into thin air.
I have done a complete search of my assets and corp assets to make sure I didn't just misplace it with the new inventory, and it's not there. I have no filters set either.
I want my implant! WAAAAH
Veronika Zemanova
Amarr Empire
#370 - 2012-05-22 23:54:01 UTC
Alex Doom wrote:

EVE-Launcher is also buggy:
- you can import a patch file, but anyway launcher starts downloading the whole patch and overwrite the imported one with 0 Bytes

A work around i found for this was to copy the patch file to an external drive, delete the old file in the PATCHES folder then restart the launcher and import patch from the external drive.
Grey Stormshadow
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#371 - 2012-05-23 00:00:01 UTC
Inferno has only one real issue and it is Unified inventory.

//feedback off

Get classic forum style - custom videos to captains quarters screen

Play with the best - die like the rest

Backwater Redux
Tactical Narcotics Team
#372 - 2012-05-23 00:03:30 UTC
I have a keyboard button bound to open cargo hold.....

previously this would open cargo hold then close it

it now first opens unified inventory window, then it opens a cargohold window, then it keeps opening more cargohold windows.

could we get this working the way it used to, skip the unified, open active ship cargohold then close it?
Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#373 - 2012-05-23 00:16:05 UTC
The "number of items" and "estimated price" lines at the bottom of inventory windows need to be merged into a single line. There's no reason why they need to consume so much vertical space.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#374 - 2012-05-23 00:19:35 UTC
Scrapyard Bob wrote:
The "number of items" and "estimated price" lines at the bottom of inventory windows need to be merged into a single line. There's no reason why they need to consume so much vertical space.

Or better yet, remove them! Or at least put some little arrows to hide them and recover the window margin space.

wow much space very ship such pvp many pew

Malice Redeemer
#375 - 2012-05-23 00:22:44 UTC
they are so bad, enjoy months of fixing people that try them out only to want the old skin color they can't pick back
Ristlin Wakefield
Amarr Empire
#376 - 2012-05-23 00:23:58 UTC
OK, after a few hours with it I can say that the new inventory system is NOT BAD! As a newbie, I find it to be quite a good change for the better. Thanks CCP.

Obviously some people have problems with it, maybe you should add the option for them to go back to the crap.

I have a lover, her name is EVE. I see her every night and all she asks in return is that I have a pilot's license.

Wilma Lawson
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#377 - 2012-05-23 00:33:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Wilma Lawson
Ristlin Wakefield wrote:
OK, after a few hours with it I can say that the new inventory system is NOT BAD! As a newbie, I find it to be quite a good change for the better. Thanks CCP.

Obviously some people have problems with it, maybe you should add the option for them to go back to the crap.

I somewhat agree. However, the right-click context men option of Select All doesn't do anything.

Edit: Also, the Corp Hangar button is no longer at the station where it should be, but there is a Move HQ Here! Shocked
Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#378 - 2012-05-23 00:37:25 UTC
Ristlin Wakefield wrote:
OK, after a few hours with it I can say that the new inventory system is NOT BAD! As a newbie, I find it to be quite a good change for the better. Thanks CCP.

Obviously some people have problems with it, maybe you should add the option for them to go back to the crap.

The only issue I have with the new inventory is that it tries too hard to mash everything into a single window, which is not as useful as it sounds.

Break all of those top level trees in the current inventory window out to separate windows by default. Give us back short-cuts to open up "active ship cargo", "personal hangar" and "personal ships" with short-cut keys in windows that only display those sub-trees. Give us the option to add trees to one of those parent windows if we care to.

Corp hangars belong in their own window, so do permanently anchored structures. Temporary structures like wrecks/jetcans belong in their own window as well. Both temporary and permanent in-space structures should not be added to the tree until we r-click open them.

Current ship cargo window needs to remember its size / position based on ship *type* - the needs of a freighter pilot are different then when they switch to a orca, carrier, battleship, frigate, covops. For some of those ships, I want the cargo inventory front and center so I can remember what I'm carrying or how many boosters I have left. For the others, I might only want a 50x50 pixel window to remind me whether I have any cargo at all.
#379 - 2012-05-23 00:37:53 UTC
Inventory bug.

If I do not close my corp delivery tab before exiting a station, it keeps opening and closing on session changes.

I had to go all the way back to the offended station to close it, docked.

Getting you on your feet.

So you've further to fall.

Wilma Lawson
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#380 - 2012-05-23 00:46:38 UTC
whaynethepain wrote:
Inventory bug.

If I do not close my corp delivery tab before exiting a station, it keeps opening and closing on session changes.

I had to go all the way back to the offended station to close it, docked.

Did you clear your cache? I did and haven't had this issue.