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EVE Online: Inferno - Issues thread

First post
Invictio Zephirus
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#321 - 2012-05-22 21:07:17 UTC
Bit of a random one but cant align to Acceleration gates in my Tengu on level 4 missions, The overview button doesnt work neither does right clicking and pressing align, tried relogging with no success have to double click in space towards the gate.

Not a Major problem just thought i'd say
Hashi Lebwohl
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#322 - 2012-05-22 21:18:29 UTC
Small annoyance:

I dock at a station with a freighter with a mixed cargo of ships and modules..


I could right click , select all and dump them either into the ship or module window and they would be sorted.


Right click, select all - drag to either ships or item hangar - nothing happens

Now you have to:

Select the modules only and drag to the item hangar

Select the ships only and drag them to the ship hangar
Backwater Redux
Tactical Narcotics Team
#323 - 2012-05-22 21:26:15 UTC
New Inventory system thing: Put back some elements of the old system so we have a deliveries and corp hangar button(where it was for the past however many years, why remove them now?), i found myself able to make windows like w used to which made me happy but i have to re-open it each time i dock or relog which makes me angry. Please fix so i can actually play the game.

rabble rabble rabble

heard of some crazy bug about opening inventory near a blue pos and its in your inventory....

characters getting stuck in local after logged out.
Hannott Thanos
Squadron 15
#324 - 2012-05-22 21:27:47 UTC
When orbiting a gate or station, pressing dock/jump does nothing. My ship will not approach or do anything, but keep orbiting at that range. Pressing dock or jump on a station or stargate off grid works, and my ship will warp and dock/jump.

Looking at it now, approach does not work either. I have to manually pilot within range by doubleclicking.

while (CurrentSelectedTarget.Status == ShipStatus.Alive) {



The Scope
Gallente Federation
#325 - 2012-05-22 21:36:18 UTC
I running into a major issue with visual effects, I am getting massave frame rate nerf when in a missle boat and the npc have missles as well. Turning off missle effects releaved this issue making the game playable.

My system is
windows 7
intel I7 2.0GZ
Nvidia GEforce gtx 560 (driver updated yesterday)
8 GB ram
Quay Industries
#326 - 2012-05-22 21:38:12 UTC
Drugs no longer have the skull & cross bones logo at the side of them when looting wrecks.
Jupe Bratsilaken
The Initiative.
#327 - 2012-05-22 21:38:54 UTC
I can't access any of my ship cargoes or my personal items hanger while in the same station as my corp hanger...

Access Denied:
You have been denied access for the following reason: you require take access to open the container requested.
Also the new '1 stop window' only has 2 spinny loading icons, nothing I can click on.

Now I can understand not having access to the corp hanger if I've been locked out, but that shouldn't stop me from accessing my personal stuff or accessing ship cargo holds.... should it?
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#328 - 2012-05-22 21:41:16 UTC
The client doesn't recognize more than half of my mouse clicks on my MacBook Pro using the trackpad.

I have to double click most of the time, sometimes it locks on clicks making the game unplayable. Multiple people have also reported the same issues in the Mac section of the forum.
#329 - 2012-05-22 21:42:46 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:

Salpun wrote:
---== Issue #4 ==---
The 'xxx isk Est. price' bar at the bottom of the Inventory windows is redundant for me in 99.5% of situations and is just wasting space. Please give me the option to turn it off!

Issue 4 (the est price):
We can’t guarantee that every piece of the UI fits your exact usecase. Information like this will continue to be available globally. By this logic every single piece of EVE should have an off button, which we won't do.

There are reasons why several folks are flagging down "wasted space/screen real-estate" in the numerous scattered posts.
Not everyone displays & arrange their (static/non-static) window in uniform sizes, depending on function it can go right down to the absolute minimum size you can reduce it.

Now, try and reduce, for example, your ship's cargo window to the absolute minimum possible. It's barely usable now (compared to pre-patch).
For those that run multiple windows in various sizes, the annoyance over lost screen space will build up over time.

In general, people don't generally appreciate other people ramming things down their way, especially when reasoning/design/implementation are FLAWED.
The acid test is simple. When you break critical things, the backlash will be swift and overwhelming. Need I say more?

"We can’t guarantee that every piece of the UI fits your exact usecase" - is a very dismissive antagonistic statement in light of the above. The est. price bar, when you reduce things to absolute BASIC functionality for inventory systems, is purely bling. There is no argument or you'd implement it years ago, regardless of the technical hurdles as a critical piece of functionality. People are flagging this as unecessary bling that degrades screen real-estate, and you almost virtually dismiss them - implying/arguing the est. price bar as an "important feature" that needs to be available in EVERY WINDOW.

Who's failing logic here?
Quay Industries
#330 - 2012-05-22 21:43:04 UTC
Steijn wrote:
Drugs no longer have the skull & cross bones logo at the side of them when looting wrecks.

seems this is an intermittent bug, sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt, caused by session changes somehow?
The Initiative.
#331 - 2012-05-22 21:45:15 UTC
Rommiee wrote:
CCP Punkturis wrote:
Highfield wrote:
The Target Spectrum Breaker description concludes with :

Note: Will affect all targeting computers, including those of friendly vessels and of the host ship itself. Can be fitted to Battleship, Black Ops and Marauder class ships. Prototype Inferno Module.

Might want to remove the last sentence.

Super Friends like to keep that sentence there, haters gonna hate! BlinkBlinkBlink

Interesting how the Devs are answering the easy questions here, but totally ignoring the HUGE unified inventory issue. Just like on the other threads over the last month.

CCP listening.... don't make me laugh

Reading up to this point i was just about to go say the same thing.

CCP pulease dont touch stuff that isnt broken even more so dont break stuff that works fine!!!
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#332 - 2012-05-22 21:46:25 UTC
Emah Spina wrote:

I don't know how you think we play the game.
But that doesn't work very well for general flying.

For capitals, this UI change is pretty much a game breaker.
I generates helluva lot more clicking, looking and guessing.

Cargo Hold, Fuel Bay, Corporate Hangar and Ship Maintenance Bay
We use these things, maybe not all of them on every op. But most of them.

In short, this new UI change to our item management is NOT saving us any clickes.
It's not well designed and the layout is pretty terrible.

At least give us the option of having Classic Windows.

How does this sound?

Shift click open window, say corporate hangar. Then drag the new window to the Neocom to create a short cut on the Neocom.

Shortcuts on neocom always open new window in classic style.

Shortcuts on neocom can be put into folder

Windows remember where they where in space now when you undock.

Hashi Lebwohl
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#333 - 2012-05-22 21:46:40 UTC
A request:

right click - sort by estimated price....I have a hangar full of junk (700+ items) that apparently is worth 5.8 billion.Big smile

Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#334 - 2012-05-22 21:47:53 UTC
GeeBee wrote:
New Inventory system thing: Put back some elements of the old system so we have a deliveries and corp hangar button(where it was for the past however many years, why remove them now?), i found myself able to make windows like w used to which made me happy but i have to re-open it each time i dock or relog which makes me angry. Please fix so i can actually play the game.

rabble rabble rabble

heard of some crazy bug about opening inventory near a blue pos and its in your inventory....

characters getting stuck in local after logged out.


#335 - 2012-05-22 21:50:10 UTC
Main issue i have been getting is of people showing in local and in channels that aren't online and haven't been for a long while.

I even logged off some 4 hours ago and came back and the people who were apparently in my channels then after logging off were still there even though they weren't active.

Editor for

Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#336 - 2012-05-22 21:51:19 UTC
I have more idea. Return the UI to how it use to be on the neocom. Then add a new, unified Item window on the neocom. All of the buttons in eve will act as if you're always holding shift. Unless you toggle the shift key.

This way the unified item window is a tool, like the notepad. And can be opened and closed when you want the functionality it offers.

The Initiative.
#337 - 2012-05-22 21:52:27 UTC
CCP Punkturis wrote:
bob bobert wrote:
Rommiee wrote:
CCP Punkturis wrote:
Highfield wrote:
The Target Spectrum Breaker description concludes with :

Note: Will affect all targeting computers, including those of friendly vessels and of the host ship itself. Can be fitted to Battleship, Black Ops and Marauder class ships. Prototype Inferno Module.

Might want to remove the last sentence.

Super Friends like to keep that sentence there, haters gonna hate! BlinkBlinkBlink

Interesting how the Devs are answering the easy questions here, but totally ignoring the HUGE unified inventory issue. Just like on the other threads over the last month.

CCP listening.... don't make me laugh

To be fair, I've monitored forums like this. The people monitoring these pretty much know nothing. I don't mean to be offensive, but the actual dev's do not have time to monitor these forums. Thats what more "people friendly" or "socially normal" people are for. I also don't mean to say that dev's can't talk to other people, but well... no they usually can't... :D

thank you very much! I'm a pretty people friendly dev, and I'm here replying to the issues on the features me and my team worked on in this release, War Decs, Modules and Kill Reports mainly Big smile

so where are the ones responsible for this shite inventory?
they are hiding arent they
Har Harrison
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#338 - 2012-05-22 21:53:48 UTC
CCP Ytterbium wrote:
Har Harrison wrote:
Follow up - timer did not show as running, but it DID run down,

I didn't get any LP even though I was in the plex - I got a mail saying

Not qualified for loyalty points in militia effort
From: 24th Imperial Crusade
Sent: 2012.05.22 13:53

Although you were present at the capture of enemy dungeon in Oyonata, the following circumstances prevent you from qualifying for loyalty points for your effort:
You were too far away from the target.

I was IN the plex, but not on the timer. Do we have to be within capture distance (i.e. running the timer) to get the LP? If so, that sucks as we often have members spread around a plex and not on a timer (e.g. camping the warp in with a single person running it down).

Patch notes don't seem to indicate this is a requirement.

Factional Warfare sites now give Loyalty Points when captured: ◦Minor sites: 10,000 LPs
◦ Standard sites: 17,500 LPs
◦ Major sites: 25,000 LPs
◦ Major Stronghold or Major Compound sites: 30,000 LPs
◦ Infrastructure Hubs: 40,000 LPs

• All LP gains are split among all eligible members. Example: Two Amarr enlisted players capturing a Minmatar or Gallente Minor site would only receive 5,000 LPs for the 24th Imperial Crusade each.

This is by design; players wishing to get rewards have to be actually contributing to the capture. Good catch on the path notes thought, thanks for pointing that out.





Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#339 - 2012-05-22 21:54:02 UTC
Sturmwolke wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:

Salpun wrote:
---== Issue #4 ==---
The 'xxx isk Est. price' bar at the bottom of the Inventory windows is redundant for me in 99.5% of situations and is just wasting space. Please give me the option to turn it off!

Issue 4 (the est price):
We can’t guarantee that every piece of the UI fits your exact usecase. Information like this will continue to be available globally. By this logic every single piece of EVE should have an off button, which we won't do.

There are reasons why several folks are flagging down "wasted space/screen real-estate" in the numerous scattered posts.
Not everyone displays & arrange their (static/non-static) window in uniform sizes, depending on function it can go right down to the absolute minimum size you can reduce it.

Now, try and reduce, for example, your ship's cargo window to the absolute minimum possible. It's barely usable now (compared to pre-patch).
For those that run multiple windows in various sizes, the annoyance over lost screen space will build up over time.

In general, people don't generally appreciate other people ramming things down their way, especially when reasoning/design/implementation are FLAWED.
The acid test is simple. When you break critical things, the backlash will be swift and overwhelming. Need I say more?

"We can’t guarantee that every piece of the UI fits your exact usecase" - is a very dismissive antagonistic statement in light of the above. The est. price bar, when you reduce things to absolute BASIC functionality for inventory systems, is purely bling. There is no argument or you'd implement it years ago, regardless of the technical hurdles as a critical piece of functionality. People are flagging this as unecessary bling that degrades screen real-estate, and you almost virtually dismiss them - implying/arguing the est. price bar as an "important feature" that needs to be available in EVERY WINDOW.

Who's failing logic here?


wow much space very ship such pvp many pew

Jake McCord
Greater Metropolis Sanitation Service
#340 - 2012-05-22 21:56:46 UTC
Can't stay connected long enough to try any thing. Cleared the cache, cleared the settings, ran the repair tool. NOTHING makes any difference.

Did not have this problem BEFORE the update.

Oh, and I HATE the new inventory system.

Hope you have a nice day, I'm off to play Star Trek Online for now.

They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. That's the Chicago way! Did I mention, I used to live in Chicago?