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EVE Online: Inferno - Issues thread

First post
Diabella Aihaken
Abitbol TEAM
#281 - 2012-05-22 19:41:53 UTC
moving several items from ship cargo to item hangar or reversely cause lag/freezes
Rrama Ratamnim
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#282 - 2012-05-22 19:42:44 UTC
May O'Neez wrote:
OK, the UI-UI is finally on TQ, here are my concerns so far:

- The ship button disappeared, therefore the mosaic list of ships can't be found anymore, instead we have a tree with a difficult to read long text list (specially on large screens). I liked to have at a glimpse the looks of all my ships, now I feel like I'm searching them in the market. :/

- When looking for the ship button, I tried to reset the neocom in case of, and the items button vanished also ??? I cannot find it in the popup 'E' menu.
( * edit: it has been moved on top and renamed "inventory", nevermind * )

- The drones options in contextual menu has disappeared. Moreover, when no drones are present, the entry is sometimes not available in the inventory window, which forces you to use the fitting pannel to open the drones bay. I've closed and re-opened the inventory and the problem disappears. Maybe an init issue.

=> If you wanted to make ship contextual menus lighter, you should have removed CQ and Undock options instead, these are not related to the ship, rather to the current game state IMHO. It is longer to open the inventory and look for the ship than just right-clicking on the spinning view and select an option.

- When transferring objects between ships or the hangar, as expected it is very annoying if you try to use a single window: I just tried to transfer some ammo and had to try it twice because I was lost between 2 ships of same type and was unsure where I put them. So you finally have to either check all ships, or frenzy shift-click these and hope that you won't close them by accident (like I often do since the new Neocom system).

Not-UI related remarks:

- There's not only the login proxy's which is at heavy load, seems like the local and the chans are out of sync for some players of my corp.

The ship list is there, click where it says ships and you get your ship icons,

If you want the old ship list back go into ESC menu and turn off the "combine ships and items" crap that they turned on with this release for some reason....

Fully agree with you on the f*cking streamlining of the right click menu and them removing the stuff we need to leave crap we dont
Black Avarice
Skeletons in the Closet
#283 - 2012-05-22 19:43:50 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:
I think that might be a good short term solution. Being able to rename structures and searching for them might be even better long term, but we'll talk options tomorrow morning and see what we can do.

I'm going to throw out an idea. Take it, leave it, laugh at it but give it two seconds thought.

What if there was only ONE unified inventory window. We could browse the entire inventory from that window and with a double click on any line in a folder, open an inventory window without the list and filters (an "old style" inventory window). This way we could sort our windows the way we see fit. They will stay open, closed, scrolled up, pinned, etc, as was before the update and we still have the unified inventory to open new windows so we can manage our screens.

Lady Zarrina
New Eden Browncoats
#284 - 2012-05-22 19:43:56 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Lady Zarrina wrote:
Yes POS's are a nightmare, but honestly they really need to be reworked. And reworking POS's should have been way higher in priority than the inventory system.

But I do like many of the new features in the new inventory system. Heading in the right direction with a few fixes and changes.

It's an entirely different workload that wouldn't be handled by the same people. POSs are currently on our plan, scheduled to start work at the end of the year when the designated team finishes what they're doing now.

Fair enough, you definately know the required people better than myself (some random backseat armchair wannabe eve manager, hehe) But I am very glad to see it on your hit list.

EVE: All about Flying Frisky and Making Iskie

Tobin Shalim
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#285 - 2012-05-22 19:45:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Tobin Shalim
Here's a major bug: ALL of my chat windows are gone.

I'm not talking private channels. I'm talking local, corp, alliance, EVERYTHING. Might want to fix that pretty quick, hmm?

Edit: it's doing it with both the optional client patch installed and not.
Polly Oxford
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#286 - 2012-05-22 19:48:07 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:

A right click menu with 15 options is about the worst functionality in the world.

The worst functionality in the world must be that the member's hangar list is now opening in the sidebar and isn't even ordered. Every time I try to open a hangar of another player in my corp Eve completely locks up for about 20s since it has to somehow incorporate 4000 new items in the sidebar.
And then it isn't even sorted by name, so that feature became pretty much useless and I would really like the old context menu for opening a member hangar back, since it was an easy way to give out stuff without using contracts.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#287 - 2012-05-22 19:48:40 UTC
Tobin Shalim wrote:
Here's a major bug: ALL of my chat windows are gone.

I'm not talking private channels. I'm talking local, corp, alliance, EVERYTHING. Might want to fix that pretty quick, hmm?

Edit: it's doing it with both the optional client patch installed and not.

this happened to me in jita, however i left jita and relogged and all my chat windows came back, but still it is a bit of a problem...

also has anyone noticed that the local channel in jita appears to have been removed? im not against that by any means, im just looking for some confirmation
CCP Bella Bee
C C P Alliance
#288 - 2012-05-22 19:49:35 UTC
Tobin Shalim wrote:
Here's a major bug: ALL of my chat windows are gone.

I'm not talking private channels. I'm talking local, corp, alliance, EVERYTHING. Might want to fix that pretty quick, hmm?

Edit: it's doing it with both the optional client patch installed and not.

We are aware of issues with chat and working very actively on them.
Legio Prima Victrix
#289 - 2012-05-22 19:50:44 UTC  |  Edited by: AdZc
Im getting a huge FPS drop, normally off the Graph (60+) now its down to a 38, very jerky also, it was fine pre patch.

Never mind, was a coincidence, some background program ate all my CPU power an caused it! lol Roll
Quincy Bibble
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#290 - 2012-05-22 19:52:04 UTC
CCP Bella Bee wrote:
Tobin Shalim wrote:
Here's a major bug: ALL of my chat windows are gone.

I'm not talking private channels. I'm talking local, corp, alliance, EVERYTHING. Might want to fix that pretty quick, hmm?

Edit: it's doing it with both the optional client patch installed and not.

We are aware of issues with chat and working very actively on them.

Experiencing the same issue:
If i get a convo a new window opens, but no signs of corp/alliance/local channels.
It only happens to this toon of this account.
Tried reset cache and settings.
None worked...
Rhianna Ghost
Ghost Industries Inc.
#291 - 2012-05-22 19:56:22 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Talon SilverHawk wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Smoking Blunts wrote:

why do we need a trimmed down right click menu btw?

A right click menu with 15 options is about the worst functionality in the world.

Not being able to have multiple windows if you want them is about the worst functionality in the world. Can't believe you guys ignored the feedback in the test thread.


You can have multiple windows. Shift click an inventory and they get separated.

Hi Soundwave,

You tell us, you want to streamline things by removing the right click options and tell us in the same minute to use shift-klick. If you think, an overly full rc-menu is a problem, because it is bad design, how do you think about hidden functionality like shift-clicking on stuff?

[rant]Why bothering with rc-menues at all? we have left-ctrl, left-alt, lelft-shift, caps-lock, right-shift, right-alt and right-control keys. making wonderful 7 possibilities times leff-mouse button and right mouse button, making 16 possibilities of clicks. no more menus at all. Lets combine the buttons: 7 keys makes 128 possibilities times 2 for the two mouse buttons we have 256 possibilities. No need for any more keys at all, or buttons on screan, we could just do everything with meta keys.[/rant]

Honestly: showing the player the options he has is always better than relying on him/her remembering combinations. Always. Not only in Games, but in any kind of soft- or hardware. Everytime.
May O'Neez
Flying Blacksmiths
#292 - 2012-05-22 19:57:21 UTC
Rrama Ratamnim wrote:
The ship list is there, click where it says ships and you get your ship icons,

Nice ! They are there, many thanks :D I'm not used to click on titles to gets contents ^^"

If you want the old ship list back go into ESC menu and turn off the "combine ships and items" crap that they turned on with this release for some reason....

Regarding the "combine ships and items", I just tried it, the result is quite strange, sounds like they "forgot" to remove this part of the old inventory.
Brutal Red
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#293 - 2012-05-22 19:58:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Brutal Red
CCP Soundwave wrote:

Anyway, we're meeting in the morning to talk possible solutions. Sorry for the hassle meanwhile.

No hassle , I'll just go play something else while all this gets fixed .
(and not renewing subs, I don't need them if not playing)

I'm not a beta tester , and not paying to be one either .
I'll understand Eve is a complicated game (and luckely for Eve) the only one of it's kind .

But deploying an update/patch with known bugs (see Test Server Feedback) is just too much .
I'v swallowed CQ's and other stuff I didn't like , but this one beats them all .


Janus Nightmare
Exploding Kitties
#294 - 2012-05-22 19:58:55 UTC
When in a mission, every time I jump or dock, I now get a message popping up that says "The item is no longer within your reach" instead of my inventory opening.
Asmodes Reynolds
Rayn Enterprises
#295 - 2012-05-22 19:59:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Asmodes Reynolds
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Lady Zarrina wrote:
Yes POS's are a nightmare, but honestly they really need to be reworked. And reworking POS's should have been way higher in priority than the inventory system.

But I do like many of the new features in the new inventory system. Heading in the right direction with a few fixes and changes.

It's an entirely different workload that wouldn't be handled by the same people. POSs are currently on our plan, scheduled to start work at the end of the year when the designated team finishes what they're doing now.

Super easy solution to the design team being clogged up, stop all work on useless, time-consuming, poorly planned features such as ( the new inventory system ) reassign those people to the existing features, that either don't work, or are so painful to use than 98% of the player base hates them.

Using the developers and paid game testers, to find painful features is not really finding the painful features, their finding what CCP's future vision wants them to find. example being new inventory system. It didn't fit with what their bosses wanted Eve to be therefore they found it painful. They are being paid by people who have agendas that had nothing to do with the player experience (so if they don't toe their bosses party line they don't have a job ) ,and don't actually experience the game the way players do.

How about this, put a vote on your site of what feature the players want iterated on and devote your design team to iterate on that?
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#296 - 2012-05-22 20:01:00 UTC video feedback on hanger changes.

TL;DW - its ****. Roll it back now.

Theres other things ive discovered since recording that but ill experiment with that and make another video if necessary.

As it stands, new hanger might look ok, but its harder and less intuitive to use and takes longer and more mouse clicks to do absolutely everything. This change is NOT WELCOME at all.
Janus Nightmare
Exploding Kitties
#297 - 2012-05-22 20:08:48 UTC
Looting wrecks takes 3 times as long now, even after the god-awful shift+click to open my ship cargo. I click on a wreck, wait 5 seconds for the new inventory window to open. Finally find the Loot All button, then wait while it reopens my ship's cargo in the same window before I can click on another wreck to loot it.

Bring back the old wreck cargo windows where I click on loot all and the now empty container window disappears so I can click another to take its place. This is getting f'ing ridiculous
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#298 - 2012-05-22 20:10:44 UTC
Seems the speed gauge on the HUD is broken...Shocked
GG Logistics
#299 - 2012-05-22 20:11:08 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote: video feedback on hanger changes.

TL;DW - its ****. Roll it back now.

Theres other things ive discovered since recording that but ill experiment with that and make another video if necessary.

As it stands, new hanger might look ok, but its harder and less intuitive to use and takes longer and more mouse clicks to do absolutely everything. This change is NOT WELCOME at all.

I think you hit the 2 biggest problems in my opinion, windows not saving location/staying open when you dock/undock. And the whole, you have no idea what ship your putting stuff in. I also name all my tacklers the same, and drakes the same, and cyno ships the same. I have no idea which is which in the list.

These are 2 of the biggest issues with the current inventory. If these 2 were fixed or figured out, i might be able to live with the fact that using the new UI actually takes longer....
Cord Binchiette
Kzinti Confederation
#300 - 2012-05-22 20:11:37 UTC
I'm salvaging a mission in my Noctis. When I click to loot all, it takes 4-5 seconds for it to actually loot. Then I'm stuck with this huge ungodly window open that completely obscures the screen. So, now I have to resize it when I'm looting, and resize it back when I'm not looting and looking for stuff? Add in a couple more seconds every time I close the window or even just looting another wreck and the game becomes unplayable. It's no longer a smooth operation salvaging a mission.

It's a royal pain in the ass looting wrecks. I honestly can't believe anyone tested this when they were salvaging a mission. Seriously.

And, when I drop the stuff off in my hanger, it's 42 seconds to dump the stuff into my hanger. 42 seconds where I can't do anything but watch the items SLOWLY move over. And 18 seconds to "sort all". Really? Come on. Please don't do this to me.