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Shield Activation/Realistic Effects

Polaris Advanced
#1 - 2012-05-15 13:27:02 UTC
It has brought to my attention, every 'Science Fiction' show i've watched with spaceships; the commander always orders 'Sheilds up'
Why not do the same with EVE?

A manual command, or switch to raise your sheilds, this gives a whole new battle plan to EVE, and make the gameplay more interesting, and intense.

A Maelstrom warps into 'Mission Pocket,' the pirate faction starts engaging the Maelstrom, and the pilot notices that he's instantatly in 'Armor Structure,' and the pilot realizes his flaw and quickly switches 'Shield Activation,' while the pilot was taking Armor/Structure damage to his vessle, the sheild status has been lowered. Upon activation. As soon as the pilot engages Sheild Activation, it should show a affect of the sheilds surround the ship itself, and when sheilds are depleted, it should give a shock burst around the vessel itself. Basically a (EMP). So to speak.

Let's say; The pilot took 50% Armor Structure damage, so in that case when the pilot raises 'Sheilds' the sheilds has taken damage (ALL ACORDING TO HOW MUCH DAMAGE THE PILOT TAKES IN FIRST PLACE) Basically a (Penalty)

This is my first forum being posted, some further assistance would be much appericated, and the
outcomes to this forum post!
Shovel Bros
#2 - 2012-05-15 13:38:38 UTC
Why? It sounds like that would be nothing more than an annoying extra step to take whenever you enter a system, the same as turning on your hardeners and DC. How about if you just tell yourself that your ship is doing that by itself and we can all be happy.

Also, trying to say "Every scifi show I watch has someone on the bridge yelling 'shields up', therefore we should have to push a button to do that in Eve" Is just kinda pointless. In Eve, playability is FAR more important than 'realism' or RP.
Sobaan Tali
Caldari Quick Reaction Force
#3 - 2012-05-15 13:55:35 UTC
Two ships get attacked by someone with a high-alpha fit.

Armor tank pilot: "Shields? Meh, **** 'em, at least I don't have to raise armor, lol."
Shield tank pilot: "What the hell happend to my Rattlesnake!?"


"----in' A, right?"

"Trouble is, those things cost like a million and a half each."

"----, you pay me half that and I'll hump in some c4 and blow the ---- out of it my own damn self."

Trumpets and Bookmarks
#4 - 2012-05-15 14:07:56 UTC
Welcome to the forum.

Whilst from a roleplaying perspective this suggestion appears to be fun and sci-fi in reality it would be a feature that was released and then very quickly retracted due to players screaming about it on the forums. That is, if the screaming didn't stop it from being released in the first place.

You see, you always want your shields up so all that would happen is that people would start spamming the "shields up" button as they finish their warp which would have precisely the same effect as if your suggestion wasn't implemented.

So the dev time to implement would be wasted, CCP would garner a rather large amount of forum abuse and there would be no positive other than some armour tankers wetting themselves with laughter as they engage a shield tanker who panics for the 10 seconds it takes the armour to take him out considering he has no shields, which is only positive from the armour tanker's perspective.

Danel Tosh
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2012-05-15 14:35:07 UTC
Space is very dangerous so your sheilds are always "Up". unless you count activating hardeners/boosters to be sorta akin to raising your shields.
CaeIum Incognitum
#6 - 2012-05-15 14:56:21 UTC
>Shields provide defense
>No penalty for keeping my shields up
>I will keep them up all the time
>Simply an annoyance every time the game auto-turns them off.
>awful ideal.
Polaris Advanced
#7 - 2012-05-17 05:28:00 UTC
As it says 'Forums' are suppose to bring idea's and content to the game, I was simply trying to put something out there, and see the the Pro's, and Con's of this idea. Don't say I didn't try lol.
Tarn Kugisa
Kugisa Dynamics
#8 - 2012-05-17 06:12:49 UTC
Space Radiation would make your ships occupants dead if your shields were deactivated for basically any amount of time. That's why the passively regenerate, and if you're receiving enough damage to prevent that, you're pretty much ******

Be polite. Be efficient. Have a plan to troll everyone you meet - KuroVolt

leviticus ander
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2012-05-17 06:18:20 UTC
Danel Tosh wrote:
Space is very dangerous so your sheilds are always "Up". unless you count activating hardeners/boosters to be sorta akin to raising your shields.

pretty much this.
most TV shows, they are in a relatively safe because it's mostly 'diplomatic' stuff. in eve, there is a constant threat of someone deciding "screw this guy, I'm gonna kill him". thus any pilot in the eve galaxy would be laughed out of the game if they were to even leave the station with their shields off.
Verity Sovereign
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2012-05-17 11:16:57 UTC
I consider turning on hardeners to be the same as raising shields.

when I go from a few percent EM resist (due to passive bonuses) to 80%, my shield strength has essentialy increased 5x against a volley of EM damage.

What would "raising shield" add to this game that turning on hardeners doesn't already do?

(for that matter, the only reason turning on hardeners should be a gameplay option is because they use cap - think of how dumb it would be to have to turn on passive resist modules- there would be no reason to ever not have them on, its just more pointless clicking)
Xhaiden Ora
#11 - 2012-05-17 11:23:08 UTC
All cons, no pros. It would be nothing but an annoyance to players. Plus, for the record, "Shields Up!" is pretty much just a Star Trek trope. Objectively speaking, there isn't a huge amount of sci-fi franchises that have ship shields to begin with and fewer still actually bother commanding them up and down.
Im Super Gay
Investtan Inc.
The Republic.
#12 - 2012-05-17 13:26:33 UTC
Unsurpassed wrote:
As it says 'Forums' are suppose to bring idea's and content to the game, I was simply trying to put something out there, and see the the Pro's, and Con's of this idea. Don't say I didn't try lol.

Welcome to the hornets nest.

I believe in those scifi shows you watch where the shields are turned up only in battle, shields actually have a power drain to remain active, so there's no sense in needlessly wasting power when you're not in danger. In eve, shields have no power drain to stay on, just the mods that boost shield performance. A needles button to turn on my non power draining shields would **** me off to no end, and "because star trek does it" is a pretty terrible justification of an idea.
Goonswarm Federation
#13 - 2012-05-19 02:16:36 UTC
GavinCapacitor wrote:
>Shields provide defense
>No penalty for keeping my shields up
>I will keep them up all the time
>Simply an annoyance every time the game auto-turns them off.
>awful ideal.



If EVE is real, does that mean all of us are RMTrs?[/b]

Liandri Corporation
#14 - 2012-05-21 03:00:32 UTC
Unsurpassed wrote:
It has brought to my attention, every 'Science Fiction' show i've watched with spaceships; the commander always orders 'Sheilds up'
Why not do the same with EVE?

A manual command, or switch to raise your sheilds, this gives a whole new battle plan to EVE, and make the gameplay more interesting, and intense.

A Maelstrom warps into 'Mission Pocket,' the pirate faction starts engaging the Maelstrom, and the pilot notices that he's instantatly in 'Armor Structure,' and the pilot realizes his flaw and quickly switches 'Shield Activation,' while the pilot was taking Armor/Structure damage to his vessle, the sheild status has been lowered. Upon activation. As soon as the pilot engages Sheild Activation, it should show a affect of the sheilds surround the ship itself, and when sheilds are depleted, it should give a shock burst around the vessel itself. Basically a (EMP). So to speak.

Let's say; The pilot took 50% Armor Structure damage, so in that case when the pilot raises 'Sheilds' the sheilds has taken damage (ALL ACORDING TO HOW MUCH DAMAGE THE PILOT TAKES IN FIRST PLACE) Basically a (Penalty)

This is my first forum being posted, some further assistance would be much appericated, and the
outcomes to this forum post!

Nice sentiment, however you're forgetting about the poor Caldari here.
Shield are our primary (and often ONLY) form of defense. Take that away and there would be absolutely no point flying a Caldari Ship without an active booster, even then we'd be loosing cap simply to regen our shields quick enough to deal with an Alpha attack.

Otherwise look at it like this, we'd be able to take down our shields in-between hits and put them back up for full defense again making us invincible (or damn near)

To be honest I don't want to fly around expensive kill report ships because someone who doesn't fly a shield-based ship thinks it would be "Cool" to be like Star Trek.
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#15 - 2012-05-21 03:42:01 UTC
Im Super Gay wrote:
Unsurpassed wrote:
As it says 'Forums' are suppose to bring idea's and content to the game, I was simply trying to put something out there, and see the the Pro's, and Con's of this idea. Don't say I didn't try lol.

Welcome to the hornets nest.

I believe in those scifi shows you watch where the shields are turned up only in battle, shields actually have a power drain to remain active, so there's no sense in needlessly wasting power when you're not in danger. In eve, shields have no power drain to stay on, just the mods that boost shield performance. A needles button to turn on my non power draining shields would **** me off to no end, and "because star trek does it" is a pretty terrible justification of an idea.

Exactly. The power issue is why it's relevant in scifi and not here.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Femboi Fan Club
#16 - 2012-05-21 14:12:24 UTC
Star Trek Online doesn't even force you to turn your shields on ;)
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2012-05-21 14:54:53 UTC
Do not be too discouraged by the people responding here. Most players prefer functionality over cool stuff, fluff or stuff based on a "realistic" or common science fiction approach.

Personally I love the idea. But to add a touch of functionality for those who crave it, it makes perfect sense for ships who do not actually care about shields. Armor tankers should be able to disable their shields, converting the power needed to maintain them into extra capacitor energy. Smile
Femboi Fan Club
#18 - 2012-05-21 14:56:45 UTC
Drakarin wrote:
Do not be too discouraged by the people responding here. Most players prefer functionality over cool stuff, fluff or stuff based on a "realistic" or common science fiction approach.

Personally I love the idea. But to add a touch of functionality for those who crave it, it makes perfect sense for ships who do not actually care about shields. Armor tankers should be able to disable their shields, converting the power needed to maintain them into extra capacitor energy. Smile

Now see...that I could live with. If it actually had a benefit...I'd be all for it.

I'd most likely even shout POWER DOWN THE SHIELDS in local every now and then...
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2012-05-21 14:57:53 UTC
Tarn Kugisa wrote:
Space Radiation would make your ships occupants dead if your shields were deactivated for basically any amount of time. That's why the passively regenerate, and if you're receiving enough damage to prevent that, you're pretty much ******

The hull of ships, even those that do not actually armor tank, is lore wise extremely thick and made of dense alloys we don't have today. Radiation is a minor issue. I believe I read even Neutrino's are blocked easily by the armor plates of EvE ships.
Verity Sovereign
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#20 - 2012-05-22 07:21:50 UTC
In star trek, ships are said to have "navigational shield" which seem to always be up, for protecting against space dust, radiation, etc. Then a main shield for battle or very dangerous phenomenom (like a sun's corona or something like that).

So even in star trek, shields are always up to some extent - there's one episode where a "foe" is so un-advanced that Picard won't even bother to order shields up when Worf asks, because the Enterprise's navigational shields are more than sufficient to protect the Enterprise - I guess Picard wanted to flaunt how unconcerned they were about the "threats" from the other vessel, and raising main shields might imply they actually felt threatened.

but yea.... terrible idea.

I've thought for some RTS games, a good mechanic might be that shields must be lowered to regenerate strength, and will start to lose strength if raised for too long (with a cooldown timer between raising and lowering) - sort of inspired by starcraft's defensive matrix ability, where the terrans can "raise a shield" around a unit, but that shield dissipates after a short while (and its also a bit leaky)

but within the mechanics of EVE, its a useless idea, it only adds unnecessary clicking
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