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Current Caldari Faction War

Dirk Smacker
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#61 - 2012-05-16 18:14:19 UTC
Mister Kwong wrote:

QFT. Quite frankly, I wonder why Super Chair keeps this guy around for so long in his alliance. Anyone who is this bitter about a video game and the people who play it is just a bit off IMHO. I mean dude, just log off for a few weeks and take a break from the game if you are this burned out.

I've never been in his corp, but I've helped him out from time to time. He seems like a well-adjusted nice person who does a pretty good job putting together fleets from the shallow pool our militia offers.

We Americans may just be better on the internet at conveying our awesomeness as people than the Europeans are.

I guess once you have a signature, you cannot have a blank one.

Dirk Smacker
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#62 - 2012-05-16 18:15:55 UTC
And lol at the Wolfsbrigade flamefest. Get a room, you two. Lol

I guess once you have a signature, you cannot have a blank one.

Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#63 - 2012-05-16 18:33:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Veshta Yoshida
Aya Hekki wrote:
Veshta, you keep mentioning the npc rats in the plexing way too much, the truth is it doesnt matter at all.
i have been a part of the kourm slaughters the past couple of days,
don't tell me that a stupid TP rat will make a difference with those 10~20 man fleets capping plexs , actually in majors and med plexes, the TD rats will be pretty much more helpful than a stupid TP.

maybe yes you cant "solo" or speed tank plexes like minmatar, but with the scale of fights i have seen in kourm, it doesnt matter one bit.

For every plex that sees combat you have 50 that do not .. as long as those 50 can be capped by a lowskilled frigate for one side but not the other, I shall keep mentioning it until the point is made Smile

If you are part of the blob-fest in Kourm, then you may have been involved in offensive plexing .. tell me how that works most of the time .. do you have a big gang in each and every plex from start to finish, I am willing to wager not (or your FCs are idiots Smile). Plexing is broken, pure and simple.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#64 - 2012-05-16 18:44:06 UTC
Veshta Yoshida wrote:
Plexing is broken, pure and simple.

There are issues with plexes that can be addressed, but they are definitely workable, and they are a source of excellent ship-limited fights if both parties are looking for one.

Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#65 - 2012-05-16 18:59:24 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Veshta Yoshida wrote:
Plexing is broken, pure and simple.

There are issues with plexes that can be addressed, but they are definitely workable, and they are a source of excellent ship-limited fights if both parties are looking for one.

For sure on both counts, but the next "fix" is a massive over-Incentivisation for plexing with actual balance being addressed Soon™ and the current norm of avoiding fights by over-shipping/blobbing rather than take the 'GF' at close to even odds will be reinforced to no end once ISK enters the picture.

So yeah, right on both counts .. first one this christmas if we are lucky and the other once in a blue moon Lol
Dirk Smacker
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#66 - 2012-05-16 21:19:24 UTC
Hidden Snake wrote:

However changes of fW led us to decission o leave FW this Saturday.....just will have some last few days of fun killing gals and then we will seek pastures more green (or at least green).

HUH?????? Shocked

Why is this news to me?

I guess once you have a signature, you cannot have a blank one.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#67 - 2012-05-16 22:57:55 UTC
Super Chair
Project Cerberus
Templis CALSF
#68 - 2012-05-17 01:44:13 UTC
Dirk Smacker wrote:
Mister Kwong wrote:

QFT. Quite frankly, I wonder why Super Chair keeps this guy around for so long in his alliance. Anyone who is this bitter about a video game and the people who play it is just a bit off IMHO. I mean dude, just log off for a few weeks and take a break from the game if you are this burned out.

I've never been in his corp, but I've helped him out from time to time. He seems like a well-adjusted nice person who does a pretty good job putting together fleets from the shallow pool our militia offers.

We Americans may just be better on the internet at conveying our awesomeness as people than the Europeans are.

Should see me rage at people who don't shoot primary

Rel'k Bloodlor
Federation Front Line Report
Federation Front Line
#69 - 2012-05-17 01:52:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Rel'k Bloodlor
The over-Incentivisation of plexing is...................1k lp a min or less if you solo.
That's still lower than missions and in deff plexing some times this will lead to getting more LP from ship kills well you lose a plex.

I wanted to paint my space ship red, but I couldn't find enough goats. 

Super Chair
Project Cerberus
Templis CALSF
#70 - 2012-05-17 02:09:33 UTC
Rel'k Bloodlor wrote:
The over-Incentivisation of plexing is...................1k lp a min or less if you solo.
That's still lower than missions and in deff plexing some times this will lead to getting more LP from ship kills well you lose a plex.

Well, at least from a caldari perspective this change is good. A lot of newer, low SP players make up the bulk of the population in caldari FW. A lot of them want to fight and hate mission grinding. A lot of them use plexes to fight similar sized ships and learn the game. IMO the LP for plexing change is pretty good to meet those needs, new players can keep fighting and continue to afford ships.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#71 - 2012-05-17 03:10:14 UTC
Veshta Yoshida wrote:
X Gallentius wrote:
Veshta Yoshida wrote:
Plexing is broken, pure and simple.

There are issues with plexes that can be addressed, but they are definitely workable, and they are a source of excellent ship-limited fights if both parties are looking for one.

For sure on both counts, but the next "fix" is a massive over-Incentivisation for plexing with actual balance being addressed Soon™ and the current norm of avoiding fights by over-shipping/blobbing rather than take the 'GF' at close to even odds will be reinforced to no end once ISK enters the picture.

So yeah, right on both counts .. first one this christmas if we are lucky and the other once in a blue moon Lol

Not so sure there will be an over-incentivization for plexing. Running numbers and... there will likely be many better ways to make isk in Eve than by orbiting buttons 23/7 (for example you will likely make more isk in the same amount of time by running L4 missions in high sec). If you are already active in FW running plexes, then it will be good income that will keep you in ships and fighting. But it won't really be good income for farmers.

Mr. Clean Corp..
#72 - 2012-05-17 09:46:11 UTC
Hidden Snake wrote:
To the op ... I am around for quite long and ibs is probably the only seriously killing corp on caldari side.

However changes of fW led us to decission o leave FW this Saturday.....just will have some last few days of fun killing gals and then we will seek pastures more green (or at least green).

Ignore bitching (mine too ;) ) .... If u wanna rp enjoy, but u gonna have serious trouble fighting odds under new rules....

If u r looking for decent isk and easier pvp join gals....

We accept your surrender. Get out.
#73 - 2012-05-17 10:07:31 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:

Not so sure there will be an over-incentivization for plexing. Running numbers and... there will likely be many better ways to make isk in Eve than by orbiting buttons 23/7 (for example you will likely make more isk in the same amount of time by running L4 missions in high sec). If you are already active in FW running plexes, then it will be good income that will keep you in ships and fighting. But it won't really be good income for farmers.

There will of course be better ways to make isk and we still don't know how much LP you will be given if a system isn't upgraded. I think on sisi many of the systems are upgraded for testing and being the LP from plexing is supposed to come from the bunker do we even know if offensive plexing will pay anything if it's not a upgraded system?

Assuming you make a base amount of ISK regardless, it's still not enough to get rich on but it does however give guys a way to make a bit of income while out roaming around looking for a fight.
#74 - 2012-05-17 10:08:54 UTC
Joanna Ramirez wrote:
Cryissa wrote:
Lets hope with incoming changes it will drive people back to it from Caldari...

Why would it? Winning side gets 4-16 times the isk payout compared to losing side. I mean, if I offered you a job and said you can choose your salary. Either 2000e/month or 10000e/month, which one you would pick?

I haven't checked out FW on SiSi yet (too busy with the wardec changes), but CCP is really stupid for not implementing diminishing returns for the 'winning' FW sides.

Operation WRITE DOWN ALL THE THINGS!!!  Check out the list at Collecting and compiling all fixes and ideas for EVE. Looking for more editors!

Rel'k Bloodlor
Federation Front Line Report
Federation Front Line
#75 - 2012-05-17 11:10:25 UTC
Tobiaz wrote:
Joanna Ramirez wrote:
Cryissa wrote:
Lets hope with incoming changes it will drive people back to it from Caldari...

Why would it? Winning side gets 4-16 times the isk payout compared to losing side. I mean, if I offered you a job and said you can choose your salary. Either 2000e/month or 10000e/month, which one you would pick?

I haven't checked out FW on SiSi yet (too busy with the wardec changes), but CCP is really stupid for not implementing diminishing returns for the 'winning' FW sides.

As is now "winning" makes things cheaper, coming back from losing makes the most LP. can see how that's sposta balance but only play testing/playing will tell.

I wanted to paint my space ship red, but I couldn't find enough goats. 

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#76 - 2012-05-17 15:27:57 UTC
Amazing how almost threads about FW has the same behavior.
a- Honest question
b- Few answers from few people trying to answer them in an honest way
c- "The one whose name shan't be spoken" starts "bile-posts" and "here-we-go-again" moments that atracts trolls and contributes nothing to thread deviating from main topic (worthless egotrip)
d- Thread deviates to everything-else-but-the-main-point topped with and nomnom-popcorn time answers for fun during reply-a-thon
e- Few good answers again and End of thread

TBH, fun to read.
IMHO, please join Caldari Militia, those who do will have plenty of room for a fresh start and rapid growth if you stick to the fundamentals: form up, roam, fight, kill and get killed, reship, go out again and have fun. Get in touch and fly with your fellow militia men. Blob and be blobbed. Smack and troll at local chat. Get in touch with your opposing forces and arrange for epic t1 frigs /cruisers/whatever 30-ppl-each-side fights.

Start with new tactics like a guerrilla war (like some are doing) and force your opponent to adapt.

By doing that you will be respected and recognized with tons of fun from a very good game. And atract more new players.

In conclusion: have fun by doing things and keep moving on.

Post Scriptum: yeah, I'm quite in a insert-a-hyphen-and-create-a-noun fetish, so it is harder for some borderline-schyzo-kids to interpret what Iv'e written into whatever they want to rant about. Sometimes it works.

Done, signature edited with perfection!...

Dirk Smacker
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#77 - 2012-05-17 15:46:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Dirk Smacker
All we need is a thunderstorm, a chalkboard, Alec Baldwin in a three piece suit, and brass balls:


I guess once you have a signature, you cannot have a blank one.

Caldari State
#78 - 2012-05-17 16:39:38 UTC
Dirk Smacker wrote:
All we need is a thunderstorm, a chalkboard, Alec Baldwin in a three piece suit, and brass balls:


LOL epic scene

Brig General of The Caldari State

"Don" Bolsterbomb

Traitor and Ex Luminaire General of The Gallente Federation

sYnc Vir
Ghost Legion.
#79 - 2012-05-17 17:22:15 UTC
Rel'k Bloodlor wrote:
The over-Incentivisation of plexing is...................1k lp a min or less if you solo.
That's still lower than missions and in deff plexing some times this will lead to getting more LP from ship kills well you lose a plex.

Are you adding the Bonuses to that figure? Level of System Upgrade?

Don't ask about Italics, just tilt your head.

Gallente Federation
#80 - 2012-05-19 03:08:52 UTC
Rel'k Bloodlor wrote:
Tobiaz wrote:
Joanna Ramirez wrote:
Cryissa wrote:
Lets hope with incoming changes it will drive people back to it from Caldari...

Why would it? Winning side gets 4-16 times the isk payout compared to losing side. I mean, if I offered you a job and said you can choose your salary. Either 2000e/month or 10000e/month, which one you would pick?

I haven't checked out FW on SiSi yet (too busy with the wardec changes), but CCP is really stupid for not implementing diminishing returns for the 'winning' FW sides.

As is now "winning" makes things cheaper, coming back from losing makes the most LP. can see how that's sposta balance but only play testing/playing will tell.

In other MMO's, such toggling leads to "give it to them, ok - let's take it back now" so you build LP then drop prices, repeat. Net effect, if you know you can't win - you leave when the stronger team takes the field then come back and flip it while they leave so both sides fluff the value of the flipping.

Unless there is a destroyed enemy element to it, flip-flopping with little real PvP may become an issue.

It will be interesting to see how this balances out but watch for that issue to creep up.