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Nasty bug made us lose an Orca

Mark Androcius
#1 - 2012-05-17 14:45:24 UTC
A member of my corporation turned out to be a "spy" ( i guess a little more screening is in order but ok :P )

However, the main thing i'm making this post, is because of a bug i had.
I was not able to expell the member from the corp, because he was out in space.
Then when one of my mates ganked and podded him ( and he was in station from that point on ) i still couldn't expell him, still relaying me the same message, that i could not expell the member, because he was out in space ( which he clearly wasn't at that point )

After this, i lost an Orca that was alone in space ( and CONCORD doesn't help out, when corp members attack eachother ).

So would i be right in demanding a new Orca from CCP, seeing as we lost ot because of a bug?

Metal Icarus
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#2 - 2012-05-17 14:49:44 UTC
Cease this thread and send in a petition.

In fact, you should have done that first if haven't done it already.
Rico Minali
Sons Of 0din
Commonwealth Vanguard
#3 - 2012-05-17 14:50:07 UTC
Had a similar thing a few days back, guy couldnt be kicked because he was in space, only he wasnt, he was docked.

Trust me, I almost know what I'm doing.

Serge Bastana
GWA Corp
#4 - 2012-05-17 14:51:29 UTC
Not sure if you being unable to kick a member due to a bug will be grounds, did you choose to undock the Orca while you know you had an awoxer in corp?

WoW holds your hand until end game, and gives you a cookie whether you win or lose. EVE not only takes your cookie, but laughs at you for bringing one in the first place...

Thorn Galen
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#5 - 2012-05-17 14:53:06 UTC
Metal Icarus wrote:
Cease this thread and send in a petition.

In fact, you should have done that first if haven't done it already.

Op, don't waste time here in these forums for this issue.
Mark Androcius
#6 - 2012-05-17 14:53:36 UTC
Metal Icarus wrote:
Cease this thread and send in a petition.

In fact, you should have done that first if haven't done it already.

Did that yesterday :)
Mark Androcius
#7 - 2012-05-17 14:54:38 UTC
Serge Bastana wrote:
Not sure if you being unable to kick a member due to a bug will be grounds, did you choose to undock the Orca while you know you had an awoxer in corp?

The Orca was piloted by someone who was unaware of the incident at the time.
Mark Androcius
#8 - 2012-05-17 14:56:57 UTC
Thorn Galen wrote:
Metal Icarus wrote:
Cease this thread and send in a petition.

In fact, you should have done that first if haven't done it already.

Op, don't waste time here in these forums for this issue.

The only reason i posted it here, is because i wanted to know if i was right in demanding a new Orca ( like, what is your opinion on this? ), strange that most of you don't see that question.

If i had lost an Orca in any normal way and i had just been to stupid to expell the member, then it would be fine of course, but this was out of my hands and so that's why i would like to know if this demand was/is reasonable?
Visine Red
420 Chronicles of EvE
#9 - 2012-05-17 15:03:11 UTC
Your doing it wrong, you should ask for a tengu and 500million for the app to join your corp and turn'em down. <-Goonswarms advice

Honestly, I feel for ya, hope the GM's get it fixed for ya. Lately in the past year, the GM's have actually been very helpful, unlike years ago when they just send a smart email telling ya tough luck a week or two later.

I sent in 4 petitions in the past year, 3 were addressed within 10 minutes or less, 4th took 2 days. Time aside, they did help in each case and made it right for me.

Best luck to you.
Karadion Kohlar
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#10 - 2012-05-17 15:04:21 UTC
It's a feature, not a bug.
Mark Androcius
#11 - 2012-05-17 15:06:19 UTC
Karadion Kohlar wrote:
It's a feature, not a bug.

When the char is actually in space, yes, but not when the char is in fact in a station, which he was when i tried it over and over and over.

Only just managed to kick him out right after todays reset ( which only took a surprising 6 minuts, which was damn nice )
Karadion Kohlar
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#12 - 2012-05-17 15:15:09 UTC
Mark Androcius wrote:
Karadion Kohlar wrote:
It's a feature, not a bug.

When the char is actually in space, yes, but not when the char is in fact in a station, which he was when i tried it over and over and over.

Only just managed to kick him out right after todays reset ( which only took a surprising 6 minuts, which was damn nice )

It's a feature, not a bug.
non judgement
Without Fear
Flying Burning Ships Alliance
#13 - 2012-05-17 15:23:23 UTC
I thought they made it so you could kick people from your corp when they were in space. I'm pretty sure that it was a problem that they had before but it was meant to be fixed?
Defiance LLC
#14 - 2012-05-17 15:29:36 UTC
Mark Androcius wrote:

After this, i lost an Orca that was alone in space


Not trying to troll you, but this sounds unconnected to the rest of your post, and like you misplaced it. Did the Orca explode, or did you leave it somewhere? What bug is connected to Orcas vanishing? Are you saying the spai did something with it because you couldnt kick him?
Mark Androcius
#15 - 2012-05-17 16:03:23 UTC
Wistar wrote:
Mark Androcius wrote:

After this, i lost an Orca that was alone in space


Not trying to troll you, but this sounds unconnected to the rest of your post, and like you misplaced it. Did the Orca explode, or did you leave it somewhere? What bug is connected to Orcas vanishing? Are you saying the spai did something with it because you couldnt kick him?

Yes, the spy scrammbled it and shot it and CONCORD didn't respond, because he was a corp member, which i couldn't kick before it happened, because of the bug.
The Greater Goon
#16 - 2012-05-17 16:14:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Morganta
welp... here goes

when you podded the guy you screwed yourself

you can't kick someone unless they are docked in station
however due to the mechanics of eve a player out of pod is not considered docked even when in station
the player must be in a pod at a minimum, in order to be docked

no bug, working as designed
#17 - 2012-05-17 16:16:36 UTC
Metal Icarus wrote:
Cease this thread and send in a petition.

In fact, you should have done that first if haven't done it already.

you are wrong, you are always wrong. Don't you tire of being wrong?

North Korea is Best Korea

#18 - 2012-05-17 16:28:18 UTC
Mark Androcius wrote:
The Orca was piloted by someone who was unaware of the incident at the time.

Players not on coms are to be considered as dead.

If you take all the sand out of the box, only the cat poo will remain.

PJ Ind.
#19 - 2012-05-17 16:32:25 UTC
Morganta wrote:
welp... here goes

when you podded the guy you screwed yourself

you can't kick someone unless they are docked in station
however due to the mechanics of eve a player out of pod is not considered docked even when in station
the player must be in a pod at a minimum, in order to be docked

no bug, working as designed

This. CCP will not return your Orca, be more careful who you let into your corp next time.
Sparkle Motion.
#20 - 2012-05-17 16:35:34 UTC
Morganta wrote:
welp... here goes

when you podded the guy you screwed yourself

you can't kick someone unless they are docked in station
however due to the mechanics of eve a player out of pod is not considered docked even when in station
the player must be in a pod at a minimum, in order to be docked

no bug, working as designed

I can confirm this.

Basically the only error here is player error - that despite knowing their was an AWOXer in corp there was still an orca in space some time afterwards.

There's really no excuse for this. Set the MOTD ... send a corp mail ... yell on vent, whatever.

Your inaction cost the life of an Orca this day.
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