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upcoming curse, bhaal, etc Nerf.

Ava Starfire
Khushakor Clan
#121 - 2012-04-13 11:54:46 UTC
From the perspective of someone who religiously (as in, all the damn time) flies active rep Wolves, and hates neuts, I gotta say, theyre working fine. Curses arent that common and the drake is a fine counter.

CCP, if you wanna nerf something, maybe examine another module the Curse uses...

Nos buff will be nice, but making capacitor batteries, of all things, the counter to neuts? Seriously?

Is this a cleverly disguised carrier buff?

"There is no strength in numbers; have no such misconception." -Jayka Vofur, "Warfare in the North"

Caellach Marellus
#122 - 2012-04-13 11:57:52 UTC
Ava Starfire wrote:
and the drake is a fine counter.

Was a fine counter. The TD affecting missiles buff is going to give the Curse/Pilgrim platform +1 notch on their belt.

When your gut instincts tell you something is wrong, trust them. When your heart tells you something is right, ignore it, check with your brain first. Accept nothing, challenge everything.

Ren Angust
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#123 - 2012-04-13 12:03:47 UTC
Dunno about Curse, but flying my Senti is going to be really good fun now Ugh
Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#124 - 2012-04-13 13:18:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Robert Caldera
CCP "fixing" things which arent broken at all again?

I havent got to know the curse or neuts were OP before this thread, nor were there any complaints about those.


Metal Icarus wrote:
I have no idea why people are comparing the curse to a falcon. I have never seen a falcon go into null and dominate everything under a bc. even groups of t2 frigs die easily to a curse. I have NEVER seen a falcon nor a Rook do anything close to that.

This is, the curses' EWAR is more reliable (no chance of missing) than a falcon. A falcon misses once, its his ass. A curse just changes targets, neuts his cap, assigns drones and burns away. For a ship whose races' specialty is armor tanking, the curse goes really fast.

Curse locks u, suddenly, u cant warp, u cant fire (if you are using lasers/blasters/railguns), ur turrets are disrupted, ur hardeners shut down, ur DC is shut down, ur prop mod is shut down. AND the curse is burning away from you at 2400m/s.

yeah, **** the curse.

Falcon = force recon
Curse = combat recon
see the difference?

If you do, you should at least compare the curse with the rook, which is exactly as painful in 1 vs. 1 vs. everything.
ECM can disable 4-5 targets easily from 60-80km, even missile boats... please try that with a curse/neuts.
Nemo deBlanc
Resource Acquisition Unlimited
#125 - 2012-04-14 12:31:51 UTC
Robert Caldera wrote:
CCP "fixing" things which arent broken at all again?

I havent got to know the curse or neuts were OP before this thread, nor were there any complaints about those.


Metal Icarus wrote:
I have no idea why people are comparing the curse to a falcon. I have never seen a falcon go into null and dominate everything under a bc. even groups of t2 frigs die easily to a curse. I have NEVER seen a falcon nor a Rook do anything close to that.

This is, the curses' EWAR is more reliable (no chance of missing) than a falcon. A falcon misses once, its his ass. A curse just changes targets, neuts his cap, assigns drones and burns away. For a ship whose races' specialty is armor tanking, the curse goes really fast.

Curse locks u, suddenly, u cant warp, u cant fire (if you are using lasers/blasters/railguns), ur turrets are disrupted, ur hardeners shut down, ur DC is shut down, ur prop mod is shut down. AND the curse is burning away from you at 2400m/s.

yeah, **** the curse.

Falcon = force recon
Curse = combat recon
see the difference?

If you do, you should at least compare the curse with the rook, which is exactly as painful in 1 vs. 1 vs. everything.
ECM can disable 4-5 targets easily from 60-80km, even missile boats... please try that with a curse/neuts.

I would argue the proliferation of T3's has greatly reduced the value of the Falcon. 35 base sensor strength is significant on a ship that can kill the Falcon within one missed cycle. One ECCM mod and boosts gets a Tengu to 100 sensor strength, lobs missiles 120k, points out to over 50k, and burning at ~4 km/s. You really want to be that Falcon pilot? Meanwhile, a sniper curse neuts out to what...64k? Caps out any smallish hull basically instantly, shutting down their tank and prop mods, and possible even their weapons. It makes a Cap Booster almost essential, and even that is only effective if you don't have many active mods.

I'm not sure I'd consider the Curse OP, but you can't deny it's a really, really mean ship with no truly effective counter. In all honesty though, there's no counter to a Lachesis or a Huginn either, and webbing/pointing over 100k sure feels OP at first glance as well. In some ways, the Falcon/Rook really are the most gimped Recons.
Lili Lu
#126 - 2012-05-16 19:54:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Lili Lu
Nemo deBlanc wrote:
Robert Caldera wrote:
CCP "fixing" things which arent broken at all again?

I havent got to know the curse or neuts were OP before this thread, nor were there any complaints about those.


Metal Icarus wrote:
I have no idea why people are comparing the curse to a falcon. I have never seen a falcon go into null and dominate everything under a bc. even groups of t2 frigs die easily to a curse. I have NEVER seen a falcon nor a Rook do anything close to that.

This is, the curses' EWAR is more reliable (no chance of missing) than a falcon. A falcon misses once, its his ass. A curse just changes targets, neuts his cap, assigns drones and burns away. For a ship whose races' specialty is armor tanking, the curse goes really fast.

Curse locks u, suddenly, u cant warp, u cant fire (if you are using lasers/blasters/railguns), ur turrets are disrupted, ur hardeners shut down, ur DC is shut down, ur prop mod is shut down. AND the curse is burning away from you at 2400m/s.

yeah, **** the curse.

Falcon = force recon
Curse = combat recon
see the difference?

If you do, you should at least compare the curse with the rook, which is exactly as painful in 1 vs. 1 vs. everything.
ECM can disable 4-5 targets easily from 60-80km, even missile boats... please try that with a curse/neuts.

I would argue the proliferation of T3's has greatly reduced the value of the Falcon. 35 base sensor strength is significant on a ship that can kill the Falcon within one missed cycle. One ECCM mod and boosts gets a Tengu to 100 sensor strength, lobs missiles 120k, points out to over 50k, and burning at ~4 km/s. You really want to be that Falcon pilot? Meanwhile, a sniper curse neuts out to what...64k? Caps out any smallish hull basically instantly, shutting down their tank and prop mods, and possible even their weapons. It makes a Cap Booster almost essential, and even that is only effective if you don't have many active mods.

I'm not sure I'd consider the Curse OP, but you can't deny it's a really, really mean ship with no truly effective counter. In all honesty though, there's no counter to a Lachesis or a Huginn either, and webbing/pointing over 100k sure feels OP at first glance as well. In some ways, the Falcon/Rook really are the most gimped Recons.

Hello necro. Sniper Curses?

Yes, **** Curses. They're everywthere, and they instantly cap out multiple ships at 64 kilometers. They are a scourge on the game. You can't even warp because you can't warp without cap, nope. So that Curse is neutering 4 ships at 64k. Yep that is what happens. And let's not even talk about how op that one LSE and maybe a resist mod tank is compared to an ecm boat that may be fitting a plate.

And every frigate can fit eccm and has immunity then to ecm. Because we all know that sensor strength on a frigate is amazing and % bonus on top of it totally **** ecm thrown from an ecm boat. And big whoops, that eccm module also means the ecm boat has a chance to have itself ecm'd. See it all the time, or would if ecm boats weren't nerfed so harshly that you never see them anymore.

Yep **** you curse and pilgrim alts always coming in and ruining one-on-one honor duels. If ecm boats weren't so paper thin you'd see them used this way. I mean look at the stats. The Curse and Pilgrim get way more hp than the Falcon and Rook. And the Rook does so little damage it can't even compare to a Cerb but meanwhile that Curse can do the damage of a Sacrilege and still have it's overpowered neuts.


Ganja Clade
Shadow Cartel
#127 - 2012-05-16 20:10:46 UTC
zero2espect wrote:
for those that know, it is proposed that capacitor batteries have a % chance that they will reflect back to the aggressor, a cycle of cap warfare. eg. I have a neut fitted, I start draining somebody, they have a cap battery fitted, i roll "unlucky" instead of the target getting drained I do

I had it confirmed that the current testing off this A. is applied to cap warfare specialist ships and b. currently applies the bonuses effect amount with the exact words "if you fly a curse, you're pretty much ******!" (said with much glee)

so I ask you all, why

i can understand non specialist ships having this effect apply, along the lines of "you want to neut somebody do the training, spend the isk and use a ship designed for it" e.g. the curse and bhaal have immunity from the effect while a neut domi

I could also understand of each of the other specialties also had a "nemesis" module. e.g. a falcon jams a target with a eccm fitted has a % chance of dropping all its target locks or arazu points something with a stab and it can't warp for 20 seconds

but again I'm astounded why the curse and similar ships get such another massive Nerf (remember the nos change) while falcons and arazus continue to be insta win shiithin respective fleets (and yes I know that falcons should be compared to
pilgrims but I'm just happy that one of the Amarr recons is ok, I don't want to ask for the impossible and ask for the pilgrim to actually be not made even more worse

I mean its not like you can't already fit a cap booster as defence from cap warfare which is much better than the effect of an eccm.

the long run I understand why the nos Nerf went thru (even though i still fondly re member the curse glory days) but seriously this is just a Amarr screw job

thoughts people?

Since when is an Arazu an instant win? That ship blows and the dampening is even worse.
Katja Faith
#128 - 2012-05-16 20:32:22 UTC
If the "reflected back" thing were to be implemented it would effectively end the reign of the Curse. Cry
Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#129 - 2012-05-16 20:36:16 UTC
They should have said that 20% of the cap provided by batteries was immune to neuting instead.

Massive boost to batteries, enough to make them worth while for Hail Mary active fits without destroying multiple ships and one of the only reliable ways of handling capitals in sub-caps.

Many of the "fixes" they seem to favour post-emoragersdelight are simplistic and not thought through, thought over or deliberated upon .. reckon they are going for whatever they can do with minimal amount of work to make it appear like they are doing something.

PS: Bitter are for noobs. Sour is the new black!
Large Collidable Object
#130 - 2012-05-16 20:38:02 UTC
Providing a certain immunity to neuts like diminished effectivity of neuts against ships with a cap battery would be ok, but the reflection issue is a bad idea.

Neuts have been complained about - yes - but it's because they're ubiquituous thanks to Minmatar popularity and their utility slots, not because ships like the curse, bhaal, pilgrim or ashimmu are particulary overpowered.

A nano cane wont be hurt a lot in situations it would use the neut, all the specialized ships would be heavily affected.

A very bad and not thoroughly thought through change - reminds me of a stooges pie fight. Cap batteries aren't used, get buffed at the cost of neuts which are a problem on ships using them that wont suffer from the change and a third class of ships which is perfectly fine gets totally creamed.
You know... [morons.](
Mfume Apocal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#131 - 2012-05-16 20:50:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Mfume Apocal
This cap battery thing is a way smaller deal than you make it out to be.
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#132 - 2012-05-16 20:52:12 UTC
Is this 7 page thread seriously about a change to a module almost nobody uses in the first place, still has horrible fitting requirements, and therefore is likely to still be a niche mod?
Katja Faith
#133 - 2012-05-16 20:55:53 UTC
Derath Ellecon wrote:
Is this 7 page thread seriously about a change to a module almost nobody uses in the first place, still has horrible fitting requirements, and therefore is likely to still be a niche mod?

If I were to take a moment to think about it, I'd never fit a cap battery on my Curse (or any of my minnie FW ships), but, meh, I prefer the melodramatic "end of the reign of the Cruse" quote more. P
Pink Marshmellow
Caucasian Culture Club
#134 - 2012-05-16 21:15:09 UTC
I don't see much point in fitting this, the fitting requirements are still pretty hefty and midslots don't come off trees.

A cap Battery is not gonna save you from being neuted out, sure it'd take some of your opponent's cap away, but you can't do much without cap.

A Cap injector is simply just better.
Large Collidable Object
#135 - 2012-05-16 21:33:20 UTC
Mfume Apocal wrote:
This cap battery thing is a way smaller deal than you make it out to be.

Which doesn't change anything about the fact that the idea is dumb in the first place.
You know... [morons.](
Shadowbane Syndicate
#136 - 2012-05-16 21:50:07 UTC
Large Collidable Object wrote:
Mfume Apocal wrote:
This cap battery thing is a way smaller deal than you make it out to be.

Which doesn't change anything about the fact that the idea is dumb in the first place.


Oderint Dum Metuant

Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#137 - 2012-05-16 21:52:08 UTC
Large Collidable Object wrote:
Mfume Apocal wrote:
This cap battery thing is a way smaller deal than you make it out to be.

Which doesn't change anything about the fact that the idea is dumb in the first place.

It's one thing to call it dumb. Another to call it OMFG CURSE BHAAL NERF.
Mfume Apocal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#138 - 2012-05-16 23:08:01 UTC
Large Collidable Object wrote:
Which doesn't change anything about the fact that the idea is dumb in the first place.

I agree. But I'm not going to go to the mattresses over it.
Ten Thousand Days
#139 - 2012-05-16 23:48:47 UTC
The Bhaal is necesary to kill remote rep cap fleets. Capitals are getting stronger every day and the ability to counter them seems to be getting slowly removed
#140 - 2012-05-17 02:40:30 UTC  |  Edited by: TomyLobo
Maeltstome wrote:
The Bhaal is necesary to kill remote rep cap fleets. Capitals are getting stronger every day and the ability to counter them seems to be getting slowly removed

I call bullshit. Caps have constantly had their weapons revamped over and over again in order to make sure that they don't obliterate subcaps. Titan nerf was just a few weeks ago iirc. All caps are still and have always been at the mercy of the bhaalgorn. It is literally a roflstomp mobile and it's too effective imho.
This change to neut ships effectively makes neuting chance based (but in a unique way) and will bring it to ECM's level, given that you fit the said counter module. All in all, it's going to require that neut specialized ships be fed cap which is mostly the case. This idea is one of the best I've heard in a whiile and I fully support it.
I don't know how it's going to be implemented but i'll welcome any sort of change that will flavor and spice up combat in EVE-O.