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Ransoms from pirates

Visine Red
420 Chronicles of EvE
#41 - 2012-05-16 22:57:34 UTC
Daemon Ceed wrote:
bongsmoke wrote:

You think that people shouldnt get upset if they lose something they 'worked' weeks, months, years for (regardless ingame or out of game)?

Since I am a rational adult of sound mind and conscience I don't get upset if I lose something I worked for in a game, even if it took me years. You know why? Because in a game like this I fully understand and accept that whatever I create or use in this game has an undefined expiration date on it the moment it comes into existence. When I undock, I fully assume I'm already dead. Perhaps that makes me a more effective pvp'er compared to the risk averse ones, and have more fun. If I don't want to lose a specific ship on a particular day, I don't fly it. But when I undock in say, a super-pimped up T3, I do so with the knowledge and acceptance that it's already a burning wreck with vultures picking at it's bones and there were skillpoints lost if I didn't eject in time. If I make it out alive, great! If not, such is life. I'll just eventually get another one. I also don't fly what I can't afford to lose, and nobody else should either.

I agree with the majority of your statement.

If you think people are emotionless and just chuck it up, thats where we differ.

When i lost my big investment, yes I was in shock, but didnt emo about it, take it to the forums, contact the gankers to cry, I chucked it up, but thinking it doesnt leave a emotional impact is just plain silly. It wasnt the ship i was upset about, even though it was over a billion itself.

I could link all the threads of people crying, wanting to change game mechanics, etc... I dont have all day and not the purpose of this thread.

This thread has nothing to do with CCP, game mechanics, changes, etc... only to serve as education for those novice pilots that may come into a situation with pirates.
Stellarium Alliance
#42 - 2012-05-16 22:59:50 UTC
bongsmoke wrote:
Knus'lar wrote:
bongsmoke wrote:
Katja Faith wrote:
bongsmoke wrote:
Easy, Don't pay'em! some might hold their word, but most will NOT. Seen a lot of posts lately pirates still raping people that pay, so since this is a "tactic" save yourself a little money, suck up what you lost and move on. Don't believe me, do a forum search yourself.

Dropped into a null gate camp a while back; they alternated between shooting and repping me. Self-destruct ended their fun, got me where I was headed much faster. Twisted

Good for you, I was hoping to draw more people like yourself instead of wanna be pirates that want to defend their "I will **** you, but you can trust me"

If someone screws you, why in the hell would anyone consider making a deal with them? I guess some people will learn the hard way.

If this thread saved even 1 person from paying a ransom to a pirate, my job is completed and I shall continue forth spreading the word of anti-ransom (yes, I typed it)

Dude you need to calm down. Why all the butt hurt about a game? I'm aware that this game is time/effort/money thanks, but its a game, its a hobby. Your arguments are all slippery slopes. Some pirates do get money from ransoms, but honestly speaking a lot of us don't bother with them. If someone offered to pay me a fair ransom so they could get out, id honor it. You know why? Because I'm an honorable person. Ive seen you argue that pirate MUST be terrible people IRL if they can go around extorting money from false personae in an imaginary game. I mean... Do i even have to explain how wrong you are?

Please explain how 'wrong' I am.

Facebook is just a social site online (a hobby for many), but look all the grief it caused, with harrassment, suicides of kids, loss of employment. You think words, internet, games are harmless? But those people that grief and cause trouble on facebook im sure are all good people irl, its just a social website after all.

You think that people shouldnt get upset if they lose something they 'worked' weeks, months, years for (regardless ingame or out of game)?

Yes im blowing it up a bit more than I should, but if you dont get it, only time will teach you, hopefully.

BTW, if you havent noticed my name, I am definately calm......and hungry. :P

I am not mad about anything, nothing happened to me to provoke this, but one of my fellow corp mates it did.

This thread exists to enlighten other players that the risks of dealing with pirates is NOT worth it.

I am not a close minded individual, so if you want to tell me my failings, where I screwed up and what I could do to fix it, lets hear it...err see it.

Facebook and EVE aren't the same. Games ARE harmless, being too emotionally connected to a game isn't. It seems to me, that you are a little too attached to your ships, and that you cannot grasp the disconnect between the game and reality. I think you need a serious reality check on what is important to you. You argued over internet spaceships at your wife's expense, using a fallacy on top of that.
Visine Red
420 Chronicles of EvE
#43 - 2012-05-16 23:06:16 UTC
Facebook and EVE aren't the same. Games ARE harmless, being too emotionally connected to a game isn't. It seems to me, that you are a little too attached to your ships, and that you cannot grasp the disconnect between the game and reality. I think you need a serious reality check on what is important to you. You argued over internet spaceships at your wife's expense, using a fallacy on top of that.

Your trolling now.

the principle between the two are the same, people get attached to what they like, and take it personal when something in that realm doesnt go right.

If your an adult, time to start acting like one.
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