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Ransoms from pirates

Daemon Ceed
Ice Fire Warriors
#21 - 2012-05-16 06:24:07 UTC
Mfume Apocal wrote:
People that pay ransoms are stupid as ****.

Then feel free to come by my neighborhood with something shiny and lose it instead of accepting a ransom. Could've kept your stuff and we would've both made it out with no hard feelings. If I ransom you, I already know what you got and am willing to make it worth both our while. You're choice though, and you're welcome to it.
Visine Red
420 Chronicles of EvE
#22 - 2012-05-16 06:34:47 UTC
Daemon Ceed wrote:
bongsmoke wrote:
Daemon Ceed wrote:
I honor ransoms, and so does my alliance, Reckless Ambitions. That being said, I don't often offer unless your in something juicy enough to make it worth my while. I'll usually bring along an alt to scan your ship to make sure we are coming to a mutually beneficial deal. Though if you try to stall, screw around with me, or batphone some friends I won't hesitate to send you to the clone vat.

Not all pirates will honor ransoms, but it's good to know which ones who do. I could save you a lot of ISK and an embarassing killmail.

Totally believable


Robbing and killing people, somehow just isn't a honest professtion, and the word of a pirate, like trusting a crackhead not to steal.

I prefer to tell you to goto hell and blow me up, its not about what I lose, its about what you dont gain imo.

Personally, your opinion and your overall flippant remarks don't really matter to me. You obviously have your opinion and your welcome to it. But seriously, umadbro?

Also, where does this notion of e-honor with you come from? This is a game. It's not like I blow up ppl IRL, lol. Get over it man. It's pixels, and I'm not role playing with ya.

For everyone else that is open to listening to another side of this discussion, some pirates hunt and kill for sport, and some hunt for ISK. Sometimes we do both depending on our mood. There are times when I'm short on ISK and it would behoove me to accept your ransom and let you go rather than loot a bunch of crappy T1 gear or risk that the one expensive thing you have won't drop. I got bills to pay, ships to buy, and stuff to do, too. If I offer you a ransom, it's a business decision that benefits us both. That being said, not all pirates will honor your ransoms. That's obviously their style of play and I won't fault them for it. As for me, and my alliance we honor ransoms, if and when they are offered.

Edited to add: I killed a Raven earlier today missioning in lowsec. I could've offered him a ransom and dishonored it if I really wanted to, but I blew him up with no offer instead. Why? I wanted the kill and that was good enough. Go ask him yourself if you don't believe me.

You are correct this is a game, a game that consumes money/time/effort. You think If someone hacked the CEO of goons and totally destroyed the alliance, everyone would be like, "Not a big deal, just a game"

Treat others how you would like to be treated, usually doesn't happen, its fun blowing someone to smithereens and getting a couple hundred million, but if it happened to you, im sure you cry foul.

I have no sympathy for the pirate career, no polite manners, no emotions. Everything is calculated, granted if you have intelligence.

If you would have msg me for ransom, I would buy time with you till I self destructed. If you were interested in ransoming my pod, lol hell no, i need to get back to my station, I want pod killed. I take a jump clone with 2 learning implants +2 and thats it.

Mad? Na, just feel bad for the poor noobs that deal with pirates, pay ransoms, and still get killed. If someone wants to kill me for sport, awesome. If they can catch me slipping, they deserve the kill.

Daemon Ceed
Ice Fire Warriors
#23 - 2012-05-16 06:48:03 UTC
bongsmoke wrote:

You are correct this is a game, a game that consumes money/time/effort. You think If someone hacked the CEO of goons and totally destroyed the alliance, everyone would be like, "Not a big deal, just a game"

Treat others how you would like to be treated, usually doesn't happen, its fun blowing someone to smithereens and getting a couple hundred million, but if it happened to you, im sure you cry foul.

I have no sympathy for the pirate career, no polite manners, no emotions. Everything is calculated, granted if you have intelligence.

If you would have msg me for ransom, I would buy time with you till I self destructed. If you were interested in ransoming my pod, lol hell no, i need to get back to my station, I want pod killed. I take a jump clone with 2 learning implants +2 and thats it.

Mad? Na, just feel bad for the poor noobs that deal with pirates, pay ransoms, and still get killed. If someone wants to kill me for sport, awesome. If they can catch me slipping, they deserve the kill.

bongsmoke, I want whatever your smoking, because it apparently really alters your sense of reality.

FIrst thing, I don't have to use the Golden Rule in a game, especially in a game that is focused around PVP. When you are playing an FPS, do you do unto others as you'd want done unto you? Of course not! You shoot em in the face as many times as possible...because that's "the game"

EVE is no different in that concept. There are the creators, like the indys that build stuff for economic gain, and there are the destroyers that do it for ISK and entertainment. Without us, the market would tank. There is something called supply and demand, a creation and destruction cycle that must occur for things to be in balance. You must learn to accept this, otherwise you fail the basic essentials of Economics 101.

If someone stole/hacked/scammed the Goons out of trillions of ISK, many people would celebrate it. I'm sure you would, since you obviously object to pvp for some RL moral reason that you also infuse into a game. Once people accept that PVP, whether it's what some call griefing or your run of the mill fleet battle, is just part of this game and is to be expected...then they'll feel much better. The reason you are feeling uncomfortable about it right now is because you have emotionally invested yourself way past what is considered healthy in pixels. That's all they are. Nothing more, nothing less. My alt once lost a 1.3 bil pod once. Think I cried about it? Nope. I laughed, walked to the fridge, grabbed a beer, and continued with my play. Crap happens and I go forth expecting it will eventually and become emotionally unattached. You should do the same. Makes life so much better.

Oh, and btw - if I went to ransom you and saw the notification that you initiated a self destruct, I'd overheat everything I had and call in help if I had to. Unless your in a supercap, you aren't blowing up to anything other than my guns, bro. I'll then troll your killmail afterwards just to add insult to injury. See, that's the fun part about a game! You can be something totally different than you are IRL. Amazing, isn't it?
Xi 'xar
Rift Watch
#24 - 2012-05-16 06:50:04 UTC
Confirming that I am a dishonourable pirate and will kill you regardless of your ransom payment.

Well, maybe. Depends on my mood really.

Where did all the dishonourable pirates go?

Visine Red
420 Chronicles of EvE
#25 - 2012-05-16 14:46:12 UTC  |  Edited by: bongsmoke
Daemon Ceed wrote:
bongsmoke wrote:

You are correct this is a game, a game that consumes money/time/effort. You think If someone hacked the CEO of goons and totally destroyed the alliance, everyone would be like, "Not a big deal, just a game"

Treat others how you would like to be treated, usually doesn't happen, its fun blowing someone to smithereens and getting a couple hundred million, but if it happened to you, im sure you cry foul.

I have no sympathy for the pirate career, no polite manners, no emotions. Everything is calculated, granted if you have intelligence.

If you would have msg me for ransom, I would buy time with you till I self destructed. If you were interested in ransoming my pod, lol hell no, i need to get back to my station, I want pod killed. I take a jump clone with 2 learning implants +2 and thats it.

Mad? Na, just feel bad for the poor noobs that deal with pirates, pay ransoms, and still get killed. If someone wants to kill me for sport, awesome. If they can catch me slipping, they deserve the kill.

bongsmoke, I want whatever your smoking, because it apparently really alters your sense of reality.

FIrst thing, I don't have to use the Golden Rule in a game, especially in a game that is focused around PVP. When you are playing an FPS, do you do unto others as you'd want done unto you? Of course not! You shoot em in the face as many times as possible...because that's "the game"

EVE is no different in that concept. There are the creators, like the indys that build stuff for economic gain, and there are the destroyers that do it for ISK and entertainment. Without us, the market would tank. There is something called supply and demand, a creation and destruction cycle that must occur for things to be in balance. You must learn to accept this, otherwise you fail the basic essentials of Economics 101.

If someone stole/hacked/scammed the Goons out of trillions of ISK, many people would celebrate it. I'm sure you would, since you obviously object to pvp for some RL moral reason that you also infuse into a game. Once people accept that PVP, whether it's what some call griefing or your run of the mill fleet battle, is just part of this game and is to be expected...then they'll feel much better. The reason you are feeling uncomfortable about it right now is because you have emotionally invested yourself way past what is considered healthy in pixels. That's all they are. Nothing more, nothing less. My alt once lost a 1.3 bil pod once. Think I cried about it? Nope. I laughed, walked to the fridge, grabbed a beer, and continued with my play. Crap happens and I go forth expecting it will eventually and become emotionally unattached. You should do the same. Makes life so much better.

Oh, and btw - if I went to ransom you and saw the notification that you initiated a self destruct, I'd overheat everything I had and call in help if I had to. Unless your in a supercap, you aren't blowing up to anything other than my guns, bro. I'll then troll your killmail afterwards just to add insult to injury. See, that's the fun part about a game! You can be something totally different than you are IRL. Amazing, isn't it?

Good god almighty, your a wind bag like my wife...

First, you don't need my smoking stash, cause apparently your reading comprehension sucks.

Nothing against PvP, however, something against pirate extortion with still being blown to smithereens.

This game is money/time/effort.

I am not asking for your advice (with good reason), i'm hoping to help out other poor saps that don't have a full grasp on this game.

A. Dont fly what you cant afford
B. Dont use implants in low/null sec unless you can afford to lose them.
C. Dont deal with pirates, either ignore them and get blown up or
D. Buy time to self destruct so, said pirate gets nothing.

The biggest factor to me in all of this, is to never give anything to pirates, thats how they make a living, so cut that supply off.

Edit: Using T1 Ships in low/null, also be sure to insure your ship, granted for half the cost, but its better than nothing.
Daemon Ceed
Ice Fire Warriors
#26 - 2012-05-16 15:17:03 UTC
bongsmoke wrote:

Good god almighty, your a wind bag like my wife...

First, you don't need my smoking stash, cause apparently your reading comprehension sucks.

Nothing against PvP, however, something against pirate extortion with still being blown to smithereens.

This game is money/time/effort.

I am not asking for your advice (with good reason), i'm hoping to help out other poor saps that don't have a full grasp on this game.

A. Dont fly what you cant afford
B. Dont use implants in low/null sec unless you can afford to lose them.
C. Dont deal with pirates, either ignore them and get blown up or
D. Buy time to self destruct so, said pirate gets nothing.

The biggest factor to me in all of this, is to never give anything to pirates, thats how they make a living, so cut that supply off.

Edit: Using T1 Ships in low/null, also be sure to insure your ship, granted for half the cost, but its better than nothing.

Nice way to totally disrespect your wife. I might be a pirate, but at least I don't go around insulting her online.

You do know that if you self destruct your ship still drops the same loot, right? I just don't get the killmail.
Visine Red
420 Chronicles of EvE
#27 - 2012-05-16 15:33:56 UTC
Umm most pirates dont care about T1 or T2 drops, they care about officer or faction mods, ransoms, but most of all....killmails.

Anyone flying expensive mods in null better have one hell of an alliance or decently big fleet.

Take that T2 cap recharger or T2 BCU. I mean thats how pirates make their living right? lol

Remove ransoms, there goes ~70% of your income(well pirates, perhaps not you)

I have also at one point jettisoned my cargo when being ganked, knowing I couldnt win, but i did blow up my cargo so said pirates didnt get it.

Oh and If your wife is insecure, well not my issue. Hope she loosens that collar around your neck.

Mine laughs at me(expecially for that remark) saying should have pointed out myself instead, since she doesnt forum post. She thinks i am the windbag.

Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#28 - 2012-05-16 16:06:49 UTC
bongsmoke wrote:
Easy, Don't pay'em! some might hold their word, but most will NOT. Seen a lot of posts lately pirates still raping people that pay, so since this is a "tactic" save yourself a little money, suck up what you lost and move on. Don't believe me, do a forum search yourself.

This post again?

Dare Knight
#29 - 2012-05-16 18:12:43 UTC
Vultirnus wrote:
bongsmoke wrote:
Easy, Don't pay'em! some might hold their word, but most will NOT. Seen a lot of posts lately pirates still raping people that pay, so since this is a "tactic" save yourself a little money, suck up what you lost and move on. Don't believe me, do a forum search yourself.

This post again?

Remember that CONCORD Pwn Laz0r that was mentioned at Fanfest? Can that be extended to the destruction of bad threads, too?

_It's very simple, really. If you see Tengus on scan, they are ratting. If you see a shitload of Tengus, the Russians are blobbing. If you see Proteuses on scan, they will be on top of you in about a second. If you see a shitload of Proteuses, the big boys are having a goodfight. _

Hashashin Cartel
#30 - 2012-05-16 19:25:31 UTC
bongsmoke wrote:
Hidari Doomsday wrote:
The Hashashin Cartel always honors ransoms. We have actually paid a few people back that got blasted by trigger happy psychopaths.

So if you get caught by us, you can be assured that we will honor our word.


yeah, ok.

I totally believe you.....

I mean, its not like you would....lie or steal.....or rob or **** players......

Quit being like a church that preach something that is complete BS.

Oooo someones a little butt hurt.

Also we do honor ransoms.
Karl Planck
Caldari State
#31 - 2012-05-16 20:23:48 UTC
most major lowsec organizations honor ransoms because simply its good for business. While its not a rule by any means the general attitude in lowsec seems to support good old honorable ransoms

I has all the eve inactivity

Dark Pangolin
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#32 - 2012-05-16 20:32:16 UTC
From what I've seen of Snuff Box, ransoms are honored when they are offered. On the random occasion that a ransom is paid and someone is too trigger happy and accidentally shoots the pod, ransoms have been returned...just sayin'.

Do your own thing though, if you don't want to pay, don't pay.
Katja Faith
#33 - 2012-05-16 20:36:56 UTC
bongsmoke wrote:
Easy, Don't pay'em! some might hold their word, but most will NOT. Seen a lot of posts lately pirates still raping people that pay, so since this is a "tactic" save yourself a little money, suck up what you lost and move on. Don't believe me, do a forum search yourself.

Dropped into a null gate camp a while back; they alternated between shooting and repping me. Self-destruct ended their fun, got me where I was headed much faster. Twisted
Visine Red
420 Chronicles of EvE
#34 - 2012-05-16 20:49:20 UTC
Katja Faith wrote:
bongsmoke wrote:
Easy, Don't pay'em! some might hold their word, but most will NOT. Seen a lot of posts lately pirates still raping people that pay, so since this is a "tactic" save yourself a little money, suck up what you lost and move on. Don't believe me, do a forum search yourself.

Dropped into a null gate camp a while back; they alternated between shooting and repping me. Self-destruct ended their fun, got me where I was headed much faster. Twisted

Good for you, I was hoping to draw more people like yourself instead of wanna be pirates that want to defend their "I will **** you, but you can trust me"

If someone screws you, why in the hell would anyone consider making a deal with them? I guess some people will learn the hard way.

If this thread saved even 1 person from paying a ransom to a pirate, my job is completed and I shall continue forth spreading the word of anti-ransom (yes, I typed it)
Tamiya Sarossa
Resistance is Character Forming
#35 - 2012-05-16 22:02:48 UTC
Your rule is useful 95% of the time; but there are reputable entities - generally those that have a strict Alliance/Corp policy - that will honor all offered ransoms. If you don't do your research and pay to a group that doesn't honor them you're dumb, but you're equally dumb if you pass up a reasonable ransom offer from a group with a reputation that would have honored it.

This is EVE, rules have a habit of not applying in all situations. As with everything, research and resulting knowledge is key.
Visine Red
420 Chronicles of EvE
#36 - 2012-05-16 22:07:43 UTC
Tamiya Sarossa wrote:
Your rule is useful 95% of the time; but there are reputable entities - generally those that have a strict Alliance/Corp policy - that will honor all offered ransoms. If you don't do your research and pay to a group that doesn't honor them you're dumb, but you're equally dumb if you pass up a reasonable ransom offer from a group with a reputation that would have honored it.

This is EVE, rules have a habit of not applying in all situations. As with everything, research and resulting knowledge is key.

Usually you dont have time to "research" the ganker or gankers corp in 30 or 60 secs. Personally, im not going to memorize thousands of corps, so as a general rule of thumb, dont pay ransoms.
Daemon Ceed
Ice Fire Warriors
#37 - 2012-05-16 22:10:19 UTC
bongsmoke wrote:
Tamiya Sarossa wrote:
Your rule is useful 95% of the time; but there are reputable entities - generally those that have a strict Alliance/Corp policy - that will honor all offered ransoms. If you don't do your research and pay to a group that doesn't honor them you're dumb, but you're equally dumb if you pass up a reasonable ransom offer from a group with a reputation that would have honored it.

This is EVE, rules have a habit of not applying in all situations. As with everything, research and resulting knowledge is key.

Usually you dont have time to "research" the ganker or gankers corp in 30 or 60 secs. Personally, im not going to memorize thousands of corps, so as a general rule of thumb, dont pay ransoms.

Good. Fine. Made your point? Gotten enough attention? Let's move on and get to not paying our ransoms. This thread is like beating a dead horse and has been spoken about a million times. Roll
Stellarium Alliance
#38 - 2012-05-16 22:12:06 UTC
bongsmoke wrote:
Katja Faith wrote:
bongsmoke wrote:
Easy, Don't pay'em! some might hold their word, but most will NOT. Seen a lot of posts lately pirates still raping people that pay, so since this is a "tactic" save yourself a little money, suck up what you lost and move on. Don't believe me, do a forum search yourself.

Dropped into a null gate camp a while back; they alternated between shooting and repping me. Self-destruct ended their fun, got me where I was headed much faster. Twisted

Good for you, I was hoping to draw more people like yourself instead of wanna be pirates that want to defend their "I will **** you, but you can trust me"

If someone screws you, why in the hell would anyone consider making a deal with them? I guess some people will learn the hard way.

If this thread saved even 1 person from paying a ransom to a pirate, my job is completed and I shall continue forth spreading the word of anti-ransom (yes, I typed it)

Dude you need to calm down. Why all the butt hurt about a game? I'm aware that this game is time/effort/money thanks, but its a game, its a hobby. Your arguments are all slippery slopes. Some pirates do get money from ransoms, but honestly speaking a lot of us don't bother with them. If someone offered to pay me a fair ransom so they could get out, id honor it. You know why? Because I'm an honorable person. Ive seen you argue that pirate MUST be terrible people IRL if they can go around extorting money from false personae in an imaginary game. I mean... Do i even have to explain how wrong you are?
Visine Red
420 Chronicles of EvE
#39 - 2012-05-16 22:31:38 UTC
Knus'lar wrote:
bongsmoke wrote:
Katja Faith wrote:
bongsmoke wrote:
Easy, Don't pay'em! some might hold their word, but most will NOT. Seen a lot of posts lately pirates still raping people that pay, so since this is a "tactic" save yourself a little money, suck up what you lost and move on. Don't believe me, do a forum search yourself.

Dropped into a null gate camp a while back; they alternated between shooting and repping me. Self-destruct ended their fun, got me where I was headed much faster. Twisted

Good for you, I was hoping to draw more people like yourself instead of wanna be pirates that want to defend their "I will **** you, but you can trust me"

If someone screws you, why in the hell would anyone consider making a deal with them? I guess some people will learn the hard way.

If this thread saved even 1 person from paying a ransom to a pirate, my job is completed and I shall continue forth spreading the word of anti-ransom (yes, I typed it)

Dude you need to calm down. Why all the butt hurt about a game? I'm aware that this game is time/effort/money thanks, but its a game, its a hobby. Your arguments are all slippery slopes. Some pirates do get money from ransoms, but honestly speaking a lot of us don't bother with them. If someone offered to pay me a fair ransom so they could get out, id honor it. You know why? Because I'm an honorable person. Ive seen you argue that pirate MUST be terrible people IRL if they can go around extorting money from false personae in an imaginary game. I mean... Do i even have to explain how wrong you are?

Please explain how 'wrong' I am.

Facebook is just a social site online (a hobby for many), but look all the grief it caused, with harrassment, suicides of kids, loss of employment. You think words, internet, games are harmless? But those people that grief and cause trouble on facebook im sure are all good people irl, its just a social website after all.

You think that people shouldnt get upset if they lose something they 'worked' weeks, months, years for (regardless ingame or out of game)?

Yes im blowing it up a bit more than I should, but if you dont get it, only time will teach you, hopefully.

BTW, if you havent noticed my name, I am definately calm......and hungry. :P

I am not mad about anything, nothing happened to me to provoke this, but one of my fellow corp mates it did.

This thread exists to enlighten other players that the risks of dealing with pirates is NOT worth it.

I am not a close minded individual, so if you want to tell me my failings, where I screwed up and what I could do to fix it, lets hear it...err see it.
Daemon Ceed
Ice Fire Warriors
#40 - 2012-05-16 22:44:09 UTC
bongsmoke wrote:

You think that people shouldnt get upset if they lose something they 'worked' weeks, months, years for (regardless ingame or out of game)?

Since I am a rational adult of sound mind and conscience I don't get upset if I lose something I worked for in a game, even if it took me years. You know why? Because in a game like this I fully understand and accept that whatever I create or use in this game has an undefined expiration date on it the moment it comes into existence. When I undock, I fully assume I'm already dead. Perhaps that makes me a more effective pvp'er compared to the risk averse ones, and have more fun. If I don't want to lose a specific ship on a particular day, I don't fly it. But when I undock in say, a super-pimped up T3, I do so with the knowledge and acceptance that it's already a burning wreck with vultures picking at it's bones and there were skillpoints lost if I didn't eject in time. If I make it out alive, great! If not, such is life. I'll just eventually get another one. I also don't fly what I can't afford to lose, and nobody else should either.
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