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StarGate and station game fix, deny jump or docking under fire or with bubble

Dante KamiyaX
#1 - 2012-05-16 08:50:25 UTC
Here is how to solve the problem. When a interdictor bubble is activated around a gate, it should not be possible to activate the gate. In order to get away through the gate the HIC would need to be destroyed. If you go into 0.0 there should be risk vs the reward! 0.0 should not be safer then highsec. This solves all of the issues and makes gatecamping more fun. Can lockdown systems and have more targets to kill. No more people running away with their exhaust between their legs.

So scrams can stop mwd and jump drives as well as bubbles stop these from functioning too. Does it make any logical sense a gate should work that uses the same mechanics? I don't think so! Also this should have the same effect on stations. I am sick of the station games. When you undock it should be to commit to a fight. Not dock every sec while being shot at. It should be logical to assume a station will lockdown to protect itself against internal damage there for deny a docking attempt from any shooting at close range of the station.
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2012-05-16 09:03:09 UTC
No, when you start shooting or using an offensive module is when you commit to a fight near a station or gate. The mechanics you're proposing would make 0.0 significantly safer for established alliances and considerably more dangerous for roaming gangs, neutral explorers, and smaller alliances. Nobody should be very safe at all in 0.0, and it certainly shouldn't be made any easier to defend systems than it already is.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Dante KamiyaX
#3 - 2012-05-16 09:08:58 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
No, when you start shooting or using an offensive module is when you commit to a fight near a station or gate. The mechanics you're proposing would make 0.0 significantly safer for established alliances and considerably more dangerous for roaming gangs, neutral explorers, and smaller alliances. Nobody should be very safe at all in 0.0, and it certainly shouldn't be made any easier to defend systems than it already is.

But how does docking up or running away through a gate make it less dangerous? It makes it too safe because people don't want to fight. The point is to make engagements happen more often for everybody. Blobs always win regardless and has always been that way since the beginning of eve. Lets add more risk and less running!
Macabre Votum
Northern Coalition.
#4 - 2012-05-16 09:10:31 UTC
No, bad idea.
Dante KamiyaX
#5 - 2012-05-16 09:14:02 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
No, when you start shooting or using an offensive module is when you commit to a fight near a station or gate. The mechanics you're proposing would make 0.0 significantly safer for established alliances and considerably more dangerous for roaming gangs, neutral explorers, and smaller alliances. Nobody should be very safe at all in 0.0, and it certainly shouldn't be made any easier to defend systems than it already is.

It would only make it significantly safer for people who are into pve. This is just an attempt to cry about pve ships. Null bears are big babies who are mad and want to be safer then the people in highsec. Anything that threatens their 0.0 save zone is wrong so they bite back. XD
Dante KamiyaX
#6 - 2012-05-16 09:23:16 UTC
Quesa wrote:
Yes, good idea.

Yes, it is a good idea! Glad you agree with me. Fix 0.0, stop the madness of it being safer then highsec. Only null bears deny their is a problem. Lets have delayed local while we are at it. No more insta intel. Instead lets make the scanner 64AU and make people work for the risk. Stop the human like bots from insta logging off. Make null bear ratters catch-able!
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2012-05-16 09:34:30 UTC  |  Edited by: James Amril-Kesh
Dante KamiyaX wrote:
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
No, when you start shooting or using an offensive module is when you commit to a fight near a station or gate. The mechanics you're proposing would make 0.0 significantly safer for established alliances and considerably more dangerous for roaming gangs, neutral explorers, and smaller alliances. Nobody should be very safe at all in 0.0, and it certainly shouldn't be made any easier to defend systems than it already is.

It would only make it significantly safer for people who are into pve. This is just an attempt to cry about pve ships. Null bears are big babies who are mad and want to be safer then the people in highsec. Anything that threatens their 0.0 save zone is wrong so they bite back. XD

I believe I said this would make things SAFER for null bears and the like, so your objection to my objection is nonsensical and basically parallels the arguments I made against your idea in the first place.

Seems kind of self-defeating to me.

And null-bears are catchable, mainly because a lot of them (like any group of EVE player) are stupid or inattentive and continue to rat with neuts and reds in system. And they lose ships all the time.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#8 - 2012-05-16 09:41:08 UTC
If you want more risk in nullsec, why are you asking for the ability to completely cut off any acess hostiles have to bearing systems? I'm pretty sure a system no hostile can ever get into as the gates are permabubbled and therefore unusable (the sov holders having access via jump bridge) is the opposite of risk.
Im Super Gay
Investtan Inc.
The Republic.
#9 - 2012-05-16 12:20:56 UTC
Ships can use stargates when warp scrammed, etc because the stargate transports the ship and not the ship's own warp drive. Are you suggesting to make a mechanic that allowsplayers to disable stargates?

There's really no reason why a player couldn't dock up in a bubble, Scotty doesn't care as long as you've waited a minute since you last took aggression.

Your suggestion reeks of thinly veiled whining because you fail at bringing the proper ships to prevent someone from getting back to the gate and jumping.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2012-05-16 16:56:35 UTC
Oh, an auto-win feature. can't get away at win. Can I get a PVE flag to counterbalance it? Think about it...turn it on...I win!

No really, do yourself a favor and try harder. Bring more web, bring more DPS, bump it off, don't fight on station or dock...and you win. Fighting on gates and station is to give the guy an advantage so he can escape, just as much as you are staying on station so you might be able to find a better solution or just fail everytime.
Lynne Rankin
Slow Chidlren at Play
#11 - 2012-05-17 05:27:56 UTC
Dante KamiyaX wrote:
Quesa wrote:
Yes, good idea.

Yes, it is a good idea! Glad you agree with me. Fix 0.0, stop the madness of it being safer then highsec. Only null bears deny their is a problem. Lets have delayed local while we are at it. No more insta intel. Instead lets make the scanner 64AU and make people work for the risk. Stop the human like bots from insta logging off. Make null bear ratters catch-able!

*facepalm* I do believe he said, "No, bad idea."

Like James said, it would kill 0.0 in the simple fact it would take a lot more effort and larger blobs to attack a system, since they're unable to retreat.

If you have a blob fleet, and you can't retreat, how are you going to secure a system? Double or triple the blob, now blobs aren't just a tactic anymore, they become the only way to attack a system. And you can forget roams or neutral explorers.

Quick question, have you ever heard of the real life 'Tactical Retreat' or the line 'Live to fight another day' ? Those ring true in EVE.