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Killboards and Killboard Theory

Greyscale Dash
#1 - 2012-05-15 19:56:06 UTC
What people think killboards do:

Measure how good someone is at pvp by comparing the amount of things they've killed to amount of things they've lost.

What killboards actually do:

Measure how often someone has aggressed someone that died shortly after compared to how often they have died to another player.

In other words, killboards don't contain any meaningful information about how good someone is at pvp. In fact I will go so far as to say that people with high killboard efficiencies are far more risk averse than those with low efficiencies.
Sister Rhode
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2012-05-15 19:57:44 UTC
Killboards measure how often a person engages in pvp activities.

Loss or kills, it doesnt matter. Any killboard activity is good killboard activity.
Red Teufel
#3 - 2012-05-15 19:59:59 UTC
i want my 10 seconds back
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#4 - 2012-05-15 20:01:42 UTC
What's your point?
Don't use them then.

Otherwise, come up with a solution. Perhaps some kind of mind-reading input device.
Greyscale Dash
#5 - 2012-05-15 20:02:48 UTC
Oregin wrote:
What's your point?
Don't use them then.

Otherwise, come up with a solution. Perhaps some kind of mind-reading input device.

Killboards need context. How about some kind of video of what actually happened to the ship embedded in every killmail?
Ituhata Saken
Killboard Padding Services
#6 - 2012-05-15 20:03:48 UTC
Greyscale Dash wrote:
What people think killboards do:

Measure how good someone is at pvp by comparing the amount of things they've killed to amount of things they've lost.

What killboards actually do:

Measure how often someone has aggressed someone that died shortly after compared to how often they have died to another player.

In other words, killboards don't contain any meaningful information about how good someone is at pvp. In fact I will go so far as to say that people with high killboard efficiencies are far more risk averse than those with low efficiencies.

There is alot of data on killboards that can tell you what type of player someone is. For instance, if someone looked at my old character, they would know I fought in relatively large fleet battles and very few small gang or solo battles, so they would know I enjoyed safety in numbers.. They would know I survived most battles as an indistinguishable drake pilot and suffered heavier losses whenever I was in a more dangerous ewar frigate, but that those were the only two ships I usually flew. They could figure out that I recently joined a large alliance with mandatory ship fits by the sudden change to artillery fit abbadons, and lastly they could tell that I had a habit of getting caught with my pants down while flying solo. My efficiency rating is awesome, 82%, but numbers on the surface don't tell you much until you start studying the data.

So close...

Space Mermaids
#7 - 2012-05-15 20:25:52 UTC
It's free intell is what it is.

You won't find me on many killboards or any other 3rd party API based application for EVE.
Karn Dulake
#8 - 2012-05-15 20:31:34 UTC
Ocih wrote:
It's free intell is what it is.

You won't find me on many killboards or any other 3rd party API based application for EVE.

This times a thousand. If i could kill any reference to myself on a killboard i would
I dont normally troll, but when i do i do it on General Discussion.
Sarah Schneider
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2012-05-15 22:06:36 UTC
Greyscale Dash wrote:
Oregin wrote:
What's your point?
Don't use them then.

Otherwise, come up with a solution. Perhaps some kind of mind-reading input device.

Killboards need context. How about some kind of video of what actually happened to the ship embedded in every killmail?

Not sure if serious.

"I'd rather have other players get shot by other players than not interacting with others" -CCP Soundwave

Monkey Steals The Peach
#10 - 2012-05-15 22:19:40 UTC
A lot of people who log in to EVE are actually playing Killboards Online.
Sometimes I wonder how much different things would be if killmails were removed entirely.

Post with your monkey.

Thread locked due to lack of pants.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2012-05-15 23:39:06 UTC
Notsureifserious.jpg for OP

But does have a point.

How challenging is it to kill an active tank fit battleship in highsec with say...PVP fit battlecruiser? Lets recap the hidden fails a killmail can show

1. Highsec...dude is surrounded by CONCORD no different then the mission runner
2. Dude fit for a specifici is other dude in the battleship.
3. Battleship is good for PVE, battlecruiser is good for PVP...cruiser dude knows this and exploits the obvious stupid weakness that an active rep can't keep up with incomming damage
4. ???
5. Battlecruiser wins, every ******* time. Congrats, you wanted the deck stacked in your favor forgettng the fact win holding 4 aces while the other guy has 2 coupons, a business card, and some lint. Doesn't matter if you pulled the trigger, there was no way in ******* hell that battleship was going to win period...because you exploited the massive stupid weakness of active fits and won't mention that a third party (maybe another random wandering PVP ship) could of interrupted your fight...because highsec is so safe most people won't engage another party unless wardec (or carrying an expensive cargo for a gank).

Face it, no matter how you cut it...if you are the guy in the battlecruiser you just can't lose, you are avoiding any possible risk. On the flip side, why would engage in a fight where I know I will lose because if I risk it...I can't win. For example, I challenge anyone to a game of chess where you have the 16 pieces and I have a king, 3 pawns, and a cross dressing bishop that doesn't go you honestly think I would have any chance of winning at all with 5 pieces? **** no, so why would I engage in an activity where I would lose 100% of the time....but you would call me a coward because I know the odds of failing yet its ok for you to just club what amounts to a baby seal to death. Pfft! Try challenging yourself instead of clubbing seals to death, things that die do just that...they die because the ******* idiot let it happen instead of just walking away and staying in an NPC corp.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2012-05-16 00:23:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Fredfredbug4
Killboards aren't too important. If anything they hurt the game. People start doing stupid crap just to make it onto a kill board.

It's also free intel as someone else said. I guess it's good in the sense it forces people to try and change things up a bit, but if you like to fly a certain set up or play during certain times eventually someone is going to use your kill/loss mails against you.

I don't really care much for stats in any game really. I like to have goods stats but don't really care much if I have bad ones.

Watch_ Fred Fred Frederation_ and stop [u]cryptozoologist[/u]! Fight against the brutal genocide of fictional creatures across New Eden! Is that a metaphor? Probably not, but the fru-fru- people will sure love it!

Jion Keanturi
#13 - 2012-05-16 02:54:58 UTC
Yeah this again Ugh

Killboards are stupid. I don't really use them and don't care for them except some corp/alliance basically forces me to post my stuff, which still doesn't change the fact that I don't care for them.
Yeah sure I posted a kill/loss from time to time here and there but that's basically just to show people some pretty hilarious fleet comps / fits / stuff™ since we can't just link an ingame killreport to somebody in the chat.
Alara IonStorm
#14 - 2012-05-16 03:03:21 UTC
They provide me with a history so I can look back and say I remember that fight 2-3 years later.
#15 - 2012-05-16 03:07:54 UTC
I would be all for a "killcam" feature in EVE, until then, read a killboard between the lines and it should be useful enough.

 [u]Malice Redeemer[/u] - "Post if you are unsubing over the new inventory"  Posted: 2012.05.23 01:39


No More Heroes
Boomer Humor
Snuffed Out
#16 - 2012-05-16 03:09:06 UTC
kdr is to pvp'rs what isk/hr is to miners/mission runners

It's a game. Play it.


Zoe Athame
Don't Lose Your Way
#17 - 2012-05-16 04:08:59 UTC
My 99.57% ISK efficiency disagrees with your post. I am clearly the elitist of the elite. You sit there and denounce my skill but really you should be in awe. I'd like to see your killboard reach such godly numbers.

edit: jk im actually awful
Rath Kelbore
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#18 - 2012-05-16 04:16:42 UTC
Greyscale Dash wrote:
What people think killboards do:

Measure how good someone is at pvp by comparing the amount of things they've killed to amount of things they've lost.

What killboards actually do:

Measure how often someone has aggressed someone that died shortly after compared to how often they have died to another player.

In other words, killboards don't contain any meaningful information about how good someone is at pvp. In fact I will go so far as to say that people with high killboard efficiencies are far more risk averse than those with low efficiencies.

Your sorta kind of right I spose. That's why I avoid any group with a killboard efficiency over 80 percent.

It's also easy to spot LEET PVPr's by their 99.x percent personal efficiency rating. I feel a personal efficiency in the 80's is a good place to be.


p.s. I'm not sure what my efficiency is, if it's not in the 80's then I'm either a hypocrite or I just suck at pvp.

I plan on living far, so good.

Richard Desturned
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#19 - 2012-05-16 05:54:42 UTC
no worthwhile alliance has a "minimum KDR" or "minimum ISK efficiency" requirement for applicants, killboards are only used to determine whether you are reasonably competent (i.e. your killboard is not plastered with obviously unnecessary losses) and reasonably active

npc alts have no opinions worth consideration

Visine Red
420 Chronicles of EvE
#20 - 2012-05-16 06:05:47 UTC
Greyscale Dash wrote:
What people think killboards do:

Measure how good someone is at pvp by comparing the amount of things they've killed to amount of things they've lost.

What killboards actually do:

Measure how often someone has aggressed someone that died shortly after compared to how often they have died to another player.

In other words, killboards don't contain any meaningful information about how good someone is at pvp. In fact I will go so far as to say that people with high killboard efficiencies are far more risk averse than those with low efficiencies.

I know you people cant be noobs, so why the lack of intelligence?

I shall throw you a bone, killmails give in-site to player fits. Let me further simply it.

You come across player A in ship A. You know said player hangs out in said system, using the same ship.

Look at his killmail, surely he died a few times, see his fit, and counterfit accordingly.

Only useful thing about killmails.

E-peens are for tinyboppers that get off looking at killmails, like goonswarm. But the majority of people dont use the intel at their disposal and blame others for a lack of competence.

Doubt it would help you, but hope it does.
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