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Let carebears be carebears (PVP Opt Out)

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#101 - 2012-05-15 11:31:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Sutskop
Psychotic Monk wrote:
As someone a couple posts above me said, there *is* a place you can do exactly what you're talking about. It's the test server.

I love the idea. Maybe then those people would finally understand what a bore EVE singleplayer would be.
Herb Men
#102 - 2012-05-15 13:23:42 UTC
There has never been a time when i couldnt decide the fate of my ship. You get a mail saying a WARDEC incomming. Consider this a warning that pvp has found you. This is one of the only games where what you do (even PVE) can effect the guy next to you, Whom you do not even know.

Everything you do can effect everyone,

EXAMPLE: The loot you get from missions is sold to people who use it to fight other people, Unbeknownst to you, You just took part in a form of pvp. So preventing you from doin missions helps make sure our enemies ships/modules/isk take that much longer to reach there hands. OP'ting out of pvp would give my enemies alts free reign over all the mods and ships he could gather. But as it stands right now, if i can find out who his alt is, i can prevent him from building assets to use against me. Opting out is not an option. Doing so would give unfair advantages.

There are ample ways to make it so that you (nearly) never experience pvp, While there are some that will pull you into PVP the ways around it far exceed the ways to pull you in. You decide what kind of game you play. If you get pulled into pvp you let it happen.

Signatures wer cooler when we couldn't remove them completely.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#103 - 2012-05-15 13:37:47 UTC
Good God -- Enough with the carebear buffs, you folks are playing a PVP game and if you don't like it, leave.

inb4 "waaah it's a sandbox" -- yes it is, and sometimes, there's going to be bigger kids ready to punch you in the mouth, take your trowel and pail and make you eat the cat turd on the north side of the giant, plastic turtle with no cover that is EVE.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#104 - 2012-05-15 14:21:19 UTC
Jack Miton wrote:
There is an opt out, it's called station spinning.
As soon as you hit the undock button, you are agreeing to PVP

This ^^

Suck it up, bro.
Herb Men
#105 - 2012-05-15 14:25:36 UTC
Tirestun wrote:
Good God -- Enough with the carebear buffs, you folks are playing a PVP game and if you don't like it, leave.

inb4 "waaah it's a sandbox" -- yes it is, and sometimes, there's going to be bigger kids ready to punch you in the mouth, take your trowel and pail and make you eat the cat turd on the north side of the giant, plastic turtle with no cover that is EVE.

If it wer PVP only there would be no PVE content.

Signatures wer cooler when we couldn't remove them completely.

#106 - 2012-05-15 15:26:39 UTC
StonerPhReaK wrote:
Tirestun wrote:
Good God -- Enough with the carebear buffs, you folks are playing a PVP game and if you don't like it, leave.

inb4 "waaah it's a sandbox" -- yes it is, and sometimes, there's going to be bigger kids ready to punch you in the mouth, take your trowel and pail and make you eat the cat turd on the north side of the giant, plastic turtle with no cover that is EVE.

If it wer PVP only there would be no PVE content.

Exxon Hess
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#107 - 2012-05-15 15:29:55 UTC
AxelFuller wrote:
i can opt out of PVP by staying in an NPC corp

That's not correct, either. Ask the hapless Hulkageddon victims who are in NPC corps about that.
Rel'k Bloodlor
Federation Front Line Report
Federation Front Line
#108 - 2012-05-15 15:34:08 UTC
StonerPhReaK wrote:

If it wer PVP only there would be no PVE content.

There is so little PvE, I can't even think of a way to play this game and not A) inter act with a player and B) not in tern compete on at least one vector with at least one player each vector.

I wanted to paint my space ship red, but I couldn't find enough goats. 

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#109 - 2012-05-15 16:15:35 UTC
I clearly see a difference between PVE and combat PVP.

OMGWTF does this show both sides?

CCP developed the game to entertain both aspects but failed to place the proper pve mechanics to date as they are so busy with the pvp side of things. I carebare highsec and combat pvp lowsec, and therefore want both elements in the game. I stand with fivethirty in that crossing into lowsec is acknowledgement and acceptance of combat pvp, and staying out should guarantee PVE players the ability to play their sand box game the way they want to.

Griefing sucks, its immature, lame, disrespectful and only proves those who do it dont have what it takes to loose their ships in low or null.
Haulie Berry
#110 - 2012-05-15 16:23:55 UTC
Sophisto wrote:
I clearly see a difference between PVE and combat PVP.

OMGWTF does this show both sides?

I stand with fivethirty in that crossing into lowsec is acknowledgement and acceptance of combat pvp, and staying out should guarantee PVE players the ability to play their sand box game the way they want to.

Griefing sucks, its immature, lame, disrespectful and only proves those who do it dont have what it takes to loose their ships in low or null.

What you're describing is not a sandbox - it's a walled garden.

You CAN play the sand box game the way you want to. The game itself allows you to. Other players may not, but that's because the sandbox game is allowing them to play the way they want to. That's how it works.

If you want a walled garden, try something singleplayer.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#111 - 2012-05-15 16:51:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Sophisto
I love this game.. and mostly the way it is,

but after reading thread after thread of pve players who loose 6 months of hard work trying to do their own thing while still contributing to the general population via market, manufacturing, etc.. I'm very sympathetic. As a person with limited time to play as it is, i'd be really pissed and probably rage quit also if all I worked for was lost in a few secs before the would be gallant protectors of the so called "Secured Space" actually showed up to protect my ass. CCP didnt intend for high sec to be totally secure, but in my opinion as well as many others, it should be.

One of these days perhaps ill try my hand at industry and see how bad it is or isnt... but for now the problem is quite obvious from the random posts that appear all the time arguing this issue. Simply put, if all of this chatter on the forums arguing over the separation of PVE and PVP really wasn't important to both sides then these posts wouldnt exist. This means there's definitely room for improvement in this game. Eve O in all its glorious features and things to do has got to be the only game that failed in fair pve mechanics while maintaining pve content.

The following found here:
Never Too Late

New players have joined EVE Online each day since its release, so you won't be alone as you enter the galaxy for the first time. Even players who have been playing since the beginning still experiment with new characters, so not everyone will actually be a brand-new player.

Though there are certainly some players who have already amassed a great deal of wealth and equipment, this will not affect your ability to competitively advance in the game. The high security areas are the safer places at which to start, until you are ready to venture into the more aggressive areas of the game.

Please note: We strongly suggest that you remain in your Empire's higher security space until you are willing to risk what you can afford to lose in the more aggressive areas of space. Use the map, to find the aggressive and lucrative areas to explore.

Effects of Massively Multiplayer on Game Play

The basic role-playing and space simulation aspects of EVE Online are really just the tip of the iceberg. When players band together to form corporations and alliances, the game becomes a grand-scale strategic drama. Political intrigue, corporate espionage, and Machiavellian machinations bring dimension and depth to the game as the struggle for fame and fortune ebbs and flows with each new day in EVE Online.

However, the level at which each player decides to participate is a matter of personal choice. The game leaves ample room for continual progress and variety in all its solo playing aspects. For those who opt to do so, becoming the best lone-wolf pirate or bounty hunter is a never-ending task as the competitors are other human players who will employ every method at their disposal to gain an edge over the rest.

So..... Theres ample room for the solo player to progress in the games SOLO content eh? Since when does solo gameplay include being ganked in the progress?

CCP has failed to complete this SOLO aspect they talked about. The content is there, but the game mechanic isnt.
Zoidberg Gahiji
#112 - 2012-05-15 17:05:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Zoidberg Gahiji
Sophisto wrote:
CCP developed the game to entertain both aspects but failed to place the proper pve mechanics to date as they are so busy with the pvp side of things. ... I stand with fivethirty in that crossing into lowsec is acknowledgement and acceptance of combat pvp, and staying out should guarantee PVE players the ability to play their sand box game the way they want to.

EVE has been build from the ground up as a PvP game. It has never been different, it has never been advertised differently. EVE has never had "PvE zones" and PvP has always been everywhere without exception.

Sophisto wrote:
Griefing sucks, its immature, lame, disrespectful and only proves those who do it dont have what it takes to loose their ships in low or null.

I don't know what nonsense you want to communicate there but may I quote something for you?

CCP wrote:

New Universe. New Rules.
Immerse yourself in the vast virgin territories of EVE where power is the Holy Grail and the ultimate aphrodisiac. Conceive a new life without boundaries, where murder, plunder, betrayal, and delusions of grandeur will lead you to boundless glory or to the brink of ruin. The galaxy is yours to control if you have the brains, strength, and cunning to succeed.

Explore a vast universe
Thousands of solar systems await exploration, exploitation, and corruption at the hands of you and your friends.

Choose a profession
Dauntless fleet commander, or the most nefarious pirate ever to terrorize the galaxy - be and do anything you'd never dare to imagine.

Join the community
Conspire with thousands of others to bring the galaxy to its knees, or go it alone and share the glory with no one.

Develop your character
Design a face to frighten, or one to entice and then choose your race and your personality to fit.

Player-Driven Economy
Form a cartel of ruthless compatriots and control the spaceways. Buy, sell, and barter to amass great wealth... or do it the easy way with a hostile takeover.

Well. I don't know. That sounds like Hulkageddon. That sounds like Burn Jita. You know where I got that from? From the original DVD retail box from 2003. EVE is not and never has been the carebear haven you imagine it to be.

You are playing a PvP game. If you don't like that go and play some **** with battlegrounds but stop bullying people with your false fantasies about a game that does not exist.

And cause quotes are so awesome today I have one last one for you:

EVE Manual from 2003 page 43 wrote:

Depending on your specialty choices, combat will be either a way of life or just a way to defent yourself. Either way, at some point you'll have to shoot at someone or something to stay alive.
Haulie Berry
#113 - 2012-05-15 17:10:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Haulie Berry
Sophisto wrote:

CCP has failed to complete this SOLO aspect they talked about. The content is there, but the game mechanic isnt.

SOLO content means things you can accomplish by yourself. It does not mean you get immunity from the rest of the universe on a whim.

Also, if you manage to lose 6 months of work in one go, it is the fault of absolutely nobody but yourself. I do a LOT of industry and there has never been a point where it has been within the realm of possibility for me to lose more than about a week's worth of labor at one time. The game mechanics should never be expected to compensate for unadulterated stupidity.

Furthermore, your PvE activities are having a measurable impact on the rest of the Eve universe. Your missioning is introducing money, modules, LP, and salvage to the economy. Your mining is introducing minerals to the economy. You are actively altering the gameplay experience of other players with your "solo" activities. No, you will never get to do that with complete immunity to interference. Get over it.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#114 - 2012-05-15 17:11:33 UTC
Fun Fact: PVP is better for the markets than PVE. Let me show you....

Most of the ISK coming into the game (from literally nowhere) comes from Bounties. And Incursions. And Mission Rewards. This, childrens, increases the money supply.

Now, Loosing a ship removes the assets, NOT the ISK (it's been moved from one player to another when an item is purchased via the market or contract).

What this means is that should the carebear dream come true, with the removal of non-consensual PVP in highsec, we'll see the supply of money continue to increase (likely at a higher rate than at present) while the movement of said money will stagnate and likely decrease.

That's called inflation.

Arguments that non-consensual PVP is a vital aspect of the game (and a reason many of us came to play here in New Eden) aside, it makes literally no sense AT ALL from a Game Development standpoint or an Economic standpoint.

Eve is less of a game and more of a hobby -- and it's one built around Risk Management rather than gear or character progression. What do you have? What does that enable you to do? What are the risks involved?

Is it worth it?

I don't want Minecraft in space, Notch is already working on that.

Moreover, strictly from a lore perspective, you're all immortal here. Death doesn't matter.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#115 - 2012-05-15 17:31:18 UTC
Tirestun wrote:
Fun Fact: PVP is better for the markets than PVE. Let me show you....

Most of the ISK coming into the game (from literally nowhere) comes from Bounties. And Incursions. And Mission Rewards. This, childrens, increases the money supply.

Now, Loosing a ship removes the assets, NOT the ISK (it's been moved from one player to another when an item is purchased via the market or contract).

What this means is that should the carebear dream come true, with the removal of non-consensual PVP in highsec, we'll see the supply of money continue to increase (likely at a higher rate than at present) while the movement of said money will stagnate and likely decrease.

That's called inflation.

Arguments that non-consensual PVP is a vital aspect of the game (and a reason many of us came to play here in New Eden) aside, it makes literally no sense AT ALL from a Game Development standpoint or an Economic standpoint.

Eve is less of a game and more of a hobby -- and it's one built around Risk Management rather than gear or character progression. What do you have? What does that enable you to do? What are the risks involved?

Is it worth it?

I don't want Minecraft in space, Notch is already working on that.

Moreover, strictly from a lore perspective, you're all immortal here. Death doesn't matter.

Great post.

Ive watched interviews with Soundwave talking about the economy and how its currently breaking like so many other MMO's.
Its unfortunate how hard the game is when it comes to economy currently for those who dont live in the game to make the isk but still want to be a part. This is the problem for the most part as in order to participate in certain facets of the game, certain ships, or equipment is certainly needed which becomes quite costly. This is where the length of time played for some players to achieve this game play becomes a problem when their newly purchased asset disappears in a matter of seconds.

So CCP doesnt control the market and the prices people pay is a product of the marriage between sellers greed, supply and demand, and people caving in on the prices and buying anyways.. While this is complicated and certainly not a discussion for this post, its the inevitable issue for those who want to be left alone to play their way.

If internet space ships didnt cost so much to replace, im sure griefing wouldnt be such a problem.
Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#116 - 2012-05-15 17:39:28 UTC
There's a PvP opt-out. It's called Star Trek Online, and it's terrible.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#117 - 2012-05-15 17:42:28 UTC
Sophisto wrote:
Tirestun wrote:
Fun Fact: PVP is better for the markets than PVE. Let me show you....

Most of the ISK coming into the game (from literally nowhere) comes from Bounties. And Incursions. And Mission Rewards. This, childrens, increases the money supply.

Now, Loosing a ship removes the assets, NOT the ISK (it's been moved from one player to another when an item is purchased via the market or contract).

What this means is that should the carebear dream come true, with the removal of non-consensual PVP in highsec, we'll see the supply of money continue to increase (likely at a higher rate than at present) while the movement of said money will stagnate and likely decrease.

That's called inflation.

Arguments that non-consensual PVP is a vital aspect of the game (and a reason many of us came to play here in New Eden) aside, it makes literally no sense AT ALL from a Game Development standpoint or an Economic standpoint.

Eve is less of a game and more of a hobby -- and it's one built around Risk Management rather than gear or character progression. What do you have? What does that enable you to do? What are the risks involved?

Is it worth it?

I don't want Minecraft in space, Notch is already working on that.

Moreover, strictly from a lore perspective, you're all immortal here. Death doesn't matter.

Great post.

Ive watched interviews with Soundwave talking about the economy and how its currently breaking like so many other MMO's.
Its unfortunate how hard the game is when it comes to economy currently for those who dont live in the game to make the isk but still want to be a part. This is the problem for the most part as in order to participate in certain facets of the game, certain ships, or equipment is certainly needed which becomes quite costly. This is where the length of time played for some players to achieve this game play becomes a problem when their newly purchased asset disappears in a matter of seconds.

So CCP doesnt control the market and the prices people pay is a product of the marriage between sellers greed, supply and demand, and people caving in on the prices and buying anyways.. While this is complicated and certainly not a discussion for this post, its the inevitable issue for those who want to be left alone to play their way.

If internet space ships didnt cost so much to replace, im sure griefing wouldnt be such a problem.

The beauty of it is that it's not that expensive. People are just more concerned about plexing their account than actually enjoying the game. I have 3 accounts, all paid for with real monies, because I want to keep the game a game and not have to work to play. I play to have fun, not to make enough ISK in a month in order to continue to make enough ISK for the next month. That kind of Tedium is not something I desire in any game, and should the unthinkable happen and I can no longer afford to pay for my accounts, then I take a break. That simple.
Caldari State
#118 - 2012-05-15 21:24:21 UTC
So if we ~opt out~ of PvE, do we get free ships to pvp with?
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#119 - 2012-05-15 21:54:21 UTC
I support allowing players to Opt Out of PVP.

Players that do so should not be allowed to:

Own or operate Moon POS - Moons are limited resources that players compete over (PVP)
Place goods on markets - Pricing of goods on markets is a competitive element between players (PVP)
Create/Accept public contracts - Again pricing of contracts is a competitive element between players (PVP)
Trade goods with players who have not elected to opt out of PVP - Interactions between players who have opted out and those who have opted in creates game mechanic imbalance. Best practice would be have NPC alts who opt out of PVP who create items while being invincible to trade with PVP alts.

I have to say Opting out of PVP does not sound like much fun.
Craven Rein
Siberian Squad
Siberian Squads
#120 - 2012-05-16 00:36:02 UTC
CCP wrote:

New Universe. New Rules.
Immerse yourself in the vast virgin territories of EVE where power is the Holy Grail and the ultimate aphrodisiac. Conceive a new life without boundaries, where murder, plunder, betrayal, and delusions of grandeur will lead you to boundless glory or to the brink of ruin. The galaxy is yours to control if you have the brains, strength, and cunning to succeed.

Explore a vast universe
Thousands of solar systems await exploration, exploitation, and corruption at the hands of you and your friends.

Choose a profession
Dauntless fleet commander, or the most nefarious pirate ever to terrorize the galaxy - be and do anything you'd never dare to imagine.

Join the community
Conspire with thousands of others to bring the galaxy to its knees, or go it alone and share the glory with no one.

Develop your character
Design a face to frighten, or one to entice and then choose your race and your personality to fit.

Player-Driven Economy
Form a cartel of ruthless compatriots and control the spaceways. Buy, sell, and barter to amass great wealth... or do it the easy way with a hostile takeover.

this is why i came to eve many years ago
iam a carebear .. proud of it, but i liked the freedoms the game offered.
to many ppl are useing the word *griefing far too much and too many changes are being called for over it

being can flipped by a pirate isnt griefing
your hauler being blown up and its cargo taken isnt griefing
your loot being stolen isnt griefing
your mining crew being blown up to drive up market costs isnt griefing
being scammed isnt griefing
ransoms isnt griefing

now it may not be within your playstyle .. and you might not like it but .. its the core of the game
and its this core that ccp markets