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Current Caldari Faction War

Caldari Navy Operations
#1 - 2012-05-15 10:17:34 UTC
So hows it going?

Was in it before Dec last year. We dropped out as a corp and joined an alliance with 0.0 and WH ops but now looking to come back.

What's the current situation, feel and well everything really?

Of course I am expecting the enemy to post here as well......
Rel'k Bloodlor
Federation Front Line Report
Federation Front Line
#2 - 2012-05-15 10:50:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Rel'k Bloodlor
Well get in now and REALLY help before changes
or stay out till the fall out of changes is over

because see changes

I wanted to paint my space ship red, but I couldn't find enough goats. 

Shadows Of The Federation
#3 - 2012-05-15 10:58:25 UTC
Caldari FW is pretty much dead at the moment and in desperate need of new corps and or alliances to join them to help the situation.

The plexxing front from Caldari seems to have ground to a halt (from what ive seen / been told) the PVP side of things is limited to a couple of small organised entities who still are doing there thing but overall its in a pitiful state and the patch is going to compound things even worse i fear.

E-peen waving and the usual haters aside i dont think any of us wants either side to be as dominant as it has been and tbh will continue to be by the looks of it.

But unless there is a shift in the balance of power with new corps / alliances joining then unfortunately i cant see it changing much.
Joanna Ramirez
Intaki Militia
#4 - 2012-05-15 11:19:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Joanna Ramirez
Gallactica wrote:
E-peen waving and the usual haters aside i dont think any of us wants either side to be as dominant as it has been and tbh will continue to be by the looks of it.

You continue to b.tch and moan about this so why are you still in FW? We get it, you want capital kills and slug it out with battleship blobs supported by logistics.

Well, you wont be finding it in your front anyway so why are you here? Could it be that you actually enjoy the situation quite a bit and rather than actually going for greener pastures, you vomit crocodile tears and keep hotdropping frigate gangs with a capitals and hoping that some retards come over who dont already know your modus operandi?
Caldari Navy Operations
#5 - 2012-05-15 11:19:44 UTC
Gallactica wrote:
Caldari FW is pretty much dead at the moment and in desperate need of new corps and or alliances to join them to help the situation.

The plexxing front from Caldari seems to have ground to a halt (from what ive seen / been told) the PVP side of things is limited to a couple of small organised entities who still are doing there thing but overall its in a pitiful state and the patch is going to compound things even worse i fear.

E-peen waving and the usual haters aside i dont think any of us wants either side to be as dominant as it has been and tbh will continue to be by the looks of it.

But unless there is a shift in the balance of power with new corps / alliances joining then unfortunately i cant see it changing much.

That's a shame and it sounds like nothing has changed when we dropped out late last year. We are only a very small corp and even smaller active players so not enough to make a difference. But thank you for your honest words on the matter.

Lets hope with incoming changes it will drive people back to it from Caldari...
Joanna Ramirez
Intaki Militia
#6 - 2012-05-15 11:22:03 UTC
Cryissa wrote:
Lets hope with incoming changes it will drive people back to it from Caldari...

Why would it? Winning side gets 4-16 times the isk payout compared to losing side. I mean, if I offered you a job and said you can choose your salary. Either 2000e/month or 10000e/month, which one you would pick?
Caldari Navy Operations
#7 - 2012-05-15 11:24:14 UTC
Joanna Ramirez wrote:
Cryissa wrote:
Lets hope with incoming changes it will drive people back to it from Caldari...

Why would it? Winning side gets 4-16 times the isk payout compared to losing side. I mean, if I offered you a job and said you can choose your salary. Either 2000e/month or 10000e/month, which one you would pick?

Perhaps and you might be right but what about those who might think lets get together and give it a go for Caldari? They must be somewhere? Did they all quit EvE or just jumped to the other side?
Shadows Of The Federation
#8 - 2012-05-15 11:27:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Gallactica
Joanna - Get back in your box and re-read what i wrote, i'm not bitching or moaning about anything - The guy asked a question and i gave my opinion.

While there isnt much Caldari to shoot at, we have been getting plenty of action from other areas so i dont have any reason to ***** and moan........Sheesh.

Also, in the past, i/we have been on the end of constant blobbing and getting our arses kicked in almost every fight by Caldari - but instead of whining and crying we did something about it and what we did is still in full effect today with the comradary and working together with other corps that we do.

Its not our fault you are so useless is it?
Dirk Smacker
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#9 - 2012-05-15 11:30:05 UTC
Joanna Ramirez wrote:

Why would it? Winning side gets 4-16 times the isk payout compared to losing side. I mean, if I offered you a job and said you can choose your salary. Either 2000e/month or 10000e/month, which one you would pick?

I'd choose the 2000 elephants. The other 8000 would starve to death.

I guess once you have a signature, you cannot have a blank one.

Joanna Ramirez
Intaki Militia
#10 - 2012-05-15 11:42:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Joanna Ramirez
Cryissa wrote:
Did they all quit EvE or just jumped to the other side?

Personally I moved all my assets to high-sec now since I was more or less made permanent at work and cannot put required amount of daily time for plexing (also, Crusader Kings II is awesome). it's too easy to lose system with 6h flipping times and I dont see any of the current low-sec staging systems or agents being available come the 23rd.

Can't speak for others but quite a few Caldari have jumped the fence now for easymode playing, like Alden Good.

Gallactica wrote:
While there isnt much Caldari to shoot at, we have been getting plenty of action from other areas so i dont have any reason to ***** and moan........Sheesh?

And when there happens to be more than 3 caldari in any given system, you feel like bringing at least 4 times the numbers with all the associated link faggotry, etc. since you clearly want "good fites". Bit like when you had Theronth Valarax play the traitor and attack me while being blue so you could kill my hookbill with Popiejopie (Still have that c..ksucker blocked, even though he wanted to possibly apologise for it at some stage or so I was told).
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2012-05-15 12:02:01 UTC
Joanna Ramirez wrote:

Damn son, you are just bitter in every thread I see you in.

On-topic: I hope CalMil get some good new blood soon. It's a shame to hear some of the things that I am.

"To know the true path, but yet, to never follow it. That is possibly the gravest sin" - The Scriptures, Book of Missions 13:21

Joanna Ramirez
Intaki Militia
#12 - 2012-05-15 12:09:18 UTC
Halete wrote:
Damn son, you are just bitter in every thread I see you in.

No, I just refuse to be polite to people who never deserved it.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2012-05-15 12:16:02 UTC
Joanna Ramirez wrote:
Halete wrote:
Damn son, you are just bitter in every thread I see you in.

No, I just refuse to be polite to people who never deserved it.

There's a difference between being polite and just 'not bitching literally every chance you get'.

"To know the true path, but yet, to never follow it. That is possibly the gravest sin" - The Scriptures, Book of Missions 13:21

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#14 - 2012-05-15 13:12:36 UTC
Joanna Ramirez wrote:
Cryissa wrote:
Lets hope with incoming changes it will drive people back to it from Caldari...

Why would it? Winning side gets 4-16 times the isk payout compared to losing side. I mean, if I offered you a job and said you can choose your salary. Either 2000e/month or 10000e/month, which one you would pick?
The job offer is more like 1000e/month or 16,000e/month
Andre Vauban
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2012-05-15 13:25:49 UTC
Cryissa wrote:
So hows it going?

Was in it before Dec last year. We dropped out as a corp and joined an alliance with 0.0 and WH ops but now looking to come back.

What's the current situation, feel and well everything really?

Of course I am expecting the enemy to post here as well......

Like everybody stated, the situation is not good for the Caldari. However, you will have lots of targets and will not be lacking things to do. There are still some good Caldari pilots out there that can beat the Gallente pound for pound in small fights, they just don't have the numbers to effectively compete.


Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#16 - 2012-05-15 14:08:38 UTC
Andre Vauban wrote:
Cryissa wrote:
So hows it going?

Was in it before Dec last year. We dropped out as a corp and joined an alliance with 0.0 and WH ops but now looking to come back.

What's the current situation, feel and well everything really?

Of course I am expecting the enemy to post here as well......

Like everybody stated, the situation is not good for the Caldari. However, you will have lots of targets and will not be lacking things to do. There are still some good Caldari pilots out there that can beat the Gallente pound for pound in small fights, they just don't have the numbers to effectively compete.


It's a challenge, but that's why it's fun. We've only been in Caldari FW for a little over a week. Just know a lot of the time you engage, you'll be outnumbered and fighting links. I'm not complaining. They are always willing to fight. I'm looking forward to more GFs down the road.

Personally, I'm not in it for the isk. All my guys have other sources of income. We wanted to come to fight with the underdogs.

Shadows Of The Federation
#17 - 2012-05-15 14:27:19 UTC
^^ If all Caldari thought this way, they wouldnt be in half the crap they are - But easier to moan about how unfair everything is isnt it.

All it needs is a few corps to make a difference.
Vyktor Abyss
Abyss Research
#18 - 2012-05-15 14:33:38 UTC
Out with the old moaning drama queens, in with the new lean fighting machines!!!

Off you go Gallactica to the space retirement castle to play command and conquer browser games while you sit in your captians quarters chair stinking of your own pee! P
Rel'k Bloodlor
Federation Front Line Report
Federation Front Line
#19 - 2012-05-15 14:43:09 UTC
Well my statement stands ether get in now and push for Caldari now or wait to see how the dust settles. You do need to read up on whats at stake and whats going to change. For street creed start now, for optimal logistics wait till your confidant to move in.

I wanted to paint my space ship red, but I couldn't find enough goats. 

Princess Nexxala
Zero Syndicate
#20 - 2012-05-15 14:47:10 UTC
Yes it is, I <3 Paradox games although HOI3 was a bit of a let down

Joanna Ramirez wrote:
(also, Crusader Kings II is awesome)

nom nom

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