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Tengu Counter - Solo

Devai Starchild
Starchild Engineering
#1 - 2012-05-11 07:39:01 UTC
What would the easiest ship to train in to that could beat a Tengu solo?

Any strategies or fittings that would accomplish this?

Thank you
Eternity INC.
Goonswarm Federation
#2 - 2012-05-11 09:15:39 UTC
theres none...

People are going to try to ruin your day. Get together with others, ruin their day back -  EvE

Nano Rhinos
#3 - 2012-05-11 11:51:01 UTC
Devai Starchild wrote:
What would the easiest ship to train in to that could beat a Tengu solo?

Any strategies or fittings that would accomplish this?

Thank you

Please provide tengu fit which you want beaten.

I ll start you with: If unfitted altogether web scram and vlasters incursu.
Hoplite Brigade
#4 - 2012-05-11 13:02:46 UTC
I would say a Legion should be fine for this job. Let me check the list:

  • Need a ship faster than Tengu: check, for active tanked version.
  • Need a ship that can break active tank with neutralizers: check with proper Subsystem and Neutralizer
  • Need EMP damage to use Tengu-Weakness: check, Lazors are perfect for this job.
  • Need good tank against Kinetic Damage: check
Conjugate Momenta
Uwu punish me sexy zorya daddy
#5 - 2012-05-11 13:52:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Conjugate Momenta
Meditril wrote:
I would say a Legion should be fine for this job. Let me check the list:

  • Need a ship faster than Tengu: check, for active tanked version.
  • Need a ship that can break active tank with neutralizers: check with proper Subsystem and Neutralizer
  • Need EMP damage to use Tengu-Weakness: check, Lazors are perfect for this job.
  • Need good tank against Kinetic Damage: check

Legion is not faster than a tengu. And if you want neuts and lasers, you have 3 mids, so you have no web and can never get into neut range anyway.
Tanya Powers
#6 - 2012-05-11 14:04:38 UTC
Devai Starchild wrote:
What would the easiest ship to train in to that could beat a Tengu solo?

Any strategies or fittings that would accomplish this?

Thank you

Double web armor Loki has the choice of engaging it, spank it in to it's muma's uterus or gtfo if things go wrong Lol
Conjugate Momenta
Uwu punish me sexy zorya daddy
#7 - 2012-05-11 14:19:03 UTC
Bhaalgorn is also incredibly dangerous to a tengu, since your webs and neuts are pretty much the same range as his point.
Heun zero
#8 - 2012-05-11 14:30:54 UTC
another tengu?
Hoplite Brigade
#9 - 2012-05-11 14:33:40 UTC
The major problem with soloing a Tengu is that most Tengu pilots leave the scene immediatelly if they smell a ship which might be a thread for them. Therefore you only will have have a fight if you by "accident" land on top of him.
Jayrendo Karr
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#10 - 2012-05-11 15:24:33 UTC
Bait dardevil, warp in bhaalg. Tengus love small frigates.
Mfume Apocal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2012-05-11 16:19:15 UTC
Heun zero wrote:
another tengu?

Tengu vs. Tengu is a cripplefight.
Kristoffon Ellecon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2012-05-14 04:17:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Kristoffon Ellecon
I've seen a tengu killed by a solo trasher. Bad fit and moronic pilot.

It all depends on the tengu's fit and catching it.

Sure a bhaalgorn or a vindicator or machariel would **** one but no thinking tengu pilot would engage those ships so it's hardly worth considering unless you have someone else for tackle.

Ideally you'd want to catch one on a bubble to start the fight at close range and put a scram and 2 webs on it. And neuts. An armor cane would be ideal and I've seen a couple tengu kills from them just blast emp through that gaping hole.
Heun zero
#13 - 2012-05-14 09:29:57 UTC
Mfume Apocal wrote:
Heun zero wrote:
another tengu?

Tengu vs. Tengu is a cripplefight.

I love a good cripple fight
BLUE Regiment.
#14 - 2012-05-14 09:38:40 UTC
Proteus will make Tengu cry.
Considering u get into optimal range fast enough.
Sup B1tches
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2012-05-14 09:44:38 UTC
pulse geddon with a neut would give a tengu a very bad day
#16 - 2012-05-14 10:05:36 UTC
Conjugate Momenta wrote:
Bhaalgorn is also incredibly dangerous to a tengu, since your webs and neuts are pretty much the same range as his point.

Possibly, but the Tengu could still easily run away from you.
To effectively counter it, you'd be looking at something similar sized, nto a slow bulky BS - unless said Tengu plays really really badly.

This is, ofcourse, assuming that you, OP, mean with the Tengu counter the ship that can effectively kill one and not just chase it away.

- I think my passion is misinterpreted as anger sometimes. And I don't think people are ready for the message that I'm delivering, and delivering with a sense of violent love.

Suleiman Shouaa
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#17 - 2012-05-14 10:13:03 UTC
Nano Absolution destroys them surprisingly fast and has enough projection to drop one fast.
Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#18 - 2012-05-14 22:12:24 UTC
Elistea wrote:
Proteus will make Tengu cry.
Considering u get into optimal range fast enough.

It would be hitting its highest resists, while the Tengu hits back at the Proteus's lowest. Plus I'm not sure that the Proteus could stay at optimal even if it could get there.

A while ago I EFTed a dodgy Sacrilege fit that had the right combination of speed, active tank and dual webs necessary to catch and hold a 100 MN Tengu, and survive the experience. It would make a fairly amusing killmail in any other situation though. P
Kalli Brixzat
#19 - 2012-05-14 22:16:00 UTC
Elistea wrote:
Proteus will make Tengu cry.
Considering u get into optimal range fast enough.

...and THAT is why your proteus dies.
Devai Starchild
Starchild Engineering
#20 - 2012-05-15 06:36:51 UTC
Hmm, so it is not as simple of an answer as it seems.

I was hoping perhaps a specialized fit of a lesser ship could make easy work of it, but perhaps the solution is actually pretty simple.

Ill have to out-Tengu the other Tengu.

Maybe with a cov ops cloak the element of surprise will give me enough of an edge to reliably get the kill.
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