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Disconnecting High-Sec -Making Eve Better for Everyone New to Old CareBear to NulBear

Lucy Ferrr
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2012-05-10 21:58:16 UTC
I am just brainstorming aloud here. I would like to remind everyone this is the F&I section of the forum. Also I would like to remind everyone that I do not work for CCP, I have no affiliation with CCP. What that means is my idea is not going to be added to TQ during the next patch, so we can all hold our horses with the hostilities. Please lets all act like the adults we are and not resort to name calling and nasties.

Right now high-sec is Pangea and we need some continental drift up in this motha. The racial empires need to be separate from each other, for both role play and game play reasons. You should not be able to autopilot from one corner of Minmatar space to the opposite corner of enemy Amarr space in complete safety. Same with Caldari and Gallente. There should be some low-sec between the two racial empires.

When thinking of changes to Eve I try to think how it effects all roles and play styles, not just mine. By adding low-sec between the racial empires it would enhance eve for all. Most importantly it will get new players out of high-sec earlier. The longer a new person stays in high-sec the more the idea that low/nul is this scary evil place that you get insta-gibbed the second you jump into system gets cemented in their head. That idea is false, and getting that idea out of new players heads as soon as possible not only makes the game better for everyone but it allows the new player to enjoy every aspect of eve. If you choose to live in high-sec you entire Eve career that's okay, but only if you've seen what else is out there. When new people never leave high-sec due to some false preconceived notion that is not okay, not for CCP I assume and definitely not for the good of all Eve players.

With all the major trade hubs now disconnected we should start to see some diversity between the hubs. Achieving equilibrium between the hubs will take slightly longer. Materials and less purchased items will start being sold for fair prices at non-Jita hubs as demand for these products rise with the people not wanting to leave high-sec at that time.

After disconnecting high-sec we will see the creation of new jobs and roles as well as an increase in some current roles. Manufactures will have to get their products to the hot markets which may mean going through low-sec. Now their will be a demand for convoy guards, and when there is a demand in Eve you better believe there will be a line of people to supply. In the future maybe CCP could even give us a type of tweaked contract for guard jobs, where the guard has to pay the collateral before he accepts the mission. Some type of formal contract would prevent lame griefing, take your money, shoot you take your stuff. Until then the courier contract system can be bent to be used. These new convey guards will be a necessity at the increase of pirate activity that is going to be going on in these boarder systems. With all the juicy loot passing through low-sec the pirates will multiply like rabbits. Worry not though because there are many people who believe their internet persona is an extension of their real persona and not everyone in the world is a douche bag. With increased pirates you will see increased anti-pirate corps in these systems fighting back the pirate scourge. Since there will most likely be differences between the trade hub we will see an increase in the profitability and availability in cross system trade. There maybe a several 100k or even 1mil isk difference between the hubs (where formally there would only be a 10-20k difference) on a certain item. For those brave enough to put up their isk and jump a few systems of low sec their will be quite a profit. For those brave that fail there will be isk sink which is good for general eve econ, we'll come back to the isk sink idea.

Manufacturing will become a bit less of a pure high-sec activity. Getting your goods to the market where you will make the most will involve risk. This is good it should involve risk. In spirit of full disclosure I am currently a high-sec manufacturer, I use the profits to fund all my pvp and PLEX my account. I do all that with very minimal risk, and very little skill. In order to be super successful at Eve it should take skill, regardless of your role. If you don't want to PvP you should fine tune your skills at avoiding PvP (warp stabilizers are pure win for avoiding PvP. ). If your skills are less than that of the next guy you should be less successful than him/her. Make being successful at manufacturing about skill and not about SP.

Last and definitely not least this will create a huge isk sink for eve, which is REALLY good. It is very easy to create isk faucets, adding incursions, before that adding wormholes, mission bounties, anything where the isk comes from the game and not a player. Creating isk sinks is much harder, isk tends to change hands more than come out of the game. If there are not enough isk sinks to account for the isk faucets we get major inflation. Having the occasional indy ship get blown up full of a manufactured T2 goods due to no/fail convoy guard or super pirates is good for the overall economy of Eve. Half that cargo disappears down the isk sink which makes for a healthy economy. This all leaves room for the talented manufacturer to make more due to less competition.

This is something I hope everyone supports, regardless of your role in Eve. I look forward to hearing everyone else's ideas on the subject and implication methods. If you totally disagree please do so with respect and tact.


Lucy Ferrr
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2012-05-10 22:05:45 UTC
It would be cool to see sec status as well as SOV of these systems change with the going-ons of FW. What was a 0.6 system one day may be an 0.4 system the next.
Panopticon Engineering
#3 - 2012-05-10 22:07:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Felsusguy
Lucy Ferrr wrote:
Also I would like to remind everyone that I do not work for CCP, I have no affiliation with CCP.

I don't think anybody would think you were.
Also, Captain Obvious, I'm not sure if I like your idea. You are suggesting empire space have low-security space in between it? You do realize what else is in between factional space, right? Concord. Further more, border zones would likely have higher security to keep factional enemies out.

Therefore your idea is void of reason. We could just recreate the trade hub in Yulai, or else everyone would become Caldari simply for the fact all Caldari blueprints and the biggest trade hub in existence is there.

Lucy Ferrr wrote:
It would be cool to see sec status as well as SOV of these systems change with the going-ons of FW. What was a 0.6 system one day may be an 0.4 system the next.

Replying to your own thread? Really?
Also, no, I don't like that idea either. It just wouldn't work. It would cause mass hysteria.

The Caldari put business before pleasure. The Gallente put business in pleasure.

Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-05-10 22:14:32 UTC
Actually, there's a bit of a problem with this theory.

In cases where there is a demilitarized zone (better explained in Eve as saying a border between two factions) then these areas are not null sec, but instead would be areas of ULTIMATE security in which any act that was deemed threatening in anyway would be elimitated.

Take the demilatarized zone between north and south korea as an example. The only reason it's dangerous to cross this area is because both sides will deam you a threat and blast away.

However, in Eve these areas wouldn't be like that. They would still allow travel but security forces would be extremely vigilant so the system would actually be 1.0+.
Lucy Ferrr
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2012-05-10 22:20:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucy Ferrr
Felsusguy wrote:
Lucy Ferrr wrote:
Also I would like to remind everyone that I do not work for CCP, I have no affiliation with CCP.

I don't think anybody would think you were.

You wouldn't be able to tell the way people rip some people apart simply for suggesting something. It would seem they think everyone who suggests anything works for CCP and is going to immediately implement it and disrupt their predictable day to day life.

Felsusguy wrote:

You are suggesting empire space have low-security space in between it? You do realize what else is in between factional space, right? Concord. Further more, border zones would likely have higher security to keep factional enemies out.

You are looking at it from the wrong angle. You're looking at it from an RP point of view instead of game play. Change the gameplay then write the roleplay around that. Concord is dumb as hell as far as role play is concerned anyway. After adding these low-sec borders to the game they just say concord fell. Concord collapse due to all the members being at war with each other. Now security of space comes down to racial militia. When you do an action that normally calls concord now just a racial militia ship with the same stats will come. The boarders would have higher security fine, but in between them is no man land, like between the trenches in WW1-2. That's your low-sec. RP is easy to write after you make fun and involving game play.

Felsusguy wrote:

Therefore your idea is void of reason. We could just recreate the trade hub in Yulai, or else everyone would become Caldari simply for the fact all Caldari blueprints and the biggest trade hub in existence is there.

If all four empires were disconnected you think only one hub would sustain everyone? You're delusional if you think everyone is going to live or center themselves in one part of space. The cost of fuel would get outrageous if everyone was running the same type of POS. People will put their POS next to markets that buy their ships guns (lasers and amarr boats in amarr)

Joe I say something similar to you. You're looking at it wrong, figure out the RP afterwards. Look how it positively effects gameplay. Holding areas in space is different than land. The demilitarized zone between N and S Korea doesn't move. The factions in Eve are currently at war. If Concord fell and the racial militas now uphold sec status, in the demilitarized zone the racial militas are too busy fighting each other to ensure the saftey of the residents of the system. Any crimes committed in these systems will make them a criminal (low sec, your sec status drops), but there are no active forces to come to your defense.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2012-05-11 01:29:27 UTC
Lucy Ferrr wrote:
The factions in Eve are currently at war. If Concord fell and the racial militas now uphold sec status, in the demilitarized zone the racial militas are too busy fighting each other to ensure the saftey of the residents of the system

LOL no the factions are not at war. Not even ******* close. They are at high alert probably from the weak backstory, its closer to the US vs USSR during the cold war, because if they were actually at war CCP at some point would of put in an incursion like system that was not using an outsourced pirate faction with really weakass backstory of its own.

In fact, the militias are not even at war. I bet you didn't know that lol. A militia is a civilian army, not an actual army created by the "goverments" of EVE. Militias percieve something is wrong, form up with like minded individuals and just watch the borders bored on their ass wishing they were really in the fight (only true militias were way back in the older days of the world, now a days we don't need them). What you basicly have are a 4 social clubs in EVE with a purpose to fight, basicly a free wardec provided by CCP to just get people to fight (but in reality, you don't really need a reason to fight).

CONCORD is like INTERPOL, they basicly police the players and not the empires (cause you ever seen concord finishing your missions for you?).

And your idea is not even ******* origional. Nor is it even required. See, all the trade hubs are player created content and amount to taking a trip to your local Walmart. There is nothing wrong with having like 4 or 5 systems that connect all of the universe together, its this thing called globalization and amazingly not only is it happening in game but its happening in the real world. Yeah, pretty sure your idea would be as stupid as implementing an embargo on the pacific or atlantic in real life so nothing gets through but I bet you will miss getting your items manufactured in the orient at cheaper costs, then start bitching when you relize the prices the manufacture of your home country wants are more then you are willing to pay or the fact that you can no longer purchase internationally to get shipped to your home Roll.

Yup, the game is fine as is. Highsec is what it is, lowsec is a shithole and no RPing backround can change that. You want more local markets, then set them up your ******* self and avoid having more competition where you can dicate the price in null or lowsec at your own prices where sometimes players will save time for convience and pay a little bit more (which is why all the trade hubs have their own prices)
Im Super Gay
Investtan Inc.
The Republic.
#7 - 2012-05-11 02:11:40 UTC
Creating lowsec between each trade hub will create more rancers, which would actually scare more people away from lowsec due to jumping into heavily camped systems, the opposite of your goal. If you want more people in lowsec you need to move resources from hisec to lowsec. If hisec is devoid of isk and mineral faucets that give you similar amounts/qualities as what can be found in low/null, more people would be drawn there. Move ice, pyroxeres and lvl 4's to lowsec and people would be forced there to be able to make more money.
Vaako Horizon
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#8 - 2012-05-11 08:08:28 UTC
low/null = higher chance of pvp which in my case is unacceptable hence why I wont be stepping into low/nul at all.
I play with ppl not against them and I think the EVE players that so desperately needs to mess with others should be restricted to players with the same BS. Thats an idea... lets implement that instead of more pvp crap.
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#9 - 2012-05-11 08:21:54 UTC
Im Super Gay wrote:
Creating lowsec between each trade hub will create more rancers, which would actually scare more people away from lowsec due to jumping into heavily camped systems, the opposite of your goal. If you want more people in lowsec you need to move resources from hisec to lowsec. If hisec is devoid of isk and mineral faucets that give you similar amounts/qualities as what can be found in low/null, more people would be drawn there. Move ice, pyroxeres and lvl 4's to lowsec and people would be forced there to be able to make more money.

Hell no...

Removing content from high sec will do nothing for Eve but strip is of players. Not only that, but it would hender the game incredibly bad...Let me break this down.

Removing lvl 4's from high sec means that players are forced to run lvl 3's because no one that actually stays in the game in high sec would chase them. That being said, most high sec players understand that in order to be profitable in lvl 3 missions, it's best just to grind them out and dont' worry about salvage. At least, that's until the demand for all that mission loot and salvage goes up, in which case they'll start to loot and salvage again, but the materials coming out of it would be greatly reduced, thus increasing ship prices even more so than they've increased now.

Now, removing Ice from high sec has a MAJOR henderance factor of not allowing new low/null corps/alliances to be formed and able to compete with existing low/null corps/alliances.

The systems with Ice belts will become majorly camped and controlled by those that could defend it, thus meaning no one else would be able to get at them, which means no forming a new alliance to fight for SOV.

Also, it's kinda like the movie Dune. He who controls the Ice, controls the universe, and that is a truly serious statement. Just look at what goons were able to do to gallente Ice in high sec.. Imagine if it had been only in low sec? Concord free carrier blobs anyone?
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#10 - 2012-05-11 08:31:25 UTC
Lucy Ferrr wrote:

Joe I say something similar to you. You're looking at it wrong, figure out the RP afterwards. Look how it positively effects gameplay. Holding areas in space is different than land. The demilitarized zone between N and S Korea doesn't move. The factions in Eve are currently at war. If Concord fell and the racial militas now uphold sec status, in the demilitarized zone the racial militas are too busy fighting each other to ensure the saftey of the residents of the system. Any crimes committed in these systems will make them a criminal (low sec, your sec status drops), but there are no active forces to come to your defense.

Ok, but you're looking at it the wrong way as well.
with the koreas, there's a small piece demilitarized land in between the two. This almost makes sense in Eve to have a system in that spot. HOWEVER, they don't need a system in the middle because they have a gate.

The gate is the demilitarized zone. As long as your military doesn't cross that gate, and our military doesn't cross that gate, then we have our demilitarized zone.
Trumpets and Bookmarks
#11 - 2012-05-11 08:41:58 UTC
Lucy Ferrr wrote:
....Please lets all act like the adults we are and not resort to name calling and nasties....

Who says we're all adults?

As for your idea, many people have already suggested null or low sec systems within high sec. As usual I won't bother repeating all the reasons against the idea here as you can find out by merely using the search function on the forum. Suffice to say that it just isn't practical no matter how "cool" or "realistic" it might be.

Simi Kusoni
#12 - 2012-05-11 09:53:57 UTC
Vaako Horizon wrote:
low/null = higher chance of pvp which in my case is unacceptable hence why I wont be stepping into low/nul at all.
I play with ppl not against them and I think the EVE players that so desperately needs to mess with others should be restricted to players with the same BS. Thats an idea... lets implement that instead of more pvp crap.

I feel you may be playing the wrong game.

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

Xhaiden Ora
#13 - 2012-05-11 12:00:10 UTC
Honestly, sounds like another "I want to force my playstyle one everyone else because my playstyle is Teh Best(tm) and the way EVE Is Really Suppose To Be Played(tm)".

People that play high sec play highsec because they want too. Not because they just don't "get" how super awesome space pants lowsec is. If you screw with highsec, that type of player simply leaves the game as its no longer fullfilling what they want out of the game. They don't magically become the kind of player you want them to be.
Vaako Horizon
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#14 - 2012-05-11 19:26:50 UTC
Xhaiden Ora wrote:
Honestly, sounds like another "I want to force my playstyle one everyone else because my playstyle is Teh Best(tm) and the way EVE Is Really Suppose To Be Played(tm)".

People that play high sec play highsec because they want too. Not because they just don't "get" how super awesome space pants lowsec is. If you screw with highsec, that type of player simply leaves the game as its no longer fullfilling what they want out of the game. They don't magically become the kind of player you want them to be.

Simi Kusoni
#15 - 2012-05-11 22:19:06 UTC
Vaako Horizon wrote:
Xhaiden Ora wrote:
Honestly, sounds like another "I want to force my playstyle one everyone else because my playstyle is Teh Best(tm) and the way EVE Is Really Suppose To Be Played(tm)".

People that play high sec play highsec because they want too. Not because they just don't "get" how super awesome space pants lowsec is. If you screw with highsec, that type of player simply leaves the game as its no longer fullfilling what they want out of the game. They don't magically become the kind of player you want them to be.


I think the fact that everyone migrated out of null sec after the anomaly nerf goes to show that players will move where the ISK is.

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

Cygnet Lythanea
World Welfare Works Association
#16 - 2012-05-11 23:33:46 UTC
Xhaiden Ora wrote:
Honestly, sounds like another "I want to force my playstyle one everyone else because my playstyle is Teh Best(tm) and the way EVE Is Really Suppose To Be Played(tm)".

People that play high sec play highsec because they want too. Not because they just don't "get" how super awesome space pants lowsec is. If you screw with highsec, that type of player simply leaves the game as its no longer fullfilling what they want out of the game. They don't magically become the kind of player you want them to be.

Sadly, this is correct. It was tried with the Yulai breakup when CCP had the wild idea that they could force a play-style on players, and if gave us Jita instead, which is even worse.