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A Thesis on Ship Redesign and Balancing for Subcaps

Archimedes Eratosthenes
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2012-05-11 07:25:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Archimedes Eratosthenes
A Thesis on Ship Redesign and Balancing for Subcaps


Section I - Combat, Attack Vessels, Bombardment, Defense Vessels and Command Vessels
1) Tier 1 Frigates: a) Combat b) Attack c) Bombardment
2) Tier 2 Frigates a) Combat AF's b) Attack Intys c) Stealth Bombers
3) Tier 1 Destroyers a) Combat Destroyers
4) Tier 2 Destroyers (8 added hulls) a) Attack T2 Destroyers, b) Defense Destroyers
5) Interdictor Balancing ----> In Section II - EWAR balancing
6) Tier 1 Cruisers: a) Combat b) Attack c) Bombardment
7) Tier 2 Cruisers: a) Combat b) Attack c) Bombardment
8) Battlecruisers: a) Combat b) Attack c) Defense
9) Heavy Interdictors ----> In Section II EWAR balancing
10) Battleships: a) Combat b) Bombardment
Section II EWAR and Convert Ops
Section III Logistics
Section IV Dreads, Supercarriers and Titans
Section V Industrial Ships.


First, I would like to mention that I have been playing EvE since 2007. I've seen the birth and death of many empires, I've experienced 1v1 combat all the way to Supercap Blobs. I have taken several vacations from EvE in that time as well. When I "returned" from my last EvE vacation, I decided that I wanted to play more casually. Instead of making a Supercap application to one of the large null sec alliances, I applied to RvB. Honestly, I have no desire to leave RvB any time soon, I feel as if I'm experiencing the game all over again in t1 frigate/dessie/cruisers fleet battles. I also feel as if I'm experiencing the game "the way you expected it to be played" when I first joined EvE in 2007.

However, I'm not here to encourage players to join RvB, but RvB has reminded me of the potential of this game and consequentially where the game "fails." Teaching new players in RvB which frigates to fly for their intended purpose if a beautiful experience in some ways (I am also a physics teacher in reality), however also admitting to new players why some concepts/fittings that seem good are actually doomed to failure can be disappointing. This doesn't mean I think every fail-fit should work, in fact most shouldn't, but some things like active tanking seriously need some love from CCP, or how most frigates can be neuted to uselessness by larger hulls.

There is a rule in RvB that prohibits the use of ECM. Personally the concept of ECM is good and should remain but only specialized ships should be able to equip them (for instance the infamous blackbird). Also, we rarely ever fight with ships larger than t1 cruisers. The primary reason being ... well read this link for yourself, as it inspired the entire writing of this article:

Recently, CCP announced that it was redesigning and rebalancing all of the ships. They announced various roles in which ships would be oriented towards:

Combat Ships, Attack Ships, Bombardment Ships and Support Vessels

You can find the link here:

In this article we're going to encourage this approach from CCP but also analyze it heavily to make sure CCP doesn't get it wrong. Every hull size, racial variety and role variety will be discussed here, as well as the introduction of several new hulls. There will also be changes to weapons, tanking and other modules, as well as the UI and how we control our ship.
Some of what I propose may seem radical at first, but when you read the changes for every other hull, it will all be balanced in the end. It is best to start with Combat, Attack and Bombardment vessels and with the smallest of their hull sizes, frigates, and work our way up. Redesigning and balancing tier 1 combat frigates first provides us with a template and how to resign and balance every other ship in the game!

Also the idea of "tiericide" should be abandoned. You should be able to pay more money for the same size hull made of a lighter/stronger/sturdier material and get your return on the battle field, at the expense of insurance not covering more than the tier 1 hull cost. You should also see a more significant return on combat implants and fleet boosts in tier 2 hulls as well, and if you feel like burning money, fit t2 rigs.

Before we begin, if the reviews of this article are generally positive (after modification by user input), I will publish the rest of
what I have prepared. Constructive Criticism is really needed (I will ignore criticism without a proposed remedy and not even respond to you).

Section 1 - Combat, Attack and Bombardment Vessels.

In EvE there is a concept of Rock, Paper, Scissors. This is a good concept and should apply directly to these three types of vessels. Combat vessels are the Rock, Bombardment Vessels are the Paper and Attack Vessels are the Scissors, but it isn't quite that black or white either.

Combat Vessel: Strong against Combat and Attack Vessels. Weak against Bombardment and EWAR vessels.

Attack Vessels: Logistic and Bombardment Vessels and appropriate EWAR vessels. Weak against Combat and Defense Vessels

Bombardment Vessels: Strong against combat vessels and very strong against larger combat vessels. These ships require fleet support. Weak against EWAR.

Defense Vessels. Strong against attack vessels. Poor (neither bad or weak) against all other vessels. These require logistic support to function as intended.

EWAR: Strong against Combat and Bombardment vessels. Weak against appropriate Attack Vessels (Missile boat > tracking disruptor EWAR boat).
Archimedes Eratosthenes
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2012-05-11 07:29:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Archimedes Eratosthenes
A combat vessel is categorized with large tank, good medium range dps, poor maneuverability and poor utility. A good example of this type of ship can be seen here . Such ships are the punisher, merlin, vengeance, Maller, Drake, Abaddon.

An attack vessel is categorized with light tank, high short range dps, high maneuverability and poor utility. A good example of this ship is 18th century Dragoon Calvary force. This ship type also receives an overheating bonus, as that this ship type relies on a swift surgical strike. A rifter, interceptor, thrasher, vagabond, cane, tornado are good examples of this ship type (most standard winmatard ships).

A bombardment vessel is categorized with a decent tank, high long range dps, extremely bad maneuverability but decent support. Dreadnoughts are an example of this ship type, but existing hulls in each hull size should be changed to include these types of ships specifically. These ships would get damage increasing support skills, like target painters and news ones that will be introduced. These hulls spell the end of supercap blobs.

A Defense vessel is categorized with a large tank, long range low dps, low maneuverability but good utility. Best to imagine a spiked shield with a 10 foot spear.

There are also EWAR, Recon and Logistic Vessels (as mentioned above) but they will not be covered in this article.

Part 1.a: Tier 1 Combat Frigates: Punisher, Merlin, Tristan, Rifter

The Punisher: Expected stats for a new pilot with level 4 skills, no rigs/implants/boosts, T2 mods

5% armor resists per level, 10% bonus to energy weapon cap use and 5% boost to energy turret optimal range per level
Combat Vessel Role Bonus: Incoming AOE damage reduced by 75% and receives a 25% boost from remote armor repairing.

EHP: 17,000 and 40 meter sig radius
DPS: 166 with 10km optimal and 3km falloff
Speed: 800m/s AB, 2000 m/s MWD, low agility

Expected stats with level 5 skills and rigs (no implants/boosts)

EHP: 25000 and 40 meter sig radius (trimark/resist rigs)
DPS: 200 with 11km optimal and 3km falloff
Speed: 850m/s AB, 2100m/s MWD, low agility

Slots: 5 lows, 2 mediums, 5 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, 200mm plates, eanm x2, heat sink II
1MN AB, Warp scram
Dual Light Pulse x4 + small nosferatu

The Merlin: Expected stats for a new pilot with level 4 skills, no rigs/implants/boosts, T2 mods

5% shield resists per level and -16% cap use for active shield modules per level. 10% optimal range and damage for small hybrid per level

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: Incoming AOE damage reduced by 75% and 25% increase to remote shield repping.

EHP: 12000 (active tank should rep 35 dps) and 35 meter sig radius (sig increases with shield modules)
DPS: 200 with 9km optimal and 2km falloff
Speed: 900m/s AB, 2200m/s MWD, low agility

Expected stats with level 5 skills and rigs (no implants/boosts)

EHP: 15000 (active tank should rep 55 dps) and 35 meter sig radius (rep and resist shield rigs)
DPS: 235 with 10km optimal and 3km falloff
Speed: 1000m/s AB, 2400 m/s MWD, low agility

Slots: 3 lows, 5 mediums, 5 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, Mag stab x 2
1 AB, Invul Field II x 1, EM Ward Field x 1, small shield booster, warp scram
Small Ion Blasterx4 + small nosferatu

The Tristan: Expected stats for a new pilot with level 4 skills, no rigs/implants/boosts, T2 mods

15% increase in armor per level. 15% damage for small hybrid per level and 10% increase to web range per level
Combat Vessel Role Bonus: Incoming AOE damage reduced by 75% and 25% increase to remote armor repping.

EHP: 15500 and 40 meter sig radius
DPS: 225 with 5km optimal and 1km falloff
Speed: 900m/s AB, 2200 m/s MWD, medium agility

Expected stats with level 5 skills and rigs (no implants/boosts)

EHP: 21000 and 40 meter sig radius
DPS: 275 with 5km optimal and 1km falloff
Speed: 1000m/s AB, 2400m/s MWD, medium agility

Slots: 4 lows, 3 mediums, 5 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, 100mm plates, 1eanm, 1 magstab
1MN MWD, 1 warp scram, 1 web
Small Ion Blasterx4 + small nosferatu

The Rifter: Expected stats for a new pilot with level 4 skills, no rigs/implants/boosts, T2 mods

10% increase in shields per level 10% damage for small projectile per level and 10% increase to warp scram range per level
Combat Vessel Role Bonus: Incoming AOE damage reduced by 75% and 25% increase to remote shield repping.

EHP: 12500 and 35 meter sig radius
DPS: 200 with 3km optimal and 7km falloff
Speed: 1050m/s AB, 2500m/s MWD, medium-high agility

Expected stats with level 5 skills and rigs (no implants/boosts)

EHP: 17500 and 35 meter sig radius
DPS: 235 with 3km optimal and 7km falloff
Speed: 1100m/s AB, 2600 m/s MWD, medium-high agility

Slots: 4 lows, 4 mediums, 4 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, gyro x 2, tracking enhacner
1MN MWD, 1 warp scram, 1 web, 1 shield extender
150mm autos x4

In general all combat vessels will have the following racial traits:
Amarr ---> Greatest buffer tank and lowest dps, best optimal range, lowest speed
Caldari ---> Best active tank and medium/consistent dps, good speed
Gallente ---> Best dps and utility (good tank and good speed), bad optimal and falloff
Minmatar ---> Best speed/agility and utility (medium dps, good tank), worst optimal best falloff
Archimedes Eratosthenes
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2012-05-11 07:30:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Archimedes Eratosthenes
Part 1.b: Tier 1 Attack Frigates: Executioner, Condor, Atron, Slasher

The Executioner: Expected stats for a new pilot with level 4 skills, no rigs/implants/boosts, T2 mods

10% bonus to small energy turret damage per level and 10% bonus to rate of fire, 20% bonus to small energy turret falloff, 5% less powergrid need for small energy pulse per level

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: -1 warp scramble strength, 25% bonus to overheating bonuses and 50% decrease in inertia.

EHP: 8000 and 40 meter sig radius
DPS: 300 with 7km optimal and 3km falloff
Speed: 1200m/s AB, 2400m/s MWD, high agility

Expected stats with level 5 skills and rigs (no implants/boosts)

EHP: 9000 and 40 meter sig radius
DPS: 375 with 7km optimal and 3km falloff (damage rigs)
Speed: 1300m/s AB, 2600/s MWD, high agility
Slots: 4 lows, 3 mediums, 4 highs

Expected Layout: DCU II, 100mm plates, heat sink x2
1MN MWD, Warp disruptor, web
Medium Pulse x4

The Condor: Expected stats for a new pilot with level 4 skills, no rigs/implants/boosts, T2 mods

10% bonus to rocket damage per level and 10% bonus to rate of fire, 20% to explosion velocity and 10% increase to rocket velocity per level

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: -1 warp scramble strength, 25% bonus to overheating bonuses and 50% decrease in inertia.
EHP: 7000 and 35 meter sig radius

DPS: 275 with 10km optimal
Speed: 1300m/s AB, 2600m/s MWD, high agility

Expected stats with level 5 skills and rigs (no implants/boosts)
EHP: 8000 and 35 meter sig radius
DPS: 325 with 11.5km optimal (damage rigs)
Speed: 1500m/s AB, 3000/s MWD, high agility

Slots: 3 lows, 4 mediums, 4 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, ballistic control x2
1MN MWD, Warp disruptor, web, shield extender
Rocket Launcher x4

The Atron: Expected stats for a new pilot with level 4 skills, no rigs/implants/boosts, T2 mods

10% bonus to hybrid damage per level and 10% bonus to rate of fire, 5% boost to afterburner thrust per level and -5% powergrid needs to light blasters per level.

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: -1 warp scramble strength, 25% bonus to overheating bonuses and 50% decrease in inertia.

EHP: 7000 and 40 meter sig radius
DPS: 350 with 3km optimal and 1km falloff
Speed: 1800m/s AB high agility

Expected stats with level 5 skills and rigs (no implants/boosts)

EHP: 8000 and 35 meter sig radius
DPS: 425 with 3kmoptimal (damage rigs)
Speed: 2000m/s AB, high agility
Slots: 4 lows, 3 mediums, 4 highs

Expected Layout: DCU II, 100mm plates, 2 mag stabs
1MN AB, Warp disruptor, web
Light Neutron x4

The Slasher: Expected stats for a new pilot with level 4 skills, no rigs/implants/boosts, T2 mods

10% bonus to projectile per level and 10% bonus to rate of fire, 10% decrease to inertia while MWD is active per level and -5% powergrid needs to small projectile per level.

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: -1 warp scramble strength, 25% bonus to overheating bonuses and 50% decrease in inertia.

EHP: 6500 and 35 meter sig radius
DPS: 300 with 1.5km optimal and 7km falloff
Speed: 3200 m/s MWD very high agility

Expected stats with level 5 skills and rigs (no implants/boosts)

EHP: 7000 and 35 meter sig radius
DPS: 350with 1.5kmoptimal 7km falloff (damage rigs)
Speed: 3500/s MWD very high agility

Slots: 3 lows, 4 mediums, 4 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, 2 gyro
1MN MWD, Warp disruptor, web, shield extender
200mm auto x4

General for all t1 attack frigs:
They are meant to instantly arrive at a strategic location (away from the combat ships) and pew pew a target to death very quickly and then warp out asap or otherwise diaf themselves. This would be the worst threat to sniping/bombardment ships, ewar and logistic vessels.
Archimedes Eratosthenes
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2012-05-11 07:30:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Archimedes Eratosthenes
Part 1.c: Tier 1 Bombardment Frigates: Inquisitor, Kestrel, Incursus, Breacher

The Inquisitor: Expected stats for a new pilot with level 4 skills, no rigs/implants/boosts, T2 mods

20% bonus to EM damage and 20% rate of fire per level and 10% bonus to Particle Destabilizer range (new module that decreases armor resists on target to user only). 10% decrease in Small Beam Laser Thermal Charge per level (new mechanic for Beam lasers that adds increasing thermal damage while laser is fixed on a target up to 100% of total EM damage)

Bombardment Vessel Role Bonus: 25% bonus to damage while in siege mode and 50% increase in range while in siege mode (small siege mode module decreases speed by 50% and prevents warping while active, can be turned off at any time) and 50% increase in ECM burst strength while in siege mode.

EHP: 10000 and 30 meter sig radius

DPS: 500 (pure em damage) with 40km optimal, 1000 full charge (500 em and 500 thermal). Generally poor tracking.

Expected stats with level 5 skills and rigs (no implants/boosts)

EHP: 12000 and 30 meter sig radius
DPS: 650 with 40km optimal (with damage rigs) and 1300 full charge
Generally poor tracking.

Slots: 4 lows, 2 mediums, 5 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, 200mm plates, heat sink x2
1MN AB, ecm burst II
Medium Beam Laser x3, 1 Particle Destabilizer (45km range at level 5) + 1 small siege module

The Kestrel: Expected stats for a new pilot with level 4 skills, no rigs/implants/boosts, T2 mods

20% bonus to all Missile damage and 20% rate of fire per level and 10% bonus to Zero-Point Energy Deamplifier range (new module that decreases shield resists on target to user only). 10% bonus to AOE radius and aoe damage of all Missiles per level (new missile mechanic)

Bombardment Vessel Role Bonus: 25% bonus to damage while in siege mode and 50% increase in range while in siege mode and 50% increase in ECM burst strength while in siege mode

EHP: 12000 and 30 meter sig radius
DPS: 500 with 40km optimal against 120m sig radius target (not moving)

Expected stats with level 5 skills and rigs (no implants/boosts)

EHP: 15000 and 30 meter sig radius
DPS: 625 with 40km optimal (with damage rigs) against 120m sig radius target (not moving)
Slots: 3 lows, 3 mediums, 5 highs

Expected Layout: DCU II, ballistic control x2
1MN AB, ecm burst II, shield extender
Light Missile Launcher x3, 1 Zero-Point Energy Deamp (45km range at L5)

The Incursus: Expected stats for a new pilot with level 4 skills, no rigs/implants/boosts, T2 mods

20% bonus to all Hybrid and 20% rate of fire per level and 10% bonus to Graviton Concentrator range (new module that increases inertia of target). 10% bonus to Bleed Damage (railguns deal a very small portion of damage to armor while shields are active (or hull if no armor) and damage to hull when target is in armor) and 20% increase to Spill damage per level (railgun mechanic that makes it's projectiles pass through target ship and hit all hit directly in its line of fire, with damage decreasing by 10% per target penetration)

Bombardment Vessel Role Bonus: 25% bonus to damage while in siege mode and 50% increase in range while in siege mode and 50% increase in ECM burst strength while in siege mode

EHP: 12000 and 30 meter sig radius
DPS: 650 with 40km optimal + poor tracking

Expected stats with level 5 skills and rigs (no implants/boosts)
EHP: 15000 and 30 meter sig radius
DPS: 825 with 40km optimal (with damage rigs) + poor tracking

Slots: 4 lows, 2 mediums, 5 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, mag stab x2, 200mm plate
1MN AB, ecm burst II
150mm rail x4, 1 Graviton Concentrator (75km range at L5)

The Breacher: Expected stats for a new pilot with level 4 skills, no rigs/implants/boosts, T2 mods
20% bonus to all Projectile and 20% rate of fire per level and 10% bonus to Target Painter effectiveness per level. 5% increase to shield enveloping shells damage and armor penetrating shell damage per level. 10% increase in velocity and agility while in siege mode.

Bombardment Vessel Role Bonus: 25% bonus to damage while in siege mode and 50% increase in range while in siege mode and 50% increase in ECM burst strength while in siege mode

EHP: 12000 and 30 meter sig radius
DPS: 400 with 80km optimal against 120m sig radius target (not moving), decent tracking

Expected stats with level 5 skills and rigs (no implants/boosts)

EHP: 15000 and 30 meter sig radius
DPS: 525 with 80km optimal (with damage rigs) against 120m sig radius target (not moving), decent tracking

Slots: 3 lows, 3 mediums, 5 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, gyro x2
1MN AB, ecm burst II, 1 shield extender
280mm x4, 1 Target Painter (90km range at L5)
Archimedes Eratosthenes
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2012-05-11 07:38:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Archimedes Eratosthenes
Part 2.a: Tier 2 Combat Frigates: Venge, Ret, Hawk, Harpy, Ish, Enyo, Wolf, Jag

These ships will be made of better matierals, thus being lighter and stronger. All stats assume all level V skills, tier 1 rigs, no implants or boosts. Insurance only provides the Tier 1 payout of the ship (for instance, vengeance/ret insurance payout = punisher payout).

The Vengeance:
5% armor resists and 5% hit points per level and 10% decrease to small energy turret cap use.

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: Incoming AOE damage reduced by 75% and receives a 25% boost from remote armor repairing.
25% increase to all turret damage and optimal range and falloff and 10% reduction of all incomming damage and and -50% sig penalty when using MWD.

EHP: 35000 and 40 meter sig radius (armor rigs)
DPS: 275 with 12.5km optimal and 4.5km falloff
Speed: 800m/s AB, 2000 m/s MWD, low agility

Slots: 6 low, 2 med, 6 high
Expected Layout: DCU II, 400mm plates, eanm x2, heat sink II x2
1MN AB, Warp scram
Dual Light Pulse x5 + small nosferatu

The Retribution:
5% armor resists per level and 10% decrease to small energy turret cap use and 7.5% increase to small energy turret damage and tracking per level.

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: Incoming AOE damage reduced by 75% and receives a 25% boost from remote armor repairing.
25% increase to all turret damage and optimal range and falloff and 10% reduction of all incomming damage and -50% sig when using MWD.

EHP: 25000 and 40 meter sig radius (no armor rigs)
DPS: 350 with 12.5km optimal and 4.5km falloff
Speed: 1000m/s AB, 2400 m/s MWD, low agility

Slots: 6 low, 2 med, 6 high
Expected Layout: DCU II, 200mm plates, eanm x2, heat sink II x2
1MN AB, Warp scram
Dual Light Pulse x5 + small nosferatu

The Hawk: 5% shield resists and 10% shield repair per level and -16% cap use for active shield modules per level. 10% optimal range and damage for small hybrid per level

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: Incoming AOE damage reduced by 75% and receives a 25% boost from remote armor repairing.
25% increase to all turret damage and optimal range and falloff and 10% reduction of all incomming damage and -50% sig penalty when using MWD.

EHP: 17500 (active tank should rep 125 dps) and 35 meter sig radius
DPS: 325 with 12.5km optimal and 4.5km falloff
Speed: 1150m/s AB, 2700 m/s MWD, low agility

Slots: 3 lows, 5 mediums, 6 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, Mag stab x 2
1 AB, Invul Field II x 1, EM Ward Field x 1, small shield booster, warp scram
Small Ion Blasterx5 + small nosferatu

The Harpy: 5% shield resists and 5% shield repair per level and -16% cap use for active shield modules per level. 10% optimal range and 10% damage and 5% RoF for small hybrid per level

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: Incoming AOE damage reduced by 75% and receives a 25% boost from remote armor repairing and -50% sig penalty when using MWD.

25% increase to all turret damage and optimal range and falloff and 10% reduction of all incomming damage.
EHP: 17500 (active tank should rep 85 dps) and 35 meter sig radius

DPS: 400 with 12.5km optimal and 4.5km falloff
Speed: 1150m/s AB, 2700 m/s MWD, low agility
Slots: 3 lows, 5 mediums, 6 highs

Expected Layout: DCU II, Mag stab x 2
1 AB, Invul Field II x 1, EM Ward Field x 1, small shield booster, warp scram
Small Ion Blasterx5 + small nosferatu
Archimedes Eratosthenes
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2012-05-11 07:47:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Archimedes Eratosthenes
The Ishkur:

20% increase in armor per level. 15% damage for small hybrid per level and 10% increase to web range per level. 10% bonus to drone hit points and speed per level.

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: Incoming AOE damage reduced by 75% and 25% increase to remote armor repping and -50% sig penalty when using MWD.

25% increase to all turret damage and optimal range and falloff and 10% reduction of all incoming
EHP: 25000 and 40 meter sig radius
DPS: 450 with 6.5km optimal and 1.25km falloff
Speed: 1150m/s AB, 2700m/s MWD, medium agility

Slots: 4 lows, 3 mediums, 5 highs + 5 drones
Expected Layout: DCU II, 100mm plates, 1eanm, 1 magstab
1MN MWD, 1 warp scram, 1 web
Small Electron Blasterx4 + small nosferatu + 5 combat drones
The Enyo:
10% increase in armor per level. 15% damage for small hybrid per level and 10% increase to web range per level. 10% bonus to drone damage and speed per level.

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: Incoming AOE damage reduced by 75% and 25% increase to remote armor repping and -50% sig penalty when using MWD.

25% increase to all turret damage and optimal range and falloff and 10% reduction of all incoming damage.

EHP: 19000 and 40 meter sig radius
DPS: 550 with 6.5km optimal and 1.25km falloff
Speed: 1150m/s AB, 2700m/s MWD, medium agility

Slots: 4 lows, 3 mediums, 5 highs + 5 drones
Expected Layout: DCU II, 100mm plates, 1eanm, 1 magstab
1MN MWD, 1 warp scram, 1 web
Small Electron Blasterx4 + small nosferatu + 5 combat drones

The Wolf:
20% increase in shields per level 10% damage for small projectile per level and 10% increase to warp scram range per level. Immune to excellent hits.

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: Incoming AOE damage reduced by 75% and 25% increase to remote shield repping and -50% sig penalty when using MWD.

EHP: 21500 and 35 meter sig radius
DPS: 325 with 4.5km optimal and 9km falloff
Speed: 1400m/s AB, 3200 m/s MWD, medium-high agility

Slots: 5 lows, 4 mediums, 5 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, gyro x 2, tracking enhancer x2
1MN MWD, 1 warp scram, 1 web, 1 shield extender
150mm autos x5

The Jaguar:
10% increase in shields per level 10% damage for small projectile per level and 10% increase to warp scram range per level. 5% increase to small projectile damage and 5% increase in RoF per level.

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: Incoming AOE damage reduced by 75% and 25% increase to remote shield repping and -50% sig penalty when using MWD.

EHP: 17000 and 35 meter sig radius
DPS: 400 with 4.5km optimal and 9km falloff
Speed: 1400m/s AB, 3200 m/s MWD, slightly higher agility than Wolf.

Slots: 5 lows, 4 mediums, 5 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, gyro x 2, tracking enhancer x2
1MN MWD, 1 warp scram, 1 web, 1 shield extender
150mm autos x5
Archimedes Eratosthenes
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2012-05-11 07:50:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Archimedes Eratosthenes
Part 2.b: Tier 2 Attack Frigates: Maledic, Crusade, Raptor, Crow, Ares, Tar, Stilleto, Claw

These ships will be made of better materials, thus being lighter and stronger. All stats assume all level V skills, tier 1 rigs, no implants or boosts. Insurance only provides the Tier 1 payout of the ship.

The Malediction:

10% bonus to small energy turret damage per level and 10% bonus to rate of fire, 20% bonus to small energy turret falloff, 5% less powergrid need for small energy pulse per level. 5% increase to armor resistances per level.

Attack Vessel Role Bonus: -1 warp scramble strength, 25% bonus to overheating bonuses and 50% decrease in inertia.
25% increase to all turret damage and optimal range and falloff and 50% reduction of hostile stasis webifier effectiveness and -75% sig when using MWD

EHP: 15000 and 40 meter sig radius (no armor rigs)
DPS: 450 with 12.5km optimal and 4.5km falloff
Speed: 1600m/s AB, 3200 m/s MWD, high agility

Slots: 4 low, 3 med, 5 high
Expected Layout: DCU II, 100mm plates, heat sink x2
1MN MWD, Warp disruptor, web
Medium Pulse x5
The Crusader:
15% bonus to small energy turret damage per level and 15% bonus to rate of fire, 20% bonus to small energy turret falloff, 5% less powergrid need for small energy pulse per level.

Attack Vessel Role Bonus: -1 warp scramble strength, 25% bonus to overheating bonuses and 50% decrease in inertia.
25% increase to all turret damage and optimal range and falloff and 10% reduction of all incomming damage and -75% sig when using MWD.

EHP: 12000 and 40 meter sig radius (no armor rigs)
DPS: 575 with 12.5km optimal and 4.5km falloff
Speed: 1600m/s AB, 3200 m/s MWD, high agility

Slots: 4 low, 3 med, 5 high
Expected Layout: DCU II, 100mm plates, heat sink x2
1MN MWD, Warp disruptor, web
Medium Pulse x5

The Raptor: 10% bonus to rocket damage per level and 10% bonus to rate of fire, 20% to explosion velocity and 10% increase to rocket velocity per level, 5% increase to shield resists per level

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: -1 warp scramble strength, 25% bonus to overheating bonuses and 50% decrease in inertia.
25% increase to all turret damage and optimal range and falloff and 50% reduction of hostile stasis webifier effectiveness and -75% sig when using MWD.

EHP: 13000 and 35 meter sig radius
DPS: 500 with 12.5km optimal
Speed: 1750/s AB, 3400m/s MWD, high agility

Slots: 3 lows, 4 mediums, 5 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, ballistic control x2
1MN MWD, Warp disruptor, web, shield extender
Rocket Launcher x5

The Crow: 15% bonus to rocket damage per level and 15% bonus to rate of fire, 20% to explosion velocity and 10% increase to rocket velocity per level.

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: -1 warp scramble strength, 25% bonus to overheating bonuses and 50% decrease in inertia.
25% increase to all turret damage and optimal range and falloff and 50% reduction of hostile stasis webifier effectiveness and -75% sig when using MWD.

EHP: 10500 and 35 meter sig radius
DPS: 625 with 12.5km optimal
Speed: 1750/s AB, 3400m/s MWD, high agility

Slots: 3 lows, 4 mediums, 5 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, ballistic control x2
1MN MWD, Warp disruptor, web, shield extender
Rocket Launcher x5
Archimedes Eratosthenes
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2012-05-11 07:54:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Archimedes Eratosthenes
The Ares:

10% bonus to hybrid damage per level and 10% bonus to rate of fire, 5% boost to afterburner thrust per level and -5% powergrid needs to light blasters per level. 7.5% increase in armor per level

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: -1 warp scramble strength, 25% bonus to overheating bonuses and 50% decrease in inertia.
25% increase to all turret damage and optimal range and falloff and 50% reduction of hostile stasis webifier effectiveness and -20% sig when using AB.

EHP: 11000 and 40 meter sig radius
DPS: 600 with 4.5km optimal and 1.25km fallof
Speed: 2350/s AB high agility

Slots: 4 lows, 3 mediums, 5 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, 100mm plates, 2 mag stabs
1MN AB, Warp disruptor, web
Light Neutron x5
The Taranis:

10% bonus to hybrid damage per level and 10% bonus to rate of fire, 5% boost to afterburner thrust per level and -5% powergrid needs to light blasters per level. 20% increase in drone speed per level and 5% increase in drone damage
Combat Vessel Role Bonus: -1 warp scramble strength, 25% bonus to overheating bonuses and 50% decrease in inertia.
25% increase to all turret damage and optimal range and falloff and 50% reduction of hostile stasis webifier effectiveness and -20% sig when using AB.

EHP: 8000 and 40 meter sig radius
DPS: 725 with 4.5km optimal and 1.25km fallof
Speed: 2350/s AB high agility

Slots: 4 lows, 3 mediums, 5 highs +5 drones
Expected Layout: DCU II, 100mm plates, 2 mag stabs
1MN AB, Warp disruptor, web
Light Neutron x5 + 5 combat drones
The Stiletto
10% bonus to projectile per level and 10% bonus to rate of fire, 10% decrease to inertia while MWD is active per level and -5% powergrid needs to small projectile per level. 5% increase in MWD speed per level and 5% shield amount per level.

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: -1 warp scramble strength, 25% bonus to overheating bonuses and 50% decrease in inertia.
25% increase to all turret damage and optimal range and falloff and 50% reduction of hostile stasis webifier effectiveness and -75% sig when using MWD.

EHP: 10000 and 35 meter sig radius
DPS: 500 with 2km optimal and 9km fallof
Speed: 4800 m/s MWD very high agility

Slots: 3 lows, 4 mediums, 5 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, 2 gyro
1MN MWD, Warp disruptor, web, shield extender
200mm auto x5
The Claw
15% bonus to projectile per level and 15% bonus to rate of fire, 10% decrease to inertia while MWD is active per level and -5% powergrid needs to small projectile per level. 5% increase in MWD speed per level.

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: -1 warp scramble strength, 25% bonus to overheating bonuses and 50% decrease in inertia.
25% increase to all turret damage and optimal range and falloff and 50% reduction of hostile stasis webifier effectiveness and -75% sig when using MWD.

EHP: 7500 and 35 meter sig radius
DPS: 625 with 2km optimal and 9km fallof
Speed: 4800 m/s MWD very high agility

Slots: 3 lows, 4 mediums, 5 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, 2 gyro
1MN MWD, Warp disruptor, web, shield extender
200mm auto x5
Archimedes Eratosthenes
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2012-05-11 07:57:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Archimedes Eratosthenes
Part 3.b: Tier 2 Bombardment Frigates: Purifer, Manticore, Nemesis, Hound

These ships are to be redesigned as "submarines." They "submerge" by a linear transformation of 4D space, orthogonally projecting (smashing) their 3rd spatial dimension into a 2D plane to the outside world while utilizing a perpendicular 4th spatial dimension as their 3rd spatial dimension relative to them. Thus to themselves, they appear normal, but regular "outsiders" appear to be 2-D flat, while to regular ships they actually are 2D flat and thus become WIMPS (weakly interacting massive particles) and thus cannot be targeted or damaged at all!

However such a feat requires a great deal of energy, and thus cloaking now requires fuel, requiring more fuel respective to the volume (not mass) of your ship. No submarine should be able to hold more fuel to remain cloaked for 3 hours.
Also, this linear transformation is invertible, and thus Destroyers will be given a particular module to invert this linear transformation on objects in a cone in front of them. However, since stargates manipulate space and time so acutely, this module will not work near stargates, as they severely alter the standard linear transformation algorithm. As such, submarines burn fuel 30x faster while on grid within a stargate to remain cloaked. Destroyers will gain the a bonus to defender missiles.
Submarines are to serve as "area of denial" weapons and place doubt and fear in the minds of all. They can use their high slot modules WHILE cloaked (this means they can't scram you while cloaked but can still attack you, but you sure as hell wont' stay in that grav site in null sec for too long under invisible fire without help). They should not have enough cargo to hold more than 1 bomb.

The Destroyer is meant to be an ESCORT for other ships against these vessels, without being able to locate the submarine if its "hiding." However, if submarines are caught while cloaked, they are doomed, as they lack the ability to escape quickly, but they also aren't forced to attack a target with a destroyer nearby.

The Purifier:
20% bonus to EM torpedo damage and 20% increase to Bomb EM damage per level. Can fit Bomb Launchers, Cynos and Mine Layers. 20% bonus to Particle Destablizer range per level.

Submarine Vessel Role Bonus: Can use high slots modules while cloaked and receives 50% boost to ECM burst strength and 50% increase in Remote Sensor Dampener effectiveness.

EHP: 10000 and 30 meter sig radius
DPS: 1800 at 60km against battleship sized target.
Slots: 3 lows, 3 mediums, 6 highs

Expected Layout: Ballistic Control x2, DCU
Sensor Dampener, ecm burst II, Mine Layer
Torp Launcher x3, 1 Bomb Launcher, 1 Particle Destablizer (70km range), 1 Four-Dimensional Linear Transformer.

The Manticore:
20% bonus to Kinetic torpedo damage and 20% increase to Bomb Kinetic damage per level. Can fit Bomb Launchers, Cynos and Mine Layers. 20% bonus to Zero-Point Energy Deamplifiers range per level.

Submarine Vessel Role Bonus: Can use high slots modules while cloaked and receives 50% boost to ECM burst strength and 50% increase in Remote Sensor Dampener effectiveness.

EHP: 10000 and 30 meter sig radius
DPS: 1800 at 60km against battleship sized target.

Slots: 3 lows, 3 mediums, 6 highs
Expected Layout: Ballistic Control x2, DCU
Sensor Dampener, ecm burst II, Mine Layer
Torp Launcher x3, 1 Bomb Launcher, 1 Zero-P Energy Deamp (70km range),1 Four-Dimensional Linear Transformer.

The Nemesis:
20% bonus to Thermal torpedo damage and 20% increase to Bomb Thermal damage per level. Can fit Bomb Launchers, Cynos and Mine Layers. 20% bonus to Graviton Concentrator range per level.

Submarine Vessel Role Bonus: Can use high slots modules while cloaked and receives 50% boost to ECM burst strength and 50% increase in Remote Sensor Dampener effectiveness.

EHP: 10000 and 30 meter sig radius
DPS: 1800 at 60km against battleship sized target.

Slots: 3 lows, 3 mediums, 6 highs
Expected Layout: Ballistic Control x2, DCU
Sensor Dampener, ecm burst II, Mine Layer
Torp Launcher x3, 1 Bomb Launcher, 1 Graviton Concen (150km range), 1 Four-Dimensional Linear Transformer.

The Hound:
20% bonus to Explosive torpedo damage and 20% increase to Bomb Explosive damage per level. Can fit Bomb Launchers, Cynos and Mine Layers. 20% bonus to Graviton Concentrator range per level.

Submarine Vessel Role Bonus: Can use high slots modules while cloaked and receives 50% boost to ECM burst strength and 50% increase in Remote Sensor Dampener effectiveness.

EHP: 10000 and 30 meter sig radius
DPS: 1800 at 60km against battleship sized target.

Slots: 3 lows, 3 mediums, 6 highs
Expected Layout: Ballistic Control x2, DCU
Sensor Dampener, ecm burst II, Mine Layer
Torp Launcher x3, 1 Bomb Launcher, 1 Target Painter(180km range), 1 Four-Dimensional Linear Transformer.
Archimedes Eratosthenes
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2012-05-11 08:02:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Archimedes Eratosthenes
Part 3a: Tier 1 Combat Destroyers: Coercer, Corm, Cata, Thrasher

The Coercer: Expected stats for a new pilot with level 4 skills, no rigs/implants/boosts, T2 mods

5% armor resists per level, 10% bonus to energy weapon cap use and 20% boost to energy turret optimal range per level
Combat Vessel Role Bonus: Incoming AOE damage reduced by 75% and receives a 25% boost from remote armor repairing.

EHP: 30,000 and 80 meter sig radius
DPS: 300 with 17.5km optimal and 3km falloff
Speed: 650m/s AB, 1600 m/s MWD, low agility

Expected stats with level 5 skills and rigs (no implants/boosts)
EHP: 37500 and 80 meter sig radius (trimark/resist rigs)

DPS: 375 with 20km optimal and 3km falloff
Speed: 750/s AB, 1800m/s MWD, low agility

Slots: 5 lows, 2 mediums, 8 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, 400mm plates, eanm x2, heat sink II
1MN AB, Warp scram
Dual Light Pulse x8

The Cormorant:
Expected stats for a new pilot with level 4 skills, no rigs/implants/boosts, T2 mods
5% shield resists per level and -16% cap use for active shield modules per level. 15% optimal range and damage for small hybrid per level

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: Incoming AOE damage reduced by 75% and 25% increase to remote shield repping.

EHP: 25000 (active tank should rep 100 dps) and 70 meter sig radius (sig increases with shield modules)
DPS: 335 with 15km optimal and 2km falloff
Speed: 725/s AB, 1750/s MWD, low agility

Expected stats with level 5 skills and rigs (no implants/boosts)
EHP: 30000 (active tank should rep 150 dps) and 70 meter sig radius (rep and resist shield rigs)
DPS: 400 with 17.5km optimal and 3km falloff
Speed: 850m/s AB, 2400 m/s MWD, low agility

Slots: 3 lows, 5 mediums, 8 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, Mag stab x 2
1 AB, Invul Field II x 1, EM Ward Field x 1, small shield booster, warp scram
Small Ion Blasterx8

The Catalyst: Expected stats for a new pilot with level 4 skills, no rigs/implants/boosts, T2 mods

15% increase in armor per level. 15% damage for small hybrid per level and 10% increase to web range per level
Combat Vessel Role Bonus: Incoming AOE damage reduced by 75% and 25% increase to remote armor repping.
EHP: 26000 and 40 meter sig radius

DPS: 450 with 5km optimal and 1km falloff
Speed: 900m/s AB, 2200 m/s MWD, medium agility

Expected stats with level 5 skills and rigs (no implants/boosts)

EHP: 30000 and 40 meter sig radius
DPS: 550 with 5km optimal and 1km falloff
Speed: 1000m/s AB, 2400m/s MWD, medium agility

Slots: 4 lows, 3 mediums, 8 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, 200mm plates, 1eanm, 1 magstab
1MN MWD, 1 warp scram, 1 web
Small Ion Blasterx8

The Thrasher: Expected stats for a new pilot with level 4 skills, no rigs/implants/boosts, T2 mods

10% increase in shields per level 10% damage and 20% falloff for small projectile per level and 10% increase to warp scram range per level

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: Incoming AOE damage reduced by 75% and 25% increase to remote shield repping.

EHP: 24000 and 35 meter sig radius
DPS: 335with 3km optimal and 12km falloff
Speed: 1000/s AB, 2350m/s MWD, medium-high agility

Expected stats with level 5 skills and rigs (no implants/boosts)

EHP: 27000 and 35 meter sig radius
DPS: 400 with 3km optimal and 15km falloff
Speed: 1100m/s AB, 2600 m/s MWD, medium-high agility

Slots: 4 lows, 4 mediums, 8 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, gyro x 2, tracking enhacner
1MN MWD, 1 warp scram, 1 web, 1 shield extender
150mm autos x8
Archimedes Eratosthenes
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#11 - 2012-05-11 08:06:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Archimedes Eratosthenes
Part 4a: Tier 2 Combat Destroyers: Caballarius (Horseman), Piranha, Sicarius (Murderer), Ull (Archer)

Tier 2 Combat Destroyers can equip a special module known as vacuum mirrors, inspired by this article

This module allows lasers to reflect off empty space to strike a target behind a special type of shield that redirects incomming damage in hemisphere between the target and pilot. A similar module for Caldari is an advanced missile guidance module that achieves the same effect by guiding missiles around the shield an optimally using fuel to negate increased missile travel distance. The Gallente and Minmatar receives a module that allows it (very high cap usage) to teleport behind the enemy ship within the range that it teleported from (module will not work over 10km), facing the opposite direction after teleporting. This module is called a Spatial Rotator.

They sport mobility and high dps over defense. The names are inspired by their racial themes, with the Caballarius implying the Fourth Horseman in Revelations. The Piranha is a nasty predator fish and indicative of the "fast, agile and swarming" nature of small attack vessels. The Sicarius is latin for murderer, the very nature of this very high dps boat. The Ull is the Norse God of Archery and Hunting, conveying the "finesse" of this otherwise brutal ship.

The Caballarius:
15% bonus to small energy turret damage per level and 15% bonus to rate of fire, 20% bonus to small energy turret falloff, 5% less powergrid need for small energy pulse per level. Can equip vacuum mirror module

Attack Vessel Role Bonus: -1 warp scramble strength, 25% bonus to overheating bonuses and 50% decrease in inertia.

25% increase to all turret damage and optimal range and falloff and 10% reduction of all incomming damage and -75% sig when using MWD.

EHP: 25000 and 80meter sig radius (armor rigs)
DPS: 825 with 12.5km optimal and 4.5km falloff
Speed: 1500m/s AB, 2900m/s MWD, high agility

Slots: 4 low, 3 med, 8 high
Expected Layout: DCU II, 200mm plates, heat sink x2
1MN MWD, Warp disruptor, web
Medium Pulse x7, Mirror Module

The Piranha:
15% bonus to rocket damage per level and 15% bonus to rate of fire, 20% to explosion velocity and 10% increase to rocket velocity per level. Can Equip an advanced missile guidance system.

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: -1 warp scramble strength, 25% bonus to overheating bonuses and 50% decrease in inertia.

25% increase to all turret damage and optimal range and falloff and 50% reduction of hostile stasis webifier effectiveness and -75% sig when using MWD.

EHP: 22000 and 70 meter sig radius
DPS: 950dps with 12.5km optimal
Speed: 1600/s AB, 3100m/s MWD, high agility

Slots: 3 lows, 4 mediums, 8 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, ballistic control x2
1MN MWD, Warp disruptor, web, shield extender
Rocket Launcher x7, Advanced Missile Guidance System

The Sicarius:

10% bonus to hybrid damage per level and 10% bonus to rate of fire, 5% boost to afterburner thrust per level and -5% powergrid needs to light blasters per level. 20% increase in drone speed per level and 10% increase in drone damage. Can equip the Spatial Rotator module.

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: -1 warp scramble strength, 25% bonus to overheating bonuses and 50% decrease in inertia.

25% increase to all turret damage and optimal range and falloff and 50% reduction of hostile stasis webifier effectiveness and -20% sig when using AB.

EHP: 20000 and 80 meter sig radius
DPS: 1125 with 4.5km optimal and 1.25km falloff
Speed: 2000m/s AB high agility

Slots: 4 lows, 3 mediums, 8 highs +5 drones
Expected Layout: DCU II, 200mm plates, 2 mag stabs
1MN AB, Warp disruptor, web
Light Neutron x7, Spatial Rotator+ 5 combat drones

The Ull

15% bonus to projectile per level and 15% bonus to rate of fire, 10% decrease to inertia while MWD is active per level and -5% powergrid needs to small projectile per level. 5% increase in MWD speed per level. Can equip the Spatial Rotator Module.

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: -1 warp scramble strength, 25% bonus to overheating bonuses and 50% decrease in inertia
25% increase to all turret damage and optimal range and falloff and 50% reduction of hostile stasis webifier effectiveness and -75% sig when using MWD

EHP: 18000 and 35 meter sig radius
DPS: 950 with 2km optimal and 9km falloff
Speed: 4500 m/s MWD very high agility

Slots: 3 lows, 4 mediums, 8 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, 2 gyro
1MN MWD, Warp disruptor, web, shield extender
200mm auto x7, Spatial Rotator
Archimedes Eratosthenes
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2012-05-11 08:11:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Archimedes Eratosthenes
Part 4b: Tier 2 Defense Destroyers: Piety, Cardinal, Curator (Guardian), Forseti (Justice)

A defense destroyer specializes in defending the fleet from submarines and can intercept damage from other vessels. They have generally low dps but precise and longer range. They also have exceptional defenses for their hull size, but at the expense of speed and agility.

They counter submarines by detecting them within 20km in front of their ship facing in a 30 degree cone, while by able to destroy incoming hostile torpedoes before they have detected the submarine itself.

How do they intercept damage from Attack Vessels? We add another new module based on spatial linear transformation and quantum entanglement. This module creates a hemisphere around the target ship in the direction that the Destroyer is facing and teleports all projectiles that enter from that "side" of hemisphere into the destroyer instead, and thus the destroyer tanks the damage instead of the target. This module also reduces the damage by 75%. However Attacks Vessels can quickly move to another position and resume their dps on the primary target, which forces the destroyer to move in closer the target vessel to maintain a similar angular velocity. Attack Vessels can also simply switch targets, or if there is enough of them, primary you instead, where the 75% damage reduction does not apply. This ship takes EXTREME skill to fly correctly.

The Piety: Expected at level V skills and tier 1 rigs.

5% armor resists and amount per level, 10% bonus to energy weapon cap use and 20% boost to energy turret optimal range and tracking per level. 10% bonus to defender missile damage and speed per level. Can fit Four-Dimensional Linear Transformer Invertor.

Defense Vessel Role Bonus: Incoming AOE damage reduced by 75% and can fit Hemi-sphere Quantum Teleporters (new module)

EHP: 57000 and 80 meter sig radius (trimark/resist rigs)
DPS: 240 with 20km optimal and 3km falloff
Speed: 500/s AB, 1300m/s MWD, low agility

Slots: 5 lows, 2 mediums, 8 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, 400mm plates, eanm x2, heat sink II
1MN AB, Warp scram
Dual Light Pulse x5, 1 Light Missile Launcher, 1 4D-Invertor, 1 HSQT

The Cardinal: Expected at level V skills and tier 1 rigs.

5% shield resists and amount per level and -16% cap use for active shield modules per level and +5% effect of overheat shield modules per level. 10% bonus to small hybrid damage and 20% boost to hybrid turret optimal range and tracking per level. 10% bonus to defender missile damage and speed per level. Can fit Four-Dimensional Linear Transformer Invertor.

Defense Vessel Role Bonus: Incoming AOE damage reduced by 75% and can fit HSQT

EHP: 48000(tank 300/550 overheat) and 80 meter sig radius (shield rep/resist rigs)
DPS: 270 with 17.5km optimal and 3km falloff
Speed: 550/s AB, 1400m/s MWD, low agility

Slots: 3 lows, 5 mediums, 8 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, Mag stab x 2
1 AB, Invul Field II x 1, EM Ward Field x 1, small shield booster, warp scram
Small Ion Blasterx5 + 1 Light Missile Launcher, 1 4D-Invertor, 1 HSQT

The Curator: Expected at level V skills and tier 1 rigs.

5% boost to armor amount per level and immune to excellent hits. 10% bonus to small hybrid damage and RoF and 10% boost to hybrid turret optimal range and tracking per level. 10% bonus to defender missile damage and speed per level. Can fit Four-Dimensional Linear Transformer Invertor. 20% bonus to ECM drone strength per level and 10% bonus to ECM drone speed per level.

Defense Vessel Role Bonus: Incoming AOE damage reduced by 75% and can fit HSQT

EHP: 42000(immune to excellent hits) and 80 meter sig radius (shield rep/resist rigs)
DPS: 330 with 12.5km optimal and 3km falloff
Speed: 650m/s AB, 1600m/s MWD, low agility

Slots: 5 lows, 3 mediums, 8 highs +5 drones
Expected Layout: DCU II, 400mm plates, eanm x2, heat sink II
1MN AB, Warp scram, web
Ion Blaster x5, 1 Light Missile Launcher, 1 4D-Invertor, 1 HSQT + 5 light ecm drones

The Forseti: Expected at level V skills and tier 1 rigs.

5% boost to shield amount per level and immune to excellent hits. 10% bonus to small projectile damage and RoF and 20% boost to small projectile optimal range and tracking per level. 10% bonus to defender missile damage and speed per level. Can fit Four-Dimensional Linear Transformer Invertor. 20% bonus to warp scram range and web range per level.

Defense Vessel Role Bonus: Incoming AOE damage reduced by 75% and can fit HSQT

EHP: 40000(immune to excellent hits) and 80 meter sig radius (shield rep/resist rigs)
DPS: 270 with 6km optimal and 18km falloff
Speed: 750m/s AB, 1900m/s MWD, low agility

Slots: 4 lows, 4 mediums, 8 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, gyro x2, tracking enchancer
1MN AB, Warp scram, web, 1 shield extender
150mm auto x5, 1 Light Missile Launcher, 1 4D-Invertor, 1 Hemi-Sphere Quantum Teleportor (HSQT).
Archimedes Eratosthenes
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2012-05-11 08:20:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Archimedes Eratosthenes
Part 6.a: Tier 1 Combat Cruisers: Maller, Moa, Vexor, Rupture

The Maller:

Expected stats for a new pilot with level 4 skills, no rigs/implants/boosts, T2 mods

5% armor resists per level, 10% bonus to energy weapon cap use and 5% boost to energy turret optimal range per level

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: Incoming AOE damage reduced by 75% and receives a 25% boost from remote armor repairing.

EHP: 85000 and 120 meter sig radius
DPS: 450 with 15km optimal and 5km falloff against Cruiser sized targets.
Speed: 700m/s AB, 1750 m/s MWD, low agility

Expected stats with level 5 skills and rigs (no implants/boosts)

EHP: 110,000 and 120 meter sig radius (trimark/resist rigs)
DPS: 525 with 17.5km optimal and 5km falloff
Speed: 750m/s AB, 1900m/s MWD, low agility

Slots: 5 lows, 3 mediums, 5 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, 400mm plates, eanm x2, heat sink II
1MN AB, Warp scram + user choice
Focused Medium Pulse x4 + Medium nosferatu

The Moa:

Expected stats for a new pilot with level 4 skills, no rigs/implants/boosts, T2 mods

5% shield resists per level and -16% cap use for active shield modules per level. 10% optimal range and damage for medium hybrid per level

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: Incoming AOE damage reduced by 75% and 25% increase to remote shield repping.

EHP: 70000(active tank should rep 325 dps) and 105 meter sig radius (sig increases with shield modules)
DPS: 500 with 13km optimal and 2km falloff
Speed: 750m/s AB, 1900m/s MWD, low agility

Expected stats with level 5 skills and rigs (no implants/boosts)

EHP: 82500(active tank should rep 450 dps) and 105 meter sig radius (rep and resist shield rigs)
DPS: 600 with 15km optimal and 3km falloff

Speed: 850m/s AB, 2050m/s MWD, low agility
Slots: 4 lows, 5 mediums, 5 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, Mag stab x 2 + user choice
1 AB, Invul Field II x 1, EM Ward Field x 1, med shield booster, warp scram
Heavy Ion Blasterx4 + medium nos nosferatu

The Vexor: [/b
]Expected stats for a new pilot with level 4 skills, no rigs/implants/boosts, T2 mods

15% increase in armor per level. 15% damage for Medium blasters per level and 10% increase to web range per level. 10% increase in medium drone damage and speed per level. Does not receive penalties for using armor rigs.

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: Incoming AOE damage reduced by 75% and 25% increase to remote armor repping.
EHP: 70000 and 120 meter sig radius

DPS: 615 with 5km optimal and 1km falloff
Speed: 800m/s AB, 2000 m/s MWD, medium agility

Expected stats with level 5 skills and rigs (no implants/boosts)

EHP: 80500 and 120 meter sig radius (trimark resist rigs)
DPS: 750 with 5km optimal and 1km falloff
Speed: 900m/s AB, 2200m/s MWD, medium agility

Slots: 5 lows, 3 mediums, 5 highs + 5 drones
Expected Layout: DCU II, 400mm plates, 1eanmx2, 1 magstab
1MN MWD, 1 warp scram, 1 web
Heavy Ion Blasterx4 + Med nosferatu + 5 combat drones
The Rupture:

Expected stats for a new pilot with level 4 skills, no rigs/implants/boosts, T2 mods

10% increase in shields per level and 2.5% dercrease in sig radius per level. 10% damage for Medium projectile range and falloff per level and 10% increase to warp scram range per level and tracking disruptor effectiveness.

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: Incoming AOE damage reduced by 75% and 25% increase to remote shield repping.

EHP: 65000 and 100 meter sig radius
DPS: 550 with 6km optimal and 12.5km falloff
Speed: 950m/s AB, 2250m/s MWD, medium-high agility

Expected stats with level 5 skills and rigs (no implants/boosts)

EHP: 69000 and 95 meter sig radius
DPS: 625 with 6km optimal and 14km falloff
Speed: 1000m/s AB, 2400 m/s MWD, medium-high agility

Slots: 4 lows, 5 mediums, 4 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, gyro x 2, tracking enhacner
1MN MWD, 1 warp scram, 1 web, 1 shield extender, 1 tracking disruptor
220mm autos x4
Archimedes Eratosthenes
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#14 - 2012-05-11 08:29:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Archimedes Eratosthenes
Part 6.b: Tier 1 Attack Cruisers: Omen, Caracal, Thorax, Stabber

The Omen: Expected stats for a new pilot with level 4 skills, no rigs/implants/boosts, T2 mods

10% bonus to small energy turret damage per level and 10% bonus to rate of fire, 20% bonus to small energy turret falloff, 5% less powergrid need for small energy pulse per level

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: -1 warp scramble strength, 25% bonus to overheating bonuses and 50% decrease in inertia.

EHP: 47,500 and 105 meter sig radius
DPS: 850 with 7km optimal and 3km falloff
Speed: 1100m/s AB, 2200m/s MWD, high agility

Expected stats with level 5 skills and rigs (no implants/boosts)

EHP: 50,000 and 105 meter sig radius
DPS: 1100 with 7km optimal and 3km falloff (damage rigs)
Speed: 1200m/s AB, 2400/s MWD, high agility

Slots: 4 lows, 3 mediums, 5 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, 200mm plates, heat sink x2
10MN MWD, Warp disruptor, web
Heavy Pulse x5
The Caracal: Expected stats for a new pilot with level 4 skills, no rigs/implants/boosts, T2 mods

10% bonus to Heavy Assault Missile damage per level and 10% bonus to rate of fire, 20% to explosion velocity and 10% increase to Heavy Assault Missile velocity per level. 10% increase to remote sensor dampener effectiveness
Combat Vessel Role Bonus: -1 warp scramble strength, 25% bonus to overheating bonuses and 50% decrease in inertia.

EHP: 38,000 and 105 meter sig radius
DPS: 700 with 27km optimal
Speed: 1200m/s AB, 2400m/s MWD, high agility

Expected stats with level 5 skills and rigs (no implants/boosts)

EHP: 41000 and 105 meter sig radius
DPS: 850 with 30km optimal (damage rigs)
Speed: 1300m/s AB, 2650/s MWD, high agility

Slots: 3 lows, 5 mediums, 4 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, ballistic control x2
10MN MWD, Warp disruptor, web, shield extender, remote sensor damp
Heavy Assault Launcher x4

The Thorax: Expected stats for a new pilot with level 4 skills, no rigs/implants/boosts, T2 mods

10% bonus to hybrid damage per level and 10% bonus to rate of fire, 5% boost to afterburner thrust per level and overheat effectiveness and -5% powergrid needs to light blasters per level. 10% increase in drone damage and speed per level and +1 drone capacity and medium drone bandwidth per level.

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: -1 warp scramble strength, 25% bonus to overheating bonuses and 50% decrease in inertia.

EHP: 35000 and 105 meter sig radius
DPS: 1100 with 4km optimal and 2km falloff
Speed: 1650m/s AB high agility (3200 m/s with dual role and ship overheat bonus)

Expected stats with level 5 skills and rigs (no implants/boosts)

EHP: 37,500 and 105 meter sig radius
DPS: 1400 with 4km optimal and 2km falloff (damage rigs)
Speed: 1900m/s AB, high agility

Slots: 4 lows, 3 mediums, 5 highs + 10 drones
Expected Layout: DCU II, 200mm plates, 2 mag stabs
10MN AB, Warp disruptor, web
Heavy Neutron x5 + 10 medium attack drones

The Stabber:
Expected stats for a new pilot with level 4 skills, no rigs/implants/boosts, T2 mods

*This ship has a Smartbomb Slot, a special slot that makes the bomb "smart" and only hurt targets not in the fleet (can still hurt friendly ships not in fleet).

10% bonus to projectile per level and 10% bonus to rate of fire, 10% decrease to inertia while MWD is active per level and -5% powergrid needs to small projectile per level. 50% increase to medium smartbomb damage and 33% range per level to MEDIUM smartbombs equipped in a smartbomb slot.

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: -1 warp scramble strength, 25% bonus to overheating bonuses and 50% decrease in inertia.

EHP: 32000 and 105 meter sig radius
DPS: 750 with 6km optimal and 10km falloff (smartbomb 81 dps, 605 alpha, 12km)
Speed: 2700 m/s MWD very high agility

Expected stats with level 5 skills and rigs (smartbomb 121 dps, 910 alpha, 15km)

EHP: 35000 and 105 meter sig radius
DPS: 850with 6kmoptimal 10km fallof (damage rigs)
Speed: 3000/s MWD very high agility

Slots: 3 lows, 4 mediums, 5 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, 2 gyro
10MN MWD, Warp disruptor, web, shield extender
425mm auto x4 + 1 Medium Smartbomb
Archimedes Eratosthenes
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#15 - 2012-05-11 08:33:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Archimedes Eratosthenes
Reserved for any additional comments on section I
Archimedes Eratosthenes
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#16 - 2012-05-11 08:43:36 UTC
Part 6.c: Tier 1 Bombardment Cruisers: Arbitrator, Osprey, Celestis, Bellicose

The Arbitrator:
Expected stats for a new pilot with level 4 skills, no rigs/implants/boosts, T2 mods

20% bonus to EM damage and 20% rate of fire per level and 10% bonus to Particle Destablizer range. 10% decrease in Medium Beam Laser Thermal Charge per level.

Bombardment Vessel Role Bonus: 25% bonus to damage while in siege mode and 50% increase in range while in siege mode (medium siege mode module decreases speed by 50% and prevents warping while active, takes 5 seconds to deactivate) and 50% increase in ECM burst strength while in siege mode.

EHP: 70,000 and 105 meter sig radius
DPS: 1800 (pure em damage) with 40km optimal, 3600 full charge (1200em and 1200 thermal). Bad tracking

Expected stats with level 5 skills and rigs (no implants/boosts)

EHP: 75,000 and 105 meter sig radius
DPS: 2250 with 60km optimal (with damage rigs) and 4500 full charge
Bad tracking

Slots: 5 lows, 3 mediums, 7 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, 400mm plates, 1eanm, heat sink x2
10MN AB, ecm burst II x 1 + sebo/tracking comp
Heavy Beam Laser x5, 1 Particle Destablizer (45km range at level 5) + Med Siege Mod

The Osprey: Expected stats for a new pilot with level 4 skills, no rigs/implants/boosts, T2 mods

20% bonus to all Missile damage and 20% rate of fire per level and 10% bonus to Zero-Point Energy Deamplifier range. 10% bonus to AOE radius and aoe damage of all Missiles per level. Can use 2 ECM Bursts modules simultaneously.

Bombardment Vessel Role Bonus: 25% bonus to damage while in siege mode and 50% increase in range while in siege mode and 50% increase in ECM burst strength while in siege mode.

EHP: 60000 and 105 meter sig radius
DPS: 1500 with 100km optimal against 360m sig radius target (not moving)

Expected stats with level 5 skills and rigs (no implants/boosts)

EHP: 65000 and 105 meter sig radius
DPS: 1800 with 100km optimal (with damage rigs) against 360m sig radius target (not moving)

Slots: 3 lows, 5 mediums, 7 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, ballistic control x2
10MN AB, ecm burst II x2, shield extender, invul field
Heavy Launcher x5, 1 Zero-Point Energy Deamp (45km range at L5) + Med Siege Mod

The Celestis: [/b
]Expected stats for a new pilot with level 4 skills, no rigs/implants/boosts, T2 mods

20% bonus to all Hybrid and 20% rate of fire per level and 10% bonus to Graviton Concentrator range. 10% bonus to Bleed Damage and 20% increase to Spill damage per level. 50% decrease in time to go into siege mode per level.

Bombardment Vessel Role Bonus: 25% bonus to damage while in siege mode and 50% increase in range while in siege mode and 50% increase in ECM burst strength while in siege mode

EHP: 60000and 105 meter sig radius
DPS: 2600 with 90km optimal, 30km falloff + poor tracking

Expected stats with level 5 skills and rigs (no implants/boosts)

EHP: 55000 and 105 meter sig radius
DPS: 3250 with 90km optimal (with damage rigs) + poor tracking

Slots: 4 lows, 5 mediums, 7 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, mag stab x2, 200mm plate
1MN AB, ecm burst II x2, Tracking computer x 2
250mm rail x5, 1 Graviton Concentrator (75km range at L5) + Med Siege Mod

[b]The Bellicose:

Expected stats for a new pilot with level 4 skills, no rigs/implants/boosts, T2 mods

20% bonus to all Projectile damage, ROF, tracking and falloff per level and 10% bonus to Target Painter effectiveness and rage per level per level. 5% increase to shield enveloping shells damage and armor penetrating shell damage per level. 10% increase in velocity and agility while in siege mode. Can leave siege mode instantly and use Precision Shells.

Bombardment Vessel Role Bonus: 25% bonus to damage while in siege mode and 50% increase in range while in siege mode and 50% increase in ECM burst strength while in siege mode.

EHP: 40000 and 90 meter sig radius
DPS: 1000 with 120km optimal and 60km falloff against 240m sig radius target, decent tracking (120 sig radius target with precision shells but only 600 dps)

Expected stats with level 5 skills and rigs (no implants/boosts)

EHP: 45000 and 90 meter sig radius
DPS: 1350 with 120km optimal and 60km falloff (with damage rigs) against 240m sig radius target (120 sig radius target with precision shells but only 825 dps)

Slots: 3 lows, 4 mediums, 7 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, gyro x2
1MN AB, ecm burst II x1, 1 shield extender, tracking comp (tracking script)
720mm x5, 1 Target Painter (135km range at L5) + Med Siege Mod
Archimedes Eratosthenes
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2012-05-11 08:44:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Archimedes Eratosthenes
Part 7a: Tier 2 Combat Cruisers: Sacrilege, Eagle, Ishtar, Vagabond

The Sacriledge: Expected stats for all level 5, t1 rigs, no implants or boosts.

5% armor resists per level and 5% armor amount, 10% bonus to energy weapon cap use and 5% boost to energy turret optimal range per level

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: Incoming AOE damage reduced by 75% and receives a 25% boost from remote armor repairing.

25% increase to all turret damage and optimal range and falloff and 10% reduction of all incoming damage and -50% sig when using MWD.

EHP: 140,000 and 120 meter sig radius
DPS: 675 with 18.5km optimal and 6km falloff against Cruiser sized targets.
Speed: 850m/s AB, 2050 m/s MWD, low agility

Slots: 5 lows, 4 mediums, 5 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, 400mm plates, eanm x2, heat sink II
10MN AB, Warp scram + user choice + user choice
Focused Medium Pulse x4 + Medium nosferatu

The Eagle:
5% shield resists and amount per level and -16% cap use for active shield modules per leve and 5% effective of shield boosters. 10% optimal range and damage for medium hybrid per level

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: Incoming AOE damage reduced by 75% and 25% increase to remote shield repping.

25% increase to all turret damage and optimal range and falloff and 10% reduction of all incoming damage and -50% sig when using MWD.

EHP: 100,000 (active tank should rep 400 dps) and 105 meter sig radius (sig increases with shield modules)
DPS: 725 with 16km optimal and 2.5km falloff
Speed: 950m/s AB, 2250m/s MWD, low agility

Slots: 5 lows, 6 mediums, 5 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, Mag stab x 2 + user choice + user choice
10mn AB, Invul Field II x 2, EM Ward Field x 1, med shield booster, warp scram
Heavy Ion Blasterx4 + medium nosferatu

The Ishtar:

20% increase in armor per level. 15% damage for Medium blasters per level and 10% increase to web range per level. 10% increase in medium drone damage and speed per level. Does not receive penalties for using armor rigs.

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: Incoming AOE damage reduced by 75% and 25% increase to remote armor repping.

25% increase to all turret damage and optimal range and falloff and 10% reduction of all incomming damage and -50% sig when using MWD.

EHP: 100,000 and 120 meter sig radius
DPS: 1000 with 6km optimal and 2km falloff
Speed: 1000m/s AB, 2400 m/s MWD, medium agility

Slots: 5 lows, 4 mediums, 5 highs + 5 drones
Expected Layout: DCU II, 400mm plates, eanm x2, 1 magstab
10MN MWD, 1 warp scram, 1 web + user choice
Heavy Ion Blasterx4 + Med nosferatu + 5 combat drones

The Vagabond:
10% increase in shields per level and 5% decrease in sig radius per level. 10% damage for Medium projectile range and falloff per level and 10% increase to warp scram range per level and tracking disruptor effectiveness.

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: Incoming AOE damage reduced by 75% and 25% increase to remote shield repping.
EHP: 70,000 and 80 meter sig radius.

25% increase to all turret damage and optimal range and falloff and 10% reduction of all incomming damage and -50% sig when using MWD.

DPS: 725 with 7.5km optimal and 16km falloff
Speed: 1100m/s AB, 2650m/s MWD, medium-high agility
Slots: 5 lows, 6 mediums, 4 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, gyro x 2, tracking enchancer + user choice
1MN MWD, 1 warp scram, 1 web, 1 shield extender + user choice x2
220mm autos x4.

Fitting MWD on amarr/caldari ships requires a downsize of the weapons and a further drop in dps. Also Amarr and Caldari don't need to close range like Gallente or maintain high transversal like Minmatar, thus MWD shouldn't be needed (usually).
Archimedes Eratosthenes
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#18 - 2012-05-11 08:44:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Archimedes Eratosthenes
Part 7.b: Tier 2 Attack Cruisers: Zealot, Cerberus, Deimos, Muninn

The Zealot: 15% bonus to small energy turret damage per level and 15% bonus to rate of fire, 20% bonus to small energy turret falloff, 5% less powergrid need for medium energy pulse per level.

Attack Vessel Role Bonus: -1 warp scramble strength, 25% bonus to overheating bonuses and 50% decrease in inertia.

25% increase to all turret damage and optimal range and falloff and 50% reduction of hostile stasis webifier effectiveness and -75% sig when using MWD.

EHP: 75,000 and 120 meter sig radius
DPS: 1500 with 17.5km optimal and 6.5 kmfalloff
Speed: 1500m/s AB, 2900m/s MWD, high agility

Slots: 4 low, 4 med, 5 high
Expected Layout: DCU II, 400mm plates, heat sink x2
1MN MWD, Warp disruptor, web + user choice
Heavy Pulse x5

The Cerberus: 15% bonus to Heavy Assault Missile damage per level and 15% bonus to rate of fire, 20% to explosion velocity and 10% increase to missile velocity per level.

Attack Vessel Role Bonus: -1 warp scramble strength, 25% bonus to overheating bonuses and 50% decrease in inertia.

25% increase to all turret damage and optimal range and falloff and 50% reduction of hostile stasis webifier effectiveness and -75% sig when using MWD.

EHP: 60,000 and 115 meter sig radius
DPS: 1750dps with 35km optimal
Speed: 1600/s AB, 3100m/s MWD, high agility

Slots: 3 lows, 5 mediums, 5 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, ballistic control x2
1MN MWD, Warp disruptor, web, shield extender + user choice
Heavy Assault Launcher x 5
The Deimos:

10% bonus to hybrid damage per level and 10% bonus to rate of fire, 5% boost to afterburner thrust per level and -5% powergrid needs to light blasters per level. 20% increase in drone speed per level and 10% increase in drone damage.

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: -1 warp scramble strength, 25% bonus to overheating bonuses and 50% decrease in inertia
25% increase to all turret damage and optimal range and falloff and 50% reduction of hostile stasis webifier effectiveness and -20% sig when using AB.

EHP: 70,000 and 120 meter sig radius
DPS: 2150 with 6km optimal and 2km falloff
Speed: 2000m/s AB high agility

Slots: 4 lows, 5 mediums, 5 highs +5 drones
Expected Layout: DCU II, 400mm plates, 2 mag stabs
1MN AB, Warp disruptor, web + user choice x2
Heavy Neutron x5 + 5 combat drones

The Muninn:
15% bonus to projectile per level and 15% bonus to rate of fire, 10% decrease to inertia while MWD is active per level and -5% powergrid needs to small projectile per level. 5% increase in MWD speed per level.

Combat Vessel Role Bonus: -1 warp scramble strength, 25% bonus to overheating bonuses and 50% decrease in inertia.

25% increase to all turret damage and optimal range and falloff and 50% reduction of hostile stasis webifier effectiveness and -75% sig when using MWD.

EHP: 55,000 and 105 meter sig radius=
DPS: 1600 with 6km optimal and 18km falloff
Speed: 4500 m/s MWD very high agility

Slots: 5 lows, 4 mediums, 5 highs
Expected Layout: DCU II, 2 gyro + user choice
1MN MWD, Warp disruptor, web, shield extender + user choice
450mm auto x5
Archimedes Eratosthenes
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#19 - 2012-05-11 08:50:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Archimedes Eratosthenes
Part 7.c: Tier 2 Submarines: Plague, Jackal, Nefarius, Shadow

So you thought the idea of frigates attacking while cloaked was outrageous? Well then prepare to be more outraged than confronting the fact you still live in your parents basement. Cruise Missiles will be changed become torpedoes on steroids and Bomb Launchers, well these become more like racial "nuke" launchers (specialize in single target dps). However, these ships have very slow align times (30 seconds with max skills).

These special warheads cannot be carried in regular cargohold and require a special container. Each warhead should cost roughly the price of a tier 1 cruiser. Warheads also deal significantly less damage to subcaps (about 15% damage against a properly fitted battleship factoring in resists, this however is enough to force the battleship to warp off and repair if there's no logi support).

The Plague (assume all level V skills):

20% bonus to EM cruise missile and 20% increase to Magnetar Warhead EM damage per level. Can fit Magnetar Launchers, Cynos and Mine Layers. 20% bonus to Particle Destablizer range per level. Can hold 1 Magnetar Warhead in warhead cargo hold.

Submarine Vessel Role Bonus: Can use high slots modules while cloaked and receives 50% boost to ECM burst strength and 50% increase in Remote Sensor Dampener effectiveness.

EHP: 40,000 and 120 meter sig radius
DPS: 7500 at 180km against Capital sized target.

Magnetar Warhead deals 2,500,000 EM damage (damage can be reduced by resists) over 30 seconds (single target) and sends out an incredibly powerful ECM burst out to 250km at point of detonation and has the graphical affect emitting a powerful blue light and decreases to zero luminosity over 10 seconds (can be disabled in graphical options). The magnetic distortions of this warhead prevent other large warheads/bombs from functioning for 30 seconds.

Slots: 3 lows, 3 mediums, 8 highs
Expected Layout: Ballistic Control x2, DCU
Sensor Dampener, ecm burst II, Mine Layer
Cruise Launcher x5, 1 Magnetar Launcher, 1 Particle Destablizer (120km range), 1 Four-Dimensional Linear Transformer.

The Jackal:
20% bonus to Kinetic Cruise damage and 20% increase to Fusion Bomb damage per level. Can fit Fusion Bomb Launchers, Cynos and Mine Layers. 20% bonus to Zero-Point Energy Deamplifiers range per level. Can hold 1 Fusion Warhead in warhead cargo hold.

Submarine Vessel Role Bonus: Can use high slots modules while cloaked and receives 50% boost to ECM burst strength and 50% increase in Remote Sensor Dampener effectiveness.

EHP: 40,000 and 160 meter sig radius
DPS: 7500 at 120km against battleship sized target.

Fusion Bomb deals 2,250,000 Thermal damage instantly (damage can be reduced by resists)and sends out an incredibly powerful wave of high momentum particles to 250km at point of detonation causing ships to turn and head in the opposite direction of detonation at 2,000 km/s (reduced by mass to a minimum of 500 m/s) for 10 seconds and has the graphical affect emitting a powerful orange light that decreases to zero luminosity over 10 seconds (can be disabled in graphical options). The thermodynamic aberrations of this warhead prevent other large warheads/bombs from functioning for 30 seconds.

Slots: 3 lows, 3 mediums, 8 highs
Expected Layout: Ballistic Control x2, DCU
Sensor Dampener, ecm burst II, Mine Layer
Cruise Launcher x5, 1 Fusion Bomb Launcher, 1 Zero-P Energy Deamp (120km range),1 Four-Dimensional Linear Transformer.
Archimedes Eratosthenes
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#20 - 2012-05-11 08:58:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Archimedes Eratosthenes
Reserved for good arguments by forum users.
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